Local Government TV

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Susan Wild and the Veteran

Yesterday, I reported that Ryan Mackenzie, the GOP Congressional nominee in Pa.-07. understated his age on a dating app, presumably to attract younger women.  This happened several years ago before he became engaged or married. 

Some of you thought he should apologize. Others that his dishonesty is a character flaw we should eschew in an elected official. But just as many of you believe this was no biggie and that I was ridiculous for pointing at the puffery that is somewhat common on romance sites. A few of you played the "What about?" card concerning incumbent Congress member Susan Wild. She is alleged to have recently insulted a veteran.

I did some research and found numerous articles that appear to be heavy on opinion but somewhat bereft of actual facts. The most credible appears in the New York Post under the headline "Pennsylvania Rep. Susan Wild continues trend of disparaging constituents by branding veteran a homophobic bigot".

According to the story, Wild reacted to a friend's Facebook page containing a picture of a home with both the American and a LGBTQ+ flag with this comment: "I suspect that the vet who refused to shake my hand today at a Memorial Day event would not approve of your second flag.”

The Facebook friend is not identified. Moreover, we lack context. All we know is that some person who represented himself as a veteran refused to shake Wild's hand. We do not know the identity of this person, nor do we know what he said that led Wild to conclude he would oppose a LGBTQ+ flag. Nor is there any indication that Wild called this person, whomever he or she might be, a homophobe. 

Last time I checked, veterans are just as capable of being bigoted as anyone else. One's status as a former member of the military deserves respect but is no excuse for bad behavior. 

Susan Wild, incidentally, is a military brat who grew up on military posts here and abroad. As a member of Congress, she has consistently voted for veterans to improve access to medical care and better GI Bill benefit payments. 

She can be attacked with some justification for insulting constituents in Carbon County. But the context-free smear appears to be missing some important details. These are called facts. 


  1. Read the New York post. She goes on to start blocking people on Facebook because she didn’t want to be held accountable for her actions. Wilds got to go!!!!

  2. Everyone is getting tired of Susan Wild.

  3. Poor Ryann. McClure hired his former employee away from him and she is now McClures spin doctor in the Administration offices. Mckennzie and McClure are essentially the same person, the transition was seamless.

  4. Sounds like you are inferring that refusing to shake Wild's hand is bad behavior.

    1. I wouldn’t shake her hand. She’s a crook. She looked the other when while Fed Ed paid to play. She either knew about, or is a complete moron. Neither are good.

    2. she's both, which is dangerous

  5. She's a warmonger who wants to send American kids to die in one of the several wars she supports. Meanwhile, she's so physically unfit, she couldn't serve lunch. I love fat warmongers who complain that vets hate them. Good.

  6. Heavy on opinion but somewhat bereft of facts? These words describe every news distribution vehicle available in our fallen America right now.

    Accurate, complete, and trustworthy knowledge is only found well below the common surface most citizens encounter on a daily basis. When anyone comments on a site similar to this one, for the most part, they are merely repeating what some OTHER individual or agency claimed to be true. At best, relaying a half-truth. Sometimes, a complete fabrication of lies.

    Lying, deception, and cheating have all created an epidemic in America. The resulting confusion makes all of us vulnerable to abuse. Somehow, this must end.

  7. Mackenzie wants to cut Social Security.

    1. And why not? He and Mommy have big pensions on the way.

  8. We've already gotten a clear view of Wild's opinion of those in her district who don't support her. Wild would better support military families if she didn't insist on homosexual grooming of those children in our nation's public schools. That's demonic. She and her Beverly Hills donor ilk should leave our children untouched. You can tell she's never been a mother.

  9. More bs bias from bo - smear a R, kiss a Ds butt. Sorry BO, she doesn't swing your way.

  10. Ryan wants to gut Medicare.

  11. At the end of the day Wild doesn’t care about being in office. She doesn’t want to represent us! She is an arrogant a-hole

  12. Send Wild Packing. She didn't even thank me for the birthday wishes. Her local staff ghosts people here and it's a dog and pony show.

  13. Ryan is an Insurrectionist.

  14. That’s the third time she has disparaged constituents. You do not like McKenzie so she gets the benefit of the doubt. If it’s a one off, then ok, I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt. Three times is a pattern. She had to lock her Facebook account so she knows she screwed up.

  15. I think we need an answer as to whether Ryan is a creeper ? It’s certainly a little unusual that he holds hands with his Mother as they enter and exit the Capital in Harrisburg.

  16. Wild is a typical elite liberal. They claim to be oh so tolerant, but if you disagree with them you’re dumb, trailer trash, a bigot, ect. No fact based discussion, just insults and belittling. They’re not good people. They’re judgmental, awful people. Not kind, not nice, just big phonies!

  17. "Sounds like you are inferring that refusing to shake Wild's hand is bad behavior."

    Actually, it is in most cases. I will shake hands with people whose views are diametrically different than my own. It does not mean I agree with this person. But that is not my point. My point is that we lack context. At the time unidentified veteran refused to shake hands, what did he say or do that led Wild to conclude he opposed a LGBTQ+ flag in someone's yard? We don't know.

    Our military fights for the right of people to express views with which we might disagree, from flying upside-down American flags to LGBTQ+ banners on our own property. I'd like to know what this vet, who was never nemed, said or did.

  18. I would also like to bring up the big problem Americans are faced with. This one, CENSORSHIP. I could bring up statements I know to be accurate and could cite several different pieces of evidence in proof. But, there’s a problem. Depending upon who it is that deserves blame the information I offer, that information could be completely ignored by public information sources. This form of ‘cheating, to purposely withhold relevant, provable information, is also wrong.

    I see censorship happening in many outlets, big and small. Lehigh Valley included. It is never enough to only read the Morning Call, watch TV69, listen to your favorite radio/tv person. More often then not, those reports are curated ahead of time to swipe away certain realities you are not supposed to know. To overcome some of tactic, use the internet to visit a wide variety of smaller, INDEPENDENT journalists who actually include real evidence to back their claims. Please . . . understand there is a world beyond Google.

  19. What a terrible choice we have in November- one is a back-bencher funded by Hollywood elites, the other is still attached to his Mommy's apron strings!

    1. You don’t have to like your congresswoman or want to sit down for a meal with her. It’s policies that matter—support for a woman’s right to control her own body, limiting pollution to fight climate change, and economic policies that support the middle class. Mackenzie would cut social security and and give the dividend to billionaires who fund his campaigns.

    2. How is the middle class doing lately? Out of control inflation and crime, an invasion at our border, Corporate bankruptcies at an all time high, etc. but let's focus on abortion and social issues!

    3. Anonymous 11:14. Support for the murder of babies. Who speaks for the innocents?

    4. We’re at 107% spending to GDP now. Unheard of with sub 4% unemployment. Neither side even talks about it much. Debt service is the # 3 line item in the federal budget now. Not good.

  20. "These are called facts". One thing of learned over the years is nothing gets a hard core right winger frothing at the mouth quicker than the mention of a verified fact that contradicts their propaganda party line. It's like throwing holy water on a vampire. Usually the reaction includes hollering of "whataboutisms" and "deep state".
    I'll vote for Wild until somebody better comes along, and right now her opponent ain't it.

  21. I am wondering if Wild is terrified of being SO scared laying on the White House floor out of fear like she did on January 6. Get a grip Wild!

  22. Lots more abortions last year than the year before or the year before. What rights are being infringed? Perhaps the increasing number of deceased babies, half of whom were female? Also, I haven't seen Mackenzie's pledge to cut social security and give a dividend to billionaires. May I have a citation?

  23. Susan Wild just loves her constituents. she is showing her love by making fun of them all the time. She bashes them and makes comments about them..... All in the name of love lol.

  24. If you care THAT much that you refuse to shake a politicians hand, you have bigger problems in life.

    I am sick of friends and family referencing Biden or Trump in even the most casual conversations as if either one of those dip shits will have any impact on their lives. Newsflash: They won't.

    Traditional Media and Social Media make their money on sensationalizing and fostering division by treating politics like a team sport. Left or Right, regardless of where you get your information from - YOU ARE BEING MANIPULATED!!! They know what buttons to push and what generates more clicks, more eye balls to their programing. You can see it here on LVR, any story that Bernie puts out that touches on Biden, Trump or politics at any level, gets the most responses and most comments, half the time I don't think people even read the actual post, they just come here to make noises and repeat talking points they don't really understand.

  25. She had to block her Facebook page yet again. She’s got a habit of letting her real feelings slip out every now and again lol.

  26. Wild was never any good but that's who the people voted for and that's what they get. Keep voting for the democrats you will get more spending and more wars.

  27. Maybe I’m not understanding the point you are making, 1:30 PM, in your second paragraph. It seems you are claiming it doesn’t matter who becomes the next President of the United States, whether that is Biden or Trump. You suggest neither one of them will have an influence on the futures lives of your friends and family. I totally disagree on this!

    The President of our nation holds enormous influence over our daily lives. I am totally NOT pleased about what I am seeing from my current Federal Administration. Some of it I find not only shocking but dangerous to my future wellbeing. For me, a different President in charge is essential for salvaging what’s left of our constitutional republic.

    Vote however you please, of course. As for me, Biden is not what our nation needs going forward. I’ll be voting for someone else, not Joe Biden. Hopefully, both of our votes will actually be counted fairly.

    1. How much has really changed since Mr hope snd change became president? Other than an exploding deficit and an open border not a whole bunch. Nobody has “enormous” influence over my life. My everyday life has changed very little over the last 20 yrs.

  28. Wild has done nothing to improve the lives of anyone I know or care about.

    Americans are suffering and Wild supports everything in DC causing the pain.

    I cancelled my annual 4th of July celebration. I can’t afford it this year.

    1. 4:45- Good! Nobody wants to attend your KKK, MAGA rally.

    2. Take responsibility for your own decisions. You didn’t work hard and you invested in pork rinds.
      Stocks are setting record highs, unemployment is setting record lows.
      Grow up.

    3. Try to keep up. First time unemployment claims are up. All the trillions Joe has spent trying to be the next FDR has almost run its course. Workforce participation rate still not back to pre pandemic levels. Yes, the unemployment rate is 4 %, but the American family has LOST 4K of purchasing power due to inflation. Spending is at 107% of GDP with a 4% unemployment rate. Unheard of in our history. Debt service is the #3 line item in the budget now. First quarter GDP, out this morning, was a paltry 1.3%. This economy is slowing rapidly now.

  29. Wild is a Biden puppet-look what he did to America.

  30. It isn’t just Wild who failed us. As far as our Congress goes, we have people in place who voted to do such damage to our nation, and we have people in place who PRETENDED not to see what was being done to harm us. My plan is to speak out against all incumbents who currently have a seat in Congress. I will not vote for any incumbent this time. What else can be done by we lowly citizens?

  31. Jeepers, Creepers, Ryan’s watching you with those crazy peepers.

  32. People on this blog really do get worked up ranting and raving don't they?

    My Wild, Casey and Biden signs will be going up July 4th. I'm voting all blue all the way down the ticket. The Democrat agenda is so much closer to my interests and the good of the nation than the GOP's:

    - Responding to climate change
    - Taxing the rich their fair share
    - Preserving abortion access
    - Gun access controls and assault rifle ban
    - Being kind to LGBT folks, migrants, etc. (this groomer nonsense is cruel and stupid)
    - International leadership via our longstanding alliances

    It's time for the nation to once and for all... Thump Trump.

    1. Far left nut job.🤪

    2. I don't know what world you live in? Folks can't afford groceries! Homelessness is increasing due to out of control housing prices, we are being flooded with people who can't take care of themselves further depleating resources for the poor in our country. Must be nice to live in your world.

    3. Groceries are more expensive than they were a few years ago, but been to Wegman's recently? Most expensive groceries in town. Always seems to be crowded.

      Remember how Biden and the Dems tried to renew the child tax credit and Joe Manchin cut it from Build Back Better? Remember how no one in the GOP cared about it? Family budgets and childcare expenses? Bah.

      I guess it depends who you think will do a better job looking out for the little guy. Trump could care less. He is human garbage. The GOP is focused on a ginning up a culture war that doesn't exist... dividing the country. Pretending that our elections are unfair,because they keep losing... because their agenda is miserable.

    4. Replace GOP with democrats in the last paragraph and you have it right.

    5. Letting 11 million illegal immigrants into this country killing, raping and stealing from American citizens is bullshit. Biden has destroyed this country and all the other democrats. Giving these illegals free healthcare, housing and an education while Americans struggling is appalling. Americans first. Deport all these criminals and secure our borders.

  33. Left or right and center Independent. We are in trouble economically as a nation. We print money and hand it out . This WH forgives loans for example and not Evan a 1099 issued for unearned income? Our local representatives in Washington like to “give away the store” give away our people’s money like it’s no big deal. The poor guy who gets up and goes to work wants something to show for it and the middle class is doing yard sales everywhere to hold on to their cash! Kakistocracy - I just learned a new word this past week. This word is fitting for description of our school board ,council s many places ,and almost all appointee’s at our White House. This is dangerous as Iran, North Korea and the Russians digest our ability to react . Government by the least suitable or competent citizens of the state. We seem to have little interest in political figures heads with integrity that will look at the big picture. That why we need term limits . Good day taxpayers. H

  34. I would refuse to shake her hand as to not get the snail snot like substance on my hand. I just don't carry a bottle of clorox around with me to clean my hands after comming in contact with such a creature. Hand sanitizer does not do as good of a job as I need for my obsessive compulsive disorder about comming in contact with most politicians r and d.

  35. I see comments about Mackenzie cutting social security. On his website I see nothing about it. Such a tired talking point from dems every four years just like everyone that disagrees w/them is racist. Didn't Susan Wild cut social security but voting for all the spending of money we don't have which caused inflation. That inflation took money out of your pocket due to higher prices which in turn cut your social security and forced seniors back to work. Also she agrees w/Biden 100% of the time. Facts,data,links below. This isn't hard people.



  36. 9:48 you are either stupid or senile.

    1. If you knew me, you'd swallow those words.

  37. Here’s part of where we are:

    Our dollar has been devalued.
    Our open borders are not only unmanageable, but dangerous.
    Fuel is priced higher than it needs to be.
    Our military is not adequately prepared for any war on multiple fronts.
    NATO, of which United States is the key player, is goading Russia into World War.
    Our children are being sexualized.
    There is a loss of faith in our medical industry.
    Our system of voting still has too many flaws that can enable foul play.

    And before tonight’s debate, wherein the claim will be made that Trump spent more in his term than Biden has during his, just remember, it’s not so much about how much money our government spends, but HOW IT IS BEING SPENT and for what.

  38. People worrying about the deficit and debt and thinking about voting for Trump, get real, ok?
    Trump's federal budget stewardship was horrendous. All he wanted were, Tax cuts for the rich!


    1. Not a Trump guy here. But he had a pandemic to deal with so this is not fair representation. Democrats wanted him to spend more. Then the economy was reopening and Joe wanted to keep spending. Joe is running a 1.2 trillion budget deficit so far this fiscal year. Your citation lacks context about the Covid shutdowns, it’s disingenuous.

    2. Gotta read the piece, homie, but before passing judgement. Seems like a fair assessment. Here's what you skipped over...

      *Trump's Budget Deficit*
      President Trump continued the trend of pushing the deficit higher as he sought massive tax cuts and increased defense spending. His first budget for the 2018 fiscal year recorded a deficit of $779 billion.

      The deficit reached $984 billion in 2019 under Trump and it hit more than $1 trillion in 2020 before Congress passed a $2 trillion stimulus package to fight the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.

    3. 4:44 dude, he's trying to push "massive tax cuts" again!

  39. 3:23 - EVERYONE got a tax cut under Trump. Every tax bracket was adjusted down to a lower percentage amount of taxation. Once again, we all need to concern ourselves with HOW our government spends our money, not the amount of money spent.

    1. Sounds great. Why did the top earners get the biggest cut? How does that help the middle class on down? Why did the ultra wealthy need a tax cut?

      You're very interested in HOW. Well then, HOW Trump governed on all topics domestic and international was inflammatory. We're now living with the consequences of his leadership, HOW he acted as president, and HOW he is acting now. Attacking judges. Lying about the FBI in his fundraising appeals. And on and on and on...

    2. Just some facts here. I am not 3:39 and I’m not a Trump supporter, but I do lean conservative.

      The top earners pay the most taxes, so they got the biggest cut. The top 10% are paying 60% of all federal income taxes. The bottom 50% pay zero federal income tax. The top 1% pay about 42% of the federal income tax. When you hear the rich don’t “pay their fair share” it’s not explained that the ultra wealthy do not have W2 income. The fact is the upper middle class pay the freight in this country, and then some.

      As far as Trump, I think he’s a horrible person. Unpresidential and chaotic. However, he did leave Biden with no wars, a relatively secure border, and inflation was only running about 1.6%. Joe Biden talks like a moderate but governs from the far left. His foreign policy has been a complete disaster. His immigration policies have wreaked havoc on not only the border cities, but places like NY and Boston as well. It’s basically a pick your poison election at this point. They’re both pretty bad lol.

  40. My father didn’t like Don at all. My father was a self employed person with a business here in Easton that lasted about 60 years. However ,Trumps brashness and other shocks with girlfriends, he handed a great economic strategy to this new guy that dismantled it. Democratic’s dismantling of policy with the major consumer issues are a problem. I respected my dad’s judgment on every issue. People have to work someplace to make their way.
    . If you can’t afford to feed any offspring- don’t have them. The chemistry exists and if you’re too stupid,that’s a serious problem because we tax payers end up paying the bill. The debate tonight will be about Trump suppresson of himself in front of a camera. Policy and procedures of how we do business are essential. Rich guys - tax relief - people that employed the worker bees are enameled in production. This administration wants to give away the store. No , make people responsible for their actions. Don’t expect to live in public housing with your babies mama and you got a $40,000 car parked out front. Don knows this is happening. I don’t like him eather - I’ll tolerate him rather vote the other candidate. You know the guy with the FELONYS.OR Beiden Crime Family

  41. I’ll take attacked for this - BUT I say it no skin in game , no vote. The masses of urban non tax payers is alarming.

  42. Joe just lost again on student loan debt. Judge Crabtree just held that SAVE was in violation of was not authorized by congress. . The press is depressed this issue before the debate.

  43. She is terrible.


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