In addition to the work he's done on his own, he's had lots of help from people like Bethlehem's Anna Lawson, who put signs along Pembroke Road, Stefko Boulevard, Washington Street. I've even been planting signs myself.
I'm Bernie Stoffaseed!
Stoffa's sign campaign caught McHale and the Joe Long Dems completely off guard. They anonymously whined here, but the logos were largely unmolested. Sure, a few here and there were yanked out and I saw two cut to shreds in Easton, but that could be kids. I just replaced them. The signs were basically untouched.
All that changed this weekend. McHale was told she needed to get her signs out right away if she hoped to get any votes. Well, I can see why she waited. Her posters are almost identical to Stoffa's. She looks like a copycat. Copycat or not, her signs are welcome by John Stoffa. He thinks people should always have a choice. He's goofy that way.

In addition to the outright theft, these goons are also blocking numerous Stoffa logos by placing McHale signs right in front of them. Traveling along Route 191 between Nazareth and Bethlehem, I can see that at least half of the posters I planted are now being blocked from public view by McHale's Navy. The same is true along Route 512 between Bethlehem and Bath and along Route 248 between Nazareth and Bath. Anna Lawson reports signs have been removed or blocked in Bethlehem. In fact, Lawson claims that McHale's posters are actually in the same holes drilled for missing Stoffa signs. Slate Belt volunteers tell me the same thing. Even in Northampton and along MacArthur Rd, in areas where there are hundreds of feet of space, McHale signs block Stoffa's.
On Saturday night, two fellows in a red pick up were spotted near Moravian Academy planting McHale signs and removing Stoffa signs. They took off when approached.
Although stealing campaign signs is criminal, the thieves are rarely caught. What makes this situation unique is that Stoffa's signs go missing at the very same time that McHale posters are being planted. In addition, we have two fellows in a red pickup removing Stoffa signs and planting McHale's. At the very least, McHale should identify the goons she hired to do her dirty work.
If McHale wants to run a clean campaign, this is a strange way to do it. What McHale really thinks and has said is that "Nice guys finish last." I think she's wrong and that people are tired of these junior high school antics. McHale is unable to control a council so dysfunctional that Morning Call reporter Michael Duck has started a series he calls "Council Behaving Badly." She's unable to control the thugs she hires to place her campaign message. How will she ever control a county?
"signs, signs everywhere there's signs ... messing up the scenery and breaking my mind." -- from the AM radio in my high school car.
I wonder how many people really give a crap about the signs. But they are aleays good for newspaper stories and Bill White columns.
What I really wanted to ask, though, is where you got this information. Who is it that's accusing the McHale campaign of criminal acts?
sorry, (it's late for me) I meant specifically who saw the red truck thefts? was it reported to police?
McHale's a class act. She hires Hatfield and McCoy for campaign managers. And people wonder why they call us Pensyl-tucky.
Why are their signs green anyway? Neither one is Irish, right? They're Polish or something.
I don't ordinarily take sign theft very seriously bc it is so difficult to establish who is doing what. In fact, I was unconcerned when a few Stoffa signs that I planted went missing and I found them cut to pieces. I thought it was probably just kids. No biggie.
But now we have 600 signs stolen on the very weekend that McHale signs were posted. In addition, two fellow in a red pickup were seen taking Stoffa signs and planting McHale signs in their place. Finally, the blocking of Stoffa signs with McHale's evinces an intent to muzzle Stoffa's campaign.
The person who saw the campaign sign theft is a reliable person in Stoffa's campaign. Not me. Whether the police will be notified is something being pondered right now. My vote, for what it is worth, is yes.
McHale, if interested in running a clean campaign, should ID the people who planted her signs so they can be questioned. This really should be investigated to determine McHale's instructions and what occurred.
Why are the signs green?That's a great question bc it reveals a lot about both candidates.
Stoffa was born and raised on a farm. He is passionate about open space, and he and I tangled on that issue when the question was posed to voters in a referendum. He has started a "pay as you go" open space program. Green is his color. It's who he is.
McHale is trading off an Irish name to gain votes and is deceiving voters into thinking she's someone she's not. She was elected to county council by voters who thought she was Paul McHale's wife.
In Stoffa's case, the green tells you who he is. In McHale's, it attempts to fool you.
LOL. McHale's version of the famous "3am call" will only involve her calling her goons to put those damn signs back ASAP. Operation backfire.
The goons are in the tank for Ann McHale. She's going after the goon vote.
Hatfields and Mcoys are all dead. Maybe she hired Tonya Harding. Stoffa'd better watch his knees if he wins.
Bullshit. You and your so called facts. Yopu admited and it has been clear for four years you are a Stoffa flunky.
Now this story that 600 signs were stolen. Mysterious men in a red pick-up seen by Stoffa operatives.
Give us a break. Proof, remember you so called mantra. Stoffa and Company claim all this and you drop iton McHale.
What next black helicopters circling his house listening in on his cell phone calss.
He will just have to go out on County time like he already has and put up mor signs I guess.
Evidence, O'Hare evidence not you and another mancrush pol's word.
Must be one of the goons.
You want proof?
1) Stoffa himself claims 600 signs are missing.
2) I personally went along 191, 512, 248 and 329 and saw that signs I had placed are missing.
3) Anna Lawson saw that signs she had placed are gone and McHale signs are in the exact same spots, in the exact same holes.
4) Slate Belt volunteers have noticed the missing signs.
5) Jeff Stoffa has noticed missing signs.
6) All of us have seen that many McHale signs are placed inches from Stoffa signs to block public view. Anyone driving along Pembroke Road, Stefko Blvd, or Rte 191 can see that.
7) As the Stoffa signs went missing, the McHale signs popped up. They were unmolested for 2 weeks until McHale started putting her signs up.
8) Two people in a red pick up were spotted doing exactly what I've claimed by someone in the Stoffa camp. It was near Moravian Academy on Saturday night. (I am not naming that person or providing more details because that person will hopefully report it to police).
There's plenty of proof that McHale goons did this. What we need to know is who they are and whether McHale authorized this illegal activity.
I just got back from a late night WaWa run in Palmer. Yep, there are Stoffa signs missing.
Several of them that I saw on Wednesday when I was out there for Gunther's Tea Party are now gone.
Not to veer OT but I've always wondered something. After placing hundreds of signs around, what happens to them after the election? I mean that's a huge amount of litter if it isn't cleaned up. Is there some law regarding the removal of campaign signs after an election?
the signs usually get mowed by whatever work crew is out for that. Some candidates are responsible and take them down, and others (Especially those who lose) forget about them.
I know where a "kilbanks for Congress" one still is over off 611.
It's really unfair to call the alleged red pick up people "Mchale Goons"
When you get actual proof of who what where and when, come back with it.
I didn't read you complaining when the Dent people covered up all the Bennett signs. (Like that mattered, God, they were ugly)
It's a shame people are so childish.
During the general election here in the Slate Belt..O'Bama signs went up and McCain signs disappeared over night..but they..the thiefs..left the Dent signs remain standing. I sent an e-mail to the Stoffa's that I would gladly place a sign in my yard but no one has contacted me?
"It's really unfair to call the alleged red pick up people "Mchale Goons"When they are seen removing Stoffa signs and replacing them w/ McHale signs, and are doing so at the very time that McHale is putting hers out, I'd be crazy to call them anything else.
Dave, I will get you a sign.
I think Stoffa has pissed off someone in Penndot or other municipal staff! They do/will clear off signs on their turf especally if they don't like you!
I just love how Boonie accuses people of commiting crimes without any proof.
Two Loe Long/McHale goons chime in to deny the very obvious.
If only you could get video of someone stealing signs.
I'm sure signs are missing. it happens to everyone in every campaign. Whether it's PennDot or
overzealous campaign workers no one ever knows. However, as a veteran of many, many campaigns I cannot even begin to believe that 600 signs are missing and no one noticed anyone taking them down.
Stoffa buys his own signs, puts them up himself when he can with a broken body. McHale uses other people's money for her signs, copies his design, and hires some Mafiosos to steal hundreds of his. I think that tells you a lot about the candidates. What does having an identical sign as his say anyway? I[',m gonna steal all his good ideas, vote for me?
This is clearly the McHale camp bc the Stoffa signs have gone missing the moment McHale has put hers out. In addition, McHale workers were spotted removing some of those signs. Finally, the McHale signs in place are unnecessarily blocking Stoffa signs. That indicates an intent to drown out Stoffa's message. This is a very clear and concerted effort. It has nothing to do with Pen Dot workers, who do not work much on weekends or at night. These are McHale's goons and thugs.
If Penndot did it, why did they wait two weeks to do it and why did they choose to do it the day hundreds of McHale signs went up?
That is such a dirty way of doing politics!!!
Let me tell you. This was not Penn Dot. For the last 2 weeks the signs were up and just fine. Even as late at friday Night on Washington Street in Bethlehem. i know I placed them There.Sunday Morning At 7:30am on my way to the grocery store all the stoffa signs are gone and replaced with Mchale signs in the exact spot that I placed my Stoffa signs at. Coincidence ? I don't think so. Intentional yes. But we on the Stoffa Campaign are not haters we just politely placed new signs next to hers. We did not remove 1 single sign. The voters have a right to choose and she has a right to place her signs out. And so does John. But someone is attacking our signs and it needs to stop. Be fair and equal. Or don't get in the game.....
Anna Lawson
Again, it's hard to believe six hundred signs were taken. If Stoffa's people saw McHale's people taking them down why wasn't this reported to the police?? How many police reports were filed over these 600 theft allegations. Why am I thinking that none were??
Come on Bernie, I like Stoffa too, but 600 thefts and no one gets a license plate number and none are reported to police? I can't buy it..Sorry..
there should be designated locations for the signs, they cause litter on the highways and everywhere else. i was out and about over this weekend and saw stoffa signs and mchale signs as far as nazareth and into bethlehem.they where there both saturday and sunday
Whether or not McHale is a class act, I will leave for others to decide. But for today, she could order her volunteers to remove her signs from anywhere near Stoffa's and install hers
elsewhere! Now, this could be called acting classy.
" Anonymous said...
there should be designated locations for the signs, they cause litter on the highways and everywhere else. i was out and about over this weekend and saw stoffa signs and mchale signs as far as nazareth and into bethlehem.they where there both saturday and sunday 10:01 AM"
Excellent Point. There are still signs from last November's election littering the grassy areas near roadways.
i don't get the color bit maybe they both like green. what difference does it make?
Anon 10:01,
If signes were restricted to a designated area, someone would sue. Stoffa signs are still up, but there are now far fewer of them. Plus when you're out and about, notice how many of the McHale signs are bblocking the Stoffa signs.
If I had a choice between being a "McHale Red Pick up Goon"
and a "stoffa red jeep Anal device"
I'd choose the former, not the latter
Rt. 512 between Pen Argyl and Bangor..All the Stoffa signs at the light near Capital Plaza are now unreadable due to McHale signs put up right on top of his! Some Stoffa signs also thrown on ground/pushed over.
signs don't vote, people do.
Any candidate that spends so much time/money on planting signs is wasting time in not calling people and asking for their votes. "Oh, but they build name recognition." bull crap. from a political communications standpoint, they do nothing to build name recognition.
Waste of a good argument this whole thing is.
Anon 10:16, I don't know if you're right or wrong on the usefulness of signs for campaigns. I do know that when someone playsd dirty polirtics w/ signs, it becomes very relevant.
If Ann McHale had an ounce of class or respectability in her body she would immediately condemn these actions and order her campaign volunteers to return the signs to their original locations and place hers in postions that does not block Stoffas. Those acts were done by childish thugs who do not believe in democracy, but in dirty tricks. If that is what McHale stands for then the Northampton County electorate should respond with a resounding defeat.
600 is alot of signs to be missing. I was driving around this morning and saw lots of Stoffa signs and McHale signs in the Bethlehem to Easton Corrider on William Penn and Freemansburg Ave. and many in the City of Bethlehem. I think 600 missing may be stetching the truth.
To 10:16 Post:
Actually, I always thought signs were a waste too, but I've been told by a number of political strongholds, they work!
Anon 10:55
One thing I also noticed was that many of the judge candidates and McHale and Stoffa has signs up land where signs are not allowed in the City of Bethlehem...like the parks.
Bernie, not sure what time you post your column, but let's say around 7 A.M. it's usually available. It's now 11 A.M. Where is McHale on this controversy? Why hasn't she
come forward or denied these accusations?
McHale's dumb, but can she really be that dumb?
You weren't kidding about this. While driving today throughout Bethlehem, all but a couple of Stoffa's signs are blocked.
On a humerous note, while at a red light, I saw a McHale sign get blown away by a gust of wind.
"Actually, I always thought signs were a waste too, but I've been told by a number of political strongholds, they work!"
10:16am here again...
When they are on somebody's front lawn, they make a statement of a PERSON supporting the candidate. thta has an effect. If I know my neighbors (and presumably trust the person), I can be reasonably sure of the individual my neighbor is supporting (especially true for local gov't). when they are scattered across highways and intersections, they do nothing.
Signs really only work for one purpose: to boost the ego of the candidate.
Bernie, signs as an issue are the great distraction from issues. The average voter doesn't care about signs or who stole what. They care about what gov't will do to improve their lives. If this turns into news coverage, it is one less opportunity for both candidates to tell voters what they will do if elected. How ANY of this serves democracy is clear only in the minds of people who give a crap about insider political baseball. Read: not the average voter. If both candidates were smart, they would agree, right now, to offer no comment if a reporter calls and insist on only talking about issues. This should go for the volunteers for both candidates.
The more you drive this (or any candidate for that matter), the more you demonstrate political tone-deafness. I'll repeat, the average voter in a local gov't primary doesn't care about lawn signs.
10:16 here one final time...
I say all of this, btw, b/c I think stoffa is right on the issues and has a good handle on what needs to happen in county gov't. If this is how he wants to communicate to voters (somebody is stealing and blocking my signs), this isn't typical of the behavior that I've grown to admire and respect from him. He is above this crap. You, of all people, should know this and respect it.
Why would Penndot work secretly in the middle of the night on the weekend and only take down Stoffa signs and not the signs next to them? Isn't Penndot allowed to remove signs in broad daylight?
Ann McHale is inocentt. This is ridikulous. It was very windy on Fridey and Saterday nite at 3am. Those 600 sines weren't propperly placed. They flew up in the air, got tanglled together from the Slate Belt to Saucon Vallie and landed in a big pile in Bucks Countee. Not her fault Her poor werkers are vision impaired. They had no idea they were placing her sine two inches in front of Stoffas so you culdn't see Stoffa's. Inocent I tell you. Sined, Head goon
I think Ann Mchale and her campaign are very very ignorant and if shes running for a position and can't control her people , how is she going to run the county i live in and pay for ? Ignorance does not pay off.
I was born and raised in Bethlehem and for someone who calls herself the Queen of Bethlehem, This is an embarassment to all of us in the city. To think one human could sink so low.
pointing fingers accomplish's nothing. it sounds like typical politics to me. get over it
Yard signs don't win elections, voters do. Especially yard signs not in yards.
"it sounds like typical politics to me. get over it"It's typical Joe Long politics. We deserve better.
"If this is how he wants to communicate to voters (somebody is stealing and blocking my signs), this isn't typical of the behavior that I've grown to admire and respect from him. He is above this crap. You, of all people, should know this and respect it."Listen, his name is not Godot. He gets upset when he sees signs he worked on himself are missing or blocked. Pointing it out is absolutely the right thing to do bc, regarless whether yard signs are intrinsically effective, the people planting them have an obligation to act ethically.
The bottom line here is this:
Who wants someone like Anne McHale in an Executive position if pulling signs out is her forte'???
Are we adults here or what?
Bernie --
People have also spray painted red X's on Stoffa's signs in the Route 378 Bethlehem area.
"He gets upset when he sees signs he worked on himself are missing or blocked."
So it's about ego. Thank you for proving the point. Can't fault him for it, but it goes to show that ego is what drives politics, not what is good for the community.
My Mom and I are part of a walking group in Bethlehem and we have noticed that there are a significant amount of signs missing....
Also a note about campaign signs -- there is a statistic that for every sign you have in a family yard you gain 3 votes... a lot of times neighbors don't know who to vote for so simply a sign in a respected neighbor's yard helps them make their decision. I suppose it can also work the other way if your neighbor's don't like you they will vote against the candidate displayed in your yard.
It's not about ego. It's about respect, maturity, and intelligence.
Hey "anonymous 3:00" - your reasoning is like a childs....with Stoffa there has never been ego..Stoffa-driven politics is all about integrity and making a difference for the community...Stoffa has proven he's for the people. Ego, my friend, isn't part of Stoffa vocabulary.
Can you tell me where's McHale? Is she too busy with her goons collecting April insurance premiums to comment on her own campaign antics?
why would ann mchale comment at all, no matter what she said you wouldn't belive it anyhow.
How will McHale dispose of 600 Stoffa signs without someone finding them? I see a dumpster raid by the City in the works.
believe is spelled "Believe" Anonymous 3:24
Here's the point:
-Bob Casey rationed yard signs. Barack Obama mostly gave them out to people to put in their yards. They didn't blanket them out the way a lot of candidates do. They won easily. In the end, most Democratic Primary voters in Northampton County know John Stoffa and Ann McHale. There's plenty of name recognition.
-John Stoffa is an incumbent, one who beat a two-term incumbent in the primary, and won election easily in the general election. Even though Ann McHale is relatively well known and popular too, if she expects to win, a yard sign war isn't going to do it. Whoever's behind this should go talk to voters. That's how you win.
LOL Bernie's headling tomorrow:
600 Stoffa signs miraculously reappear all over Northampton County covered in landfill dirt, cigarette butts, and Snapple juice. Goons happy, make out with double the pay originally expected.
Come on! We're going to move past all this nonsense!
Stoffa is our man
He's got a solid plan
He'll guide us by the hand
And we'll create a wonderland
I find it amazing that Stoffa would purposefully make his signs look just like his opponent's.
Do you have a clue?
Stoffa is using the same signs he had four years ago.
Who wants someone like Anne McHale in an Executive position if pulling signs out is her forte'??Very true.
But on the other hand, who wants a farmer making decisions that effect cities?
Yeah, maybe Bernie can join forces with Bill White and write about the missing signs, litter and the role of cigarette butts on the psyche of the LV voter.
Stoffa is using the same signs he had four years ago.Did he make them look like his opponent's signs then too?
Fleck found some signs in the dumpster.
Mchale on Channel 69 with a red spray paint can in her hand. "I am not a crook." Can't wait.
Folks, is this politics or a pre-kindergarden? Spraypainting signs and/or stealing them is below the beltline, and reflects badly/sadly on the culprit. I for one refuse to be associated with a politician who resorts to such methods.
And while we're at it, would someone explain to me why all the Stoffa-signs on the South Side are missing? But none of the McHale signs are awol there? I'm getting more and more irritated by this.
Queen of Mean.
It's like two little school girls pulling each others' hair. How silly. Makes Angle look stable.
you mean queen of steam. to be able to achieve all bernie claims her she most of been moving with lightning speed. 600 hundred signs? my kind of woman she knows how to get a job done.
Just call your mayor or police about the stolen Stoffa signs. That's what my neighbors did. They can keep a look out for the pickups.
I would not feel proud of a concerted effort to prevent messages from being heard. I am very ashamed of my fellow Democrats. McHale has nothing to be proud of here. Most voters won't notice this, but those that do will not be happy with here.
I do not support McHale but would be very upset if Stoffa supporters had done this to her. And that's what often happens. People respond in kind and campaigns spiral downwards.
As far as contacting police is concerned, I appreciate the suggestion and will pass it along.
Holy &^%$#@* &^%$! What kind of under handed bull*&^% is going on?!
Tell all your friends to tell all their friends to vote for John Stoffa!
And make subtle comments about how ugly the McHale signs are. Way too many capital letters.
BTW, the one in my yard is still intact. So my yard is being campaigned.
If Stoffa did it, how did he know to do it the same night Ann put hers up? Quite a co-inky-dinky.
bernie, you call her names ,berate her at every turn,then claim you would be upset if she was treated this way. that is hard to beleive.after you make these accusations without having any proof just says you must be desperate.600 hundred missing signs? same ones in place that i saw over the past few weeks.
The sign stealing is just ridiculous. I hope the bad publicity spreads like wild fire.
Anon 7:32, The criticism I level at her is very well-deserved. She is the Council Prez completely unable to stop a biweekly circus. She has pandered to deputy sheriffs, the residual unit and every other union who will talk to her. She pandered votes in Beth Tp over the work release/treatment center. She pandered votes from the large Baptist church in South Easton. At the same time, she claims "Nice guys finish last" concerning Stoffa. She walks out on Michele Obama because her seat was behind military families. She is now using scum to place signs right nect to Stoffa's and obviously yanked his out.
Despite all these criticisms, I would never interfere with her attempt to spread her message. That's how democracy works. I planted 70-80 signs myself and have checked them regularly. They were all fine until this weekend, when they disappeared at precisely the same time that her signms were going up. Scroll up and you will see the proof I have. The only thing I can't prove is that the word came from McHale herself.
when stoffa ran the last time he pandered to same groups went to union picnics etc.. he's no better than she is in that regard. as for her walking out on michele obama i really don't care about that she can do as she please's with her time,as to the council circus angles the biggest clown the only to settle that down is to knock him out,so i don't fault her for that. as to this sign buisness without having proof it was her i will continue to think innocent till proven guilty. i had signs in my own yard stolen several times this past november, my only recourse was to replace thim which i did i think we can safely assume it could be anyone who dislikes stoffa.
It is all true. We of the Stoffa Action Committee (SAC) confirm that
over 2000 Stoffa signs have been taken.
Sources such as John and his family and numerous members of his campaign confirm this is true.
We are aware of dark vans and helicopters following our workers.
We will not be abused. Here at SAC we are dispatching our own volunteer green helicopters and green vans. Ours will be armed. We are prepared to defend ourselves. On the excellant legal advice of Bennie O'Hare, former ESQ. and Ron Angle, we have been assurred we can do whatever we must.
While some may laugh and have a Ball,SAC will not just hang around and do nothing.
We are the moral and ethical authority on this and God is on our side.
We are watching. Play it clean and be green.
i think the mac machine is up and running to. GOD is on there side to. PEACE BE WITH YOU ALL.
It appears the goons are out. Looks like they are better at sign theft than writing.
all's fair in love and poltics.
Bernnie you do realize this comes off as so much pissing and moaning. I mean really any independent sources.
Not good... Evil buggers
It's such a shame that McHale has to resort to such high-school antics. It just goes to show you their true colors. Is this the type of person we want to represent us in public office? How do they sleep at night? Stoffa has my vote.
Wow I cant believe that in this day and age we have such pathetic people with low self esteem where they have to go rippin down other's peopl's signs because they know they won't win.
sleezy stuff
Dertinger's signs went up this weekend, too. To his credit, he blocked no existing signs and appears to be playing fair. Good for him.
I just read your Einstien picture. That is awesome. "I love Joe Long!"
By the way, who's the lady in this thread's picture? She is blocking another candidate's sign.
Piece!(wink, wink), ~~Alex
Long's people did this to Obama signs in the 2008 primary because he was in the tank for Clinton. So, this isn't too shocking.
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