Because it casts unions in a rather poor light, right wing pundits are having a field day. Glenn Beck featured the story on his nationally broadcast television show. Here's a sampling of the conservative chatter.
Michelle Malkin: SEIU thugs vs. the Boy Scouts
Moonbattery: Union Goons Go After Aspiring Eagle Scout
National Review Online: Is There a Merit Badge for Strikebreaking? -- By: Stephen Spruiell
Fox News Radio: The Only Good Hoe…
Some, like Malkin, blame Barack Obama. Why the hell not?
Bernie, In Allentown S.E.I.U. delivers the $$$$$.They rule!
Why don't they beat that scab scout up?
Allentown Democrat Voter
Did I hear or read the union rep say “there will be no volunteering in Allentown”?
Scott Armstrong
These are Barack's, Ed's, Don's, Ed's, Charles' ! and Jack Panella's goons.
If the shoe fits ...
The SEIU is correct. Volunteering to help a community is subversive and must not be permitted. Community activism should emanate from shuck and jive lawyers with political agendas.
Balzano made a very stupid move.
The Boy Scout program is a subversive Republican plot. They exclude homosexuals and atheists.
Will SEIU be taking over the Girl Scout Cookies sales too? The price quadruple, and they will need a Federal bailout
Thanks for this info. We somehow missed this story. Gota agree with 2:45.
Balzano said Saturday he isn't targeting Boy Scouts. But given the city's decision in July to lay off 39 SEIU members, Balzano said "there's to be no volunteers." No one except union members may pick up a hoe or shovel, plant a flower or clear a walking path.
this is shocking. there wil be no volunteers. great commentary from union leader. isn't volunteerism the backbone of any community? wait till those garden ladies that tend to various plants and roses in allentown parks get hold of this news. they better run, maybe bethlehem will welcome them?
What does the city's mayor say about this issue?
Allentown, as usual, lives up to its reputation as a village of idiots.
The Mayor and council will say nothig, S.E.I.U. and ACORN got out the voters this past election to vote for a straight Democratic ticket.
Balzano said Saturday the union is still looking into the matter and might cut the city a break.
"We are probably going to let this one go," Balzano said .
Whata guy.
Many national news accounts have linked ACORN and SEIU in the same sentence. Actually in some towns, both organizations share office space. Cable news last night was to air another ACORN undercover report.
I checked this out already on Google Sunday night and saw it was getting wings. It hit Washington, Hartford and even West Coast newspapers, then dozens of blogs by 10:00AM Monday. I thought, wow, Nick's going to regret this.
At any rate I'm am please that TMC removed the comments. I pressed them to do this after someone posted Nick's personal home address, phone numbers urging people to do who knows what.
I was quite concerned that if someone did something stupid, it would take the heat off him. This would result in making him look to be the victim. As it stand right now the pigeons all have come home to roost in his backyard. Just can't wait for the response. He can't stay holed up and quite on this one.
Conservatives would have you work at the so called free market rate of free. Don't be fooled by the bull being flown around here.
Free markets code for We The People
pay for it. Take back our Military, you start to take the country.
Permission to Change Topic.
Did you see where Bethlehem woman hit on head with gun and robbed at 7:30 A.M. yesterday in downtown Allentown, very close to city hall!
Who is Nick?
"We'll be looking into the Cub Scout or Boy Scout who did the trails," Balzano told Allentown City Council.
The SEIU intimidating scouts.
What the hell is going on? It's beginning to feel like the Bizarro World....
The Banker
Nick = Nick Balzano, president of the local SEIU.
During last week's budget hearings, where City Council reviewed the Public Works and Park and Recreation departments' funding requests, it was made clear that the layoffs and early retirements -- all of which have led to the lowest city staffing levels in two decades -- are bound to create union disputes in the weeks and months ahead.
For example, the city currently does not have an electrician available because of the layoffs and an employee on an extended sick leave. As a result, the city has been forced to hire an outside union electrician to oversee the installation for the popular Lights on the Parkway holiday display.
"In the spirit of the holiday, we decided to let that go," Balzano said.
Greg Weitzel, head of the Parks and Recreation Department, which lost 17 full-time employees as a result of the layoffs and retirements, said the low staffing levels will require more outsourcing of labor and a greater reliance on volunteers.
Does this city hall official's request for volunteers completely contradict the SEIU stance?
Will volunteers be in an awkward position helping city hall?
a lot of allentown residents would help the city care for its parks, if they are allowed to,
that is. this seiu guy's threat
makes the city look real bad. federal officials are asking all americans to volunteer in some effort to help make the country stronger and here is one of the largest unions trying to stop it.
When a union leader takes on the Boy Scouts for one of their members doing a good turn, there's only one sane result.
Sadly, I have a distinct feeling that instead future service projects from aspiring Eagle Scouts will have to go through a Union Board of Review, too!
Because when I think of people who openly and adamantly hate the Boy Scouts, I think Barack Obama. Did you hear that he only has daughters? How could he ever fully appreciate the Boy Scouts?
Anon 9:46, I assume you're trying to be humorous, but don't think it will be perceived that way.
As a former Boy Scout myelf, it's refreshing to see a story about the Boy Scouts that doesn't involve molestation.
It is certainly interesting for me to read this blog. Thanx for it. I like such themes and anything connected to them. I would like to read more on that blog soon.
Hey 3:30 you have to wait. Ohare is full up on mancrushes right now!
As a Dem, I support Scouting projects. There are a million more projects in Allentown that go undone. A volunteer Eagle Scout did not cause the layoffs. I suspect the runaway pension and OT costs did. Did the Union make any concessions to minimize the job loss? I thought the City made the request.
I pick up litter many times a year when I cannot stand it anymore. Does that mek me a scab?
Fight for fair pay, better work conditions and pick your battles. Good Lord, this is not one of them.
Katie Bee @928...Comments are absurd.
What I want to know is if the scout obtained the necessary permits in advance to do this project. I mean, you can't just go doing whatever you want in a park, right? Although, it's super cool that this kid installed a great walkway.
The SEIU needs to get a muzzle for its leadership. This is outrageous behavior - demainding "no volunteers" in Allentown? Give me a break. If they're afraid their jobs can be replaced by volunteers, then they're just proving to be overpaid and totally unnecessary.
I don't know if you need a permit to clear a pathway or pick up litter.
anon 7:28PM - sorry if my comment was a little obscure, it was in humor (if a bit sarcastic) and directed at anon 6:25AM. To further clear the air, I have no problem with boyscouts. My brother just got his eagle and he did a similar sort of public works/outdoorsy project.
Abbott and Costello on union loafers
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