Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

President Trump's State of the Union Reveals a House Divided

President Donald Trump delivered his first State of the Union address of his second term last night. He laid out an ambitious agenda in a lengthy speech and touted his achievements since taking office, claiming to have accomplished more in 43 days than Democrats did in the last four years. What's more, "we are just getting started."

That worries me. A lot. In just 43 days, he has embraced our enemies and has savaged our closest allies with the help of his Vice President. He has gleefully imposed tariffs on Mexico and Canada. He has allowed an unelected oligarch to run rampant over our social security and other sensitive records. He has threatened to annex the Panama Canal, Gaza, Greenland and even Canada. I will say that he is an effective communicator, managing to speak in a plain and unvarnished style as he touts what he calls his "common sense" revolution. It lacks polish, but I think his supporters like his bluntness. even when it is used to embellish or stretch things. His big problem, and one that was evident during his speech is that, contrary to what he said, he really has no mandate.  

Trump did win the popular vote. He won the swing states. He has a majority in the House, Senate and even the Supreme Court. But it's a slim majority. He lacks the mandate of the people that Ronald Reagan or FDR had. I saw no Democrats greet Trump on his entrance, and he pretty much ignored them. There's mutual disdain. Whatever does get passed will be by the slimmest of margins. 

His reversal on foreign policy is what bothers me most. He has embraced thugs like Putin, who murders his political opponents. At the same time, he castigates Zelensky, who stood up to the thug when everyone was sure that Ukraine would be wiped off the face of earth in a matter of three days. Except for his steadfast commitment to Israel, he is actually making the United States less secure now than it ever has been. His gold dome proposal is probably a good idea because at the rate he's going, we're going to need it. It is no help when JD Vance taunts Britain and France (without specifically naming them) as random countries that have not fought in a war for 30 years. Will they have our back if we need them? 

His presidency is still in its infancy, so it's unfair to blame him for rising prices on consumer products and groceries. But his recent imposition of tariffs, and his intention to impose more of them on April 2, is going to eventually be a tax on those of us who can least afford to pay for them.

His desire to cut government waste with the creation of a new agency headed by the world's richest man is actually a good one. I think we all could get on board with that. But the problem is that Elon Musk has been using a buzzsaw instead of a scalpel and has hurt our national security by firing nuclear workers and then scrambling to unfire them. 

The pendulum did swing in Trump's favor in 2024. But that's the thing about the pendulum. It's always swinging. 

10:15 Update: A transcript of the SOTU speech is here


  1. Lia liar pants on fire.....I never heard so many lies in one speech. When the Don asked "I don't know what I have to do to make the right side of the room (meaning the dems) stand up and applause" he should resign and not only would the right side of the room stand up, the whole world ,except Russia would stand up and applaud.

    1. 4 years big Guy get over it

    2. You forget Americans voted for Trump, even the seven swings states lead by PA, who democrats said wouldn’t happen. Enjoy the next four years crying and kicking. The majority of Americans felt good about the speech and that upsets democrats because they hate America as shown by their disrespect by sitting on the their hands for a 13 yr boy with cancer, families of murdered children, the captured person responsible for the killing of 13 American soldiers, the injuries to a young girl by a man playing women sports. And the balls of these democratic women dressed in pink to say they support women is a joke. Democrats are an embarrassment and Americans saw it on full display last night. Keep it up, you’ll never win anything again.

    3. They clapped for war lol. Not for anything else though.

    4. Elections have consequences- your party is lost, leaderless, and on the wrong side of so many issues!

    5. no wonder your party lost, and is now polling at around 16%

  2. Love how you attack Trump for the same vagueness you praise your democrat heroes. The dems look like the disorganized bunch of prissy out of touch nerds tonight. The American people saw no real alternative to
    Trump. I give Slotkin some credit for talking about real issues. And for that reason, the dem leaders will ignore her. hold up your paddles and shake your canes.lol.

  3. You full Shit Trump is doing what is needed in a Country full of Fraud and hateful politicians The country is on the verge go going under and Trump is doing what should have been done a long yime ago Your Democrats are evil people who lie, cheat have no good policies and are lunatics who want boys in girls locker rooms and on their playing fields.

  4. You have no creditability you voted for the worse President in our History plus you are Trump Deranged you have a mental illness. The Democrats really looked like assholes last6 night and they are. Whoever would vote for a democrat has problems most are4 deranged also and the rest are leftwing lunatics.

  5. That show put on by the democrats last night further exposed the democratic party to America.They showed their evil ways and their unpatriotic attitude toward our and how they hate America citizens. They would not clap for any of the great american stort

  6. Last night show by the democrats further exposed their Hate for America. How can anyone vote for a democrat after what they showed us last night. Keep acting like they did last night will surely give us a landslide in the mid-terms. They refused to cheer for any of the successful American stories. The democrats hurt this country on all levels of government we must clean up our state and local governments. Lok at our schools the school boards are dominated by democrats and the majority are failures big time .

  7. They booed women in women sports, they booed a boy with cancer, they booed America. They were texting and playing with their phones more than Barron at a council meeting (if that is possible).

  8. I couldn’t tell if I was watching a Presidential speech to Congress last night or a Hollywood movie.

    Every time the cameras showed the democrat side of the room I thought the channel had switched to a Jurassic Park rerun.

  9. After last night's performance by the democrats Why would you want to vote for people who hate America.

    1. hate america .. thats quite the stretch, you walk around with blinders

  10. We need a new second party the democratic party is eliminating itself by it.s policies and the way they act.

    1. SO True 1223 the guy above does not understand how evil the democrats are he must be a democrat

  11. “I saw no Democrats greet Trump on his entrance…”

    The democrats were not there to listen, they were there to make a scene, with their stupid pre-printed paddles and needless disruptions.

    The democrats couldn’t even applaud the kid with cancer who was made an honorary Secret Service agent.

    That showed what a pathetic group of losers that democrat politicians have become.

    1. who in their right mind wants to listen to the incoherent sewage coming out of his mouth? ... it was nothing more than an anger filled campaign speech

  12. He has allowed an unelected oligarch to run rampant over our social security and other sensitive records.

    Raise your hand if you went to the polls and "ELECTED" Kamala to be on the ticket.... Stop with the non-sense, Biden never did anything for Laken or Jocelyn, he killed 13 US Soldiers and got fire fighter killed in Butler PA, because of the way his party spoke....

  13. Trump accomplished what is the most important job of a president, instill a vison for the future and a sense of optimism in the country. The division in the country may be an impediment in making that a reality.
    Peace is needed not only around the world but at home.

    1. there was no optimism under trump unless you bought into his lies hook line & sinker


  15. Here for my morning cup of liberal tears.

  16. Leave it to Democrats to turn a long standing American tradition into the typical democratic shit show. Evicted from the chambers? None other than a dem from the left for being a loud mouth a-hole, naturally....

    1. hey buddy ... lets not forget the state of the union became a shit show at the hands of the GOP in the Obama admin ----- shouting out during his speech

    2. One incident. Joe Wilson yelling You Lie! Democrats lost their minds. Now they’re waving canes and getting kicked out. Heckling and booing. Waving silly signs and white boards. What a joke!

    3. face it ... it doesn't matter what your guy does, you'll support it even if its abhorent

  17. Cope, Bernie. Cope hard.. It's delicious to observe. Trump has driven Ds to support an endless war, men in women's sports, and scoffing at widows and kids with cancer. Wow.

    1. It’s crazy. Right now Dems are on the wrong side of a lot of issues.

  18. I loved when he rattled off all the stolen monies found by DOGE and the idiotic causes for ngo's on foreign lands. After only a few he said there are more but wanted to keep it fairly clean.

    1. His numbers were pulled straight out of his anus - do some research! Oh yeah and his idea of not taxing social security, overtime wages and tips - that'll cost at least a Trillion $1,000,000,000,000. (thats right a 1 with 16 zeros). He just tells people whatever he thinks will get them on board the Trump train and the average person believes it.

    2. Only a trillion? Biden spent 9 trillion lol.

    3. remember he and doge want to cut 2 trillion out of the budget. there will be at least one trillion less in taxes coming in with that plan ... debt is another issue ... trump added trillions to the debt with the tax breaks for the rich to the debt last time around, Rs historically have added to the debt just a

    4. ... historically the Rs have added just as much to the debt as Ds ... remember the 18+ year war in Afghanistan & Iraq?

  19. Your Trump hate did not allow you to say anything about the extreme disrespect shone to Trump by the whining sour grape sucking dems. When was the last time you saw a member tossed by the speaker?

  20. That was an extremely inspiring speech. He was hard on the previous administration and the ultra-radical ideologies of a now seriously corrupted Democrat Party whose leaders have been conducting a slow, methodical overthrow of the nation.

    Well, folks, the COUNTER-REVOLUTION has just begun. The rebuild and recovery of America is off to a shocking, yet impressive start. This will all take time and patience, but a cure for our recent decline is well-underway.

    1. inspiring? in bizarro world? I guess the sky really is green and we are now all forcibly in a cult.

  21. Dems show their true colors by not at least standing to recognize the families of the murdered victims of Illegals 4 Years of Trump. Get over it Dems DRILL BABY DRILL

    1. The diplomatic tone of your post says a lot.

  22. The democrats are helping Trump. They won’t even clap for a kid with brain cancer. Holding little signs like protesters on a college campus. Al Green ranting and waiving his cane around and getting tossed out is a perfect metaphor for the entire democrat party right now. The Dems need to get their shit together!

    1. The little boy was dressed as a cop and planted by trump who instigated a crowd who injured and killed police on 1/6 and suspended cancer research. Real Americans should be aghast and ashamed of trump

    2. 11:02 - Even IF all that were true, how is it the KIDS fault?

      Get some decency, you moron!

    3. If the republicans care about cancer why have they let musk cut off NIH funding of cancer research? There's nothing to be applauded when the Rs have been using unfortunate people as political props to stoke fear.

    4. Acting like petulant children doesn’t help them. The party is in total disarray. The fact they chose Slotkin for the response is telling. The party has to move back to the center. As far as the kid being a “plant” lol not sure what you mean by that. Was the girl who has brain damage from being hit by a man playing women’s sports a plant also? I remember when Joe Wilson yelled liar to Obama and democrats lost their minds. Now they’re waving canes around and screaming nonsense. It’s ridiculous! Get your shit together democrats you look like fools!

    5. MSNBC talking points. Maddow was the only one who brought this shit up. Can’t you just enjoy watching the kid be happy and recognized?

  23. The ladies in pink with their bingo paddles ought to be proud when they want to continue to fund the killing of so many young people in that crazy war. Something tells me their paddles and pink outfits are paid for by the holdings in our industrial/military complex. And notice how the cameras did not show when Trump honored some citizens, and the Dems. did not stand. Not good optics for them when they ignored these citizens.

  24. Dems wouldn't even stand when a little cancer surviving boy was made a secret service agent. How pathetic dem hate is.

  25. And the Republicans are the party of crazy...???

  26. The little respect I had for some dems was lost last night…. When they couldn’t even applaud for that little boy fighting cancer or the other people that were introduced loosing family members… shame them

  27. I'm with you, Bernie. Trump sounded last night like his dirty diaper is still in a twist about being mocked by Obama in 2011. He's a petty, old, tired, soulless man. He's got no good ideas. His tariffs are going to wound our automotive sector, and China and Canada have already put in place barriers that will undercut PA's farmers. He's going to cut Social Security and Medicaid to partially cover a tax cut for millionaires. He lied incessantly on all topics he covered, except that he thinks he's more accomplished than George Washington. The dude with the orange face paint is awful, and we're just beginning to see how bad things are going to get... he talked about "a little disturbance" to arise from the tariffs on our long-standing allies. If Trump is admitting pain to come, you know it's going to be severe. We'll all remember it years from now as The Trump Slump. Have fun, MAGA!

    1. you are an asshole just like Bernie

    2. Very intelligent response

    3. MAGA believers go to sleep every night listening to the Fox News lie-lullaby. They won't be ready to vote for a progressive politician until they are unable to afford a sandwich at Ressler's... so probably later this year if Trump's first 45 days in office are any indication. Lol! I hope they all have a healthy savings account.

  28. You do realize that there's never going to be another presidential election in this country and if there is it will just be a sham election like in Russia or North Korea. Trumpski will either impose martial law for some made up reason or he will find some crony to run for president and he will be the vice president and if that person wins they will resign and Trumpski will take over.

    If something like that doesn't work he already has the House and the Senate and much of the Supreme Court in his hip pocket so he will find a way to stay in power. I'm convinced of that. I'm also convinced that somehow first friend Musk is rating the golfers of the government to line his own pockets and of course his boss Trumpski. Do you really think a billionaire like him stays up at night trying to save the common folk money? It takes an incredible level of stupid to believe something like that.

    And what about this $5 million payment to get a special visa he is now touting? Is that money going to go in his pocket somehow. I'm sure it will. He's already charging people millions of dollars to have dinner with him on the weekends at Mar-a-Lago. Of course he's going to be involved in the redevelopment of Gaza and benefit from that.

    It just amazes me how blind people are and naïve to what damage he has done and will do and he's just getting started. And one last thing, the free press lol. He's going to make sure that the only people who have access to him are influencers in right wing media who are very favorable and will never dare ask pressing questions or askimportant questions and push back when he lies.

    1. As crazy as it sounds, I think much of what you are saying may turn out to be true. He has already shown us who he is. We should believe him.

  29. Wasn't a state of the union speech, it was just another episode of stupidity.

    1. 71% of the people like the speech the othert 29% are like you left wing lunaticsw

  30. Stick to local hick issues BO. You are out of your class beyond Norco.

  31. Gosh, what an amazing review of the speech. Other than specific references to moments in the speech itself, most blog readers could have predicted the majority of BOH’s “analytical” comments were loaded in draft and ready to hit “Send.”

  32. If BO's comments were not so sad they would be funny.

  33. The bottom line the democrats are anti American citizen they care more about foreigners and immigrants they do not care about our girls. they are a party of hate and more hate. how can anyone ever vote for these people on top of that their policies are poor and not thought out.

    1. Trump was convicted of sexually abusing a woman. He hung out in girls dressing rooms during a pagent, and bragged about grabbing and kissing women because he was a star. I wouldn't let a girl near him.

  34. So appropriate that the Dems had their lollipops. Their childish behavior explains why they are the party of resistance. Nice look when one of their own gets booted from the chamber because he can't stop the hate. Nope - the Dems can't even applaud for a young boy fighting cancer, a young man whose father was killed in the line of duty being told he's going to West Point, empathy for mothers of young girls murdered by illegal gang members, the news that the terrorist responsible for the murders of 13 service members has been apprehended and is on his way to the US to face a court for this terrible crime, applauding the bravery of a young girl suffering traumatic brain injury from a man who identifies as a woman's lethal blow in sports (transgender). Is this what you represent too, Bernie? I didn't think so because you are one of the old school Dems or have you acquired Trump Derangement Syndrome too? I never saw anything like this ever in my life and I'll certainly never forget it. Sad.

  35. Bernie - Your cult couldn’t even stand up and applaud the kid who beat brain cancer.


  36. Bernie you are one deranged person you are just like the democrats last night who would not applaud the American that Trump had as guests' cancer victims murder victims caused by Biden policies and other good people this is why you do not print this good stuff about Trump. You are an ignorant old man who is trump deranged just like all those democrats last night.

  37. 9:34, The young man received a standing ovation " from a majority of the crowd although some Democrats were seen on camera sitting at various times while Trump was speaking about the 13-year-old." https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/13-year-old-cancer-survivor-earns-standing-ovation-as-he-becomes-secret-service-agent-during-trump-speech/ar-AA1Agm3S?ocid=BingNewsSerp

    I'll agree that anyone who refused to applaud this young man is disgusting.

  38. Bernie you are deleting all the true statements about you and the democrats you truly are a despicable person you should stop using Trumps name because you are subhuman piece of shit.

  39. Democrats party is worse than the Nazi party

  40. Your mourning is understandable. You guys tried two impeachments, two assassination attempts and he's still your president. Is was an historic, triumphant return to rub your turned up nose in. Overnight polling indicates it was wildly popular. Be sullen. It's awesome.

    1. Well, it is kinda stupid to waste time and energy trying to convince Americans not to vote for Trump. This much, I just don’t get.

  41. United we stand, divided we fall.

    I dont care who you voted for, if you exhibit this much hate for fellow Americans based on political beliefs, YOU HAVE LOST THE PLOT.

    Reverse course immediately and realize that we are all being manipulated. If we are at each other's throats, angry, demoralized, and confused on who to trust - we are vulnerable to outside threats.

    Best advice I can give you, turn off the TV and put the phone down. Go outside, touch grass, say hello to a stranger, and realize that is propaganda and killing your soul.

    1. Yes. Everyone needs to settle down.

  42. Bernie, admit you booed the black kid with cancer. Honesty is the best policy.

    1. 10:18, I love how you refer to the " black kid with cancer." It sheds light on what kind of person you are. I already addressed this young man.

    2. I'm black, Puerto Rican, and Haitian. You've admitted you're a racist. I know your kind quite well.

  43. God help Lamont if he gets elected. One of those speeches getting up and sitting down. That would be the most exercise he has done in years. Maybe he shouldn't get elected just for his safety alone.

  44. I think it’s fair to say, last night’s performance by the foundering Democrat Party was a total disaster. The negative implications of their miscalculation SHOULD seriously diminish their chances of winning re-elections across the country. At the very least, Democrats, throw out your party’s leadership, and by all means, stop voting in lockstep for every stupid idea those people promote.


  45. Well, look on the bright side. Nobody through any smoke bombs---yet.

  46. Practically a fact free address to the nation. As far as the black child is concerned, it's significant to remember DOGE has cut off funding for pediatric cancer research. Unless he now changed his mind about that too like so many other things.

    1. All politicians play fast and loose with facts. Biden did a lot of lying. Like saying he couldn’t close the border without legislation. Trump closed it in two weeks.

    2. LVCI - Is there no depth too low for you to stoop to defend the indefensible? It was a KID with cancer, for God’s sake!

      And it was only “fact-free” to you because you continue to read and watch the same news sources that have been lying to you for years.

      Get a grip and come back to common sense!

    3. Proof that cancer research has been cut? Or only to places doing child sex change surgery?

    4. You could help everyone by listing a few of those lies you claim to have heard. I’m guessing one of them deals with all the super old people still listed on the books at Social Security. I heard Trump ask “So, who are these people, I don’t know if they are receiving benefits, but we will attempt to find out.”

      A commenter elsewhere said “No, they are not receiving benefits on those accounts . . . . but someone else might be!

    5. The only two media figures attacking Trump over recognizing this kid were Maddow and Wallace on MSNBC…….thats where you got this talking point.

  47. These are strange times. The party of Hanoi Jane applaud war. Weird.

  48. I was truly inspired by the speech. I feel good about our country and hopeful again. It won't be easy but it is so worth it. We needed this and I feel very patriotic this morning. I could care less about the democrats lack of empathy and class. This country is finally setting some boundaries and making the people's goals for America a priority. Proud to be an American today!!

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I think you just outed yourself. I think Trump should be listed as one of America’s best ever presidents, but I surely don’t see him as my God. He’s just a hardworking, transformational, and consequential political operative whose values closely match my own. I’ll take that any day, considering his unelected election opponent and the radical, America-damaging group who put her out there.

  50. I suggest watching Sen. Bernie Sanders response to Trump's congressional address. Very inciteful and on youtube.

  51. The democratic part is dying thank the Lord

  52. Bad news for you Bernie It was reported that Trump's coalition party will last 1000- years

  53. I'm hearing that Democrats will file articles of impeachment against the 13-year old cancer patient. While believable, it still seems suspicious.

  54. So you worship Anti-Christ interesting

  55. After last night people are fleeing the democratic party faster than people are fleeing California

  56. 4 mayors before congress today wow how can anybody vote for them no wonder their dities suck.

  57. After 4 years of being called a white supremacist, this was a very Inspiring speech

  58. The news people on tv or newspapers are not trusted by the vas majority of Americans--they are all dying like the democratic party

  59. No country is truly free until such time that children can get sex change surgeries and hormones without the knowledge of their parents.

    And until division 3 male basketball players are allowed to dominate in the WNBA, we will never be a righteous nation!

    We must continue the fight!!!!!!!!!

  60. Democrats didn’t even applaud the arrest of the terrorist who killed 13 of our soldiers. Sick!

  61. As a lifelong Democrat...I agree that our party gave us Trump. How could we sit there and do nothing for 4 years, let all those illegals cross the border, and not realize it would cost us the election. I'm no Trump fan, but I admire how easily he shut the border down. I agree with a poster above, I'm ashamed that the Dems did not stand for those parents who children were murdered by illegals. All of it was avoidable.

    1. One explanation is, by flooding this nation with illegals, the Democrats could actually be able to pick-up additional seats in the House of Representatives.

      All I can say, had there not been so much election funny business in the 2020 Election, Trump would have won his second term back then. At this date, Democrats would have been done with Trump seven weeks ago. Ha!

    2. It’s discouraging for me as well. I feel my Democrat party is lost.

    3. You're absolutely correct- I don't recognize the party anymore. Trump has them so twisted up, they can't even think straight.

    4. Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and so real. Watching the Dems sit on their asses with their silly bingo signs was so funny it was tragic!

    5. CBS poll: 69% positive CNN poll: 76% positive

    6. The Democratic Party is gone!

    7. The actions of the Democratic Party is an indictment of its leadership

    8. The Democratic Party is now on the wrong side of normal!

    9. It was as if they thought Trump and Republicans were Bob Barker in lets make a deal. 816 The game show host was so funny when they traded there good good for bloopers.

  62. Democrats are sick people look how they acted last night if my kids would act like that I would be embarrassed

  63. We Democrats need to return to the ideology of FDR , Harry Truman and JFK. Our future is in candidates like Seth Moulten and Andy Beshear

  64. Democrats could not Clapp or cheer for the 13-year-old kid with cancer They truly are the party of hate and they are stupid because that stunt outed them to the American who did not view them as the evil party they are.

  65. As an Independent, like him/not, Trump is by far, the most consequential politician in my lifetime

  66. What a difference a year makes- last year, everyone was wondering if Biden could get through his address- last night,Trump blew it out of the water!

  67. Any party who refuses to stop boys from going into girl's locker must be eliminated

  68. ONe thing I find interesting is the farmers. The farmers of America wanted to stand in line to kiss the ass of Trump. Now Trump is repaying them by shoving it up their asses.

  69. Bernie you should start a new party called the deranged people party it has to be better than the democratic party of morons.

  70. Bottom line Trump defeated the democratic party last they could not get off their feet for any of the guest last night That party is totally defeated and Trump put them down last night.

  71. Trump is a man on a mission and the democratic party does not know what to do they need new advisors because everything they do blows up in their face.

  72. I didn't watch. I stopped watching these "state of me me me me me" addresses back when Dubya was president. Trump bashing is easy enough to find online but local content isn't; the papers just don't cover near as much as they used to. This blog picks up some of that slack. So, nominating petitions are due next week in NorCo and I'm looking forward to Bernie's commentary on who's running for what and the comments from this peanut gallery. They are always a trove of insight, insults, and vibrant banter.

  73. Damm Bernie one would think that republican redd was at it with these local idiots bitting the hockey puc.

  74. Fetterman not happy with house Dems and their antics. He said Dems are becoming a car alarm that nobody listens to lol.

  75. No further evidence required. It has now been determined the “cult” is actually the Democrat Party.

  76. I'm only worried about the welfare of the Transgender mice.


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