Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Catherine Baker Knoll Throws Hissyfit at Clinton Rally

Lieutenant Governor Catherine Baker Knoll is going to have see the pope again! After being overlooked during a Pittsburgh campaign rally for Hillary Clinton, she exploded when Allegheny County Exec Dan Onorato and Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl forgot to introduce her.

"They never recognize the lieutenant governor. These two men can't stand women. You know what? I have loafed with this president and with Hillary and their beautiful daughter Chelsea for 25 years. That's long before he was the governor -- that's governor of Arkansas."

A commenter at Capitol Ideas has posted this link to the hilarious audio.


  1. So Onorato and Ravenstahl don't like women because they didn't introduce her, yet they were at a Clinton rally... interesting...

    Anyone care to explain why she needs to be introduced if she's loafed with her before?

    And I thought things were messed up on the east side - glad to see the west is catching on!

  2. That's why people call her Catherine Baker Knucklehead.

  3. If Hillary would somehow steal the nomination and become President....AND....Rendell would somehow get a cabinet position....just think...this lady would become Governor.



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