--Allentown Controller Bill Hoffman
This statement is part of a Morning Call account about Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski's penchant for spending beyond what has been authorized by City Council. Allentwon watchdog Lou Hershman, who has persistently questioned this practice, told Renshaw that "[y]ou can't operate a budget out of a shoebox."
Everyone's favorite conservative, Scott Armstrong, believes this is just the inevitable result of Allentown's machine politics.
"If it wasn’t for Lou Hershman and The Morning Call reporter Jarrett Renshaw, Allentown City Controller Bill Hoffman would still be screwing up by allowing the administration he is supposed to be policing to spend beyond the limits of the city budget. Of course, no one on Council spoke up even though they also are supposed to be providing oversight of the city’s budget and expenditures.
"The truth here is plain and simple. Ed Pawlowski has bought and paid for a Controller and City Council that merely rubber stamps and/or acquiesces to his every action. They are a team, a machine more concerned with politics and power than good government. They are without a doubt all guilty of a gross dereliction of duty. They are the facilitators of the corruption that is Allentown’s City government."
I'll bet Mike Donovan has been upset about this for some time now. You know he teaches stuff about budgets at a local college.
Allentown Democrat Voter
The important thing is that they realise the mistake and don't do it again.
Another Allentown Democrat Voter
Pawlski and his machine will destroy anyone that stands in his way. watch his slate next year. Will et worse in Allentown. republcans got to get more involved.
Too late. Get out of the way and let him finish the demolition.
You'll never convince the ignorant masses with words. They need to see and feel the disastrous end result of their blind loyalty to the king.
If you can get out, go. If not, keep your head down and good luck.
This is why I was so concerned about Hoffmann taking campaign money from Pawlowski and receiving the Mayor's endorsement. Can anyone really be suprised that Hoffman is "playing ball" with Pawlowski and not following through on his obligations as Controller. I think the Democrats in Allentown would elect a fox to control the henhouse if they could.
It is lousy government. Same thing goes on in Reading. The parallels between the two cities cannot be ignored. Reading does have a leg up on Allentown though...it's filed for Act 47 sooner.
An inevitable step for Allentown.
Perhaps Michael Donovan can form a committee to talk about it.
Pawlowski's new city slogan tells it all. "A City Without Limits". He was upfront about his abuses, including tricky balances, Bill Hoffman should resign. Inept.
Dear Republicans,
Please give us a credible slate for 2011. Hershman has been a part of the problem with his long history of yelling and complaining but actually accomplishing nothing. I voted for the other Republican. Tony Philips was laughable so I wrote in "NOTA" (none of the above). My Republican options boiled down to two guys who couldn't swing it in the Democratic Party. Confidence inspiring.
Until you give us an option, you are just as much at fault for the rubber stamps as the Democrats are for poor gov't. Want to see a model: Ron Manesceu won... as a Republican.
A Democrat Who wants Choices
Donovan & Eichenwald, two of the City Council members who are up next year, have been two of the Mayor's biggest critics. Both have been tranparent. I have vot agreed with every position they take, but they both are transparent and accountable. Donovan actuially maintains a blog and participates in these discussions. We could do much worse.
Donovan and Eichenwald have my vote in 2011. Schweyer could seal the deal if he would just follow through on his complaints about the mayor. He is so close: you can just taste it.
I quietly continue to hope that Pawlowski can get a job in DC or Harrisburg.
A Democrat Who wants Choices
I don't think anybody on the current City Council has a chance at winning an election for mayor. They are in the mess (and just as responsible) as much as the mayor and the obviously lacking staff is.
I think the spotlight on the economic development loans and the lack of budgeting is the tip of a much much larger iceberg of ineptitude and incompetence.
Anonymous said...
This is why I was so concerned about Hoffmann taking campaign money from Pawlowski and receiving the Mayor's endorsement. Can anyone really be suprised that Hoffman is "playing ball" with Pawlowski and not following through on his obligations as Controller. I think the Democrats in Allentown would elect a fox to control the henhouse if they could.
8:36 AM
Well said. How can anyone accept money from a boss and expect to remain impartial. Are we all idiots?
Anonymous said...
Donovan and Eichenwald have my vote in 2011. Schweyer could seal the deal if he would just follow through on his complaints about the mayor. He is so close: you can just taste it.
I quietly continue to hope that Pawlowski can get a job in DC or Harrisburg.
A Democrat Who wants Choices
9:32 AM
But word on the street is the current council prez wants the
mayor's seat.
Eichenwald is the most disappointing because we really believed she would deliver an impartial point of view considering her past business dealings. But, now, she's just
a rubber stamp following the guys.
Anon 928 you must be new to Allentown, If I remember Hershman as a councilman had more bills passed than ghe other six councilmembers and ofered more budget amenments than the other six councilmembers,I do not think this yelling or screaming. did you attend the council meetings.
Hershman was a joke on council. He talked a good game and got little if anything done. It was Tom Burke that did the heavy lifting while Lou pissed and moaned. I attended meetings. For Lou it was always about the last memo he wrote.
I am a Democrat and I am not afraid to use my name.Allentown is going to pay one day for all of King Ed and his court's powerful little back door deals.It's not like we all don't know...I still want to see what he is gonna do with all that homeless money?????The sad part is the future of the children of Allentown are in these clowns hands! Well look at his campaign manager,and then look at the West Ward of Easton and please don't try and tell me I live there!
Anon 1144 If you attended council meetings, you must of been sleeping, Hershman had more legislation passed than all six councilmembers and that is no joke.
Wants Choices,
As the Democrats own Allentown Lock, stock and barrels, it may be more productive to make demands on them to produce quality candidates.
Scott Armstrong
Bernie, How transparent has Donovan been? He has expertise in business and budgetary areas so there is no excuse for his failure to take note of Pawlowski exceeding council’s budgetary guidelines.
As for Eichenwald, did she note any of this happening even though complaints were made from the public in council chambers? Is “transparency worth anything is the end result is fecklessness.
Scott Armstrong
Is “transparency" worth anything if the final result is fecklessness.
Forgive the last post it has ben a long day.
Scott Armstrong
Scott, the sad thing is that the lesser D candidates keep beating the R candidates.
It has been two general election cycles since R's fielded a full slate. How the hell can you blame the D's for that?
Tell me why a credible Republican should spend his/her time and money on a race they are unlikely to win? Until it becomes clear that a Republican could win I doubt any worthy candidates will bother. Can you blame them?
The D’s have what they wanted, total control, now they are responsible.
A better investment of time and energy would be to find a credible, tough as nails Democrat who is willing to stand up against the machine.
Scott Armstrong
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