Local Government TV

Thursday, March 06, 2025

Daryl Hendricks To Seek Re-Election to Allentown City Council

Daryl Hendricks is one of a very few normal people left on an Allentown City Council filled with no-shows like Natalie Santos and Mayoral wannabes like Ce-Ce Gerlach (she ran last time) and Ed Zucal (it's his turn now). Gerlach, who was placed on ARD after she dropped an underage boy off at a homeless camp, has done her best to minimize a police presence. Zucal has been out to get Mayor Tuerk since he took office and will use anything, even ridiculous claims of racism at City Hall, to go after him. In the meantime, the Queen City is slowly burning. Its government is caught up in far too many nonsense issues to accomplish anything. 

Hendricks is one of the increasingly few voices trying to right a sinking ship. Below is his re-eelction announcemnt:

I am announcing my candidacy for re-election to Allentown City Council.

Now, more than ever, Allentown needs leaders with vision and experience.

Leaders who are committed to Allentown and care deeply about its future.

I will continue to govern with an open mind and a strong effort toward fiscal stability and transparency, and a keen eye toward economic development throughout the City to include the expansion on the Waterfront area, as well as the ongoing and future development of the former State Hospital site on the East side of the City.

I have and always will strongly support our emergency services to include Police, Fire and Allentown EMS Services.

I am a native and life-long resident of the City of Allentown, who attended Allentown Schools, raised my family in Allentown and have served the citizens of Allentown continuously for the past 47 years. My career for 36 years was with the Allentown Police Department retiring as a Captain. I hold a degree in Criminal Justice Administration from Lehigh Carbon Community College and have completed numerous degree courses from Muhlenberg College’s Wescoe School. Currently I serve as 1st Vice President of “Dream Come True”, a local organization that grants dreams for seriously, chronically and terminally ill children in the Lehigh Valley. It has been my privelege to be a founding member of the Lehigh County Child Advocacy Center. I was elected into the Union Terrace Hall of Fame as a former youth baseball/basketball coach, where I served for over ten years. I was elected to Allentown City Council in 2012 and have served continuously since that time.


  1. Daryl is the best member of City Council. He only wants the best for the city and its residents and has repeatedly shown this.

  2. Thank GOD I do not live in Allentown. But, if I did, I would want all the council people to be like Daryl Hendricks. An honest and honorable man. Good luck, Sir.

    1. Let's talk about how honorable he is. He's gotten more Sweep Tickets fixed then you can imagine. Let's talk about the time he tried to use Council’s Attorney to help remove tenants from his rental property. Honorable?

    2. The comment at 10:13 is posted anonymously but someone who refuses to take responsibility for his or her words. That pretty much tells me all I need to know. I asked Hendricks and he states he has never had any sweep ticket fixed nor has he ever had any tenant removed by anyone.

    3. People throw out allegations with no proof. Others read it and take it as gospel and there goes one's reputation.

  3. Nothing has happened in Allentown in years. It’s hard to support any of the incumbent candidates. This city is stuck.

  4. Daryl isn't who he is saying he is. He is constantly complaining about fire overtime but yet says he supports them. He votes to move the police from their station against their will but yet says he supports them. He isn't very nice to people at city council meetings. That's probably why he is named in a discrimination lawsuit. Daryl should put his big boy pants on, his time on council is coming to an end.

  5. Personally I think the guy is a little creepy.....but that's just me.

    I lost any amount of respect I had for him when they were discussing building the Wawa at 4th and Susquehanna Streets. Some citizens came to a council meeting and were a little concerned about cars turning left out of the Wawa onto Susquehanna Street. He then said he went over there personally one afternoon at 1:00 and did not see any traffic or didn't see a problem turning left out of the parking lot there again, because there was no traffic.

    So he went in the middle of the afternoon when traffic is probably the lightest and immediately came to a conclusion that it would be safe and practical to make that turn even though anybody who travels that road knows how busy it gets to make that left turn.

    He might be a little more 'normal' then the rest of them but I still think Allentown can do much much better than him!

  6. Thank you for running Mr. Hendricks! As a member of the rapidly shrinking base of normal, homeowning residents left in Allentown, I'm glad we'll have at least one person looking out for us!

  7. He should change his party and run as an R. He’s definitely not a democrat.

    1. Anon, 5:16.You got the wrong man.Zucal is the one who definitely is not a Democrat. Would have thought his mayoral candidacy would have been conducted as Republican.

    2. Both are not democrats. Have a 5 minute conversation with either of them.

  8. @2:20 and if you would ask Trump if he ever lies he would tell you no. If you ask Trump if he is a religious person he will tell you yes. I enjoy reading your column and respect you..... but seriously? He's never fixed a parking ticket? Never? He is the council representative on the parking authority for Pete sake. Sounds like Faux 'News' reporting

  9. Good man; seems like a model citizen. Too bad he's surrounded by nitwits, dolts, and borderline criminals like C(lueless) C(lown) Gerlach.

  10. To many issues to name , flip flops on key issues that suit him at time. Name me one time that he backed cutting budget from this mayor to save the city money. Then there is nepotism factor. Let’s elect new people with fresh ideas !

  11. Gee Bernie you sure have changed your tune. https://lehighvalleyramblings.blogspot.com/2020/05/hyman-gets-apology-for-attempted-smear.html?m=1

  12. 9:24, Actually, I haven't. I stand by what I wrote then and what I write now. There is no doubt in my mind that Allentown developer Nat Hyman is a victim of anti-Semitism. Allentown is traditionally anti-Semitic, which is no surprise in a Pennsylvania German community. From what Michael Molovinsky once told me, Jewish merchants had to pay higher advertising rates at The Morning Call. I myself was guilty of anti-Semitism growing up. I called out Daryl and he not only denied any anti-Semitism, but apologized for some of his criticism of Nat. My respect for Daryl went up after that. Far too few elected officials are willing to own up to a mistake.

  13. Daryl Hendricks is a solid, upstanding individual. You may disagree on some issues with him. However, Daryl Hendricks always strives to do what is best for Allentown.

  14. Not sure wearing prison garb for a campaign pic is wise.


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