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Monday, July 01, 2024

Joe Must Go

In the wake of Thursday night's disastrous debate, the New York Times Editorial Board opines that the best way Joe Biden can serve his country now is by stepping aside.  The New Yorker's David Remnick argues that a continued candidacy is more than self-delusion but is endangering this country. Israel worries that Iran could exploit the obvious weakness.  I am sure Ukraine and Taiwan are concerned as well. Despite his obvious weakness, his family and inner circle - the same idiots who prepared him for a Terrible Thursday - selfishly urge him to stay on. This is in spite of a post-debate poll in which a whopping 72% of Americans conclude that Biden lacks the "mental and cognitive health to serve as president.”

NYTimes columnist Maureen Dowd, a Washington insider, is far from my favorite columnist. She's snide and condescending, and I believe she routinely uses a thesaurus to make herself sound more intelligent than she actually is. But for once, I am in complete agreement with her Saturday Ghastly v. Ghostly column, which starts with these two paragraphs: 

"He’s being selfish. He’s putting himself ahead of the country. He’s surrounded by opportunistic enablers. He has created a reality distortion field where we’re told not to believe what we’ve plainly seen. His hubris is infuriating. He says he’s doing this for us, but he’s really doing it for himself.

"I’m not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about the other president."

Let's forget the "What About" arguments that Democrats are now making about Trump. Of course he lies. We all (or at least most of us) know this. This is not about his fitness to serve. This is about the man who currently is at the helm, and it's downright scary.

As Dowd reminds us, this is a guy who had to bow out of a Presidential race in 1987 when it was discovered that he was using lines from speeches by RFK and Hubert Humphrey. This is the Senator who basically assured us Clarence Thomas as a Supreme Court Justice. This is the man who suffered two aneurisms in 1988. 

"Biden looked ghostly, with that trepidatious gait; he couldn’t remember his rehearsed lines or numbers. He has age-related issues, and those go in only one direction. It was heart-wrenching to watch the president’s childhood stammer return."

We are constantly reminded by the media that Trump is surrounded by myrmidons who parrot his every thought, no matter how ridiculous. But it is now clear that Biden has his own set of lemmings who have shielded him from what was so obvious on Thursday night. They are condemning all of us to a Trump landslide.

One of the most important attributes of a President is the ability to communicate. Like him or not, Trump has been an effective communicator. He lacks the soaring oratory of an Obama or FDR. He is far from likable. But he knows how to get his message out, even if it is hawking bible. Biden, in contrast, has miserably failed to explain foreign or domestic policy in terms an average American can understand.

He can step down and open up the convention to candidates who at least are lucid. I doubt this will change the result but am certain about what will happen if he remains in this race. 

He needs to look at the polls instead of listening to his cheerleaders. 


Anonymous said...

Please no more democratic politicians their policies are terrible all they do is spend and more spending. They are terrible on foreign policy that is why Russia, China and Iran all want Biden to win. Plus, the democrats are the biggest liars of all time. All they do is lie and the fake media goes along with them.

Anonymous said...

Put in Gavin Newsom and he will do to America what he did to California.

Anonymous said...

Down south the Republicans are requiring that the Ten Commandments be posted in public schools yet they are going to nominate Donald Trump who has violated all the Ten Commandments. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

"She snide and condescending"
So are you and fellow democrats McClure and Barron, so what? She is great and pointed out that democrats should not throw stones at a glass house. Dems claim Maga are mindless and follow Trump np matter what. The damn dems do the same thing. They pick some god appointed leader and woe to any democrat that does not pay homage. She is a great journalist

Anonymous said...

It’s Kamala’s turn.

She has earned it and would be a tremendous representative of her party.

Anonymous said...

The Biden family has enriched themselves via shakedowns and influence peddling for forty years.

My guess is that as soon as the buyout hits 10 million, Jill will seal the deal.

That amount buys another beach house and adult diapers for life.

joe said...

I've been dubious about Biden while grudgingly conceding that he was the guy who defeated Trump in 2020. He did it before, maybe he'd do it again. But, man, I cannot imagine the man we saw at the debate serving four years as our nation's executive. Obviously, most other folks can't either.

I don't think he will willfully step down. His ego and his enablers won't allow it. I also think a brokeres convention will be a disastrous sign of weakness where the democrats will spend the summer attacking each other rather than Trump.

This is a failure of the party to not cultivate young talent and push for a one-term Biden presidency. It's too late now.

Trump will win and he will continue out slide towards authoritarianism. I can't imagine him getting two more Supreme Court appointments when Thomas and Alito retire.

Anonymous said...

It wasn’t a debate. Tapper and Bash would ask a question and Trump consistently redirected it and turned it into lying rants against Joe without either moderator stopping him and telling him to answer the question. CNN allowed Trump, once again, to smugly trample on and ignore rules without consequence.
As far as Joe’s performance, no one questioned what liquids, or medicine, if any, he had before entering the stage because he was totally okay at his post rally…..almost as if someone behind the stage had slipped something into his drink. I have no trust or belief in any of the staff handling this debate. The only playbook this looked like was from one of Putin’s
opponents drug mishaps.

Anonymous said...

What lies did Trump say during the debate? The best running mate for Trump would be Condoleeza Rice. If Biden steps down maybe a good replacement would be the Governor of Maryland. It' sad to see Biden's decline. I've seen it for years now and been saying it is like, "Weekend at Bernie's". If the democrats didn't see it, they didn't want to. No one had the guts to say, the emperor has no clothes on. Age is not the issue as there are many older Americans that do not have cognitive decline. Hopefully, the USA will pick a president to lead, protect our Constitution and it's citizens.

Anonymous said...

He'll stay in and win. Cognition is over rated. Look at Senator John Fetterman.

Anonymous said...

So let's get rid of the president with one of the best records of getting stuff done because he had an off night against an opponent who lied through the entire debate.

Spare me.

You're a white guy, Bernie. You're in no danger of losing your bodily autonomy. You're old so what do you care if the Supreme Court just made it easier for corporations to pump more poison into our air, water and soil? You're not going to be drafted to fight a war because Trump got into a pissing contest on Twitter.

Biden has a solid record of accomplishments. He has an excellent cabinet of sane and competent people and a great vice president in Kamala Harris.

Trump is a stochastic terrorist. The jurors on his NY trial are living in fear right now while the people who sat on Hunter Biden's trial are giving TV interviews because they know Biden respects the rule of law and would defend them if they're threatened.

I'm sticking with the man who can be trusted to uphold American democracy while you give a pass to the guy who's working to destroy it.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha...you're too funny!🤣

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden didn’t get this way starting Thursday night. He’s been losing his mental and physical abilities steadily for years. Remember back how he was kept hidden leading up to the 2020 election? So, here’s what that all means.

Democrat Party operatives in public position, and a group of hidden managers making policy decisions behind the scenes, kept Biden in place so those same operatives could continue their radical plans to ‘fundamentally change’ America into a different form of government. Admit it, Joe Biden was being kept under control by others. It really shouldn’t matter who those same operatives put into place as their replacement candidate. We’ll just get more of the same.

Allow me to repeat, inserting someone else as Democrat President of the United States will keep the ‘plan’ firmly in place. Not only do we need a new president, this nation needs a different cast of operatives (seen and unseen) to bring things back to an improved level.

Anonymous said...

That would be great!

Anonymous said...

What have you been smoking?🤪

Anonymous said...

He was no better or worse four years ago when they refused to let him be seen in public and he hid in his Delaware basement. And you endorsed him.

When Trump wins, you and your ilk require investigation and possible charges for your misinformation campaign re COVID that cost so many lives and helped this piece of human shit get elected, kill our soldiers, and get into three wars when we had peace. You have to take responsibility. You won't, because you're still brainwashed. You should be arrested and charged. We'll teach your lying ass for you.

Anonymous said...

To 6:33 you are one first class loser by the post you posted. You must be drinking some spoiled kool aide for thinking that Biden 's record is solid. I wish you would post your address so all the Border crashers that he allowed in would stop at your place.

Anonymous said...

Quoting the NYT? You might as well post headlines from newsmax.

Anonymous said...

Biden was never in charge and nothing has changed in four years. His administration is run by a bunch or girls and girly men from the Oberlin College faculty lounge. History will report that Biden was shown the door because of his dementia. The fact is, he's being shown the door for what the woke whiz kids from Oberlin did to our country. It's not the man, as pathetic as he is. It's the broken policies (war, inflation, child sexual grooming, unbridled administrative state).

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:33 said:

“ I'm sticking with the man who can be trusted to uphold American democracy…”

My, what a delusional world you live in.

You mean the guy who wouldn’t debate other DEMOCRAT candidates in the primary and worked to keep them off the ballot? The guy who refused to provide protection for RFK, Jr?

Yeah, enjoy your Demokrazy. Idiot.

Anonymous said...

It is time for a major shake-up in this Country and you start with replacing both candidates as the head of their respective "tickets". Donal Trump is a scumbag lying poor excuse for a human being and his opponent is an over-the-hill politician who lacks the ability to verbalize his thoughts. To continue the shake-up, the Supreme Court must go. These appointed for life political hacks have outlived their usefulness to democracy. I have voted for both Republicans and Democrats, but I have never voted for a convicted low life looking to overthrow the Government and I never will. If the ticket at the top of both party's remains as is, Biden will get my vote.

Anonymous said...

tRUMP should step aside also. He is a convicted felon, a womanizer and a fraud. It is a sad commentary on all of us that these two are the best we can produce to run our once great nation. We will all have to hold our noses come election day.

Anonymous said...

“He can step down and open up the convention to candidates who at least are lucid.”

If nothing else, this issue is exposing people like BO for the political hacks that they are.

And make no mistake: Anyone calling for Biden to step down at the convention so the democrats can WIN is a political hack.

What we saw last week was nothing new, and isn’t going to get better. Unless you are advocating for Biden’s cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment and declare him incapacitated - NOW - you are only concerned about party and couldn’t care less about your country.

Does anyone believe that the person we saw last week is capable of negotiating with foreign leaders to get the best outcome for America, or (God forbid) make a quick, pressure-filled decision to respond to a foreign nuclear attack on our country?

I suppose that you can live with that if all you really care about is staying in power, no matter what the danger to the country.

Yes, I realize that swapping out Biden now might make it more difficult for Trump to win. If that’s the case, so be it.

But country comes first and the shallow lust for power that’s clearly evident here is enough to make me puke.

Randy said...

Dividend we fall. Both parties stink. Sad.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute. He's been like this for years. His family and his woke/Obama campaign team hid him from prying eyes and questions - and you helped! Now, he can't hide anymore and his policies have a clear record that is mostly disastrous. Don't act like this just happened and that you had nothing to do with enabling it. And after all you just posted, shouldn't he be replaced under the twenty fifth amendment this morning? Be fair to the country you claim to love. The guy controls the nuclear codes. Although he probably can't remember them.

Anonymous said...

He has already admitted that he had a very bad night during the debate. However, he rebounded the very next day. All of us have had bad days, mistaken peoples names, walked into a room and momentrily forgot why and other cognitive missteps. That doesn;t make us unfit. The real question is wether or not he is capable of making decisive decisons to protect our country. I think the weight he felt to defeat Trump bogged him down not his ability to think or act .

Anonymous said...

Trump will not win. Yes, Biden was off and may not be the absolute best the Dems have, but he’s not a liar or a wannabe dictator with 37 criminal convictions, that started an insurrection. He still cry’s about a rigged election, that both parties have agreed that there was no wide spread fraud. He even made the puppet R’s back away from a good bipartisan border plan, so Biden wouldn’t get credit. Say what you want about Biden, but Trump is a horrible humanbeing.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. Literally everything you listed as a reason for Joe to go were known in 2020, yet you still voted for him. Liberals are losers.

Anonymous said...

Joe lost his marbles long ago. What's astonishing is how surprised Dems are acting. After years of "Deep Fakes!" "Cheap Fakes!" "Fact Checks (FALSE! FALSE! FALSE! EDITED! OUT OF CONTEXT!)", we now get..."Oh my, look at that, how sad." And we still have some commenters here doing their best Baghdad Bob imitation.

Anonymous said...

Wow. What world are you living in? I think you need to rewatch the debate and this time put your 'They Lived' glasses on.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wait… a week ago it was all a cheap fakes and now this? Liberals are always smartest in room yet all of you were too brainwashed (and dumb)to observe this walking corpse the last 3.5 years?

Anonymous said...

This can still be won. Here's what Team SlowJoe can do.

1. Free the seed. Make weed legal federally. Make Hunter the director of the DEA. He has a law degree and verified experience in recreational narcotics (no the laptop was NOT Russian disinformation). Apparently he loves guns too so he can be dual hatted as DEA/ATF. Plus he needs a job now that the wheels fell off the foreign grifts. He can even kick up 10% of his federal salary to the big guy.

2. Orange Man Bad. Oooga booga. He's going to eat your children (those that you didn't want to abort anyway).

3. We need more Kamala. She's a win/win. Mispronouncing her name is like misgendering someone. Weaponize identity politics to the max. In the words of Kamala "It is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day."

4. We need more Shrill Jill. Not only does she help SlowJoe down single steps, she also very coherently lays down the oooga booga Orange Meanie is a LIAR. Orange Meanie is a LIAR. Change campaign slogan from "Riding with Biden" to "Orange Meanie is a LIAR". Has a nice ring.

All of this Joe Biden is declining nonsense is Right Wing disinformation. Don't be fooled by the cheap fakes even the debate was a cheap fake. Yeah that's the ticket. Orange Meanie is a LIAR.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

Anonymous 6:33 -

Here's a tip that could save your life: if anyone ever offers you a pitcher of Flavor-Aid, don't drink it.

The Republicans are in a bind because they let Trump seize control of the party. Trump played that perfectly and Republicans have no choice but to support and canonize him. But, at least he's fairly lucid and world leaders know that.

Democrats are in a bind because they really have no strong alternatives. Kamala is a cackling ninny. Newsom's IQ wouldn't even register on a tire pressure gauge. Buttigieg is too young and doesn't have the experience. Michelle Obama is popular but I don't think she's interested. Jill Biden might as well as run because it's obvious that she's running the show and has been for some time.

Biden clearly needs a caregiver to get him through the day. The POTUS needs to be a person who projects strength, confidence, leadership, faculty, and sanity. Joe projects none of those anymore.

Anonymous said...

$50 bucks says @6:33 is Kelly Keegan.

Anonymous said...

OMG. The woman can't communicate at all. She's a joke. Have you heard her word salads. It's like she's on drugs giggling and unable to hold an intelligent conversation. I'd actually take Joe over her!!

Anonymous said...

"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
-- George Orwell

And now you're pretending that you didn't go along with this for the last four years? You rejected any criticism as cult conspiracy theory MAGA rantings. You don't have to like Trump (I can't stand him), to see what you and others did to cover for a declining half-wit with ethical (Hunter and James) and sexual (Ashley) issues.

Anonymous said...

DEI has boxed the Dems into a corner. When Nixon had to resign the steady hand of Ford was there. Kamala Harris was chosen, according to Joe, because he wanted a woman of color instead of the best person. She’s been a flop, let’s face it. Joe has to stay in now and he’s going to lose.

Anonymous said...

Didn’t you hear? Joe works well between 10 and 4 lol.

Anonymous said...

He’s been in cognitive decline for awhile. You’re delusional.

Anonymous said...

I'm writing in Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben. Both much finer people than the current choices.

Anonymous said...

The big question for me is how much will the continued Biden campaign harm down ballot candidates like Bob Casey and Susan Wild just to mention 2 local examples. Think of how much pressure the Bidens must be facing nationwide.

Anonymous said...

Many great presidents and some bad ones were womanizer.s. Remember I did not have sexual intercourse with that woman

The Honorable Hugo Huffenwumple said...

The people who fawn over Trump might be a brainwashed bunch but they aren't as funny as the "old white men are the problem" crowd fawning over Biden.

Anonymous said...

Crazy how you want a traitor whose only goal is to enrich himself and stay out jail from his crimes!

Anonymous said...

Not gonna lie, when I saw the title of this post, I thought you finally got wind of a story regarding a courthouse employee named Joe - but I see that's not the case. Once you break that story, I believe you will have another post titled "Joe Must Go".

Anonymous said...

Jill will be in the valley this week with Susan Wild. Let’s ask her!

Anonymous said...

9:59 - both Bob Casey and Susan Wild need to go. If this situation results in that I’ll be happy. BOTH of these people pretended not to see what was being done to America. Both served as clapping seals while the people they represent back home continued to suffer more each day.

Anonymous said...

Where can I apply for one of the "black jobs"?

Anonymous said...

Dem here. I strongly agree, Bernie.

I agree with 11:51 that Jill Biden's visit will be the best opportunity we locally have to weigh in on this. I urge everyone who is concerned to call Susan Wild's office at (202) 225-6411 and urge Susan to let Jill know that Joe's stepping down is the right thing to do. Susan's candidacy is at risk here--there's so little chance she wins with Joe at the top of the ticket. She has more to lose in the short term than most of us!

Anonymous said...

As Dowd reminds us, this is a guy who had to bow out of a Presidential race in 1987 when it was discovered that he was using lines from speeches by RFK and Hubert Humphrey. This is the Senator who basically assured us Clarence Thomas as a Supreme Court Justice. This is the man who suffered two aneurisms in 1988.

I am laughing so hard at this because YOU ALL KNEW THIS 4 YEARS AGO AND STILL VOTED FOR HIM. And don't get me started on the kid sniffing, daughter showering. I thought he was to bring us normalcy and unite the country. We have two new wars and how many embassies have needed to be evacuated on his watch. Speaking of watches he checked it when brave American soldiers were being carried by him. He is disgusting

Anonymous said...

Dem here. I strongly agree, Bernie.

I agree with 11:51 that Jill Biden's visit will be the best opportunity we locally have to weigh in on this. I urge everyone who is concerned to call Susan Wild's office at (202) 225-6411 and urge Susan to let Jill know that Joe's stepping down is the right thing to do. Susan's candidacy is at risk here--there's so little chance she wins with Joe at the top of the ticket. She has more to lose in the short term than most of us!

Anonymous said...

No President has enriched themself more than Trump and that’s a fact, but I’m sure like Trump you disregard facts. While in the senate President Biden was among the lowest in financial assets.

Anonymous said...

Casey. It's amazing you all keep voting for him

Anonymous said...

Just an observation on the comments. We have both sides defending their guy. Some Dems saying the President needs to step aside. Some Republicans are saying they don't like Trump but will still vote for him. I have not seen any comments from Republicans saying Trump should step aside/not our best choice. Unfortunately, we have beaten any sane candidate out of the party.
I'm afraid if you don't offer full support for Trump there is no place for me in the party anymore. I'm not confusing nor trading conservative values for populism.

Anonymous said...

2:28 No President has enriched themself more than Trump and that’s a fact, but I’m sure like Trump you disregard facts. While in the senate President Biden was among the lowest in financial assets.

2:28, it took me a 30 second google search to prove you wrong. Enjoy the links below and also let me know if Trump took a paycheck when he was in office. Is Wikipedia disregarding facts? My favorite part from the wikipedia page is below the link. Enjoy and stop watching MSNBC/CNN for 5 mins.


In March 2016, Forbes estimated his net worth at $4.5 billion. A year later, shortly after his inauguration, they lowered it by $1 billion, and by the end of his presidential term, they had subtracted yet another $1 billion.

Anonymous said...

No President has been as unjustly attacked, impeached and apparently indicted as Trump. He’s not a career politician. Biden is. Where would Biden be without politics? Hmm.

Anonymous said...

All the people in government elected or appointed are no good people-they are corrupt, they lie, and they only think of themselves. then the media keeps the lies going because they are fake news people.

Anonymous said...

Joe must GO... and replace with Joe Manchin WV & Krysten Sinema AZ.

It may be tough for some but we would finally be rid of Trump & Biden... which is a win for the DEMS & GOP !!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you happy?
Does this make sense?
Is SCOTUS following the rule of law?
Maybe the ex attorney can enlighten us?

Anonymous said...

So have all of us.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Are you happy?
Does this make sense?
Is SCOTUS following the rule of law?
Maybe the ex attorney can enlighten us?"

I've already made clear on multiple occasions how much I detest Trump. You point out in an apparent dig that I am an "ex attorney." My license is suspended, but nobody took away my law degree.

I believe the S Ct is probably correct. A President should be immune from criminal prosecution for official actions "unless the Government can show that applying a criminal prohibition to that act would pose no 'dangers of intrusion on the authority and functions of the Executive Branch.' " Thus, criminalizing murder would pose no danger of intrusion on the authority and functions of the Exec branch. Moreover, no matter how it is couched, an order to murder a political rival is actually an unofficial act for which there is no immunity. Thus, I find the dissent is a bit histrionic.

Anonymous said...

Appreciate the knowledge and support. The supreme Court is key to democracy the dissent was outrageous

Bernie O'Hare said...

The ruling makes pretty clear that while a President is and should be immune for official acts, even that is qualified if the criminal prohibition does not intrude on the authority of the exec branch. The Constitution confers no power to murder on the Exec branch.

Anonymous said...

Took the USA 248 years to fuck up democracy with an asshole like donald trump...

Anonymous said...

Jill is so out of touch. With everything going on the Queen is on the cover of Vogue. Really?

Anonymous said...

Well said. My sentiments exactly.

peterjcochran said...

72% of Americans think …… question is who are the ones that think he’s ok ? I’d like to see a run down of who these people are.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the laws apply to only “normal”

Anonymous said...

You people bellyaching about the Supreme Court decision granting a degree of immunity to Trump should consider this;
It only became necessary because for the first time in our history, a sitting President utilized his Justice Department to target his predecessor.

Third guy in Merrick Garlands Office leaves and miraculously pops up in a city DA office to lead and organize a local prosecution for a state charge?

Who’s smell test does that pass?

Anonymous said...

Listen here you Democrats masquerading as Americans…..although Kamala has the right skin color and Newsome has better hair, Biden is still spry and sharp as a tack. We saw it for ourselves the other night. Plus, he doesn’t put up with any malarkey.

Poll question. How many local Democrats will be celebrating the 4th of July this year?

I predict about 3%.

Anonymous said...

LOL. No Malarky Joe!

Anonymous said...

Why all the hate? let's not forget that we are all Americans.

Empty vessels make the most sound.

Anonymous said...

Sleepy Joe has nothing over the Wilson borough Council. Check the June 10th meeting minute on the Dixie and other matters

Anonymous said...

They are both too old. But I’ll pick a slower Joe than a lying Trump.

A concerned citizen of the Valley said...

It's Grandpa Simpson v Grandpa Hitler in a grudge match for the ages...

Anonymous said...

You who talk of word salads ?! Have you read or heard any of Trump’s responses to anything?!

Anonymous said...

I agree. Except that I think it WOULD change the outcome in favor of Democrats. I hope they succeed in EXTRACTING Biden from the ticket one way or another. If not, they will deserve what they will get.

Anonymous said...

With the felon , the world we live in will cease to exist …..we will lose to the elite, billionaire bastards who want to control trump and the economy…..wake up…