Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Obama Campaign Playing Dirty Tricks in Nazareth

Hillary Clinton supporters manning polls at Nazareth's three precincts are reporting dirty tricks from Obama's "well oiled hope machine." Hillary signs, placed onsite at 5 AM, have already been stolen from at least two polling places. A volunteer named Patricia, pictured on the left, simply went home to get her lawn signs, and is now dealing with an Obama supporter who periodically drives by and gives her the finger. After school, Patricia will be joined by her 10-year old daughter, who has a handmade "Hunt Hillary" sign.

Patricia also tells me recently, when she returned home, there was an Obama sign hanging on her glass door. She was offended by the arrogance of someone placing a sign without her permission, and removed it. Later that day, she and her husband were accosted by some dude driving a white car with Illinois plates. He demanded they put that Obama sign back up and refused to leave until Pat and her husband threatened to call the police.

Chicago-style politics are a bust in Nazareth.


  1. somebody stole the two Obama signs off my parent's front lawn last week. My brother just order more!

    Campaign silliness.

  2. Normally I'm use to finding Dem's stealing R's signs. Funny to see they also eat their own.


  3. bernie, are you serious? this just happens in politics! It has nothing to do with the Obama campaign itself and I'm sure they would condemn that!

    Geez man, don't make such a jump. Work against Hillary is not always sanctioned by the Obama campaign.......

  4. Is there a reason to post these silly anecdotes? At least even them out unless this is now a site bought and paid for by Chuck Dent AND HC.

  5. Campaign silliness - silly anecdote - etc. Not so silly at a poll on election day. Not silly at all when a Clinton volunteer notes that the same Obama car keeps cruising by and making rude gestures at her. And pointing out these campaign intimidation tactics on either side makes me bought and paid for by the victim?


  6. Campaign intimidation? Chicago plates cruising Nazareth of all places? This is hilarious.

  7. Dude, Pulling out the signs placed near a polling place, as a matter of law, is a violation of state and federal election laws. Intimidating gestures, reasonably calculated to put one in fear of bodily harm, can be viewed the same way. At this point, we transcend campaign silliness and go into another arena. It doesn't matter whether it is orchestrated by a campaign or not. It doesn't matter whether HC or BO supporters are the victims. It is something we need to be vigilant about because voting is our most important right.

  8. See? This is the kind of "change" we are going to get if we vote for BHO. It's Sanctioned thievery, I tell ya!

  9. None of this is good, but it's unfair to knock an entire campaign because of the poor choices of random idiots.

  10. In other words, my headline is misleading again. I agree this has nothing to do w/ Obama or his official campaign.

  11. I'll be glad when the campaign "changes" to another state tomorrow.

  12. I'll be glad when the campaign "changes" to another state tomorrow.

    5:10 PM

  13. Honey on signs in the lawn is a great way to keep hands off of them. I fear for November if it is already this bad.

  14. "In other words, my headline is misleading again. I agree this has nothing to do w/ Obama or his official campaign."

    Hey, Bern, I forgive you. Someone stole my signs too, but I'm not blaming James Carville. There are idiots everywhere in this world. They can take my signs, but not my vote.

  15. Oh, Bernie, are they using rude gestures in Nazareth? Did they learn it from your piece about blogging? Let me get this straight, it's okay for you to do it online, but don't make rude gestures from a moving vehicle. Is that what you're saying? I'll bet if someone made the same gesture to you, you would have charges filed against them. Am I correct?

  16. The gesture in the photograph was intended to portray me a miserable bastard. It is humor and is intended for adults. As you know, there is a big difference between the use of such a gesture in a blog read by adults and the use of such a gesture to children holding Hillary signs.

    You are grasping at straws and arguing like a sophist in an effort to deflect attention away from the outright defamatory posts that you and your fellow poliploppers have published.

    Your party is ending.

  17. Some political hijinks on Bethlehem.
    I was told by a Clinton poll worker that 3 young men approached her and 2 other Clinton volunteers and told them that they were from the election commission and that they needed to be 100 feet away from a polling place. These being well informed volunteers told the 3 men that they had to be 10 feet from the polling place. Apparently, the three men were identified as Barak Obama campaign staff from out of state!

  18. I live in a small town, the people working polls for Hillary were 'unrecognized' by myself. However, I noticed that many of my neighbors were working for Obama.

    Hillary had to bus in supporters?

  19. She may have done that in some parts of the state, but not here. They were all locals. The "well-oiled hope machine" seised in the rust belt.

  20. http://www.mcall.com/news/local/all-election-primary-042208-pg,0,6457213.photogallery

    Photo #29, Even Morning call identified this NJ person at one of our(Pa) polling places for advertising for Clinton.

    Example of much 'outside' influence. NJ people have even portrayed themselves as Pa residents in Clinton's commercials. http://coolaqua.blogs.com/coolaqua/2008/04/clintons-anti-o.html

    Just found it all interesting...

  21. Thankk you for the links. I find nothing unusual about Jersey folks crossing the river to work for either candidate in Pa. That's a hop, skip and a jump. I do think it is odd that someone with Illinois plates would be canvassing in Nazareth, don't you?

  22. If that's even true. Kinda like John Morgan's tires being slashed. Another Hillary spin machine fabrication.

  23. Stop with the sour grapes. Pennsylvania has spoken. And you have no idea what happened in Nazareth. I do. Last night, I spoke to two young Hillary supporters around ten years of age who were subjected to cursing and swearing and all kinds of crude remarks from the Obama crowd. Some of you folks are as nutty as Ron Paul supporters.

  24. I noticed you took down the picture of yourself flipping the bird. Is that so YOU don't look like "nutty" Hillary supporter?

  25. I took down no picture. The person weho is nutty - or blind - is you.


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