Local Government TV

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Worthy of the 8th or 9th Century

Here in the US, most of us speak English only and have little interest in other countries and cultures. Historically, we've been isolationists and have tended to view outsiders with suspicion if not fear. "Founding Father" John Adams signed into law the Alien and Sedition Act, which basically gave him the right to deport noncitizens he considered dangerous. Fortunately, that part of the law expired. "Founding Father" Thomas Jefferson said it was "worthy of the 8th or 9th century," But 1000 years later, in 1882, we adopted the Chinese Exclusion Act in reaction to xenophobia aimed at Chinese. Another law was aimed at excluding Chinese women. Our record of intolerance is no reason for pride. And now, we're gearing up for mass deportations. While the removal of violent criminals or national security threats is certainly warranted, I question whether we're just going to start rounding people up because they look or sound different. 

Now this is what a majority of American people want. Many of those who voted for Trump considered border security a top issue. It seems to me, however, that our attitude towards others are, as Jefferson said, ""worthy of the 8th or 9th century."


  1. Sorry, but if you came into this country illegally, you broke our laws and should be deported. No ifs, ands or buts. I don’t care what you look like or where you came from.

    I can’t imagine going to ANY foreign country, entering illegally and expecting to be able to stay there.

    Rewarding illegal behavior is simply foolish, and we’re all paying for it. Our schools are overcrowded and we’re told that we have a shortage of affordable housing to the tune of about 3 million housing units nationally. Can we all do the simple math and realize that 20 million illegals in the last four years might have something to do with it?

    Those here illegally need to realize that the free ride is over. Leave while you still can or face the consequences. If it takes a law from the 18th, 9th or 8th century to remove those who want to continue to ignore our laws, so be it.

    1. Amen to that. I'm absolutely flabbergasted at this thinking that refuses to distinguish illegal from legal immigrants, and then says that we should just let the illegal aliens stay and just somehow get absorbed into the general population. Absolutely mind-boggling!!!

    2. I think you hit the nail on the head and there is no other argument.

    3. Oh boy someone is spewing exaggerated numbers again. It’s documented, in factual sources, that there’s maybe 10-13 million “illegals” (those that hopped a fence or were smuggled into the country) NOT 20 some million.
      To deport them all, even 10 million, the Country has to hire roughly 295,000 - 450,000 more law enforcement agents whether it be federal, state or local and they’d have to build massive detention centers to hold these illegals. Our current prisons nationwide hold roughly 1–1.5 million people and can’t handle an influx of deportees without new facilities. Who foots these bills?
      I do agree true “illegals” shall be deported for their actions but try to use factual information. And let’s not forget every year many are deported as they get caught 140,000 some were deported in the last year or so.

    4. if you think all our "problems" with illegal immigrants happened in the last four years you truly don't know your A@# from a whole in the ground ... get yourself actual facts

    5. How about, once and for all, immigration reform legislation gets passed so the need to cross illegally is minimized? Legislation is the cheapest and most effective long term solution. Immigrants need the American Opportunity, American business needs the labor. Lets weed out the criminals and move on.

    6. Illegal immigrants are not the cause of the housing crisis.
      Large (institutional) investors purchased 14.8 percent of homes on the market in the first quarter of 2024, which is a record high. They then rent those houses if they can or flip them for a higher price and make a profit.

      New home building slowed severely after the great recession, limiting supply.

      High interest rates mean people aren't willing to sell, because they know they will end up with a high interest rate when they buy, which further limits supply.

      There are many complicated factors all working together to lead to the housing crisis, but illegal immigrants aren't one.

      For the most part, they live many people together in one house that they rent. Further, many illegal immigrants work in the construction industry and are working to increase the supply of houses, so deporting them is going to increase, not decrease, the supply issues we are having.

      I'm not saying we should allow anyone here illegally, but the downstream impacts of deporting them are higher food and housing costs, not lower.

  2. Law abiding residents, have nothing to fear. It’s been made very clear the priority is to remove the criminal elements first. America has now foolishly taken in millions of those and is paying for that stupidity. We have have both Mexican drug cartels and violent Venezuelan gangs fully operational in 16 major cities in our nation.

    By the way, we ALL look different than someone else.

  3. Who needs borders? No checks, let them all in. No need to worry about unvaccinated and those who may be carrying diseases. Your utopia is a one-way ticket to the crumbling of the nation. The hell with the law. The election litigated the issue and people made their choice.

  4. The defining fact is legal or illegal status, not race religion or ethnicity. I suspect that it will focus on those with criminals convictions or past. and also some others, but as for door to door round ups, I doubt it, but it will put a wet blanket on new illegals who may be sent back very quickly. It is step in controlling who comes into the country.
    I doubt that there was very little border control in the 8 th or 9th century. There was also no socialist welfare state that was an attraction. If you look at Europe the migrants tend to rush to the countries with the best benefits.
    In the Americas the prospects for success are near equal for the qualified, but little social services south of the U.S. border.

  5. Suspicions are confirmed! Today, OHare has emerged from the America Haters closet. Time tp open that GoFundMe page, and start collecting funds from people like Ellen Degeneris and Alec Baldwin to pay for your ticket back to Ireland. You sire, by your postings and actions, are unworthy of calling yourself an American. You are an asshole...

  6. Bernie, you voted for Biden and Harris, and you brag about your votes. And now you want to lecture us the vast majority--you have no credibility whatsoever you democrats are real stupid people because you keep doing the same old stuff that gave us the victory/

  7. Bernie. Your comment of people who look or sound different and fear is unfounded. Look around. We are the melting pot and we all look and sound different. That's America! More democratic crap to instil fear and negativity. We just want people to follow the law

  8. Just another Trump thinly veiled hate piece by the whiner that still can't accept that his horse lost

  9. Whatever happened to no one is above the law?

    What Joe Biden just did shines a light on today’s version Democrat Party. A light SO bright everyone will see it. Even the most loyal, misinformed, mindless,
    I’ve-always-voted-Democrat slugs in every neighborhood.

    It’s time to scrap most of the key players in that political party. Time to reject and ignore corporate media outlets (including the Morning Call) who continue to lie to us everyday.

    Most importantly, until the Democrats Party completely refreshes itself in a meaningful way, it’s time for citizens registered Democrat to change their voter registration to something else. I did just that a decade ago.

    Like him, or not, Donald Trump broke the chain that bound us. Recognize this and let him go to work. Give him the support he needs, or get out of the way.

  10. Sez the guy who voted against somebody because he was "from Connecticut."

    1. Even though he grew up here lol. Bernie said he was a “carpetbagger” lol. When Hillary did it to run for senate I’m sure he was ok with it.

  11. Obama deported millions. You endorsed him twice. Open borders and a welfare state are economically unsustainable. Ask our homeless veterans. You won't because you're heartless and hopelessly partisan.

  12. I tend to agree with 12:15 am. I realize immigration built this country, but there comes a point when we must stop dancing around an issue in an effort to not hurt feelings. Entering the country illegally is just that, illegal. Add to that the myriad risks associated with someone entering through back door channels and health and safety is at risk. If I “sneak” into Canada, I’m going to be punished and sent home. The political correctness that has created a tolerance (providing basic needs) for illegal immigration has hurt many citizens who struggle to make ends meet. I imagine many who don’t see this as a problem would feel differently if they lived 50-100 miles from a border.

    1. Trump, and others in his circle, have repeatedly stated “We WANT immigration, but you have to come here by the rules.” I believe he welcomes newcomers and will help them succeed. Granted, that’s not the story we get from American state run news media.

      The CNNs, NBCs, ABCs, New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, etc. have been misleading all of us. Avoid them, and don’t repeat the crap they’ve been spewing. That’s the easy route. Find alternatives.

  13. 7:16 am: America and the world lost, not just Bernie. I hope to hell I’m proven wrong, but until then, I’ll stick to what I have said.

  14. Trump wanted to buy Greenland and use it as a refuse bin for the mass deportation scheme, he is a heartless trogladyte unworthy of modern forms of capital punishment his sentence for treason should be carried out by fire ants!

  15. If someone enters this country legally then good luck and welcome. If somebody enters this country illegally then get the hell out. Put them back on the boat or find another way to ship them back to where they came from. And why is everytime I go to a public place like a laundromat for example I feel as though I am at the United Nations because because most are speaking Spanish. Of course, if Trump is successful in shipping out all the illegals the population in the Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton area might drop by 25 to 50 percent.

  16. EVERY sainted 'undocumented' arrival is here illegally, and should be deported. We always had some farm worker programs allowing seasonal workers here for that kind of work. Go back to that system, fingerprint and retina scan every body, even the beloved science students from India, China, etc. We must protect our country.

  17. It was (Republican Saint) Ronald Reagan that granted the largest amnesty to “illegal” immigrants in US history.
    Why doesn’t anyone ever the employers who hire these folks? According to US law, they should be arrested and prosecuted for hiring “illegals” as a labour force. Oh, that’s right, it was Reagan that stopped enforcing those laws because corporations wanted cheap and union damaging workers. And neither political party has resumed that enforcement.

    1. Reagan and Hitler were two peas in a pod. Hitler wanted to destroy the Jewish race and Reagan wanted to destroy the blue collar working class. Now Trump has taken us back in time to about 1939 and got the American voters to vote for him just like the Germans voted for Hitler. I cannot wait to see the images of the US Army being used to quell protesting Amercian citizens.

  18. ILLEGAL means ILLEGAL. We have laws. If you enter ILLEGALLY, you should be deported. The Biden administration, as the most recent to open the floodgates, did not ask me (THE TAXPAYER) if I wanted to foot the bill for ILLEGAL activity. Yet, I am. The Voters have spoken. As noted above, no other country allows this, ILLEGALLY, and yet we are to feel bad about enforcing our LAWS? More WOKEISM, soon to be abolished.

    FWIW, there are many hard working ILLEGALS who have been here for years/decades etc. I think a provision should be made to fast track them to citizenship (maybe a couple years vs 10). Might as well get them on the tax rolls LEGALLY. They are established and their families/children have been here, or were born here. We also need the labor in those industries, and trying to cull everyone from decades ago is not going to work, or be cost effective. Stop all ILLEGAL entry now, and work backwards from the BIDEN administrations open door policy.

  19. I believe we should have the same strong immigration laws that Canada has. The world is starting to realize that space is limited as we fill up the planet and we require more space and resources for its expanding population. Having said that, I can just hear the howling as prices rise across the board due to the lack cheap labor. Does the government really want to stop the immigration? Easy. Start going after the people that hire them (people like tRump, at least pre-election if not currently). Want good wages? Start realizing that pricing and wages go hand in hand. In the long run bringing in cheap labor will enhance the 1%ers pocketbooks while crushing those below.

  20. Why are we all fretting? Shouldn't we trust the numbers that the current Administration has been telling us? They say that they is no illegal immigrant problem. So where's the problem?

  21. Here's the thing - the democrats were/are looking for votes plain and simple. They were not expecting the hispanic male population to flip to Trump. In 2020 16 border counties in Texas voted blue in 2024 only 4 voted blue in 2024. The democrats screwed up with these non traditional narratives - they lost the hispanic vote. Now if Trump is successful in reshoring our manufacturing base, we are going to need legal immigration to help fill the worker shortage. Our immigration policy needs to be revised to make it easier for those that want to come to America and work for a better life. It takes way too long and is way too expensive to go thru the process to come to the United States legally.

  22. From the checkout lines at Giant to ride lines at Dorney Park, Americans despise line jumpers. Come legally and wait for your turn.

  23. I wish there was a law in place to deport lazy Americans.

  24. Bernie - stick with what you know best. Stick with what you know to be true firsthand. That is Northampton County politics and operations.

    For state and national, Bernie, you repeat incorrect talking points from compromised Democrat Party-leaning, “news” sources. It ain’t working.

  25. Our beloved Statue of Liberty with the famous inscription on her base "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free" is known the world over and we have always taken pride in it and flaunt it. Why then are we surprised when the poor and huddled masses take us at our word?
    Deportations should be done in a case by case manner, and those who were minors when they arrived should be given special consideration.

  26. I don’t think they’re talking about the people picking cantaloupes. They’re talking about the criminals that sanctuary municipalities refuse to hold on ICE detainers for starters. Illegals should not be allowed to commit a crime and get bail and be released. ICE should be picking them up. Honor the detainers!

  27. 1:58 - You’re joking, right?

    Or are you actually saying that our immigration policy should be based on a 19th-century fundraising poem and NOT the actual laws passed by our elected representatives?

    If you’re serious it explains the mental state of those on the wrong side of the immigration debate and what is wrong with this country.

    Surely you want to protect “our democracy”, right? After all, I thought that “nobody is above the law”. Or did that go out the window with Hunter’s pardon?

  28. Watch Trump Bernie That is a leader he is doing more now than no good Biden did for the country in 4 years as a matter nof fact Biden haS DAMAGED THIS COUNTRy BIG TIME.

  29. Just think of what Harris would have done to us America dodge a bullet just like Trump

  30. No one is illegal on stolen land...


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