Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Few More Words About Blogging From a Disbarred Attorney

meWhen I first started blogging, and had maybe twenty or less daily readers, it was basically an exercise in writing. I've always loved to write, and this was a forum that gave me some freedom to say exactly what I thought.

I gave myself two months. It's been two years.

I had no specific desire to discuss local politics. But that's pretty much what has happened. I present a picture of mostly local leaders and issues you are unlikely to see in the MSM. I can go into more detail, be more opinionated and really piss people off, too. I can also focus on issues that matter to me, like local campaign finance or open and accountable government.

Now, this blog has annoyed many local leaders. The most recent example is Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski. Until the blogosphere arose, few knew the obscene amount of money - $108,588 - he has been collecting from city workers and contractors during off election years. Hizzoner knows there's only one paper in town and counts on a lack of competition to shove his agenda down everyone's throat with little dissent. Those who question him are marginalized as naysayers or must be from the "boonies of Northampton County."

Here in the blogosphere, Pawlowski is fair game. Even MSM hotshots like Bill White have noticed.

Pawlowski is just one of many examples. Dem party boss Joe Long had seizures when Northampton County Exec John Stoffa made the mistake of including a blogger in a press conference. "I ask you to cease and desist from treating O'Hare as legitimate press."

Blogistan even presents a challenge to highly paid spinmeisters like LVEDC's communications director, Joe McDermott. He's really being paid to promote the agenda of Lehigh Valley's unelected aristocrats in The Lehigh Valley Partnership. They are the puppeteers pulling the strings for elected leaders like Pawlowski. If you don't believe that, just look at his campaign finance reports. They must really get annoyed when some low brow blogger comes along and starts throwing monkey wrenches into their well laid plans. It makes his job so much harder.

If I've done one thing right, it's this - I've really managed to piss some powerful people off. It's a gift. But what I write is entitled to no credibility unless I follow this simple mantra - be fair.

I've already blown that ideal twice since Saturday. I posted a blog with a picture of a Hillary sign claiming she likes to eat children, who do taste pretty good if properly cooked and marinated. But my headline was misleading, creating the implication in some people's minds that I was blaming Obama 's campaign. My readers quickly noted this, and I was forced to agree. I did pretty much the same damn thing again on Tuesday, and was quickly called out by my readers.

I violated my own mantra. My readers are actually my editors. If I go over the top with something, they let me know pretty quickly.

Despite stunning good looks, I am only human. Many things my critics say are true. I am an alcoholic. I did lose my license to practice law. I am pretty poor. I do live in a small apartment. I do accumulate parking tickets. I am overweight. I do drive a banged up jeep that probably should be towed away. I am also very opinionated. I may even be a blowhard. Those are the nice things. Other complaints are hateful. But they are to be expected.

If I dump all over Bossman Joe Long, Mayor Ed or Scissorhands Severson, I have to expect someone to return the courtesy. That's no biggie. Have I afflicted the comfortable? Yes. Have I covered stories in ways you won't see in the MSM? Absolutely. Is it impartial? Absolutely not. Informative? Yes. Entertaining? Hopefully.

But unfortunately, some local bloggers have also joined the cacaphony of ad hominem complaints directed at me by local leaders. And it all came about because I actually defended a local official from an unfair and defamatory attack.

I'll tell you about the "team" at LVPoliblog next time. They just removed their link to this blog, too!


  1. A couple of the bloggers removed themselves, too.

  2. Yep, They're jumping ship from the LVTitanic. It's funny bc I have not yet addressed the specifics of the unethical behavior at that blog. I have no problems with the remaining team members, but I still think it is imoprtant to outline specifically why the now departed team members were unethical.

  3. They also removed my link and I didn't even do anything to them, lol.

    I guess they showed me!

  4. You were not suitably deferential. What is even worse is that you comment here. If you're not careful, Warren Kirkner, aka Mad as Bats, aka Dr. Blogger, will write oner of his blogs that trashes you under the guise of humor. Maybe he'll even defame you like he just did to Kevin Easterling. But I'll have more about the hate blogs later.

  5. Bernie. That was a humanistic post! Whats wrong with you! Tho I disagree with you in part. I dont care if some other blog deletes posts, removes comments or edits. They'll live with the result. And you post your name to your entries, so you must live with what you write or amend. And from what you write, your balls are bigger than mine. On one hand I dont care if one blog has questionable credibility by another's code of ethics. Thats people. One the other hand, I really hate the anonymous spiteful comments that attack not the substance. Substantive critic is good. Rest is a waste of space.

  6. You’re acting like a child looking for approval from the “great unwashed” for what you do. That will never happen, you’ve painted a target on you back and everyone you’d pissed off is shooting at it. So my recommendation is give it up, you doing this for all the wrong reasons!

  7. NLVLogic,

    I do care if another blog acts unethically, especially when that blog is in the same area and covers many of the same topics. It is way beyond deleting posts. We are talking outright defamation by a sleazy group that gang tackles its victims and engages in all kinds of anonymous attacks. And behind it all is Chris Casey. What that blog does has a very direct and immediate impact on the credibility of all of us. Since I often linked to LVPoliblog, it's important to make clear i don't condone the antics there.

  8. So my recommendation is give it up, you doing this for all the wrong reasons!

    On the contrary, I'm doing this for all the right reasons. Since you consider my readers the "great unwashed," it might be difficult for you to get that.

  9. Bernie
    Reading that part about over weight, alcoholic, arrogant but handsome made be realize that you and I do have a lot in common.

    I am also waiting for a comment from you on my history/political blog. Criticism is always helpful.

  10. Ah, the endless quest to feel relevant.

  11. Chris, I gave you a "shout out" a few weeks ago in a review of some of the new blogs. At that time, you only hasd two posts. I'll do so again next week and appreciate the time you're taking.

  12. Ah, the endless quest to feel relevant.

    That's actually true. This really is a quest for relevance. I make no apology for that. The fact that you are reading and commenting tells me I have had at least some success.

  13. I understand your position. And I read the offending post. But shouldn't slander and defamation be between the subject and the author. And in this case, the subject was a public figure by virtue of his application to the Board of Commissioners, so there is a malice standard. Then there is the question of damages. I really dont think the person was bypassed because of any blogger's accusations. Its OK to publicly disavow the other blog, but the continued battle, back and forth, seems now rather vengeful, on all sides. I think that hurts everyone. Just my 02 cents, prolly worth even less.

  14. NLVLogic,

    1) A defamation is not just between the defamer and his victim. The public at large is actually a victim, and that's one reason why there is no need to prove damages. The conduct itself is outrageous.

    2) Moreover, a defamation from a form of media that we all use is something we need to take seriously. It affects the credibility of all of us.

    3) I undesrtand the argument that we should just ignore these folks. I don't think my readers are terribly interested in these blog wars, but I write for me. Like I said in my first post, no one has to read it. To me this is a very important issue.

    4) You might feel a bit differently if you were at the receiving end of the anonymous smears coming from these people. It's bullying. I am pointing it out.

  15. Have you ever considered yourself to be a bully? Is it only bullying bc it is done anonymously? Just wondering what your stand on bullying is and/or your defintion of it is?

  16. Without looking at the dictionary definition, I'd say that bullying occurs when an obviously powerful person intimidates a weak opponent, or when several not so powerful people gang up on someone.

    When it comes to local officials, I'm no bully. I am highly critical but they are all far more powerful. The only reason I am dangerous is because sometimes, I get it right. In most instances, I'm little more than an annoying gadfly.

    When it comes to other bloggers and the people who comment here, I don't engage in personal attacks but will argue my points very forcefully and that alone is enough to scare some people off. That's not bullying, but I could see how someone might feel that way. People who are ill-informed will discover very quickly they are ill-informed. Unfortunately, when I'm ill-informed, I learn that pretty quickly myself.

    When bloggers team up and lauch into a series of anonymous vicious smears, that's bullying. When they team up and write posts that slam people, that's bullying. When someone points it out and tells them they're acting unethically, it makes everyone uncomfortable, but it's not bullying. It's an appeal to them to improve their behavior for the sake of all of us.

  17. Bernie,

    The key is you are not in with the "powerful".

    I experience much the same on the Republican side of the field.

    If you criticize any politician, for anything, you are marked. (I guess they should be treated like mini political Popes - flawless.)

    If you are not one of the rich, powerful and influential, and criticize them, you are a problem.

    If you leave your values and opinions at the door and get on your knees in front of the "powerful" and ask them what you should think and say - you will be golden.

    Screw that. This is America. And a small group of citizens can make a difference. Though, admittedly, the fight is much harder and more difficult than it should be. But when the "leaders" - of both sides - are engaged in P.R. politics we have the advantage in the long run. And when the 'tipping point' is reached it is actually an easy process to get rid of a lot of the driftwood.

    Keep up the good work!

  18. joe (hilliard) one of the reasons bernie has been so credible of a blogger, is that he is an equal opportunity pain in the ass. he will take a democrat to task. he doesn't factor in political agenda's and consequences into his commentary, either on his blog or on those of others. i find it interesting, although my blog often takes pawlowski and city policy to task, you and fellow republicans choose not to comment there. never the less, i'm glad you do comment here, and hope you do more often.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.