In addition to spamming and hijacking blogs, Villa threatens violence. He'd like to break my jaw in seven different places. He routinely wants to engage in fist fights. He has told one blogger to cross the street if he sees him coming. He has told another that he's coming after him with "both barrels." This conduct is intended to cause public annoyance, inconvenience and alarm. It serves no legitimate purpose.
The time I spend deleting his spam is time that could be spent earning my living or researching posts.
Today, Villa is back to his old tricks, spamming this blog with numerous irrelevant comments. I will delete his spam and refuse to enable comment moderation.
I suppose now is as good a time as any to announce that, after independent review, the Northampton County District Attorney has authorized a criminal prosecution against Villa. Charges were filed on October 27 Before District Judge Capobianco. This spam today is just additional evidence.
Villa is presumed innocent until proven guilty. That will be no problem.
Thanks, Bill.
I really don't think the criminal complaint has much weight, no more weight than one would if filed in retaliation to the troll blog.
This is pretty funny. Keep it up, Both Sides!!!
all six previous comments are by bill villa, both those he signed, the anonymous ones and the ones in which he assumes other people's identity. the anonymous comment at the troll blog defaming villa's late daughter was immediately condemned by o'hare. i also condemned that comment. although the troll blog was created because of villa's highjackings (at that time he claimed he was upset about the morning call's blogger tuesday), he now justifies his continued highjacking because of the troll blog. ironically, most of the comments on the troll blog are by villa. i commend o'hare for taking action against him. villa using other people's identity to post despicable comments is particularly disturbing. most of us in the local blogosphere have been reduced to moderating comments to guard against his intrusions.
"I really don't think the criminal complaint has much weight, no more weight than one would if filed in retaliation to the troll blog"
Repeated threats of violence, most of which were made before the Troll blog was ever started, won't go over well for Mr. Villa. Neither will his spamming of this blog with over 500 comments in one day.
What that Troll blog actually does is set the record straight concerning Villa and his false accvusations. It shows that the person who killed his daughter was vigorously prosecuted by a hard-nosed DA. It made no differnce that the Defendant was the son of a prominent lawyer, and his sentence was about twice the usual sentence for that kind of offense. The Troll Blog also shows that the MC, contrary to Villa's wild accusations, sensitively covered his loss and made no attempt to "cover up" anything that was on the record. The blog shows that the Defendant, contrary to Villa's challenged memory, did express remorse.
For two years, Villa has sullied the reputations of a DA, the MC and a local attorney with false claims, made over and over, in the blogosphere. The Troll blog tells the truth. He does not like that.
Before that blog was ever started, he was monopolizing other people's blogs and making threatening remarks, which have intensified. As recently as today, he threatened someone he does not like that that person will be "paying one way or the other."
He has been charged criminally. It's the only action I can take under these circumstances. His behavior is increasingly violent and he has no right to resort to violence or threats of violence simply because he is unable to bully people into doing as he wishes.
Villa has posted, and I have deleted, the same comment over 50 times. I imagine he will continue to spam this blog. I will delete him, but have other things to do right now.
villa repeatedly refers to a horrible anonymous comment on the troll blog that cruelly attacked his daughter. that comment was the only one of it's kind out of hundreds of comments. before the troll blog was created villa was harassing myself and other bloggers as "aquiver" because of blogger tuesday. before the troll blog was created i did a posting identifying villa as a highjacking pirate. on the troll blog itself villa portrayed himself repeatedly as a mohammed ali using rope a dope to take on multiple bloggers. it was inappropriate for that anonymous blogger to attack villa's daughter, and it is inappropriate for villa to keep bringing it up.
Frankly, you know he won't do anything violent. BO you are being a bit of a drama queen on this deal. He may be a pain in the assend, but the DA, really!
It sounds like more than one person has a screw loose.
Too many threats have been made too many times and to too many people. Over time, he has become even morte unhinged. Today alone, I had to delete at least seventy comments from him, 50 on this post alone. And he still had trime to thereaten another blogger under one of his many assumed names.
He can explain his behavior now to a judge. I also happen to know that another blogger has been forced to go to authorities.
When someone says he wants to break my jaw in 7 different places and with that graphic language, I have to assume he is capable of doing just that. When he starts telling people he's coming after them with "both barrels," it's time to pay attention.
What I really said (and you know this) is that if you were dealing with someone with less restraint than I have, your jaw would likely be broken in 7 places already (by that less-restrained person). This is quite different from what you're claiming I've said, as is everything you've been claiming.
I have also invited you (note: invited you) to settle our differences via the time honored and manly tradition of fist fighting. You declined my invitation. I stopped inviting.
How is this "threatening violence" on my part?
Coming at someone "with both barrels" is a vernacular expression and usually doesn't mean (literally) what you're implying I meant when I said it.
I don't own a double-barreled shotgun or any firearms for that matter.
It really pisses me off. These folks give SPAM a bad name!
SPAM of this kind should be called horse shit.
So that SPAM frpm a can can keep its good name.
No joke Hormel has a whole PR team just to address this, and a crew of lawyers trying to legally have "SPAM" called something else.
I just spoke with District Magistrate John Capobianco's office.
Northampton County DA John Morganelli has not "authorized a criminal prosecution against Villa."
Morganelli allowed a private criminal complaint for summary harrassment to be filed.
Bernie gave my wrong address which is why I haven't received any papers yet.
I gave them my correct address.
There will be a hearing in December where I and my legal team will present my side of this story.
We will prove exactly who has been harrassing who here.
We'll be coming at Bernie O'Hare with both barrels.
"if you were dealing with someone with less restraint than I have, your jaw would likely be broken in 7 places already"
"I have also invited you (note: invited you) to settle our differences via the time honored and manly tradition of fist fighting."
"Coming at someone "with both barrels" is a vernacular expression"
over 500 spam comments on one day
other violent statements, such as telling someone to cross the street
expressing a desire that the LC DA should blow up and die
Behavior designed to cause public inconvenience, annoyance and alarm and that serves no legitimate purpose.
criminal harrasment. Thank you for your admissions.
The Northampton County DA by law must authorize a criminal prosecution against you. I have no authority to do that on my own.
"We will prove exactly who has been harrassing who here."
You don't have to prove anything. That is the obligation of the Commonwealth. You are presumed innocent.
Is it just me or does Bernie seem unhinged :)
It's just you, tool.
Mr. Villa, I hope you prevail.
The Banker
The Banker says, "Sell Villa, he's overvalued."
The Banker
Bernie, please bring Mike Molovinsky and attorney (for now) Dave Najarian with you to our December hearing. This way all 3 of you can be taken into custody at the same time and maybe even share a cell.
Hey. Where did this post's "UpDate" item get to?
Something about me ("using a different persona") threatening another blogger, "just today."
I wonder what else Bernie O'Hare O'Mcall is "rethinking" :) and retracting and erasing
Too late. My lawyers have had hard copy for months.
"Villa has posted, and I have deleted, the same comment over 50 times." -Bernie O'Hare O'Mcall
Here's that comment. See for yourself why Bernie doesn't want you to see it:
Does anyone (other than Michael Molovinsky) really believe that Bernie O'Hare and attorney Dave Najarian had a "right" to create a blog that allows sadistically cruel character assassination attacks on my deceased daughter Sheena ... ? ... who was beloved by all who knew her ... ? ... as a punishment for alleged blog comments of mine that O'Hare and Najarian and Molovinsky DON'T LIKE?
I don't know Bill Villa and don't know this to be true, but it's getting awfully like a horny man-crush thing.
Bill, we've all seen Bernie. He's not your type (sorry Bern). Find another man (or woman) to direct your obsession toward. You're like a dumped girlfriend that just can't take the rejection.
Here's a plan: take a spa day, get a makeover, and go find some other fish in the sea. It's OK. Really.
What that Troll blog actually does is set the record straight concerning Villa and his false accvusations.
Um didn't THIS blog perpetuate those accusations and stand behind the story? Now you are stabbing the dude in the back? This episode speaks volumes about the man behind the blog.
"You're like a dumped girlfriend that just can't take the rejection." -Bernie "anonymously"
Here's what Bernie is referring to:
my name is pat wallace said...
Regarding the "Troll Parade" blog:
Mr. O'Hare's flip-flop on the Villa matter is a slap in the face to his readers, his profession, and the memory of a 25-year-old woman who just wanted to go home. After fancying himself a keeper of the torch of truth and integrity for so long, and to the extent that he eventually found himself championing the Villas' cause, this reversal in thinking and aggressive behavior is a profound obscenity. Not to mention that his apparent "aquiver" hop into bed with the DA-friendly Morning Call looks like a confederacy of weaklings. Anybody home, Allentown? Feel like moving even farther away.
I'll repeat what I said previously, both you guys are behaving poorly. This doesn't reflect well on anyone. Why can't we agree there's enough blame to spread around and call it a day and not let crap like this distract you from your respective missions?
dimmich dinkelhacker and dumbo said...
Dumb(?) Question....
would this annoying "Blog War" end (for good) if the highly offensive "Troll Parade" blog was taken down?
Mon Oct 27, 10:22:00 AM 2008
bill villa said...
DD&D (not a dumb question) ...
deleting the "Troll Parade" blog would be a good start towards ending these chronic blog battles, in my perception.
While BOTH FACTIONS are guilty of baiting and provoking each other and thus perpetuating the nastiness (and, the hijackings of other people's blogs), O'Hare and Najarian's "Troll Parade" blog remains constant as the "gasoline on the fire" ... as I see it.
Q. Does anyone (other than Michael Molovinsky) really believe that Bernie O'Hare and attorney Dave Najarian had a "right" to create a blog that allows sadistically cruel character assassination attacks on my deceased daughter Sheena ... ? ... who was beloved by all who knew her ... ? ... as a punishment for alleged blog comments of mine that O'Hare and Najarian and Molovinsky DON'T LIKE?
And please ask yourself: if you were in my position, wouldn't you fight back against these three provoking bullies too?
Delete the "Troll Parade" blog, and, speaking for myself, I'd be willing to mind my own blog business and not provoke any new fights.
Additionally, I would also use all the resolve I have to NOT TAKE THEIR BAIT, if or when they'd continue trying to provoke me back in-- which they have done, repeatedly, since I first exited this fray for what I thought was going to be "for good" way back on August 11.
and this annoying blog war would likely fade into the permanent past.
However, I would not hold your breath waiting for Bernie O'Hare to POOF the Troll Parade blog ... because in my experience, it seems that he and his "associates" absolutely LIVE FOR the kind of turbulence an openly aggressive and provocative action like creating the "Troll Parade" blog incites.
Me ... I'd be content with grieving the loss of my daughter Sheena and trying to find my way in a world that has been turned upside down enough for me.
I think you are a nuts. I feel sorry for you. You have embarrassed not only yourself but those associated with you.
Scott Armstrong
Scott, I can't think of a person on Planet Earth whose opinion I value less than yours.
"the anonymous comment at the troll blog defaming villa's late daughter was immediately condemned by o'hare." -Molovinsky
But not deleted.
And this says it all.
See you in court, Bernie.
Yawn. He's like a baby mesmerized by a shiny object.
The more you continue on the more embarrassment you bring to yourself and those associated with you. This isn't just my opinion.
Scott Armstrong
Penis envy?
This started out as amusing. It quickly turned sad and pathetic. Don't people have anything better to do than electronically harass others due to difference of opinion? Get a job! Go volunteer and keep the parks clean! Do something other than show what a weasel you are!
Jesus Christ, someone please call Billy Bytes!!!
villa makes billy look sane. and that's remarkable...
This is just what you are seeing. It's the tip of the iceberg. Some of us see much more. Deleting Villa nonsense is now a a daily thing. Today alone, Villa posted the same comment on 29 of the posts published here. On Molovinsky's moderated blog, he submitted the same comment six times.
This is designed solely to annoy, inconvenience and harass. It serves no legitimate purpose.
"It serves no legitimate purpose." -Bernie O'Hare O'Mcall
Let's let District Magistrate John Capobianco decide this, shall we ...
"the anonymous comment at the troll blog defaming villa's late daughter was immediately condemned by o'hare." -Mike Molovinsky
Truth is Mike, it was not immediately condemned by O'Hare.
Go have a re-read of the exchange.
O'Hare "condemned" it only after you did.
And he had commented twice prior to this and thus had had two chances to condemn it (which would have been "immediately") but he clearly did not.
Instead, he offered to a person commenting in support of me that he "had nothing to do with the comment."
And this was curious .. since my commenting supporter hadn't accused Bernie of self-penning it.
I believe Bernie did self-pen that offensive comment about my daughter Sheena.
And we will (eventually, not at the December "parking ticket" hearing) prove this.
We will also prove that Bernie publicly attributed to me other vile anonymous comments that he penned, and posted, himself.
And now we're talkling libel. And slander.
Not "delinquent parking tickets."
Mike, being specific (and honest) in a court of law about things like "immediately," or not, is important.
Don't forget: Bernie O'Hare a disbarred attorney.
And his tendency to "not sweat the details" may be why.
Me, I'm not a lawyer (disbarred or otherwise) but I'm good with details.
And the truth.
Bernie, Bill,
I don't know either of you personally. I only know what I read. You are both coming off as crazy. Bill you sound a little bit more crazy beacause you take the time to read Bernis's blog and post. If you don't like him and don't like what he says stop reading it. Bernie do you really legally anything will happen to Bill?
Anon 11:11,
I am crazy.
To answer your question, yes.
You are posting safely behind an anonymous shroud. For those of us who name ourselves, it is quite disconcerting to be repeatedly besieged by irrelevant comments and threats. Today alone, I had to delete about 8 Villa comments, all of them the same, posted everywhere. This is a daily occurrence. Imagine 50 in one day. Imagine 500 in one day. Imagine threatening behavior from that same person, directed at you. This is conduct designed to harass, annoy and inconvenience. It serves no legitimate purpose.
No, this had to be done. And a DA had to approve the complaint. Am I supposed to wait until he acts out his violence? I'm crazy, but not stupid.
Imagine 500 in one day.
Welcome to the internet dude. You think you have the first blog ever to be spammed? Posting comments, however irrelevant you may see them, is NOT a crime. I may go and post 5000 comments on the Morning Call website just to prove a point.
Seriously, I suppose you have something with the threats but the best you could hope for is some sort of restraining order.
At any rate, fill us in on the results.
It was good enough to warrant approval by a DA. Like I said, I'm not going to wait for Villa to act out one of his repeated threats.
"It was good enough to warrant approval by a DA." -Bernie O'Hare O'Mcall
Sit tight BO, Morganelli's re-thinking it :)
And to the rest of you, please, don't ever confuse me with someone who cares about what anybody thinks of me. I'm right. And my opinion is the only one that matters to me.
If this December "Summary Harrassment" hearing actualy happens, Bernie O'Hare O'Mcall is gonna lose to me so badly, it might even make the pages of The Morning Call.
Bernie, take down your shameful "Troll Parade" blog.
The Banker
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