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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Harris on Border Security: Donald Trump "Does Not Walk It Like He Talks It"

From last night's Harris rally in Georgia:

"Our administration worked on the most border security bill in decades. Some of the most conservative Republicans in Washington supported the bill. Even the Border Security endorsed it. It was all set to pass. But at the last minute, Trump directed his allies in the Senate to vote it down. He tanked the bipartisan deal because he thought it would help him win an election, which goes to show Donald Trump does not care about border security, he only cares about himself." 

In the meantime, the vicious personal attacks from the right continue, with Lara Trump likening Harris to a fashon designer's faux trash bag, whatever that is.

Stay classy, Trump cult.


Anonymous said...

Kamala and Biden left us with a wide open border. And Wild voted against border funding 10 times.

Anonymous said...

She said Biden was of sound mind within days of his dropping out. She lied and was covering up. She's still lying about his ability to continue to lead. There's a reason her party didn't even get her to the Iowa Caucuses. She's never received a vote because she's a fake and a liar.

Anonymous said...

MAGAS are attempting, again, to deface, distort, divide, and disgrace because that’s all they do….their 2025 playbook to destroy Democracy is out in the open, and the old guy in the race is now THEIR
guy! What carnival tricks will they pull out next? Their old guy should debate or just shut up and invest in my ear pillows.

Anonymous said...

That was a lousy bill. It would have taken significant control from the states and left states at mercy of the feds. Same as now. California and New York force their nonsense onto other states. The bill proposers knew it would be controversial. If they had been serious, they would not have put in some of the state's rights limitations. Political ploy meant to gin up their party. They knew it was doomed to fail right from the gate.

Anonymous said...

Sure thing. I bet Nikki Haley, who bent the knee at the convention, sees all the inflaming, racist, sexist dog-whistle rhetoric from Trump and his surrogates and realizes what a stupid mistake she made.

Anonymous said...

MAGA is the clearly worst of America -- sad and scared.

Anonymous said...

Abandoned by his colleagues after negotiating a border compromise, GOP senator faces backlash alone

“Less than 24 hours after we released the bill, my Republican colleagues changed their minds,” said Sinema, a former Democrat turned Independent. “Turns out they want all talk and no action. It turns out border security is not a risk to our national security. It’s just a talking point for the election.”

A former youth minister in the Baptist church, Lankford, 55, is known as one of the most sincere and well-liked members of the Senate. He’s a conservative who rarely votes against his party, has long championed stricter measures at the border and has been supportive of former President Donald Trump. So his colleagues’ swift and outright rejection of the deal he has spent weeks and months negotiating — and their willingness to completely abandon Lankford in the process, after many of them indicated they were supportive of the direction of the talks -- is all the more remarkable.

Anonymous said...

Destroy Democracy? How about that Democrat Party, and whoever is running this country behind the scenes, deciding to erase the will of the people and install its own candidate for President. Somehow, the Democrat version of Democracy means citizens have no say in who gets to represent them. Just sit down and HERE is who you get. No primary challenges necessary.

Anonymous said...

harris/tRUMP/biden, like all other politicians, lie and distort the truth with every breath they take. And the faithful on both sides keep believing them. We are a nation of blind puppets.

Anonymous said...

Our doomed nation continues to prove P T Barnum correct.

Anonymous said...

Allowing up to 8000 illegals a day equals almost 3 million a year ...Tell me how this controls illegal entry. Add how many already came in. When wild was asked by me she said we welcome all into our coun

Anonymous said...

Biden first day executive order. Stop building border wall

Anonymous said...

Do you honestly think people forget the democrats fighting against every measure Trump tried to implement to deal with the border during his presidency and then 2020 democratic debate and campaign promises to end all executive orders Trump put in place? Biden did that on day 1. Newsflash…no one forgot. Talk about a cult. You literally want people to forget what actually happened and believe this new reality your trying to create by suggesting the problem was not created by the same people proposing the border bill that won’t actually solve the underlying problems. It’s a shame what this blog has become.

Anonymous said...

Another uninformative post from one of those countless "White Dudes for Harris" , desperatly flailing word salad derived in the small minds of fat, unhappy caucasian wanna-be journalists aka Bernie OHare. And they call us wierd? A pox on you, Sir Fuckface...

Anonymous said...

And the left never calls names. You are blind as a bat BO.

Anonymous said...

that border bill was a joke. why do we need a new border bill when we already have laws on the books for illegal entry into our country and Harris does not enforce them. What makes you think she would enforce this new bill. She would ignore it just like they ignored the supreme court ruling on paying college loans off with your tax money. Lastly, Can anyone name me an accomplishment this woman has done in the 3 years as VP? Has she done anything to qualify her for a promotion to POTUS? I'll wait

Anonymous said...

94 Executive orders?
Like an arsonist starting a fire then later on putting it out, and wanting credit for an heroic deed.

Anonymous said...

Is Lori trying to emulate Trump? This is what she does with all of Lamont’s big ticket agenda items.

Anonymous said...

It was very difficult for me to understand how Adolf Hitler could brainwash a majority of the German nation until I saw Donald Trump in action. Thank God many people in our country along with a free press are able to expose this maniac for what he is. He preys on the weaknesses of those who use excuses like blaming others for their own shortcomings in life and lack the ability to think for themselves. Why do these followers idolize a man who makes fun out of handicapped people? Why does he call American heroes who gave their life for a better America "losers"? He uses religion and attempts to sell himself as a Christian to do the devil's work. He tells the world he will be a dictator and yet a clan of Americans who lack the ability to think for themselves follow him like lambs going to the slaughter. WAKE UP AMERICA>

Anonymous said...

Anybody with any brains realizes that Biden and Harris fucked up the border you can not compare them to Trump and his border policies the only people that does that are the asshole radical left democrats who are real assholes of this world.

Anonymous said...

Even though it did not get enacted, someone might want to ask the VP why that new legislation was needed? Could it have been to “fix” a problem this administration created on day one with Biden’s Executive Order purge?

Anonymous said...

40-45% of each side is galvanized to the point of brainwashing. This election will be decided by the remaining 10-20%. I fall into that group as a conservative Independent voter.

As of today, I won’t vote for either major candidate. Trump reluctantly got my vote once before, but not this time. Great example why. The Republican-negotiated bipartisan border deal would have helped address this major concern, but Trump transparently torpedoed it for obvious personal political gain. Another of many examples of what the man is. On the other hand, Harris is far too progressive for my liking. The Democrat party has shifted from the 90s centrism and fiscal restraint to today's focus on social justice, DEI, and Harris's complete failure to address the border as the appointed "czar."

Where does that leave me? 3rd party. Kennedy. Haven't thought about who that helps or hurts. Frankly don't care. My concern is showing dissatisfaction with both parties. Both more interested in maintaining power than doing what’s best for America. Washington warned us about this over 200 years ago. The trend must be broken. I'll use my vote for that purpose.

Anonymous said...

They believe all of us will forget. How quickly they are rewriting history. It's unbelievable! TX for writing this

Anonymous said...

It appears you are the one being fooled I'm afraid

Anonymous said...

It makes me sad that America’s choice is Harris or Trump. Neither is worthy of residing in the White House. It is such a shame that the American people have accepted such mediocrity in most aspects of life.

Anon said...

In 2018, Harris signed on to a letter to Senate colleagues urging them to reject a request by the Trump admin to fund more BP agents. https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2024/07/04.27.2018-DHS.pdf

Anonymous said...

Your showing dissatisfaction for both parties vote won't matter except to you. Making a statement is deciding who's policies you want to see. Otherwise it's a cop out. I understand how you feel but your answer could get us four more years of this mess....and it will be as you say your vote that caused the next four years as a few will decide. Which four years do u want. Harris?

Sulemon said...

She's entitled to the same vicious attacks Sarah Palln received when she was more prominent in the national scene.

Anonymous said...

Harris as President will lead us into World War 3 that is a fact. Harris is anti Catholic==shje is so far left she is off the scale.

Anonymous said...

9:07 - The so-called "bi-partisan border bill" would have allowed illegals to continue streaming into our country at record numbers, and even when those numbers were exceeded would have left enforcement up to the president. It was a way for the democrats to normalize the status quo and claim they had done something about the border. It was a bad bill and was rightly rejected.

Those posting here in favor of that bill, including Bernie, know this but they are willing to parrot the party line in hopes of swaying the uninformed. Just like they (and Harris) lied to us about how sharp ol' Joe is, they're lying to us again.

Informed Americans know that Biden and Border Czar Harris created a mess at the border, and Trump is strong as far as making our country safer. That's why the Democrats are desperately lying about the issue. It won't work.

Anonymous said...

Harris anti-jew and anti-Catholic She will make the abortion president Biden look like a true Catholic.

Anonymous said...

"Stay classy, Trump cult."

You mean like the MSNBC reporter who accused JD Vance of being a White Supremacist who only wants white children being born in America? Despite the fact that Vance has three biracial children?

Save me the pearl clutching, you puke. You're the one in the cult.

Anonymous said...

The Country must be saved from the left-wing democrats who are destroying the country MUST VOTE FOR TRUMP> nor no country will be left.

Anonymous said...

All catholic's must vote against the most Anti-Catholic president candidate in many years.

Anonymous said...

Harris is a San Fransico left wing liberal she will turn this country into another Gavin Newsom California. High taxes, High crime, more illegals, more terrorists.

Anonymous said...

This coming from the people who, on a daily basis called Trump "Hitler" and half the country as white supremesists

Anonymous said...

ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS - Trump was building a border wall. Biden stopped it and sent his "Border TZAR" to handle it. She /HARRIS didn't do one damn thing!! And got defensive when Lou Holt reminded her about her lack of action!!

Biden hid in the basement, managed by his handlers. This continued through his Presidency. The WH was also so embarassed by cacklin' Kamala that SHE was also hidden out of site for 3/5 years. And now SHE is our SAVIOR? You must be kidding!!

Trump is a jerk, but from a business point of view ( I own one ) he is the candidate I want. Businesses, mostly mom and pop, keep this Country afloat. Who do you think pays the most taxes? Who are some of the biggest philantropists? So what if he reduces some taxes. Do you think that money is not reinvested into labor costs, goods, etc??? People who think like that do NOT own businesses. I wish we could all just POCKET the MONIES!! HAR DE HAR!

Harris is just another TAX and SPEND DEM. You know who they are. They want everyone elses money, JUST BECAUSE!! Not earning it, but wanting it because someone else has more. Also watch for reparations!! Oh yes. But not for the Irish in the coal mines, or the Asians in San Fran. Didn't her "family" have plantations with slaves? Something along those lines.

TRUMP 2024 - and let him FINISH THE WALL!!
P.s Nikki Haley should have been his VP choice...

Anonymous said...

MAGAS must rule the country we cannot give into the left-wing radical democrats who want to destroy the country. Those left-wing people are the brainwashed by people like the View and the squad and many of their followers. 95% of the media is left wing so they are big times liars and never tell the truth or question the democrats. Trump must be victorious or the United States will cease to exist.

Anonymous said...

As a Republican, I think it's telling when the party is shitting its pants over a weak candidate like Harris. I think it shows how weak of a candidate Trump really is. When the only requirement making it close race is being conscious, were taking on water.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats (Obama, Inc.) have been pushing us down the path to Communism. So, the answer is to keep voting for this? Not me!

Anonymous said...

Why are Ryan Mackenzie’s hands so tiny ?

Anonymous said...

The media will not attack Harris like it attacked Palin why? because the media is an arm of the democratic party -- they lie and lie all the time. Look how they tell lies about Trump.

Anonymous said...

Whoopi for vice president--Her and Harris will be the biggest joke in history.

Anonymous said...

How anyone in their right mind would vote for Harris is beyond me. She is the biggest phony of many phonies in government today. Name one thing she did good for the American people, Come on you left wing lunatics let's hear from you.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone vote for Harris and the democrats, especially younger people?

The democrats are robbing their futures with wild spending that benefits nobody and racking up record debt.

Somebody will eventually get stuck holding the bag of debt that the democrats have given this country, and it won't be the geriatric democrat politicians that are buying votes with their spending. It will be the young that will end up paying higher taxes just to pay the interest on the debt.

It's to the point where (thanks to the democrats) owning a home is now unreachable for many. So is owning a car. And thanks to democrat inflation, even being able to buy enough groceries is a struggle.

That's not the America many of us grew up in, and it's sure not the America that our young people deserve.

It's time to wake up and vote those democrat politicians out of office.

Anonymous said...

Since I’ll be voting Republican in this election, I'm glad the republicans are taking even a weak candidate like Harris seriously.

The anti-freedom ideology pushed by the politicians currently representing the democrat party need to be crushed at the ballot box.

Anonymous said...

Agree on it all. Tx!

Anonymous said...

I don’t agree, never be complacent in any political race.

Anonymous said...

Here we go . . . Today, Donald Trump made a statement indicating he would support NO TAXES on Social Security income. Should be difficult for anyone to run against that.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your statement. People or the democrats don’t realize that tax cuts on the Rich business owners gives them more capital to invest in their businesses creating more jobs and helping to decrease inflation or keep inflation at a rate we had during his presidency.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

"Trash bag" is not as terrible as "twat" or the "c" word (Bill Maher), or "Bimbo" (the late Ed Schultz), or "Crazy B*tch' (the late Betty White). All these were insults aimed at Sarah Palin. And let's not forget "Beach-blond badly built butch body" (Rep. Crockett); directed at Marjorie Taylor Greene.

"Trash baq" is gender neutral but the other terms I listed above are not and always used toward woman. That's misogyny. Like what Suleman 10:11 said, Harris deserves the same treatment conservative women get from the left.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

Anonymous 11:28 -

[grunting and panting] bud shes not dumpf [grunting] dumpf bad everything bad now inflayshon under bye-den [grunting and wheezing] all dumpfs falt pootin gittin stronger an owns us now all becuz he drumpfs buddy dumpf let all dem crimnalls in [panting] wit open boarder

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with the dems policies, especially regulating everything and trying to babyproof our county, but I don't hate them either. Most of the comments on here are from so called Republicans that I'd rather not associate with. You're coming on a little hard here guys. We have elections, which is where we get to say our piece.
I'm curious, I see the anti-freedom, destroying our country, destroying our democracy, etc. I'm mainly concerned about over regulation of natural gas power plants/fossil fuels and am concerned about the available peak load generation in the NE grid. It's a serious problem. But how exactly are Dems destroying this country, democracy and freedom? It's dangerous rhetoric, especially if you don't know why you feel this way.

Anonymous said...

11:28 it seems the left-wing lunatics are not responding --I wonder why?

Anonymous said...

I was going to vote for Trump, but Bernie has enlightened me on the facts. When I think back on what Trump really accomplished during his presidency they didn’t help me or my family. We are hard working people averaging $70000 a year income and little left for retirement. Where and how are REPUBLICANS really helping my family. My daughter just graduated from college and has to pay for her college loans. How has the Republicans helped us? Not sure, but I be voting for Harris, and this will be the first time I’ll vote for a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

"Is Lori trying to emulate Trump? This is what she does with all of Lamont’s big ticket agenda items."

Hey O'Hare off topic Comment. You allow arracks on Hefner and any council members even if off topic. She is not a member of the McClure mancrush club like you.

Mike4ro said...

Opiods are a crisis. The border is a problem…but not a crisis. Out of control spending is a crisis. The border issue is more about politics. If Trump would have supported the bipartisan bill I think it would have helped him with moderates. .

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Hey O'Hare off topic Comment. You allow arracks on Hefner and any council members even if off topic. She is not a member of the McClure mancrush club like you."

I do allow attacks against Lori and other Council members. I also allow attacks aimed at McClure. They are elected officials. I also tend to allow some OT comments, depending on the topic. Both LVH and McClure understand this. Some Council members are thin-skinned. Too bad.

Anonymous said...

If you never voted Democrat I cant help wonder why now you would. Please take the time to see both sides. Don't only rely on Bernie!

Anonymous said...

Because you people are weird

Anonymous said...

He would never get that done. More empty promises from Don Old...he's weird

Anonymous said...

Ladies and gentlemen a word from Tony ianelli

Anonymous said...

Haven't heard that argument since Miller from Bushkill twsp posted it daily in 2008

Anonymous said...

Oh 8:08AM,

The VP is not responsible for enforcing border laws.

Walterz said...

And his teeth so large & white? WEIRD.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it shouldn’t anymore, but it still shocks me how dehumanizing the former president is.

Towards women, women of color, immigrants, and those with disabilities.

What shocks me more is how some Christians still support and justify such rhetoric.

Only fear and hate does that

Anonymous said...

How are the democrats helping you?

Anonymous said...

Move to Russia or China.

Anonymous said...

Well, we all have our first time of doing something crazy.

Anonymous said...

Pretty soon she’ll have to answer real policy questions once the initial fawning is over. What has she done? How did the border get so bad so quickly under their administration? Can anyone say executive orders. She wants to ban fracking. She wants higher taxes on n anyone making over a hundred grand that doesn’t have kids. What has she done? She dated a guy 30 years older than her to gain political power. She wants to make America California is what she wants to do. And the sad thing is she’s going to win because the Rs insist on running Trump.

Anonymous said...

And if Biden would have left the Trump era Executive Orders in place and allowed the portions of the wall to be finished we’d be in a better spot. You can’t start the fire and then blame someone else for not putting it out. Most people that are not brainwashed see this for what it is. Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid didn’t tell report on it so it’s understandable why the author of this blog and those in his cult would believe otherwise.

Anonymous said...

They did not read the bill and have no idea what it even says. MSNBC and CNN told them the republicans wouldn’t approve it and that’s all they needed to know. They don’t know or care that the border problem can be solved by enforcing the laws already in place. They need this new law that changes the existing laws so that they have a political talking point and can allow the flow of immigration to continue. It’s laughable to anyone not in the cult.

Anonymous said...

It is being reported in the news today that Venezuelan gang leaders have given a “green light” to shoot American police officers.

Thousands of Venezuelan gang members operating illegally in the US are now authorized to assassinate American cops.

Let the blood flow Joe and his border czar henchlady have ruined this country.

Kamala Harris and Border Security should never be mentioned in the same sentence.

Anonymous said...

Harris is an unqualified laugh track. The current border disaster is all hers. She has created the largest child trafficking enterprise on Earth. Those poor children. Amnesty International killed the Obama administration for the same thing. She is responsible for children being sold into sex slavery and her SF constotients probably think that's it's kinky and kinda sexy. And she defends her actions.

Anonymous said...

So you want me, a plumber, to pay your kids student loans? How nice. Pay your own loans off!

Anonymous said...

Best scenario for me. Trump loses. Sheehy in Montana wins giving the senate to Rs. Harris will govern far left and will be weak on foreign policy. By 2026 she’ll have ann approval rating in the 30s. Trump will be gone. Hopefully a center right young person steps up.

Anonymous said...

You should really research what Harris is all about, I’m not Trump fan either but I really think he is the lesser of the ils in this race

Anonymous said...

What does she do?

Anonymous said...

I am an Independent who votes both sides of the aisle, except for POTUS. In those races, I always vote for the Democratic nominee, simply because the one monumental power that the President does is nominate individuals to the Supreme Court. Other than this important, long lasting effect, both sides are pretty much the same.

I dislike Harris a lot, but I depise Trump even more. We cannot be beholden to more Supreme Court Justices like Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Roberts, and Coney Barrett; all of which are Catholic and members of the Federalist Society. If you want to talk about destroying America and Radical ideas, look no furth than these fruitcakes.

BTW, new polling from FOX News shows that Harris is destroying Trump in the battleground swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Anonymous said...

"What shocks me more is how some Christians still support and justify such rhetoric."

Judge not, lest you be judged re: child grooming, showering with Ashley, per her diary, sexual mutilation of children, border trafficking, starting two wars ....

Anonymous said...

I would feel much better if Harris earned her nomination by gathering the greatest number of citizen votes. Instead, Harris has been installed by unknown political power players who show little respect for everyday voters. Voters who previously rejected her in a big way. Whatever has Harris done as VP to elevate her on merit to such a high status now?

Anonymous said...

Oh C'mon Bernie. We know you hate Trump. I don't care for him either. However, Harris said very recently that "our border is secure" an obvious lie! Now she says, three years after they opened the border while continually telling us it was closed, that it's Trumps fault! This is republicans fault because they insisted on Trump. Nikki Hailey would have pummeled this mediocre giggle fest. Now she's going to end up president. Thanks Trumpers........

Anonymous said...

I voted for Joe, not Kamala! This is not democracy! She's probably going to win, and she'll be a complete disaster!

Anonymous said...

If you hate Trump then vote for Harris.

But a case cannot be made that she’s competent or qualified.

Anonymous said...

If the media in this country was truthful Trump would win by a landslide.

Anonymous said...

The Biden Administration created a significant amount of problems for our nation. There’s really no need to list all of them. The question becomes, who best to fix those problems and reverse the decline of this nation. Seems highly unlikely to me, anyone who was a key player in the Biden Administration is NOT the better option to fix things and do it quickly.

It’s not necessary to like the next President, but if he/she is best qualified to do the job required then he/she should get your vote.

Anonymous said...

HARRIS is my President- let’s fn go!!!

Anonymous said...

Because we're letting you be the reason the trump campaign train is going off the tracks

Anonymous said...

11:04 AM you are not an independent. maybe on paper but not sure who you are fooling. I waited 48 hours after asking for an accomplishment and nobody gave one. thanks for the reassurance I wasn't wrong.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, duh! If course he said this. He and his cronies want to eliminate Social Security altogether.

Anonymous said...

Guess you got the democratic talking point of the day. Weird. Funny how controlled democrats are. However, Trump has a great point, social security should never be taxed or given to illegal immigrants.

Anonymous said...

If you really believe this, you're the fruitcake.

Anonymous said...

Imagine getting your panties in a bunch over an imaginary border crisis that is an obvious red herring created to deflect from the real issue causing Americans harm which is young white males with AR-15s…


Anonymous said...

Imaginary? Lol tell that to Chicago, NY and Boston and other cities whose budgets are being busted, schools overwhelmed ect. We can’t all live in high end gated communities like limousine liberals such as yourself.

Anonymous said...

Gun deaths in 2024:

Young white males with AR15’s- 17

Young black males with pistols- 14,742

Anonymous said...

They wrote it at 247 in the morning. Must have been high on hallucinogen

Anonymous said...


Please post your source, and I don’t want to hear the old “Just trust me bro” or “do your own research” crap that you MAGAts spew.

Anonymous said...

1:02: if the Supreme Court had 6 Muslim Transgender lawyers who were members of the ACLU, you would be sh*tting a fruit salad, cupcake.

Anonymous said...

2:47 am- I don't get your point. You claim that I'm not independent but my voting record shows otherwise. And, as far as your waiting 48 hours for your question to be answered, that has nothing to do with my post. I wasn't even posting as a reply to your question. But fine, I'll vote an all Democrat ticket this election to prove you correct and admit that I'm only fooling myself.

Republican bad!
Democrat good!
Fire scary!
Rain wet!

Anonymous said...

I find it amusing that you have these accusations Harris, who has a well documented political career and literally crawled up the political ladder, but say nil against the lesser known Lance, who was a foe of Trump for years before he knew that was political suicide, and just recently supported him after he realized he had a shot at the VP. You have a problem with a woman, who happens to be black, having a position of power. You’re a misogynist and racist, even if these biases are unconscious. How do you feel being exposed?

Anonymous said...

The Bi-partisan bill was a start, but railroaded by Trump, cause he wants it to worse and worse, so he can be the one to fix it!
This needs to be a by partisan effort again and again. This has been going on for 40 years and the border needs to be worked on with both parties! There are some reasonable Senators from both parties who can do this! The House GOP needs to be on board to help! But not in this house!

Anonymous said...

Here it is. Senator Lankford interview. Real deal. Direct from the source. Don't pretend Trump didn't weaken the country's security for his own political interests.

The Interview: The Man Who Tried to Solve Immigration for the G.O.P.