Local Government TV

Friday, August 16, 2024

Kelly Keegan Votes No to Paying Starting DA the Same Salary as a Starting PD

Yesterday, I told you that NorCo DA Steve Baratta announced has hired Frank Donchez, Bethlehem's former Police Comm'r, as an assistant prosecutor. He said Donchez's background in law enforcement and as a practicing attorney made him a worthy choice. Although he was hiring an assistant DA to an existing position, he sought a three-step upgrade for Donchez from $67,828 to $77,403. Under the Administrative Code, a three-step upgrade requires County Council approval. Last night, he got it. Council voted 8-1 in favor of the upgrade, with Kelly Keegan casting the lone No vote. 

Yesterday, I accused her of taking her cues from Executive Lamont McClure. I say this because she has been a reliable rubber stamp for him since being sworn into office.  And McClure, to be blunt, is cheap. He does not like paying people who work for the county a lot of money. Ask any union member. Ask any career service worker, Hell, ask anyone who works for the county. He even opposes much-needed pay increases to his own position. 

My accusation angered Keegan, who posted a comment here, ripping me, and followed that up with a claim at last night's meeting that this is a "drama blog." 

Actually, this blog focuses mostly on Lehigh Valley and Northampton County government, making it more of a comedy blog. Bad comedy, yes, but there it is. 

Keegan then proceeded to complain about the $10,000 payhike as well as a pension that is earned after five years, as though she were the Judy of Punch and Judy, with Lamont McClure pulling the marionette strings from above. She also argued that since she had to start as a new hire when she moved from Allentown to Easton School District, everyone should. 

Later that night, she voted to hire Aline Shafnisky as Council Clerk at a salary well above what she earned as a Deputy. 

Her own thinking is inconsistent, which is what happens when people vote as they're told instead of on the basis of what they believe. 

She's choosing to ignore the real difficulty that District Attorneys across the state and country have had in attracting new talent. She also ignored a point Baratta made for two days in a row - Donchez' salary would still be below the starting salary of an assistant public defender. "I'm asking for a salary that's competitive with what we pay our brand-new PDs," he said last night. Public defenders have a duty to represent indigent defendants, while prosecutors protect the community. That's why they represent "the Commonwealth." 

Council member John Goffredo agreed with Baratta. "I don't know why we are not allowing the guy that got elected to run the office the way he sees fit. If you think this is going to help, I would love to be in support of it. 

There was no other discussion, and Keegan found herself alone in voting No. Even Jeff Warren, the Punch to the usual Punch and Judy routine, voted Yes. 


  1. Speaking of, is Warren as dumb as he sounds? Or is he just pretending to be dense with his long-winded complaining jags?

  2. First, stating her “own thinking”, that doesn’t exist. She is an order taker from her boss, not the people who elected her by default, but McClure. She is also a radical leftist liberal like those in NYC, California, Philadelphia, who don’t believe in law and order. Hence, voting no both times when it came time for pay raises for law enforcement. Probably believes in no bail either and letting illegal immigrants into this country. Wait until they flock to Northampton County and invade ours schools and town and we have to fund them. Then watch taxes skyrocket. I’m sure they are here now. So, Bernie, it’s good to see that you recognize this. Hopefully voters do as well for her re-election.

    1. Just wait for Kamala to build them homes all over the County!

  3. NORCO council - how you know the circus is in town.

  4. Keegan's comment was timestamped at 9:28 AM on a Thursday. If she was at work, she's continuing to violate employee internet and network usage policies of EASD. I'm guessing the district never acted after the late Ed Reagan brought her numerous and continual policy violations to administration's attention. A simple RTK request should unveil whether she was on duty or not.

    1. lol! Maybe you should learn about summer vacation, inservice hours, lunch time, bathroom breaks, sick days, personal days, and general breaks. Dead Reagan was too ignorant too know about them too.

    2. To* - jesus 10:07 AM i hope you are not an English teacher!

    3. Bathroom breaks are in their contract??? lol. Anyhow, emailing during bathroom breaks. LOL.

    4. In other words, more loafing than working right 10:07? Did you ever see such a long list of time off? No wonder we’re ranked so low in the world educational rankings.

  5. "Speaking of, is Warren as dumb as he sounds? Or is he just pretending to be dense with his long-winded complaining jag."

    Warren, who is the Punch to Keegan's Judy, was smart enough to vote for the DA's proposal and backed off pretty quickly once he realized the DA can fire back. He is certainly long-winded.

  6. 77k is peanuts for a guy with that resume. This Keegan is a joke, she’ll vote to give free shit to unproductive people, but for a solid professional who’s worth double the paltry 77k being offered, she votes no. She does what Lamont tells her to do, and it was made easier for her because like a good far left liberal she mostly doesn’t care much for law enforcement would be my guess.

  7. I’d be curious to see the full list of salaries. I’ve heard one of the youngest males with 6 years legal experience makes close to $80K while one of the new females makes around $70K with 22 years experience. Seems like the office is male top heavy in rank and salary.

  8. How does a clerk make over 100000$ and a DA less than 80000$?

  9. Warren is ridiculous. I suspect wet brain. My brother in law had it and was never the same. He just seemed to get dumber by the day. But we all knew.

  10. Keegan was pretty quick to put up her guard there at 10:07. Ol' Vladdy here must have been correct in the initial comment.

    1. You definitely hit a nerve lol.

  11. McClure is selectively cheap. He is cheap with thing she doesn't care about, like employees and projects that are not his doing. However, he is more than willing to spend big time on the things he wants. He brings in some of his people at high rates while belittling others who do. He has given multiple steps to his people, while condemning others. He has a county paid public relations person following him taking pictures and setting up (political) press conferences.
    And as you pointed out he has always had people on council who's only job is to promote his wishes, and attack plans and people he tells them to. One was rewarded with a full-time Controller job$$$.

  12. Oh Warren, the guy loves to name drop. A brilliant legend in his own mind.

  13. How much does a Public defender make in Northampton? Your article didn't mention anything

  14. 8:51 am: Easton teachers return to school on 8/20, so unless her contract as a nurse requires she begin earlier, she was not violating her contract. Also, I ask that all of you who think teachers have a job that is easy or filled with breaks think about subbing. Obviously, it would be an easy way to spend your time.

    1. Nurses follow the teachers' schedule, true. But, nurses can work an additional 20 days per year (per the current para-professional contract; providing I read that correctly, lol). However, since band and fall sports practices began in early August, wouldn't there be a nurse on duty to receive health forms and medication that needs to be dispensed? Again, I did say "if" so I'm being speculative.

    2. Keegan is a school nurse! LOL. They are the all powerful.

  15. Some are over paid, some are under paid. Come spend a day in the courthouse Bernie, they hired a clueless HVAC guy who walks around the place like his brain is on a permanent coffee break. Makes you wonder how they got the job to begin with.


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