Local Government TV

Thursday, August 15, 2024

UPDATED: NorCo Council to Consider "Period Poverty" Ordinance Tonight

Northampton County Council will consider what is known as a "period poverty" ordinance at tonight's meeting. It calls for free sanitation products in all Northampton County restrooms excepting those with no running water. 

The term "sanitation products" is defined to include soap, toilet paper, menstrual pads and tampons. 

Period poverty was the subject of an op-ed by Council members Jeff Warren and Kelly Keegan in May. 

On Monday, Montgomery County announced a similar measure under which free tampons and menstrual pads will be made available at all county-owned facilities. 

According to UNwomen.org, 1 of 4 teens and 1 of 3 adults struggle to afford menstrual products, especially among those of color or who are economically disadvantaged. 

Because this is an ordinance, it is binding on the Executive and future county councils. The Executive could veto this ordinance, but it could be overridden by six votes from Council. Future Councils would require a separate ordinance to repeal this measure, if enacted. 

This resolution, like many council resolutions, has no teeth. The county executive can ignore or embrace it. To make this binding on the Exec and future councils, an ordinance would be required

7:30 am update: In my original report, I misread the ordinance as a resolution, , and have now corrected my error. 


  1. More useless welfare, but tampon tim is excited

    1. Will they be in men's bathrooms too?

    2. BernieOHare, the ordinance does not require that they be in ALL restrooms. It would make sense to include only in restrooms where menstrual products are needed.

  2. Hitting the sauce, BO? Using UNWomen for a source for a silly article in Norco is a real stretch

  3. Resolutions which do nothing are worth nothing.

  4. These far left clowns are mentally ill. Just run the county or get the hell off council. Run for Congress or the state house.

    1. nothing but hos for the whining poor

  5. Real men wear pads in their ears! Hahahaaa

  6. This is all Lori Vargo Hefner’s fault. Because Council does no real work, these are the things it is left to consider. Lori is the worst County Council Oresideny in history. Even Angle understood that County business must get conducted when he was President.

    1. So get off your ass and run for office! If you can do better, go for it!

  7. Someday soon, I guess no one will take care of him/herself or his/her children???

  8. JFC....these two don't give it a rest. When are democrats going to abandon the wacky fringe of their party instead of letting them drive the damn bus.

  9. Except it’s not a resolution you jackass, it’s an ordinance. Read better Bernie.

  10. Oopsie, Thanks for helping me by noting this error. I have corrected my mistake.

  11. "JFC....these two don't give it a rest. When are democrats going to abandon the wacky fringe of their party instead of letting them drive the damn bus."

    Over the weekend, I saw Frank Pintabone on Facebook conduct a huge backpack giveaway in Easton, including haircuts and even manicures. Though the Mayor was with him, I don't think Easton Coty is directly involved. Bethlehem does this as well thru a church. Ideally, I'd like to see county government involved in helping these existing programs with a little money. They could also hand out narcan kits and tampons at these events for the older kids and the parents of younger kids.

    Although it often does not work out this way, I think government does exist to make our lives better. While this measure might seem unnecessary to you and you can make light of it, poverty is very real and this actually does something to help people of limited means.

  12. it's a good thing this resoloution HAS NO TEETH. Otherwise, they could use it to assist those underage gender confused yutes (youths) in castration ceremonies.

  13. I don't see why it should stop there. I want to see county taxpayers fund diapers, baby wipes, adult male and female incontinence products, flushable wipes, and don't forget paper towels to go along with that soap.

    1. next they'll want dildos and free porn

  14. "Someday soon, I guess no one will take care of him/herself or his/her children???"

    There is a strong sentiment in this country, especially among conservatives, that poverty is self-inflicted, and the detritus of slavery and racism is simply nonexistent. This was the view during the gilded age, when coal barons hired private armies to deal with labor unrest over low wages and long hours. Both sentiments are wrong. Wealth inequality has always existed and was exacerbated in this country during the guilded age when industrialism created it to a very large degree. Ironically, the person who first took aim at this was himself a Republican, Theodore Roosevelt.

    1. News. We are not in that gilded age in 2024

  15. Doesn't Philadelphia have bigger issues to tackle than this? I mean Kensington is a drug den.

  16. "More useless welfare, but tampon tim is excited"

    This is a slur aimed at Tim Walz, who as Governor of Minnesota supported a state law requiring menstrual products. He also supported free school breakfasts and lunches. The Trump campaign has responded by name-calling. Minnesota is actually just one of 28 states that now mandate free menstrual products at schools.

    It should be noted that Trump signed a law requiring that free menstrual products be provided in federal prisons. https://time.com/7008786/tampon-tim-insult-irony-essay/

    1. I will not aim any slurs against Tim Walz, but I saw it reported that MN is the third highest tax state and that there was a $3B state surplus that he has since reportedly blown through. I also saw somewhere that thousands of small businesses and individuals have moved out of MN because they can no longer afford to live and do business there. Can we find the truth? Did he admit he's socialist by stating something about socialism being neighborliness? We need facts!

    2. The point Bernie was they were in all restrooms.en included

    3. Men included bathrooms

    4. Facts would be so nice but we can't get them because like Bernie the press lies and people believe it all

  17. The "poor" can afford a phone, a car and a 60 inch tv, but I have to pay for their tampons. Yep, our nation has gone to hell in a hand basket.

    1. The 'poor' have been conditioned to believe that when spending your own money, wants come first. If, after you've blown your check in 45 minutes, you can't afford needs, it's not your fault and it's because you are being discriminated against.

  18. Tampons. Homelessness. Sanctuary cities. It never ends anymore. In Bethslum we provide a very large garbage container to the homeless population under the Fayhe bridge. This has become a nuisance rather than a solution. It seems the far left extremists that get involved in government would like to provide with tax payers money than rather find solutions.

    1. It doesn't "seem". It actually is,!!!

  19. It’s not just about the poor! It’s about equity. Men get toilet paper to wipe their asses, but women shouldn’t get products for their bodily function?! Anyone against this is a real asshole! Keegan and Warren are rock stars!

  20. Whenever I see measures like this, I know why nothing ever seems to improve. The roads that need repairs have needed repairs for decades, even after the repairs are completed. The cost of groceries, utilities, energy, et al, continue to soar. The poor continue to be poor even with SNAP, WIC, and other programs to help [sic] them. But, rest easy, because a problem that affects a small percentage of the population will be addressed. Of course, years from now, 'period poverty' will still be an issue and the dullards who support and enact these types of ordinances will open their playbook to page one and blame the failure of such programs on billionaires, conservatives, and men.

    1. Why should the poor even try to dig themselves out as we the workers are forced to pay for them? Take, take, take - we have taught them greed, laziness and whining, so much that they have PhDs in woe is me.

  21. Anyone who complains about providing feminine products, shouldn’t expect to find toilet paper in a public bathroom.

    1. Why has this suddenly become a problem that only elected leaders can solve with your tax dollars? Now, I'm not an anatomist, but I believe women have been menstruating for a few hundred thousand years, at least. Has society devolved to the point where women can no longer care for themselves without assistance from government?

      Toilet paper, soap, paper towels, and working hand dryers are, by no means, guarantees in any public restroom; no matter what the directive from almighty gubbermint.

    2. Your perspective is that government can do no good and is only a burden on your bank account. With that stance we shall become the third world country Drumph claims we are. It hasn’t “suddenly” become a problem, women have literally been shit on by patriarchal societies for thousands of years. Women didn’t have the right to vote until the 20th century, couldn’t have bank accounts or credit without a a father or brother or husband co-signing until 1974.

  22. How many of these 'po women have cell phone bills, cable and streaming bills, head to the casino for appletinis, or Starbucks for $10 coffees, or, or, or. Who is going to stop people from taking (stealing?) these tampons for use by non-employee girlfriends, wives, et al? What's next, take-away toilet paper?

    1. “ ‘Po” women … nothing racist about that. You do know there are a lot of poor white people right? Oh and what’s so bad about providing feminine supplies in bathrooms? Many women don’t carry those supplies with them 24/7 and don’t
      always know when they’ll need them! God forbid the possibility extending women some kindness.

  23. anyone who has ever been to a less-developed part of the world will know that it is literally amazing to citizens of that part of the world that in America we take perfectly clean, drinkable water, and drop our waste into it, along with as much toilet paper as needed to do the job. Women in large parts of the world have to carry toilet paper and feminine products (if they have them) at all times due to the scarcity in public accommodations. In the USA, we do it differently and provide TP as a matter of course in even the most humble gas station bog. It seems like a trifling sum for our female citizens to be treated equitably, which leads to their feeling of inclusion. I mean, that seems like maybe a way to make America great again, doesn't it?

  24. Just one more piece of personal responsibility removed from individuals by progressives who think they're helping. We are a nation of shiftless beggars. Bleed down your leg if you or your "parent" are that stupid, lazy, worthless and irresponsible. You are clearly in need of a harsh lesson because your life won't get any easier by being coddled.

    1. I say take away all the toilet paper from public bathrooms, then men & women will need to carry toilet paper in their purses, fanny packs , backpacks or man bags and of course women who are menstruating will also need to carry feminine supplies. Or husbands will just rely on their wife's stash when they're with them in public.

    2. @1134 You literally are a POS

  25. Why doesn't this county council actually look into some real and concerning issues in the county. Like the crisis in the jail.. maybe if someone would actually look into it and stop believing the flat out lies that Kenny told council, the tax payers of northampton County. It would help a lot more.

  26. "Men get toilet paper to wipe their asses, but women shouldn’t get products for their bodily function?"

    You mean women don't wipe their asses? WOW, who knew. Thank you, Comrade Keegan, for the information. I will bring the Lysol.

  27. As a woman, I am annoyed by this. We are creating a society dependent upon government, rather than a self-sufficient society. This may seem like a "minor" issue to some and no big deal, but like others, I wonder where does it end? I have learned (taught by my parents, who were taught by theirs, etc.) that I must provide for myself and do without some things in order to pay for what is needed. Tampons and pads are necessary items for which I budget. A fresh manicure or pedicure, cup of coffee from Dunkin' are things I don't need and won't get if I don't have the money. There have always been poor people, but in the past, even the poor had great pride and knew the concept of needs vs. wants. Now we seem to be creating a society that puts wants ahead of needs. Big companies have been bailed out, students are being told they aren't accountable for school loans, schools provide breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This is all a very slippery slope.

  28. Howe much will this cost? What about stealing or damaging machines? Any payment?
    Zeroinski stared the woke progressive train in Northampton County and now you have Warren and Keegan at this point. Just wait till you see the McClure County council ticket for next year. Shee would never introduce this if McClure did not give the oK. Maybe she will now advocate for better employee pay? (LOL)
    Bernie, this is the new democrat party in the county. You must be thrilled.

  29. American women get to singlehandedly decide who lives and who dies. No judge gets to do that singlehandedly. They do so over 800,000 time per year. But they can't handle their periods? This is who we are. The women's movement reduced them to the sum of their private parts. And now men are stealing their movement by being better women than women. What a time to be alive. Women are still hopeless and stupid. But they love to kill their kids. So they have that to celebrate. Huzzah.

  30. What next! They fund the daycare and now this.

  31. I carry a wig in my truck. Tampons and feminine pads make great bore cleaners for my shotguns and assault rifles.

    Throw on that wig, instant woman and fill my pockets with those pads.

    Thanks ladies. Girl power!

  32. The patriarchy has made it harder for women to intentionally end the lives of their developing children.

    A few free tampons evens the score.

  33. vote grabbing dems kiss the so called poor asses again

  34. Local colleges have convinced their female population that free feminine products is a human and civil right.

    As such, college administrations that don’t provide these free items are committing humanitarian and civil rights violations.

    This is how the left operates and bullies to facilitate their agenda.

  35. Bernie O’Hare 8:18 am said:

    “This is a slur aimed at Tim Walz, who as Governor of Minnesota supported a state law requiring menstrual products.”

    Oh how you love to tell your half-truths.

    He’s called “Tampon Tim” because he had tampon dispensers installed in BOYS’ bathrooms.

    By the way, it’s not a slur. He earned it.

    1. Thank you. This is how the facts get distorted. We need to call it when we see it

  36. 9:22, Actually, it is a slur and is disinformation being spewed by the Trump cult. Tim Walz supported state legislation to address period poverty by requiring that menstrual products be made available "to all menstruating students" in grades 4-12. Nothing in the legislation he signed into law required that menstrual products be placed in boys' bathrooms, only in those used by students who menstruate. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2024/aug/13/jesse-watters/claim-that-gov-tim-walz-forced-schools-to-stock-ta/

    As I previously noted, 28 states are doing this, including Greg Abbot's Texas. https://time.com/7008786/tampon-tim-insult-irony-essay/

    1. Well then, why not just say girls/women?

    2. “Slurs and disinformation” are not allegations of campaign tactics limited to one side only.

  37. So will Keegan and Northampton County provide no cost condoms in their restrooms. Thery are sanitary products and limit contagious disease and unwanted pregnancies and abortions. It makes sense to include that if we are serious about all this.

  38. Interesting. Bernie, I never knew your readership hated women so much. Reading the comments sure shows me.

  39. 8:14, These are the Trump cult readers. They are misogynists, hate poor people and love Trump.

    1. While themselves being poor. Gotta love MAGAts


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