Severson may be the Defendant, but yesterday's charges are really an indictment of Northampton County Democratic chair Joe Long and the cronies who surround him. This is what happens when all decisions are made in some smoke-filled back room. Instead of embracing a county executive who wants to restore integrity to local government, Long allies himself with someone who skirts election laws.
Is this the change Obama talked about?
In Northampton County Exec John Stoffa's request that Long step down, he specifically condemned
"* your silence in the face of such activities as negative and misleading robocalling as well as anonymous mailings which violate Pennsylvania Campaign Law; something good Democrats never support and former leaders such as Marty Bechtel and Gene Hartzell would never have condoned;"
* your ill-advised use of a political consultant now under investigation by the state Attorney General's office."
Instead of stepping down, Long and his cronies endorsed Ann McHale, Stoffa's opponent for county executive. He wants to replace integrity with someone who winks at election hijinks, as McHale did when goons stole and blocked over 600 Stoffa campaign signs.
Is this change we can believe in?
For those of you unfamiliar with Severson or his connection to Long, let me clue you in.
Who is Tom Severson?
Severson, a Pen Argyl resident, uses at least three different corporations for political campaigns. He usually operates under the corporate umbrella of Precision Marketing, Inc., where he is listed as company prez. Between 2000 and 2007, that company has collected $9.9 million from candidates seeking state offices.
But when Severson wants to stay under the radar, or is working for Dems, he's used MJR Services, Inc., a New Jersey corporation whose Pa. address just happens to be where Precision Marketing is located. MJR collected $281,000 from state office hopefuls between 2000 and 2007. DA John Morganelli and Judge Roscioli are part of this gaggle.
Severson also uses Political Strategies, Inc., a California corporation. Although it's not even registered in Pennsylvania, state senator Lisa Boscola paid that outfit $43,659.65 in 2006. Finance reports filed by local candidates indicate this California corporation just happens to have the same address as Precision Marketing! Since 2000, the total amount paid to this business, in state races, is $170,522.
This total figure - $10.35 million over 7 years - does not include payments to other companies I know nothing about, or payments made in federal and local races. And it only reflects payments that are on the radar screen.
Severson's History
The phrase, "King of Sleazeball Politics," is used often to describe Severson. It first appeared in a 1991 Morning Call story. Severson got that title the old-fashioned way - he earned it. Let's review some of his campaigns.
In 1989, county exec hopeful Jerry Seyfried saw his lead dwindle as anonymous telephone calls, made in the waning days of the campaign, warned voters that Seyfried had accepted money from the owner of a local landfill. DA Don Corriere, challenged by Morganelli, complained they actually used callers who disguised themselves as state ethics commission investigators. Seyfried won. Barely. Corriere went down.
Severson also plays on prejudice. When Len Gruppo was running for the state senate in 1998, Severson distributed an anti-welfare campaign mailer containing a photo of mostly black applicants, standing in line, creating the false impression that most welfare recipients are black.
In 2003, Severson's Precision Marketing was paid $9,600 in public money by DA John Morganelli's Drug Task Force to distribute 20,000 "informational" mailers. They included a large photograph of Paula Roscioli, four times the size of other staffers. She just happened to be running for judge at the time. DA Morganelli assured the Express Times (4/9/03) that Precision Marketing was not doing Roscioli's campaign. While technically correct, Severson was still running the show. He just used another company. And the idea of using taxpayer funds to promote candidates was pushed again by Severson in Spring '08. Bucks County commissioners paid him $67,000 in taxpayer money for a thinly disguised campaign ad.
When Joe Brennan was in a four-way dogfight to capture the Democratic nomination for a state rep seat, he was assailed by three mailers, some of which falsely portrayed him behind bars. After turning over a few rocks, Tom Severson ran out. Brennan's opponent falsely claimed that, since he was never charged for Severson's services, he had no obligation to report this in-kind contribution. To this day, the in-kind contribution appears nowhere on any campaign finance report.
These are just a few examples of Severson's modus operand! - anonymous and misleading calls, appeals to prejudice, drug task force money to promote a candidate, misleading mailers and flying below the radar of our disclosure laws. As disgusting as these tactics sound, Severson has become rich using them.
Severson's Reputation Among Local Leaders
Former Norco GOP chair Charlie Roberts (1994): "He's working both sides of the fence. ... I don't trust him. ... He's done more to hurt this party than anyone. ... "How can he work for Seyfried and Ferraro in the same election? How is working for Seyfried going to do anything but hurt Ferraro's chances? Tom Severson works for his pocketbook. I work for the Republican Party."
Former Norco GOP Chair Larry Kisslinger (1991): "He did not handle his affairs with me in an honest way 99-1/2 percent of the time. ... I hope he makes $1 million. I hope he's comforted with the money surrounding him."
Former Norco Councilman Jim Hemstreet (1991): "If telephone calls are being made ... you have a right to know who you're talking to, what they're paid. ... That is really deceptive campaigning. It's like turning your campaign over to a hired gun."
Norco Judge Emil Giordano (1994): "I never heard anything good about the guy. ... It's sleazeball politics, and he's the leader of the pack."
Morning Call columnist Don Russo (1994, then a member of the GOP): "Severson basically goes to the candidate with the money."
District Attorney John Morganelli (1994): "I went to him because I heard he was the best. I wanted to hire the best person to do the job. I didn't care what party he was. The party thing didn't bother me, and I don't think it bothered Mr. Severson. He's staying with me."
The Anti-Monahan Sleaze
Here's some of what former Northampton County Republican Chair Bob Kilbanks has said.
"This all began during the primary cycle when some very ugfy flyers were sent out against a local District Justice candidate. They had no disclaimer, which is required by Pennsylvania's state election laws on every campaign piece to inform the public about the source of any political information that they receive. There were accusations flying all over Northampton County as to who had sent the three mailers. The mailing permit was traced to a person [Pat Vulcanol who said he had no knowledge of its use. An examination of the paperwork at the Post Office yielded nothing because the signature was unreadable. At that time, local blogger Bernie O'Hare presented the situation to District Attorney Morganelli. Mr. Morganelli told Mr. O'Hare that the matter, as he saw it, did not rise to a prosecutable level. He felt that there was case precedent from Ohio [Mclntyre v. Ohio Ejections Comm'nl that made this allowable under the First Amendment. A few days later, and under question of lawful filing date, an independent financial report was filed at the Voter Registration office under the name of 'John Doe.'
"The report arrived complete with the Ohio decision attached to it and a notarization for a 'John Doe.' The Notary works in the offices of a local politically-connected attorney. [This attorney just happens to be Morganelli's campaign treasurer, Jay Leeson]."
Severson's "John Doe" report, of course, is a sham. He clearly paid more than $500 to send these mailers about a week before the election, but failed to report this expenditure within 24 hours as required by our campaign finance laws. Three mass mailings cost much more than the $861 claimed, and those payments had to be made before the primary, because that's when they were mailed.
How could Leeson's notary, a secretary in his office, acknowledge an anonymous signature? Because he tells her to do so. But a notary exists to identify the person appearing before her, not obscure that person. She must have personal knowledge or satisfactory evidence in the form of a driver's license or other form of identification.
Severson Admits Anonymous Campaign Against Monahan
Not long after the mailings went out, I talked to District Attorney John Morganelli. I told him he could send a detective with Pat Vulcano, the bulk mail permit holder, and get all the records for the bulk mail permit. That way we'd know how much was paid for these three mailings and who sent them.
"I'm not going to do that."
"Why not?"
"I already know who sent those mailers. It's Severson."
The Dirty Politics Continue - July '07
In July 2007, Severson started a push poll against Angle. Telephone calls from 484-548-6413 asked whether voters would be less likely to vote against Angle if they knew certain negative things about him, which were listed, one by one. Although this poll has been estimated to cost $3,000, its cost is listed nowhere in any of the campaign finance reports listed by Angle's opponent, John Maher, or the Northampton County Democratic party. That telephone exchange has been used by Severson to conduct political polling and robo calls.
The General Election Against Angle and Ferraro.
According to Kilbanks, "Our fears were realized in this past election cycle as unattributed, and very nasty, smear phone calls, whether or not they are considered 'legal,' invaded homes across Northampton County. All of the calls traced back to one phone number [actually, it's two phone numbers - 484-548-6400 and 484-548-64131 that [were] listed as 'not working,' but ownership was traced to a data management corporation in King of Prussia that does robo-calls."
Amazingly, these are the same phone numbers used to do the push polling against Angle in July. The number 484-548-6413 shows up as MCS Industries on Caller ID, and is also the number Lamont McClure used for his robocalls. His campaign consultant? Tom Severson.
Mailings with content identical to these anonymous robocalls were posted with the Northampton County Democratic Committee's bulk mail permit. Lamont McClure, Tony Branco, John Maher and the local Democratic party were obviously using Severson. Against Angle alone, there were twelve negative mailers (estimated cost - $36,000) and twenty-one anonymous robocalls (estimated cost - $21,000). Against Peg Ferraro, there are at least four negative mailers (countywide cost - $20,000) and ten anonymous robocalls ($10,000). The total amount of money estimates to be spent, just on the negative campaign, is $87,000.00.
Campaign finance reports filed by the opponents to Angle and Ferarro, as well as the local Democratic party, reveal much smaller sums. They only report spending and indebting themselves in the total amount of $54,000.00. These reports are shams and do not reflect the total amount of money being spent.
In addition to an obvious funding disparity, there are the following facts: First, a former Severson employee acknowledges that he has witnessed Severson making large cash deposits at banks other than those where his businesses are located; Second, checks that supposedly were being paid to Political Strategies, a California corporation, were in fact being deposited with Precision Marketing; and Third, there is a transcript claiming Severson forged names to campaign materials on behalf of MJR.
Other Campaign Violations in Other Counties
Severson's name has also been associated with anonymous mailers in a campaign over a referendum in Lower Macungie Township and in various Bucks County races for the GOP.
Severson's Erratic Behavior.
Severson's erratic behavior has already been demonstrated in an unemployment compensation case, where there was testimony about him making switchblade knives, threatening to kill and stab people, and threatening one of his own employees. In addition, he recently disrupted a funeral service simply because he saw Ron Angle in the crowd. He was convicted of criminal harassment in that funeral fracas.
Precision Marketing Corporate records:
$9.9 MM paid to Precision marketing since 2000 by candidates seeking state office:
MJR Services, Inc. corporate records:
Money paid to MJR by state candidates:
Political Strategies, Inc. corp. records:
Money paid to Political Strategies by state candidates:
Elections Code:
Anonymous mailers directed against magisterial candidate Brian Monahan
O'Hare email to DA Morganelli
John Doe Independent Expenditure report
Severson admits he is behind Monahan smear
The Monahan mudslinging
Notes about 1-484-548-6413
Notes about 1-484-548-6400
Campaign finance reports filed by Northampton County candidates in 2007 election
robocall recording
Anti-Angle mailers
Severson disrupts funeral services
Negative campaign against state rep. Joe Brennan engineered by Severson
Tom Severson's profitable world of sleaze politics
Unemployment compensation case against Severson - claimant transcript
Unemployment compensation case against Severson - findings of fact
No invitation to Morganelli's Birthday Party for you!
and anybody else who has ever used him... Joe Long and his goons weren't the only ones. How about doing a listing of all the pols in the area that have used this guy. To single in on Long ignores the guilt by association of everybody else.
Are any of the current campaigns using him?
Aren't Narlesky and Tachner using Severson now? Narlesky's mailers have one of Severson's permit numbers.
Didn't the Attorney General find the campaigns blameless. His press release said that it did not appear that any of the candidates appeared to have asked Severson to provide them with a "deceptive invoice." Don't let a little thing like the facts get in the way of a good smear.
Did Judge Panella actually use Severson ?
How did Joe Long get to be Party Chair anyway?
How did Joe Long get to be Party Chair anyway?
Bowl Movement O’Hare,
You have out done your constant guilt by association of the Northampton Democratic Committee.
The committee R E P O R T E D and continues to re-pay the debt to Political Strategies!
So go find some other sleazebag to lynch on your cross!
How many Long Dems are there other than Long himself, Severson, McHale and Dertinger? Is this even a big group?
Fantastic investigative journalism. Thank you for all the detail and time you put into your articles unlike our failing newspaper system.
This isn’t journalism, its septic tank flushing!
enlightening when pulled all together. Of course some GOP have also had their dirty tactics like hiring private eyes to dig up dirt, but still, regardless of party this type of politics is disgusting. It is why we don't have higher caliber candidates sometimes....why put yourself and family through it?
Anon 8:51, I think your comments could be more commentary on Severson, Long, et al than LVR's journalism....they're the septic waste Bernie seems to be trying to flush.
curious to see how this NorCo "new Dem" thing pans out.
If Mchale gets elected, this is the face of our new County Executive. She will be a modern day queen, Bernie, christening battle ships and cutting ribbons while he calls the shots.
I'm sorry! I should have said it's journalese n. "informal a hackneyed writing style supposedly characteristic of journalists".
Mchale will pay the Long Dem debt to severson with some of her campaign funds she raised around Bethlehem. it might have already been used for bail. He only needed $10k in all, right?
Let's be clear: since 1991 the gatekeeper to Democrats for Severson has been Morganelli. Plain and simple. Seyfried 93; any of Bob Donchez campaigns; Roscioli, Panella etc. Anyone Morganellie wanted and could slip through with Severson, he did so. Morganelli gave Democratic birth to the nut job severson. Long is just a tool.
"Didn't the Attorney General find the campaigns blameless."No charges have been filed in connection w/ my claim that the Long Dems failed to report what they actually spent to try to topple Angle and Ferraro. But I see nothing in Corbett's press release that exonerates them. He does state he has no specific evidence they directed Severson to mislead the public to try to hide payments to him, but that may change.
And if he is willing to mislead the public about where campaign money is actually going, it stands to reason that he's willing to mislead them on the amount he's actually receiving.
We will see.
With all the money$$$ mentioned perhaps the IRS should look into it too. Once a crook... always a crook.
Along the vein of a potential IRS investigation, Democrats need to focus on future possible indictments of people involved in this group, further embarrassment to the Norco Democrats will not be constructive for the future.
You know things are bad for the Long Dems when McHale doesn't even mention their endorsement for her on her flyer.
Bernie you are right again. Bring on the naysayers.
Bob Romancheck
I know this a bit off topic, but what is rationale for McHale's campaign other than a few disgruntled dems and courthouse hacks?
Narlesky should be shackled and flogged for the assault he's made on my domestic tranquility via his incessant robo calls. I don't know him, and don't doubt that his wife and kids in the staged photos think he's peachy, but I think he's an annoying thug who should be tortured for what he and Severson have done to invade voters' homes without permission. I want him to lose and then never enjoy a peaceful dinner with his family ever again. Being within the law is no excuse for his inconsiderate campaign.
Narlesky, Morganelli, Severson = SLEAZY.
Are the two politicians unindicted co-conspirators in any of Severson dirty dealings?
mcHale's rationale is more no-bid insurance contracts with the County for her husband's business like she used to get before Stoffa came to power, one contract of which is still extant and will be up for renewal in the next County Executive's reign.
I am somewhat confused by the statements of the past few days that McHale's company has and/or had contracts with the County.
The Chapter 11 Ethics Standards and Financial Disclosure clearly states the below. Has this been violated now or in the past, and if so, why has it not been pursued? Or has something been portrayed out of context in a number of these posts this week? At face value, I'd say someone should be in trouble.
"(f) Contract.--No public official or public employee or his spouse or child or any business in which the person or his spouse or child is associated shall enter into any contract valued at $500 or more with the governmental body with which the public official or public employee is associated or any subcontract valued at $500 or more with any person who has been awarded a contract with the governmental body with which the public official or public employee is associated, unless the contract has been awarded through an open and public process, including prior public notice and subsequent public disclosure of all proposals considered and contracts awarded. In such a case, the public official or public employee shall not have any supervisory or overall responsibility for the implementation or administration of the contract. Any contract or subcontract made in violation of this subsection shall be voidable by a court of competent jurisdiction if the suit is commenced within 90 days of the making of the contract or subcontract."
This is serious stuff. Either libelous allegations have been made, facts misrepresented, or if true something illegal may have been happening. Which is it? We voters and taxpayers have a right to know. I cannot believe the rest of council (including your allies) would not be pursuing if illegality had indeed occured.
'1103. Restricted activities
(a) Conflict of interest.--No public official or public employee shall engage in conduct that constitutes a conflict of interest.
1109. Penalties
(a) Restricted activities violation.--Any person who violates the provisions of section 1103(a), (b) and (c) (relating to restricted activities) commits a felony and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $10,000 or to imprisonment for not more than five years, or both
"Conflict" or "conflict of interest." Use by a public official or public employee of the authority of his office or employment or any confidential information received through his holding public office or employment for the private pecuniary benefit of himself, a member of his immediate family or a business with which he or a member of his immediate family is associated
I pray you can clear the air that the perception portrayed was and is not the reality, and that we do not have this in our County government. I want to believe, politics aside, that we have good and honest government. Set the record straight do we have crooks, or has this been taken out of context?
Bernie yesterday on Shiloh blog:
From what I'm told, Stoffa calmly deflected her arrows and then asked her why her company had three insurance contracts with the county when he took office. "Did you compete for them?" McHale went ballistic.
Ah, Lighthouse finally catches on. Welcome, Lighthouse. We've been waiting for you.
From a past comment:
Anonymous said...
Stoffa, instead of renewing the McHale's business went with a five-year property and casualty insurance contract, valued at $4.8 million, with the County Commissioners Association of Pa. (CCAP) which 46 of the 67 counties in PA use and is much more affordable. At the council meeting to bless the contract, McHale repeatedly attacked him. She was definitely on the Council when Reibman gave them to her because she's been there for 11 years.
9:09 AM
Where the hell is Morganelli? He not only did nothing about Severson, he hired him. Now, obviously he let this one slip by too. What is he getting paid for?
Morganelli gets a free pass from the local sheep every election and doesn't have to explain anything to anybody. He farts in your general direction. If you complain too loudly, he just might investigate you. If you're his sleazy political pal, not so much. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Really Lightbulb. Wow, Dude you are not fooling anyone. Ethics?
How about Stoffa and his campaign work by Atiyeh. O'Hare uses fuzzy logic on that one. Someone putting a sign in their yard and a County Contracter putting political signs on his business signs with his business number to call is the same thing?
Gee, I don't know if that is true and it would be a terrible thing if it was wrong so lets recite all the Ethics codes..blah...blah...blah.....
You cannot accept corporate checks but how about a Corporation working for you. and one that stands to make a ton of money if you win???
Lets ponder that one old Lighty.
Oh and McHale had contracts prior to Reibman dimbulb.
lighthouse or lightbulb, either one seeks to shed the light....not why I chose it, but.....
Right now my questions really cut both ways. Simply hoping the facts become a little more evident than they are, because I don't know who the hell to believe right now.
McHale's been on the Council for 11 years so the only way she's innocent is if one of those three no-bid insurance contracts of hers were pre 1998 and the County rarely signs insurance contacts that don't go up for renewal for more than 12 years. It's crazy that Stoffa is critized for two lousy government pensions when she has multi million dollar no bid sweethear insurance expensive insurance deals.
Lighthouse, you're dim. THe only reason McHale has not been charged with a felony is because Morganelli is our DA
All these judges spending millions to get our votes by being "tough on crime" promising to continue filling the jail with more slobs from South Bethlehem lighting up a doobie. Who's going after morganelli and mchale and why didn't anyone go after these guys? Why did the State have to do it? THey need to start with the crooks in the Courthouse first.
Bernie you're strangely silent today. What have you been up to?
We're trying to recover now.
We went to an "All You Can Eat," seafood buffet for $8.95. I think we over did it. Plus, I think the peel and eat shrimp were a little bit bad. They were still blue. Bernie eat a ton of those.
Oh by the way, I paid. I lost the bet.
I bet Bernie couldn't eat the 10lb lobster. He ate it, shell and all.
Then we got kicked out. We overstayed our welcome. We were there for almost three hours.
Peace, ~~Alex
After all teh allegations wee in teh a's office MOrganelli still used Severson for his run for AG. THey are Thick as well...theives!
"Bernie you're strangely silent today. What have you been up to?" -
The comments must have been intelligent in my absence. Sorry, but it's baseball season, baby!
I just got back home. I had three kids fromk Dat's team out hitting and pitching and then treated them all to a movie.
Just got back home.
Bernie, I had the perfect cover. And you messed it up. People would have believed that you ate a 10lb lobster, shell and all.
Now I really lost the bet...
Peace, ~~Alex
Lighthouse, I actuially blogged about McHale's insurance link to the county.
In 2008, McHale's company was paid just $458 for one insurance policy. The policies were actually written by TJ Rooney, and before McHale was even appointed to council.
I can't speak to the Ethics Act, but do know McHale has disclosed her insurance connection with the county, and does so annually. She abstains from any matter involving insurance, although she somehow takes credit for the savings in health care insurance administrators.
I can assure you your concerns are being reviewed. But I don't see an attempt to play fast and loose here.
Next check the Stoffa Atiyeh connection as well as the Stoffa Mohr connection as well as the Stoffa Harp connection as well as the Stoffa Bradt connection.
So many connections so little time.
So many pensions so much money.
All three of these supposed connections are nonexistent. You've been making these claims and they've been rebutted several times.
The simple reality is that the Joe Long Dems danced with the devil and got burned. That's a big reason why Stoffa asked Long to step down. If he really did care about the party, he'd resign. Right now, Joe Long is a Northampton County Republican's best friend.
"When the Council President does it, it is not illegal."
-Richard Nixon
I hope nothing comes of this because if McHale gets indicted, then they'll say that she would have won had she not gone to jail. Stoffa ran unopposed.
It is sad that Stoffa went to Joe Long's house ate his food and planned out campaign strategy all summer in 2005. Once elected Stoffa did what he alswys does, he threw him and the Democrats that helped him under the bus.
A lot of Democrats and employees are victims of the lies John Stoffa told to feed his ego trip.
There's no way Long helped Stoffa with his campaign. Stoffa won, remember?
When it served his purposes Stoffa was a Joe Long Dem. So much for this great honorable guy.
A true bullshit artist in league with a master's like O'Hare and Angle.
Interesting that you presume the monolithic nature of the Democratic Party when it doesn't exist. It's why Will Rogers said "I don't belong to an organized politcal party, I'm a Democrat"
You ask (using the words of President Obama) "Is this change we can believe in?".
Yes it is. However, it is not change Boss Long believes in. He was, after all, a Hillary supporter in the primary. In fact, one of the last things the oaf said to me was "better get on board because you don't want to be left out when she wins".
I guess he can stick that in his pipe and smoke it.
And, to answer Anon 12:31 AM - as one of the few people who helped Russ Shade in John's first campaign, I don't remember anything from Long's people and we certainly weren't invited to his house for burgers. What actually happened was Long "forgot" to send out invitations to open fundraisers. He tried to torpedo John the whole time.
As to how Joe retained his chair - well, he held an illegal election. He held the reorganization meeting before the new Committee members were seated. Otherwise, he would be out.
He isn't stupid. He's just corrupt.
And, while John did challenge an incumbent, the party did not support him. Now, he faces Longoons (yep, just coined it) and the local pols, including Cunningham and Callahan, are contributing to the challenger in a Democratic primary.
That's the get even and it's a no-no. Dandy Don and Pretty John would be the first to complain if it were done to them.
Stoffa and McHale should both be held accountable for the mess they've made of the county over their seemingly interminable careers on the public dole.
Stop enabling; vote all incumbents out.
then run against the incumbents and make a better case for your election.
All your chatter is meaningless without action
Want to know why a guy as crazy as Severson ends up working for both D's and R's in the Lehigh Valley? It is because he knows that they are all a bunch of freaking idiots -- every last one of them.
He feeds them their own weiirdness and they eat it up.
That makes it sooooo easy for him to make gobs of money.
That's also why no self-respecting real political consultant wants anything to do campaigns long term in the Valley.
The real good ones do a campaign or two figure out what is really going on and then leave before they get caught up in the nonsense.
I just don't understand Judge Panella ? Is he using Severson in the Supreme Court race as well ?
I've been reading that affidavit of probable cause posted online at TMC. I wonder when Long will be charged with perjury.
Annon 6:52, I don't care if you are one of the many females sitting in Johns lap. Stoffa did infact go to Longs hoouse in the summer of 2005. He did in fact get fed. He did in fact partake of election campaign strategy talks.
Sell your bullshit somewhere else. This blog is all full up already. You may be able to con the civilians but those in the pol circles know what happened.
Joe Long is an ass, most Dem's know that and ignore him. Your statements about Stoffa are completely false. This is how Stoffa wins. Like Angle he has convinvced a small group of fanatics he is God.
Those who have and do deal with him day to day learn the bullshit and ego issues he has.
Mr. O'Hare
you may have finally corssed the line from opinion into defamation regarding your comment about the "indictment of Joe Long".
Accusing someone of criminal conduct is defamation per se
accusing someone of being indicted, i.e. being charged iwth a criminal offense, when in fact it never occured is not protected speech
Your ESQ. pal from Bucks County
Bucks County Barrister,
I really appreciate you looking out for me, but nothing I have written is defamatory. I standby every word. In my headline, I state that the Severson prosecution is really an indictment of Dem bossman Joe Long, and it is.
You claim I've accused him of a crime, but that's based on a flawed understanding of what "indictment" means. An indictment could be a formal charge by a prosecuting authority, but it is also means "an expression of strong disapproval." In neither case is my use of this word defamatory, and that's as a matter of law.
Nice to hear from you.
Anon 6:52, Longoons? Love it. No wonder you were snarked by someone who claims to know everything.
Dertinger and McHale and the other LongDems are helping Serverson with bail but when old Joe gets indicted, it's going to be "Joe who? I'm sorry, bad connection."
maybe i'm just young and naive, but why do so may candidates us sever'scum'? are there no other scumbags out there that runs sleaze campaigns and if so, do they make this much money?
i'm just curious? or is he just the best at it?
American Heritage College Dictionary
want to try flawed again
Black's Law Dicitionary , Rev. 4th Ed.
an apology to Mr. Long and retraction is in order
suggest you do it FORTHWITH
Bucks Burriser,
I stand by every word I said. Knock yourself out.
How close is the species Bucks Barrister to Philadelphia Lawyer. There's a reason society holds lawyers in more contempt than politicians, criminals, and the IRS. Keep this in mind when considering their recommendations for judicial seats.
Guy walks into a bar and shouts, "All lawyers are assholes!"
Somebody responds, "Hey I resent that!"
The first guy say, "Why? Are you a lawyer?"
The second guy say, "No. I'm an asshole."
Severson, Long, McHale, and the rest of the LongDems deserve pity. They are anachronisms and as time goes by they continually lose elections and find themselves more and more alienated from the Democratic majority, unable to understand why they are on the outs. Desperate, they resort to thug tactics perfected by Severson because they know that they don't have to talent, smarts, or record to get their candidates elected. They put McHale forward promising her she'd win because of the Union support without thinking that the light shining in on a County Executive candidate is going to cause her to be asked,"What are your achievements? Do you have a college education? Did you ever work for govt? Do you even have any professional experience? What have you done other than being an office manager for your husband? How did you get contracts with the County for your husband's business? What have your ever done in eleven years? Why won't you let Council meetings be taped?" and the best she can answer is "I don't know" or "I don't remember" causing the papers to rush to endorse her opponent. Now she finds herself no longer worrying about winning the Executive position but rather worrying about her own Council position and the reputation of her husband's business which as far as I know is not corrupt and has nothing to hide and will suffer from this race. She could be Sarah Palin's mother.
Ann takes credit for the $7 million savings on the health administrator but she was one of 5- people on the Commission that did that. If she actually did that, why did she after 11 years on Council, wait until the Stoffa Administration to do it? Why didn't she do it long before?
Joe Long's Northampton County Democrat Party is the same as Dear Leader Obama's - as directed by the vicious former ballet dancer, Rahm Emanuel. You backward, gun and religion clinging blue dog Dems are dinosaurs who really need to get with "change" and brutally purge softies like Stoffa and Bernie from the ranks. This is not a time for compromise. Dems own this county and should impose their will accordingly. It's time to eliminate any last vestiges of resistance to change.
It is ironic that Northampton COunty with its tourism and festivals and quaint historic districts that are the envy of some neighboring counties and has such an aura of sophistication, has a governemnt constantly being usurped and controlled by corrupt thugs, bullies, and Neandrathals. You would never guess it from looking in from the outside.
Rong Angle is the cause of about 75% of your problems.
12:02. You have identified Northampton Countys biggest problem.
Bernie refuses to be impeded by the truth. That is not an obstacle for Bernie.
Reality is Benie's biggest obstacle, he doesn't live in it.
Wait until Tuesday. Then we will end the reign of HRH Stoffa, and the laugh will be on his court jester Bernie O'Hare
Yeah, and you can have a few fundraisers for Severson's defense fund.
I hear McHale won't let the public bathrooms be a shower room. She may also stop some people from taking advantage of County facilites. No rent, no office.
Larry Otter is here?
How cool is that.
You gonna bill the county for this gig too, Larry?
Boonie, how much do you pay the County for hanging around the courthouse when you are doing title searches. I especially like the calls you get the courthouse switchboard to county employees who are then asked to page you. Nice.
Boonie not only has an office and receptionist at the courthouse, the other day I saw him park outside the courthouse and take up TWO metered spaces. Boonie is too good to park in a public lot and have to walk a block, also unless he parks right in front of the courthouse, no one will see the Stoffa sign propped on his Jeep's rear window. With Boonie it's play to park (his Jeep in two spaces, and his ass in a county taxpayer chair) not pay to play.
I have an office and a receptionist? Kindly point out my digs to me next time you see me and let me know who is taking my calls. I take two metered spots? Wow, I hoped you sent one of the deputies out to give me a ticket or arrest me.
Of course this is all bullshit. I am a title searcher. The only thing I have at the courthouse is a small locker, made available to all who use the courthouse regularly for a fee, which I pay. I do sit down on a metal folding chair when I write up a title search. Those chairs are available for all members of the public.
Title searchers, attorneys and members of the public are often paged at the courthouse. I am no exception. The treatment accorded to me is the same treatment accorded to everyone else.
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