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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Friday, September 06, 2024

Eagles Packers Game Can Be Viewed on NBC10

 At last night's meeting of Northampton County Council, member Ron Heckman asked perhaps the best question he's ever posed. He's been told, as have most of us, that the Eagles-Packers game scheduled for tonight will only appear on the Peacock network. He asked if anyone knew if the game was being broadcast on any of the local TV networks. 

Council member Jeff Warren, in perhaps his most brilliant answer to a question, responded that the game will appear on NBC 10. I checked, and Warren is correct.

So there's no need for you pay for a Peacock subscription. 


Anonymous said...

Stopped watching after they put the names of criminals on their helmets and shoes. High school sports are where the true, dedicated athletes are. If you avoid a high school game tonight in order to watch the NFL appease and enable the thug government in Brazil, you're disgusting. But you probably want to sit home and get shitfaced drunk. I guess that's better than doing a Warren and endangering people while driving. The NFL shouldn't have stolen the thunder from the kids playing under Friday night lights.

Anonymous said...

The NFL is so greedy. Friday night is high school football night. Goodell makes 60 million dollars a year. He’s an asshole.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was common knowledge that when these NFL games are behind a subscription service that the home market teams will still get them on free over the air broadcasts. Geez, do some of these people live under a rock?

Anonymous said...

GO BIRDS!!!!!!!

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

The NFL has a policy that the designated market always gets their home team on an OTA/non-subscription network. So, Philadelphia and Green Bay TV markets will get the game on a channel that's included in basic TV service or OTA via antenna.

Anonymous said...

although this true you will be watching the game on a 10 minute delay if at all NBC has a habit blacking these events to push their premier peacock station

Anonymous said...

No article on the Norco 4 arraignment? Was hoping I'd come hear to find out what I missed.

Anonymous said...

Are you folks unaware that it is state law in PA that high school athletes can make money off their name, image, and likeness. High school football is now a business as well.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the game Eagles fans. Good thing Brazilians voted out the conservative authoritarian and elected a forward-looking progressive, or you might not be able to follow it properly. Like maybe social media would have been banned or something.

Anonymous said...

It great that a group of county employees tell county council that the jail is in crisis we talk about a football game. Shows were our county is. Tampons and a football game. Guessing paper towels are hygiene products. Need toilet paper, Tampons, pads, just nothing to dry your hands. Just use the TP

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess it’s a good thing that NorCo Council didn’t pass that resolution about only discussing county business at meetings!

Because this certainly seems important.

Anonymous said...

I have a problem with any professional sports being available via premium services. While I’m not sure of the regulations for the NFL, MLB blacks out baseball teams in their home market from time to time. As far as I am concerned, if tax dollars, tax incentives, and/or tax breaks are given to team owners to build stadiums, then the tax base should be rewarded by being able to see games without subscribing to premium networks.

Anonymous said...

A OIG AT THE TROUGH. she should resign in disgrace. Jar working people struggle to pay the taxes for this pig??

Bernie O'Hare said...

5:16, Hate to break this to you, but numerous high school games are played Sat afternoon and evening. You'd know this if you actually attended high school games. There are also numerous colleges who play football on Friday nights. But I do get it. You want to back up your cult leader Trump, who slams the NFL because his own try with the USFL was a failure, like most of his businesses.

Bernie O'Hare said...

6:27, No, not really. If you actually attended games, you would know many are played Saturday.

Bernie O'Hare said...

9:04, Watched it with no problem.

Bernie O'Hare said...

12:20, This was two minutes of the meeting. I will be covering your complaints, and you'll be able to bitch about that, too.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about the eagles? Go Nittany Lions!

Anonymous said...

We built welfare stadiums for the steelers and eagles. The steelers welfare stadium was bought before their previous welfare stadium was paid off. Look it up. We already paid dearly for these pampered racists and felons to play. They should pay fans to watch their steroid-laced sportsballing. The National Felons League is gross and disgusting. Their athletic supporters are just as bad.

Anonymous said...

How does condemnation and criticism of the NFL equate to a MAGA cult follower?

Bernie, your own hatred and bias is increasingly projected against people who post on your forum. You do it all of the time, even on non political topics.

You are increasingly nasty and vitriolic. I saw you in person last Thursday night at a pizza joint in Nazareth.

You are a tiny, shriveled example of an old man and i suspect your keyboard has long served as a substitute for other masculine qualities.

Try to grow up. Find a support group or something.

Anonymous said...

They looked terrible against Bowling Green.
They have found a way not to lose to Michigan: don’t play them.

Bernie O'Hare said...

3:12, Actually, I am a highly conditioned, well-trained athlete who had just finished a cycling session. You bash the NFL, not out of the legitimate concerns about safety that exist on all levels of football, but because your cult leader bashes the NFL. And you probably have not been to a high school game since you graduated, if you graduated. I'll acknowledge I have little respect for Trump cult followers, and you've just demonstrated why.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree- that was bad. I must say I've lost confidence that they can turn things around with Ohio State.

Anonymous said...

We live in a capitalist country. Asking a corporation(nfl) to forego profits in order to give a minority (hs football) an advantage is not how it works. Tape the nfl and go to the hs game and choose a candidate who supports your view.