Local Government TV

Monday, December 02, 2024

If Biden Pardoned Son Because "Politics Infected the Process," Shouldn't He Also Pardon Trump?

 In a Sunday shocker, President Joe Biden pardoned son Hunter for any "offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024." This would include his convection for lying on an application to purchase a firearm, his guilt plea to tax charges and possible corrupt behavior in attempting to work deals with business counterparts in Ukraine and China. Biden issued this pardon despite a pledge he would not do so because "raw politics" infected the process, leading to a "miscarriage of justice." If that is so, and if he really is intent on bringing us all together, shouldn't he also pardon Donald Trump?

Now you could argue that such a pardon is unneeded because, once he takes office, Trump is immune. That immunity ends, however, once he steps down. 

Now don't get me wrong. There is no doubt in my mind that Trump most certainly instigated an attempted coup on January 6, 2020. I am also convinced that he actively obstructed investigators who were seeking confidential records. But he has already been tried in the court of popular opinion, and somehow managed to be the first GOP candidate in 20 years to win the popular vote. Many of his supporters are convinced that, just like Hunter Biden, Trump was the victim of "raw politics." I disagree with that sentiment but have to acknowledge that many voters feel that way. 

If Biden were truly concerned about what Republicans like to call lawfare, he'd pardon Trump. If he wanted to bring us together, he'd pardon Trump. He instead is looking out for a wayward son who attempted to use his father's name to make money. 


  1. “In a Sunday shocker…”

    A shocker to who exactly?

    Did democrat voters believe yet another lie spun by one of their elected officials that was repeated in the echo chamber of their discredited mainstream media? Because EVERYONE on the Republican side knew that Biden was going to pardon his son as soon as the votes were done being counted after the election.

    You ask whether the same consideration (and pardon) should be given to Trump - and it should - but that’s what makes Biden’s actions in pardoning Hunter so damning.

    You see, unlike Hunter, Donald Trump is an actual political opponent of Joe Biden. As sitting President, Joe Biden has controlled the Justice Department for the last four years, and it was that same Justice Department that brought the cases against Hunter. They weren’t politically-motivated, and the Justice Department initially tried to run out the clock on the statute of limitations on the charges by slow-walking filing the charges in the first place.

    Hunter Biden broke the law, had charges filed against him, and was found guilty under the most favorable conditions available to him. Had he not been the sitting President’s son, he would have been charged much earlier, and for much greater offenses.

    If anyone should be pardoned as victims of political persecution, it should be the vast majority of January 6th protesters, many of whom simply walked through open doors at the Capitol as if they were on a tour. They, like Trump, were the victims of yet another phony political narrative by the democrats and their allies in the media. Biden won’t do that though, since it would lay bear yet another fraud perpetrated on the American people by the democrat party and believed by democrat voters.

    In the words of Ronald Reagan, “It’s not that our friends on the Left are ignorant. It’s that they know so much that isn’t true.”

    Maybe though, I’ll be surprised today. Maybe democrat politicians and voters will protest en masse against Biden’s pardon and again remind us for the next four years how “Nobody is above the law.” Maybe democrat politicians and media outlets will admit that they knew Biden’s promise not to pardon Hunter was an obvious lie to win votes in the fall election. Maybe democrat voters will finally hold their politicians and media outlets accountable for yet another lie.

    Maybe. But I’m not holding my breath.

    1. Holding on a little tight there, pal. By open doors on Jan 6th, you mean the ones that were kicked in?
      As for the pardon, it's good to be the king. Trump will have his turn and will be roundly criticized. Will I be surprised? not the least.
      Happy Holidays!

    2. Biden's been lying his entire adult life- what a disgraceful human being!

  2. No! Biden, and his puppeteers should not try to fool the American people further by trying to quickly sweep this matter under the rug. American people deserve meaningful investigations and trials for many key players in his administration.

    We need to hear from more names and faces behind this effort to overthrow the very foundations of this nation. We need to expose our state run news media outlets who hid facts from us. We need to reveal small independent news sources who kept the ruse going as best they could.

    This Trump voter wants to see dozens of high placed officials who operated in the shadows put under intense scrutiny and face massive legal bills that could disrupt their OWN lives, as they did to Trump and his supporters.

    No, a lame pardon attempt by Biden attempt is not needed, nor wanted.

  3. Not a wayward son but the inept bagman for the Biden family. Biden is probably the one who may need a pardon, but I can assume he is not competent to stand trial, but is still competent enough to move us into WW3.

    1. He may not be done yet. He may very well pardon himself before he goes.

  4. The law for thee but not for me....

  5. Pardon the Orange one ? What are you smoking ?

  6. Hahahaha. Remember when all you libs went on for years about how Trump would pardon his kids?

  7. Most corrupt Family in the history of our country to be in the Whitehouse, He also corrupted our government on many levels, He had help with many corrupt democrats. President Trump and his team has a big job ahead hopefully the democrats will get out of the way, but I doubt it.

  8. Two things:

    1). I find it fascinating that Hunter’s pardon goes back to 2014, (not) coincidentally the same year that he was appointed (with no experience or qualifications) to the board of a Ukrainian energy company. Emails found on Hunter’s laptop in 2020 detailed portions of the payments from that energy company being kicked back to “the big-guy”, presumably Joe Biden, who was then Vice President. Doing so would allow Hunter to escape being pressured to testify in any future influence-peddling/corruption case against Joe Biden. In short, the pardon is an attempt by the current president to cover up his own criminal activity and that of other family members.

    2). I’m not sure that a president can issue a pardon for crimes that someone hasn’t even been charged with yet. I’d be very interested in whether that’s ever been done before and (if so) if that was ever challenged in court.

  9. Bernie-Baby, for once you make sense.....damn proud of you!

  10. Hush up now, OHare! Let's just let ole Scranton Joe put the finishing touches on cementing his legacy as the Worst US President in History....

    1. He is by far, the worst President in my lifetime- at least Carter had some integrity!

  11. The real coup was when the voting stopped on election night 2020.

    You are almost there Bernie.

    Ask yourself why the pardon for Hunter goes back 10 years? This isnt about the gun charges. Its about the money laundering, biolabs, and influence peddling operation in Ukraine.

    I know you all want Trump to be your boogie man, but in reality there has been a deeply entrenched power structure in this country for far too long. Biden and his family were very much apart of that power structure.

    Time to shine some light on it.

    1. I can't wait for open & honest investigations!

  12. Won't surprise me if biden does resign early so cackles harris can become the first black female president.

  13. biden has been a liar and a crook his entire life. No wonder real Americans do not trust our government We need term limits and better scrutiny of elected official to stop the theft of our country.

  14. Bernie, YOU are completely wrong in your beliefs about both the January 6 incidents and the matter of how Trump handled his documents. I’m really not surprised, however. Your Blog has done its best to cover for the entire Biden cabal. That was your call, so I’m fine with your decision, by the way.

    Assuming Trump gets his full Cabinet to work with, you and others will come to see what really took place over the past eight years. Most of the hidden stuff anyway. Our various corporate news media, any place that runs stuff from Associated Press, including our failing Morning Call, will continue to mislead their audience.

    I’m in favor of all the sordid details about the out-of-control Biden administration coming out. That’s precisely what America needs. Let’s get it going!

    1. Trump was in office 8 years to 4 years ago, so I would love to see what really took place. That would have happened if Merrick Garland wasn't a completely ineffective AG.

  15. BOH original comment: “But he (Trump) has already been tried in the court of popular opinion, and somehow managed to be the first GOP candidate in 20 years to win the popular vote.”
    That says it all. You still don’t get it. Almost 77 million voters were fed up with the border, the economy, crime, overzealous DEI initiatives and promotions, an unqualified empty suit for a Democratic presidential candidate, politicians who overstayed their time in D.C. and elsewhere, etc., etc. It really wasn’t that hard to figure out.

  16. I had hope that when Biden took office, he would try to heal this country, but unfortunately, like Obama, he was very devisive. For four years, he constantly called half the country white supremacists, and most definitely used the Justice Dept. against his opponents. He's been a very big disappointment!

  17. Hunter is a druggie loser who hasn't been required to make amends and won't even acknowledge his own precious daughter. He'll screw up again and finally go to jail where he belongs. The legal system will do for him that which his terrible parents would not.

  18. This doesn't surprise me- Biden never had any integrity!

  19. What percentage of politicians in Washington D.C. do you think are selflessly dedicated financially and are there for the greater good of the American people? I'll help you out...practically zero. Why would Biden be any different? I'm not surprised.

  20. In the words of Ronald Reagan, “It’s not that our friends on the Left are ignorant. It’s that they know so much that isn’t true.” - this is profound.

    It's not just the left though, it's both sides. Here are some of the things that are not true but are parroted endlessly:

    Our democracy. We live in a republic. When people say the orange god king threatens democracy what they really mean is that he threatens entrenched Bureaucracy.

    The dorito dictator won the popular vote. There is no such thing as a national popular vote. It's as mythical as the beloved democracy. The popular vote stops at the state level. The parties in each state select electors to vote for the candidate who wins the popular vote. Tangerine Tyrant wins your state? Republican electors get to go to their state house and cast votes. But those electors can still vote for Harris.

    J6 was an insurrection. No one present was charged with insurrection even though the media industrial complex threw that word around endlessly. No one was so much as charged with insurrection. They all got charged with stupid things like interrupting an official proceeding.

    Unfortunately these cherished ideals are shared both on the left and the right. The Citrus Cesar will face way more of an uphill battle from the GOP than he will from the left and the media industrial complex.
    åBenjamin Franklin was once asked about our form of government. He said "a republic, if you can keep it". We are at best a republic in name only ever since states switched senator elections to the popular vote in the early 20th Century. It's all been downhill from there.

  21. Once again, the big betrayal of the American citizen. Democrats doing what they do best.

  22. As much as it pains me to admit this as a Democrat who doesn't like Trump, Trumps children are all well adjusted, successful men and women who rally around him, while Hunter Biden is a complete family humiliation. Then there is the Biden daughter hiding out in Florida that is never, ever seen or mentioned. As a father, I can sympathize with Biden for wanting to issue the pardon, but it is wrong and I'm disappointed.

    1. I'm not Trump fan, BUT you're totally correct- Trumps kids turned out decent. Biden is a creepy, and his kids are a product of their environment.

  23. Hope he also pardons the Northampton 4 . They are innocent.

  24. I was glad to hear about the pardon. Made me smile. He may have flim-flamed some foreign companies into thinking he had influence over his father and I don't think it was good optics for the prez but, puh-leez, after tRump pardoned Steve Bannon of over out right fraud for convincing some in the right wing cult to contribute to help build the border Wall while shoving the money in his pocket and his son-in-law receiving how many Billions from the Saudis to "invest". And were the stories true about Giuliani saying pardons were for sale at 2 Million apiece? He's your son. Good for you Joe.

  25. how about pardoning all the poor unimportant citizens that were caught up in Bidens mandatory sentencing .

  26. No comparison here. Trump incited January 6, watched while 5 people died, at least 170 police injured, unknown civilian injuries, and property damaged. He watched his handiwork on tv for 3 hours while his allies and family begged him to call it off until he called it off. Unpardonable under any standards, just ask the families of those police officers and popular opinion be damned..

  27. Most corrupt family in the history of our country to be in Whitehouse, He also corrupted our government to level never before seen. Trump

  28. Let me get this straight. Hunter was convicted of the gun related charge from 2018 and tax evasion charges from 2016-2019, but he received blanket immunity for 11 years dating back to 2013? Hunter joined the Burisma board in 2014. Trump was impeached for asking Zelensky to look into this. Am I in the cult if I think there might be some correlation here? Why the need for a blanket pardon extending back to 3 years before any of the crimes were committed?

  29. I agree Bernie. Pardon Trump. Makes sense. Clean both slates and lets move on. I also hope most of the “War on Drugs” non-violent convictions get pardoned. I love Reagan, but that program was a mess.

  30. Sunday shocker? You have to be kidding me- Biden was always corrupt!

  31. Its the Biden Family Crime Syndicate- Joe, Hunter, Jim, etc. disgusting leaches

  32. Biden should pardon Taiba Sultana.

  33. Everybody knows that Trump is going to pardon the Capitol rioters. Now leading up to the election law enforcement was largely behind Trump. With that in mind when all these rioters are set free by Trump I hope they go right up to the cops and laugh in their collective faces. And as for the quote from Ronald Reagan, Reagan was a piece of s--t who had no use for the average blue collar worker. Now that Reagan and his repulsive wife are dead I can only hope that they are rotting in a fiery hell.

  34. We do not need Biden to pardon Trump the American people did that on November 4.

  35. I expect additional pardons for Biden’s brother and Biden’s wife as well. He might even try to pardon himself on the way out also. Gotta protect the crime family.

    The reality is that they sold their country out. That’s treason in my book and they deserve the penalty for that.

  36. You can thank Obama, and Biden’s corruption and incompetence for Trump!

  37. 10% for the big guy. Of course he was going to pardon him he ran the criminal enterprise.

  38. 6:52 - Reagan was easily the best president of the previous century. He was stuck cleaning up the mess that the previous worst president in US history (Carter) got this country into, and made things better for all Americans - blue collar workers included. His policies set the country on course for economic prosperity for decades.

    Trump is now taking over from the new worst president in US history (Biden), and will have only four years (at most) to get the country back on the right track.

    I suspect the quote from Reagan bothers you so much because it’s so true. Reagan had a knack for seeing who the Leftists really are and describing them simply and accurately. While Trump has a hugely different style than Reagan, he too sees the Left as the enemy of freedom that it is and is now focused on rooting them out of our federal government and institutions.

    Far from rotting in hell, Ron and Nancy will be cheering Trump on from above.

    1. Far too many Americans are clueless, some willingly ignorant, about how many dirty and corrupt politicians and their operatives are now in place in government.

      Our system has been broken by a government that has grown much too big and careless about its business.

      Donald Trump represents a much-needed disruption. He is the perfect person to begin a thorough house cleaning and rebuild based upon the design our Founding Fathers created for us. He’ll get to work immediately and be fearless.

      The job ahead will take more than just one Trump term. Hopefully, the next person to be president will build upon what Trump can accomplish. We’ll all be better off long term.

    2. Biden is by far worse than Carter- at least Carter had some values.

  39. I know a person from the Lehigh valley that was pardoned by Clinton. The way it was explained to me , you have to admit guilt to accept a pardon. This person was convicted and sentenced to prison. If this is correct do you think trump would accept a pardon? I dont.

  40. Question for the lawyers out there - if other parties are charged with crimes associated in any way with Hunter during the period covered by the pardon and he is called as a witness, is he now precluded from invoking his 5th Amendment rights?

  41. Joe will have to pardon the whole family. His brother is next. Anybody explain how his daughter in law received money from Romania and offered no services in return? Wonder if the pardon covers the cocaine in the whitehouse? Don't believe me read CNN below on Romania


  42. I would have pardoned my kid also. The problem is democrats used Biden’s original refusal to pardon to show how they abide by the rule of law. How they were morally superior to Trump. How’s that looking now?

  43. Alan Dershowitz, no political supporter of Trump, often says the cases brought against Trump, are the worst cases he's seen in his legal career- he even wrote a book, " Get Trump" which highlights our corrupt/weaponized Justice system under Obama & Biden. No wonder, he no longer get invited to the Martha Vineyard's Cocktail Parties.

  44. A shocker only to you- this is what happens when you ran cover for Biden for years. Biden is not only corrupt, he's an invalid; enters/exits Air Force 1 from the back "baby steps," speaks from an Oval Office "Set" with teleprompter since he can't string a 3rd Grade sentence together, that you blame on a stutter; I followed his entire career, he never had one before. Biden has been an embarrassment on the world stage for 4 years, nobody respects him- no wonder the world is on fire! Good Riddance!

  45. Biden is weak, corrupt, and incompetent. Watch his speech in Angola today- what a fucking embarrassment- Jan. 20th can't come fast enough!

  46. Sunday Shocker? Are you kidding me?
    Inflation is transitory, the Border is secure, the World is on fire, but the adults are in the room, and I NEVER discussed my spoiled, addicted, incompetent Son's Business dealings with Him!! Biden is an incompetent, grifter- please go away- Now!

  47. So much for the Party of " No one is above the law!"

  48. Biden kneecaps his own party- again!

  49. Biden will go down in history as a weak, corrupt, liar who was controlled by the Democratic Bureaucracy! Even us Dems want him gone!

  50. Instead of bashing Republicans, read the transcripts of the Hunter Biden trial- he basically got Beau's widow hooked on crack, and the only thing Joe & Jill worried about, was running for President. They're disgusting people, who are now getting what they deserve.

  51. This just cements Biden's legacy of an old, senile, corrupt politician.


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