Local Government TV

Monday, December 16, 2024

Another Disgraceful Pardon

President Joe Biden certainly tarnished his own legacy when he pardoned his son after repeated pledges that he would do no such thing. In addition to the dishonesty, he has opened the door for President-elect Donald Trump to issue all kinds of pre-emptive pardons of his own. But as bad as that is, it's nothing compared to his decision to commute the 17 1/2 year sentence of a corrupt Luzerne County judge - Michael Conahan - who disproportionately sentenced juveniles to private detention centers in exchange for cash. Because of the pandemic, Conahan was serving his sentence at home. This decision drew criticism from Pa Gov. Josh Shapiro, who said that Biden "got it absolutely wrong and created a lot of pain here in northeastern Pennsylvania." I'm sure that pain will be felt by Democrats in the next election. It's hard to claim you believe in law and order when you allow a corrupt judge who accepted millions for sending kids to a private jail to roam free.


  1. You voted for him Bernie And you called Trump so many disgusting names You should be ashamed of yourself. Trump won by a mandate you are on the wrong side,

    1. Bernie Ohare: I stand by every criticism I made of Trump. The fact that Biden is so bad is no justification for Trump or his oligarchs.

    2. Trump or his “oligarchs”.

      Time to take a break from your left-wing media feed, there Bernie. You’re sounding more unhinged by the day.

    3. I agree- The Dems in their terrible policies, and arrogance created Trump!

    4. Trump did not get a mandate he got less than 50% like all his other lies he repeats them over and over again and you sycophants believe him.. wait until his worst and the dumbest invoke project 2025

    5. 11:39 does it really matter about the %!!! He won you have to be a dumbacrat

    6. You need to see a Dr. you sick bastard! It's people like you that created Trump!

    7. Amen to that, brother!

    8. Hell of a alot of us out there… and I won’t call you a sick bastard

  2. Question: Was the former judge STILL serving his sentence at home? The pandemic was over years ago.

  3. He also granted mercy to Rita Crundwell who stole $53 million dollars as the city of Dixon IL. comptroller! The Gipper is from Dixon and is rolling in his grave, she used the I'll gotten gains to finance a lavish horse breeding program she's an utterly disgrace and should have served the full term.

    Sleepy deserves to be humiliated by DJT some more!

  4. What do you expect from the most corrupt and incompetent administration in our History.

    1. Corruption? You haven’t seen corruption like you’re going to see in T’s second term. I don’t think these pardons were a good idea, but they will be kid’s stuff compared to the gang rape of our laws that Trump will perform, complete with loyalty oaths.

    2. I agree, the 3rd Obama term was so corrupt and incompetent, no wonder the world is on fire!

  5. biden has secured hi legacy as flushed down the toilet. Even the best of the liberals are shaking their heads.

  6. This is nothing. Just wait till he pardons his entire famile that took money from foreign countries. His brother is next. Lets face it Joe doesn't know what he is signing.

  7. Par for the course with Old Man Biden, the political optics are far worse than the substance. Conahan's release date was in 2026, and if he'd be allowed to finish it in "home confinement" keeping track of him likely wasn't worth the expense. But someone surely messed up in not crossing Conahan off the list of these Covid clemency cases. Biden's political operation continues to be a disaster, and the reason we have another Trump term coming. Shame on him doesn't begin to describe it.

  8. Bernie
    Do you think Fed Ed has a chance for a pardon?

    1. I wouldn't be surprised! Biden is going down as 1 of the worst in history!

    2. lol Biden is making Jimmy Carter look stellar and one of the best

    3. Independent Presidential scholars will rank President Biden above average Trump already ranks in the bottom 5 and I suspect will go lower after his 2nd term. Pray there’s no new pandemic he can mishandle

    4. Independent scholars like you? your delusional- this guy was so divisive & incompetent- wonder why R's swept the election?

  9. If reports are to be believed, the faceless administrators (not Biden) who prepared the pardon packets did so by lumping groups of people together, e.g., those serving sentences at home after CoVid releases, without necessarily looking at the merits of individual cases. One more exercise of identity politics by this administration.
    (Please anticipate BOH response here that will claim Trump plans to do the same with Jan 6 participants even though he said individual cases might not merit a pardon.)

    1. Biden has no clue what he's signing!

  10. I really can't wait for the greatest "Bait & switch " Presidency to be over!

  11. I hope we're not hit by a terrorist group in the next few weeks, since No one is in charge! Biden is gone mentally, and Harris has already checked out!

  12. Bernie you have no credibility anymore you are a left wing lunatic.

  13. Obama's 3rd term is looking like a dumpster fire!

  14. Between these terrible pardons, selling the border wall, fast tracking illegal crossings, appointing radical judges, Biden will go down as an evil, spiteful, clueless president!

  15. Who's in charge? Biden's checked out for months, and Harris is MIA!

  16. This is disgraceful- the whole Pardon system needs to be reformed!

  17. Joe's checked out a long time ago. Even Van Jones admits Trump is the smartest, most powerful political in the world!

  18. Joe Biden will go down as the worst President in my lifetime!

  19. Joe is an embarrassment- Trump has been the defacto President since Nov. 5th.

  20. This is the guy you endorsed in 2020. Nice job. You also did steno for Lynne Cheney while she broke laws during the Jan 6 sham hearings. Do you favor a pre-emptive pardon for her? Or should she face the legal system, like normal people do?

  21. He couldn't possibly know what he's signing. If he only took 1 minute to read each pardon, it would've taken 25 hours to sign 1500 pardons. Obama just put them in front of him, and made him sign them or they used a rubber signature stamp! What an embarrassment!

  22. Joe Biden is a corrupt 50 year creature of DC- after years of lying about his family's influence peddling scheme, and "I'm not going to pardon my son," his next step is going to issue hundreds, if not thousands, of preemptive pardons.

  23. This is just a despicable undermining of our country! The Chinese spies, 1 w/ thousands of child porn on his computer is disgraceful!

  24. Bernie calls it like he sees it. Trump cultists seem to think we don’t see that their guy has major, serious problems. I’m disappointed in these pardons. I was so disillusioned by Trump that Trump’s egregious corrupt pardons from the first go didn’t move the needle (it was already pegged)


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