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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Corpora Proposes, Then Pulls Home Rule Charter Change to Ban Resolutions Irrelevant to County Business

Council member Jeffrey Corpora last night proposed a Home Rule Charter change that would prevent other Council members from introducing resolution that have no relevance to county business.  But after discussion among Council members, he agreed that Council could probably take action without introducing another change to the county's constitution. He also agreed that his wording was a bit unclear. 

I've posted a resolution similar to what Corpora seeks here. I believe my own proffer could use some work as well. How does one determine that a particular resolution is irrelevant? I believe any single member of Council should be able to raise that question. But if a majority can agree to be sponsors, that should indicate that there's some consensus. 

Tonight, County Council will consider a resolution sponsored by Kelly Keegan but that was drafted by Executive Lamont McClure, calling for fair elections in which all legitimate votes are counted. Unlike many other issues, the administration of elections is a core county function. 

Council member John Goffredo complained that it is a toothless resolution, and he's right. But most county council resolutions are toothless.   


Anonymous said...

This is nothing but a big FU to County Council and particularly Goffredo by McClure being carried out by his puppet Keegan. Beyond meaningless!

Anonymous said...

With all of the important issues facing the County, this is what Corpora leans into ? The stifling if Free Speech.

Anonymous said...

Northampton County government is a Special Needs group. New guy doesn't grasp the rules. He fits right in. They should table all activities for the rest of the year. It's the best thing for weary taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you have a weak leader like Lori Heffner Vargo. She can’t bring people together. She’s not a uniter, so she failed to get a Council person appointed by Council. The Court had to do it, and predictably the Court picked a stiff like Jeff Corpse.

Anonymous said...

Yep, that's Norco voters - mindless people voting for toothless so-called leaders

Anonymous said...

In the interest of not wasting their time at meetings, maybe the NorCo Council should pass a ban on Council members proposing and then pulling a HRC amendment at meetings.

They probably won’t do that, since that’s important to THEM. It’s only a problem when it’s something important to US.

I keep forgetting that we work for them. Oh, wait…

Anonymous said...

There were such high hopes for this pick. Great family. Fine public servants. Not too late to be great !

Anonymous said...

If common sense and job description prevailed on this council there would be no need for a proposed toothless, unnecessary resolution to be offered then withdrawn.

Anonymous said...

John Paul Goffredo believes in QANON election conspiracies.

Anonymous said...

This is surprising to me because I thought he was learning the ropes and sitting back listening, and then the first thing he does is try to change the HRC?! Pretty funny stuff. You've been around for 6 months Mr. Corpora and the HRC has been functioning just fine so maybe you should keep listening and learning.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"John Paul Goffredo believes in QANON election conspiracies."

He believes we changed our election system in the wake of Covid, and the changes we made (MIBs, early voting, voter verifiable ballots) do roughly correspond, although most changes were made a year prior to covid. He believes these changes have actually hurt our election integrity and can point to mistakes in our own elections.

I disagree and believe these changes have made it easier for people to vote. But a lot of changes were made very quickly, and it takes time to adjust.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"This is what happens when you have a weak leader like Lori Heffner Vargo. She can’t bring people together."

It's actually a combination of things. McClure is responsible for some of the disfunction. So is LVH. There is some obstructionism but there are also three McClure rubber stamps

Bernie O'Hare said...

"This is surprising to me because I thought he was learning the ropes and sitting back listening, and then the first thing he does is try to change the HRC?! Pretty funny stuff. You've been around for 6 months Mr. Corpora and the HRC has been functioning just fine so maybe you should keep listening and learning."

I wish you would say that to the council members who have only been there seven months but think they are running the country. Mr. Corpora rightfully took aim at a problem that has been occurring at every meeting, and that is the introduction of highly controversial resolutions that have nothing to do with county business. This is mostly from Kelly Keegan, NorCo's very own Taiba Sultana.

We see this kind of think increasingly from people who are trying to inject national and international issues into local government. It has happened in Easton and Bethlehem with Gaza cease fire resolutions that impeded local government from doing its job.

I believe people should be able to address council on any matter of public importance. But other than providing a forum in which people can express themselves, local government should stick to its own wheelhouse.

Anonymous said...

It would have to be worded correctly, but I would be fine with it. Enough of the activists like Keegan introducing nonsense resolutions. Concentrate on County business!

Anonymous said...

Jeff Corpora really has an opportunity to make a positive stamp during his brief tenure on Council. Give him a chance.

Anonymous said...

You don’t need a resolution to tell equal council members that they should stay inside the boundaries of county government, all he should do is make a statement to his fellow council members, as a respectful reminder, that County business should be on the agenda and moving on those agenda items is a priority. The council then can address issues that are relevant to county business but not necessarily on the agenda. It’s not complicated.

Anonymous said...

A skillful and personal council president by controlling the agenda and working reasonably with members of both parties makes all this irrelevant

Anonymous said...

Actually, McClure and Barron run county council with their smoke and mirrors.

Anonymous said...

Remember, this is the woman who joked about the assassination attempt of Trump the day after.

Anonymous said...

Stop hating on Corpora you McClure trolls. He is not another robot. Also, Isn't Keegan an employee of the Easton School District as a school nurse? If so, why is she signing up students to vote? Does she ask their parents if they are oK with her politicking in school? Shameful!!!

Anonymous said...

Jeff Corpse is a loser who’ll be remembered for trying to enshrine a First Amendment violation into the Home Rule Charter.

Anonymous said...

Corpora good for beauty academy compliance and adjunct teaching, like Zyrinski did, but not good for full on county governance work as far as understanding navigation of county needs under rule by vote protocol. Pulling an attempt at a toothless resolution to control council’s other agenda interests is not a show of strength in understanding County governance.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

When someone like DPRKK says "fair elections", that's code for count every vote, even the invalid and fraudulent ones.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. And Kelly Keegan is a scholar of government procedure I’m sure. You sound stupid.