In early February, Northampton County party boss Joe Long was already calling around on her behalf, trying to "clear the field" for a congressional challenge to incumbent Charlie Dent. At the time, LVDem noted, "I have a problem with a county chair making calls to other potential candidates in the hopes of keeping those other candidates out of the primary. It's a primary!"
Bennett has been tagged with two failed mayoral campaigns, a drunken concession speech (preserved on videotape), a lackluster performance at Mayfair, a botched financial disclosure, an excessive salary at her nonprofit, and the embarrassment of losing a $10,000 grant from Lehigh County. Yet party bosses insist on shoving her down our throats. Lehigh County Dem chair Rich Daugherty claims she"articulates issues well." But Bennett goes and proves him wrong by stating, in a video interview, that she's inside the beltway to talk to "special interests."
Upper Mount Bethel Township resident Bill Hall believes the people, and not party bosses, should decide party nominees. He has requested the necessary paperwork from the FEC, and will announce his challenge within the next week.
Hall's political career
Part of the anti-incumbency movement that rose in angry reaction to a midnight legislative payraise in 2005, Bill is one of four Democrats who challenged Lieutenant Governor Catherine Baker Knoll in 2006. Although a relative unknown among five candidates, Bill still captured 12.41% of the vote, spending only $981 in the process. He actually won in Northampton County.
After doing so well in a statewide race, Bill decided to seek a seat on Northampton County Council this past spring. But that's when he experienced the local Democratic machine. You see, Bossman Joe Long had someone else in mind. Long lectured Hall for 1 1/2 hours that the party had already picked its candidate, and tried to talk him out of running. During this eye-opening session, Long also spent at least fifteen minutes bashing Democratic county exec John Stoffa. Long complained he got Stoffa elected, but that Stoffa was refusing to follow party machine orders.
Over Long's objection, Hall decided to run anyway. He tells me, "The politicians are supposed to serve the people, and the people should be the ones who elect them."
But that's not the way things happen in the People's Republic of Northampton County. At a local party meeting in late March, a handful of just twenty Democratic committeemen, mostly from Bethlehem, endorsed Hall's opponent. They did so over the objections of one of Northampton County's most popular elected officials - state rep. Rich Grucela. After that, Hall was snubbed nearly everywhere he went. At a labor council banquet, Long just ignored him.
Hall lost the primary election 2 to 1.
And now he sees it again. A few are making the decisions for the many. We fought a revolutionary war over that. And that's why Hall is running.
Some biographical information
Bill graduated from Paul Smith College in 1970 with a degree in Applied Science. After graduation, he worked as a journeyman carpenter on numerous commercial construction projects. In 1982, he founded Bayside Builders in Naples, FL. He supervised 100 million dollars in construction projects. He moved to Pennsylvania in 1997, working as a construction supervisor and contractor.
On the personal side, Bill is 57 years old. He and his wife, Marion, have a blended family of six children. He has a keen interest in nature and fully supports the preservation of our environment. His hobbies include hiking, fishing and reading United States History and the biographies of our Presidents. His favorite President is Theodore Roosevelt.
Bill considers himself an average American who has built his career through hard work, intelligence and honesty, as millions of other Americans have done.
Bill's goal in entering politics is to represent the people, not the party machine. He believes we need thorough and honest reform in our government institutions. He feels that integrity, independence and courage should be the qualifications of a candidate; and that party methods should be something more than a means used to reward recruited candidates.
Most importantly, he's not Sam Bennett.
Bennett's Reaction
Whatever she may tell the press, Bennett is spitting nails. From what I'm told, she tongue-lashed and then hung up on another blogger who broke the bad news.
If Bennett doesn't enjoy the competition, then she shouldn't be trying to run up against Dent.
Good luck, Hall!
Hall beat Knoll by 8.5% in Northampton county and came in second to Knoll in Lehigh and Berks county. In the lt governors race in 2006 primary.
I will support him at this point
Democracy in action. Having a choice at the poll is the most democratic thing in the world.
There's been many bridges burned, by the arrogance of the chosen. There is a great amount of discontent with the party machine.
The people of the beltway don't vote in the PA 15th CD, we do.
Green Dog,
He did surprisingly well, especially when you consider that he only spent about $981. No special interest money.
Anon 9:12, A powerful and stirring message!
Well he has my support and a check once he opens his account
Can I have a check, too?
Great news!
Now we may have a real choice.
My guess is that Bennett will stay in the race only as long as it takes to pay off the $100,000 in loans she made to her two losing campaigns for mayor of Allentown.
I want to hear what he has to say. I cannot support Bennet. Just because he was yelled at by Joe Long isn't enough. Many Dem.'s have had that windbag bark at them. If he is a sensible, intelligent decent person. Not one of these Govt. is responsible for all evils nut, or Sorry BO not an 'I am your Savior' Stoffa or Dodge imitation, he will get my unqualified support.
At least he's not Sammy B..... I'd take the dog catcher at this point....Are we really at this low of a point to have this choice?!?
Hate to crash this party with a reality check but there is no way this guy beats Bennett unless he raises and spends alot of money. He can be the nicest guy in the world with an absolutely fabulous backround but no one knows who he is and he has no money.. If he did he would have won the County council seat..
Tom Foolery:
How much money do you think Bennett will have after she pays herself back for the personal loans she made to her two failed attempts to win the democratic nod for mayor of Allentown?
Besides, she won't beat Dent if she is the nominee anyway.
She will try to make a silk puse out of a sow's ear by characterizing whatever she does raise in the next report as "significant" when it will be paltry even compared to what Dent has on hand as operating cash.
She is being run by spin masters and she is only looking for the attention that she craves and for a payback or a new appointed position for "being a good soldier".
At least with this guy Hall, even if he is an underfunded nut job, we will have the opportunity to make her work a little harder for the money she is stealing from the interest groups and gullible individuals who give her contributions.
That's about the best we can expect I guess.
There are very few Dems who can beat Dent. Those who might have a chance to do so are running for other posts. I am only saying that no one without a name or money will beat someone with a name and money. What he will do is cause her to spend down her funds and make her improbable task of beating Dent next to impossible..
Maybe that is his intention..Who knows?
I am so happy!!!! The person who referred me here is right- "There IS A GOD" Bill you are tops -thanks for under taking such a huge task-
TomFoolery, I'm sure that this is more good news for Team Dent. But it is also good news for those of us who believe we should have a choice in a democracy. From what Hall tells me, his motivation in running is to make that point precisely. He's a sincere guy, something you won't see too often in politics.
I wish Bill Hall the best of luck. It is good to have choices on election day. He may not beat Bennett but his entry into the race will make things interesting.
Bernie, Which blogger broke the news to Bennett?
I know for a fact there is another candidate in the mix. This respected individual is waiting until after the 07 general election to announce. Competition is a good thing, we just need to let the best person win.
BethDem, The blogger who called Bennett yesterday is Chris Casey. I'm not sure he had the chance to tell her. She was spitting nails just at hearing his name. Apparently, just talking to him made her physically ill. And those who don't support her are being disloyal. Casey has a post about it at LVPoliblog
William Allen,
The more the merrier. That's the way it is supposed to be.
Hall has atleast won a county in this district before
People are just going to come out for Hall simply to keep Bennett from embarrassing the party.
For us who are in the know; Party Politics are embarrassing. Dent has nothing to offer anybody who care about humanity. You can say Charlie Dent is humanity challenged.
Bernie Ohare is a shitbag.
Bill ran for President in 2004 also. Does that make him a good candidate or a KOOK?
True. He did run for prez. I asked him about it late last night. It was an attempt to draw attention to some issues he thinks are important. I'm not ready to conclude he is a whack job based on that fact alone, and will hear him out.
I commend anyone who seeks public office, especially without Party support!
Boss Long brags to everybody that Baker-Knoll loves him like a Brother because he drove her everywhere in the County. She might have won NC if she went on her own! The political Party bosses can't "deliver" votes. They take credit when a good candidate like Stoffa wins and they blame the "candidate" who loses is how it works. I've seen it first-hand hundreds of times! larry@kisslinger.com
Reasons to conclude Bennett is a whack job:
1) Properties of Merit Scam
2) Failed mayoral campaigns
3) Drunken, irresponsible concession speech in Mayor's race
Who is going to vote for someone whose judgement is so poor they went on live TV 3 sheets to the wind to concede?
Who is going to vote for someone who created a non-profit that spends most of its grant money on her salary, and for a job or two for her campaign volunteers?
The sane people of the area won't. I guess it all comes down into how many uninformed idiots she can get to the voting booth.
yawn. You had my hopes up that someone had come along who could actually beat Rep. Dent.
One of the big knocks against Bennett is that she had never won a race. I also remember you poo-pooing her fundraising numbers.
And now, you present us with a candidate who has also lost several races and is even worse at raising money.
He makes Mrs. Bennett look lika good candidate.
Allen at 10:38: thanks for the tip.
Bill Hall? Sam Bennett? Excuse my saying it, but i'm hoping for either candidate 3 or 4 in the shadows to get in soon and start raising a little cash. There will be help waiting for them.
A ham sandwich can beat Charlie Dent and that sandwich could do a much better job at representing the people within this district and this country.
A ham sandwich can beat Charlie Dent.
I agree, what are we getting with Congressmen Dent?
I don't see why anybody on this side of the border would support him.
Anon 2:11,
I understand your point, but Hall's candidacy is important. It sends a few messages. First, it tells party bosses to stop predeciding primaries. Second, it gives Dem voters a clear choice. Third, it might knock some other candidates loose.
A ham sandwich can beat Charlie Dent.
That is delusional. Dent is a formidable candidate. People who underestimate him do so at their peril.
But a Ham Sandwich would presumably come with some form of swiss or cheddar. And spicy mustard. I haven't seen dent covered in spicy mustard lately.
Dent has chewed up lots of ham sandwiches - and make no mistake, this guy's a ham sandwich. Replacing a knucklehead candidate with a semi-knucklehead candidate will certainly guarantee Charlie's next term. The Pavlovian response to the first inkling of an Anybody-But-Bennett candidate must sound like a Christmas carol to Charlie Dent.
Not to worry, though. Charlie is more anti-war than Hillary Clinton at this point. I wonder if LEPOCO will tell the Empress she's wearing no clothes?
I haven't seen dent covered in spicy mustard lately.
And you won't. Nothing sticks to Charlie Dent. That's one reason why he is so formidable.
Bennett only has the money because the out of touch party leadership in Harrisburg and Washington are more or less feeding it to her campaign and for all the help she's getting from them she still doesn't have very much
Her next quarterly report is due 10/15, and I'll be very interested to see who is funding her campaign.
Well based on what i saw in the last report it was the usual suspects in Democratic politics
I am a long time involved Lehigh County Democrat, and I will gladly back Mr. Hall. Like everyone else, Sam is nuzzling at my neck to garner support, but I just nod and smile. Now I have a true reason to smile. Someone worth while to vote for in the congressional primary. And I dont even know Mr. Hall personally.
Is there a reason Bob Freeman won't run for Congress? He'd crush Dent. What gives?
Bernie O'Hare said...
Dent is a formidable candidate.
He hasn't done anything but take my civil liberties away and spend
a lot of money that could have not been spend and/or used in better ways.
This little piggy needs to stay home. Cheny and Dent need to know what a Ham Sandich is.
I'm sending Bill Hall to Washington.
Your babble on Dents is silly
Bernie O'Hare.
Bob will not run because he feels he can do more locally than nationally.
Bob Freeman give me a break.
What has he done - ever!
What is he doing locally? Giving the mayor a vote on city council? Tolling I-80 so we get more trucks here on 78? Elm/Main Street? Wow one more bureaucrat on the payroll.
Bill Hall is from Upper Mount Bethel? That's two strikes against him, in my book. Is anyone sane in that township?
No one I know.
This guy ran for President? Seriously?
So this "challenge" you were speaking of is where?
His candidacy gives people a choice over what party officials have been trying to shove down our throats. And his decision to announce may stir others into action. Democracy is a good thing. Letting the people decide is a good thing.
I disagree with Hall's position on nearly every issue I heard him discuss. But that's not the point. The point is that party bosses should not be endorsing candidates a year in advance of the primary. They should be encouraging any Dem who wants to run because that's how democracy works.
Have there been people turned away who wanted to run who were more qualified than Hall and Bennett? I'm curious because this Dem has been waiting for a "good" candidate to come around for quite a while.
I was just told this evening that another Dem is waiting in the wings. But I've been hearing that for nearly a year.
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