Local Government TV

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Should NorCo Council Decline Consideration of Matters Unrelated to County Business

Lately, Northampton County Council is being assailed at nearly every meeting with toothless resolutions concerning hot button issues totally unrelated to what county government actually does. These are coming from Jeff  Warren and Kelly Keegan, the two newest members of County Council. While they mean well, they are actually preventing County Council from exercising its oversight over proposed county contracts or other important issues like a new county building or parking deck. Meeting are prolonged, and debates on some county matters are minimal because everyone is tired and cranky.

Although you might think these resolutions are a product of our polarized times, it's just what inexperienced Council members tend to do. When he was starting out on County Council, John Cusick was famous for proposing meaningless resolutions. Ron Angle used to joke that Cusick was a "paper hanger."

Ron Angle was guilty of this himself when he first came on County Council, with numerous attempts to plaster the Ten Commandments nearly everywhere.  

I think it's time that Northampton County Council should take a stand against issuing statements on public matters unless directly related to county government. This is a position recently taken by Harvard University, and it appears to be the sensible approach. 

Below is a proposed resolution, which I believe is consistent with the public's rights to speak and the Home Rule Charter. What improvements would you make? 


WHEREAS, under both the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act and Home Rule Charter, the public has a right to address County Council on matters of public concern; and 

WHEREAS, Northampton County welcomes diverse points of view on numerous topics of public concern, considering this essential to a healthy democracy; and 

WHEREAS, while Northampton County considers these diverse views essential to a healthy democracy, its own jurisdiction is limited to county government; and 

WHEREAS, in recent months, several Lehigh Valley municipalities have been assailed with demands from a portion of the public to take public stands on controversial issues, making it impossible for the governing bodies to conduct the public's business; and 

WHEREAS. Northampton County Council has been asked during several meetings to take positions on issues wholly unrelated to county government; and

WHEREAS, while any member of County Council has the right to propose a proposed resolution; County Council should limit its participation on controversial public issues unless directly related to county government; and 

WHEREAS, when the County Council speaks outside its own area of expertise, its public statements tend to undermine its own integrity and credibility; and 

WHEREAS, if County Council routinely takes public positions on controversial issues unrelated to county government, it will inevitably come under intense pressure to do so from multiple, competing sides on nearly every imaginable issue of the day. This is the reality of contemporary public life in an era of social media and political polarization; and


1) Northampton County Council shall henceforth refuse consideration of resolutions that are unrelated to county government unless a majority of County Council agrees to cosponsor such a resolution. 

2) Any debate on resolutions unrelated to county government shall be limited to one round of argument by Council members. 


  1. You are the same guy that thinks Ken Kraft is a statesman, so no.

  2. This is stifling Free Speech. For Shame !

  3. I believe this is a first step toward authoritarianism.

  4. Yes! What is happening on the Clerk to Council salary??????

  5. They're throwing sand into the gears of county government. Anything that slows down these slow adults from screwing up more things, is a good thing. Your resolution is bad for taxpayers. Let government descend to its natural resting point. That's good for taxpayers.

  6. So you want to stifle the board? Do you have something against Blood drives, helping people be able to afford living in manufactured homes, women's rights, LGBTQ? You want to "muzzle" the rubber stamps? I see. Don't tell us that County business wasn't getting done either, because it was and is. You are something else Bernie. This is just a tactic because the rubber stamps actually have opinions and a voice and didn't come in sheepishly kissing anyone's ass. So far three out of four resolutions were passed and an op ed was published by Warren and Keegan. Is that too much for you to bear?

    "A 'Resolution' typically is less solemn and formal than an Ordinance and, "generally speaking, is simply an expression of the opinion or mind of the official body concerning some particular item of business or matter of administration coming within its official cognizance." In practice, Resolutions are often limited to expressions of opinion. Contrasted with an Ordinance, which generally prescribes permanent rules of conduct or government, a Resolution usually deals with matters of a special or temporary character".

    Resolutions are written ALL THE TIME. If you want to take this away from the County board it's just another example of people taking away rights and opinions.

  7. I think we should limit Ron Heckman to speaking in 90 second burst of word vomit. That’ll shorten the meetings and keep them on topic.

  8. How about if I appear before Council and suggest a resolution stating you need a certain amount of air pressure in your tires in order to drive across a County Bridge or park in a County Parking lot. How about no foreign cars should be allowed on any roads or highways that received County taxpayer (homeowner funded) tax dollars. How about if you want a "student loan" you must borrow the money from your local bank. Council should have loads of fun hours debating these issues. Quite simply put, if council has no legal right or authority to govern (in any way) the outcome of the results of a resolution, they should not vote on it.

  9. On the plus side, the Gaza protesters didn’t get there.
    Perhaps those youngsters moved on to a new Cause of the Month, or maybe they’re at the beach.

  10. I'd make no changes to it. But, council will never do this. Council, as well as many local elected bodies, are rife with self-aggrandizing wannabes who can't, or won't, attempt to solve any local problems but, instead, focus on matters that they think make them look important, caring, and informed. Oh, the irony.

    Elected public officials can comment under New Business (or similarly named board open comment period) on any matter they choose. So if, for example, Kelly Keegan, wants to gibber about tampons or slaver over the Alphabet Mafia, she can do so under New Business.

  11. Yes! It’s a great proposal Bernie!

  12. This is a Protection Resolution for Lori Heffner Vargo

  13. Bernie have you gone Commie ?

  14. Heckman is such an embittered curmudgeon I bet he advocates for this elitist Harvard nonsense !

  15. "So you want to stifle the board? Do you have something against Blood drives, helping people be able to afford living in manufactured homes, women's rights, LGBTQ? You want to "muzzle" the rubber stamps? I see. Don't tell us that County business wasn't getting done either, because it was and is. You are something else Bernie. This is just a tactic because the rubber stamps actually have opinions and a voice and didn't come in sheepishly kissing anyone's ass. So far three out of four resolutions were passed and an op ed was published by Warren and Keegan. Is that too much for you to bear?"

    My problem is that you are using your perch on County Council to advocate on matters having nothing to do with county government, precisely like Taiba Sultana does in Easton. If you wish to alienate both your fellow Council members as well as the public you pretend to serve, I can think of no better way.

    You purposely misinterpret opposition to taking stands on noncounty issues to opposition on the substance. I gave you the benefit of the doubt when U said your goal was well-meaning, but now I see that your true goal is to create division, not bring people together. In fact, I now do believe the purposes of your "on demand" sanctuary county for abortion was to embarrass LVH

    My resolution in no way prevents you from continuing to do what you do. It merely requires that a majority of Council agree to cosponsor your resolution after it is introduced before it may be considered. This requirement would mean there really is a consensus and would cut down on debate time. It would enable consideration of fairly noncontroversial blood drive resolutions. And far from stifling people, it would give the public (and not Council members) time to weigh in on what the people (and not Council members) think is important.

  16. How is anyone being alienated? Those resolutions are written with all good intentions of inclusivity, equity, and support. This political climate where rights are being taken away at the federal and state levels are scary and constituents want to know where their local leaders stand. Either you support them or not. Vote your conscious. What’s the problem with that? Maybe you are ashamed of your favorites views and don’t want me calling them out???
    You call us rubber stamps? But what YOU wanted was for us to sheepishly come in and “work together” and actually be their rubber stamps. Well here I am telling you that I align with McClure’s initiatives. He hasn’t brought anything forward that I disagree with. I believe in the directors that have been hired and their expertise. They surely bring more to the table than Gofredo’s walk around the parking garage analysis.
    Your favorites supported the guy who falsified his petitions and lied. That says it all!!! And I’m supposed to work with that?
    I really don’t understand the need to “work together”. I was elected to vote on whether the work brought forward by the county executive would benefit my constituents. Not make back room deals.

    1. I think you’re a disgrace! You’re trying to divide everyone by playing politics with these meaningless resolutions. Go run for state or federal office, but in the meantime stop with this activist bullshit. People are sick of this divisive politics just to score a political point on a matter that you have no control over.

    2. Hey Taiba junior pipe down. Let the adults in the room get the county business done. Go find a sit in somewhere.

  17. KK @ 1:26, I am assuming you are Kelly Keagan since your views are the same as expressed on your elected official Facebook page. Let me address your contentions.

    First, I have no favorites, as you mistakenly assert. I have been highly critical at times of each Council member who currently sits on your board, with the exception of Corpora and Giovanni. I have disagreed with Giovanni's opposition to the employee health center, which strikes me as somewhat illogical. I have likened Ron Heckman to King Lear. I have called LVH out for being somewhat snarky at meetings. I have slammed John Brown since he was exec and have continued to do so. I let Goffredo have it after a poor performance at the 6/20 meeting and have done so before.

    Second, I doubt your good faith. Just like Taiba Sultana n Easton, all you have managed to do is plant seeds of division among your fellow council members. There is little doubt in my mind that one of the goals of your sanctuary county resolution was to put LVH in an awkward position instead of making some minor changes that would have garnered her support.

    Third, it's conscience, not conscious.

    Fourth, I am aligned with most of what the Exec wants to see done. I get it. But you simply lack the votes to steamroll his agenda through. That is why it is essential for you to work with other members of council to get five votes. You have failed to grasp that simple math lesson. Even Ken Kraft now understands that the best way of getting Lamont's agenda through is by working with the 6 other council members.

    Fifth, Your predecessor did submit petitions signed by people who were unregistered or out of the district. That does not make him a liar. That makes him wrong and lazy. I detested this guy on Council, but I am very disappointed in you as a replacement, You can do better. Be better.

    Sixth, you assert back room deals. So Lamont claims. But both of you are wanting in something essential to such a claim - proof. If you have proof that 5 of them are making back room deals, bring it forth. If not, you are sullying their good name.

    Seventh, the people who voted for you expect you to work with everyone, Exec and Council, to pursue the best interests of the county. You have failed so far. It's not too late to turn things around. Listen to people who are older and wiser than you. Instead of looking at your watch, as you did on 6/20, listen when Ron Heckman speaks and look for areas in which you can attract his vote, It's not complicated.

    1. This is one of the best posts by you in awhile Bernie. No nastiness…..ok one little shot about the spelling lol. But really, you took her step by step issue by issue false accusation by false accusation. Pretty good for a disbarred lawyer.

    2. The fact that she sees no need to work together tells you all you need to know about her. It’s her way or the highway, if you don’t agree with her you’re racist, or you hate gays or you hate old people, or you’re a bad person. She comes right out and say she agrees with everything McClure wants, um, a rubber stamp. In the real world EVERYONE needs to work together to get things done. They are called opinions and people can agree to disagree, but work together to find common ground or the best solution for the situation at hand. That’s the real world. In Keegan’s la la land, she rules and dictates and if you don’t agree she hates you and attacks you. Just a pathetic person. Use the count mental health program.

  18. KK,
    When you were a child and your parents told you were special, you believed them. Sadly, you have a lot to learn. You were you're missing the forest for the trees. You were elected to make sure the county govt works for the people. That includes the expectation that you will work with others that don't share the same outlook on life as you do. In turn they are expected to do the same.
    BO is right on this one. Keep focused on the issues you are responsible for. Nothing BO proposed takes away any of your rights or prevents these resolutions from being brought up for vote. It's just putting training wheels on the members that need them.

  19. Well said Bernie !!!

  20. You certainly do have favorites and just because you have criticized them doesn’t mean it’s not true.
    As for Roe…people say there isn’t any meat to a resolution?! Then what was the problem with it? Sorry! If you abstain it’s essentially a no vote so now you have to live with that. If it’s true that a resolution doesn’t mean anything than vote for it.
    Thx for the spelling check.
    I lack the votes? It’s pretty simple that a commissioner votes whether or not the initiative benefits their constituents or not. I don’t need to talk anyone into voting the way I’d like them to vote. We are all big girls and boys. Do the homework and make a decision. I’m not here to persuade people.
    And the incumbent signed his name that he witnessed those who signed and he did not. He lied. And anyone supporting him after that is unbelievable to me.
    I happen to believe that there is back room talk.
    And as for my constituents, those who have contacted me have congratulated me on my work. And I was looking at my watch when RA was speaking because no one should get more time than anyone else. What is fair is fair.
    You have these ideas that I haven’t worked with others. Or that “we” haven’t worked with others, but it’s a two way street.

    1. Wow! You don’t belong anywhere near county council. You seem quite unhinged and unwell. Please seek help.

    2. Your post fails to address Bernie’s well thought out fact based response. Instead you ramble about “Roe” and other national issues. Your constituents should be ashamed. You’re nothing more than a liberal activist who cares nothing about the people in county.

    3. Kelly. I think you should introduce a resolution to replace Biden on the ticket.

    4. You clearly are demonstrating you don’t belong on council, let alone any organization. What an angry person. Life must be hell for you.

  21. Don’t fight. The real problem here is that Ron Heckman is a “caustic” divider. Instead, Ron should be using his many decades of experience and his accumulated wisdom to be a Uniter ! Ron could bridge the yawning gap between Warren and Goffredo by encouraging compromise and using gravel road anecdotes to take the temperature in the room down. Instead of peace and a path to prosperity, we get petty demands for the print out of tax rolls and a never-ending lecture about how a part-time Council does and should reign supreme. Be better Ron !

  22. I love that these councilmen and councilwomen are obsessed with initiative they have zero ability to influence. Watch a meeting. The smartest of the bunch assaults the King's English with every sentence. These people are indeed slow adults. No wonder McClure hates them so much. He's very impatient with the intellectually challenged. Ask around.

  23. Successful Council elected officials make change, not just noise.

    While I'm sympathetic to some of the Resolutions proposed by Keegan and Warren in the end, they accomplished nothing except irritating their other council members.

    Thanks for publishing this column, Bernie. I agree with many of your points.

  24. Yes, it is an two way street. When they were trying to fill Zrinski position on council, the Council President ask if they could at least compromise on a candidate. The other side of the
    table changed their nominees a few times. You must have been going down at one way street because all you did was nominate Paul Anthony!!! The President Judge on Common Pleas had to make the appointment to fill the seat on County Council.

  25. "I believe this is a first step toward authoritarianism."

    To be fair, you also think chicken shwarma is a first step towards authoritarianism.

  26. Lori Heffner is anti-union !

  27. KK is a bit of an unhinged wingnut. But her comments shouldn't be limited. Her pearls of idiocy are like an endless supply of soft turds. It's unclear if she's full of excrement. It IS clear that she's yet to run out of it. What a silly simpleton she is. Lol. KK, who's reading these posts to you? Asking for everyone who knows you.

  28. As a former County official, I think you may want to review your hero's orders. The Anthomy issue showed your inability to work with others. As told by one of the candidates in the room, your insistence that no one was even close to Anthony in qualifications was laughable. You repeated that a hundred times (check your watch). The three of you never compromised even though many individuals were just as qualified. county government is not brain surgery so get over yourself. Of course, it is well known that Anthony is a top political contributor to you three and McClure. Everyone compromised but you three. You embarrassed yourselves.
    Heckman is never at a loss for words, but I know he would defend any council persons right to speak their mind. Hès been in government over thirty years, what about you? He knows that all county executives push the limits on what they want and would prefer councils get out of the way. He is also right in that county council governs the county. MacClure has received as much support as any executive and just because some on council don't immediately jump at his wishes does not reflect on them. Your inability to think independently of what you are told to do is on you.

  29. I agree with Kelly, Ron, Alene and Lori and Steve and everyone who commented here. Nobody needs to “get along.” If the policies are good vote for them. If not, vote against. The one side says you’ll get brained with a chunk of concrete, the others says it’ll last for a 1000 years. Who cares about anybody’s feelings ? Vote your conscience. Except that’s not what it’s really about is it ?

    1. The key word in your post is policies. Not on meaningless resolutions.

  30. June 27, 2024 at 7:48 PM

    wow ron, you almost sound like you know something, 30 years achieving your pension because you were appointed to a spot to get you off of council, yes, you were a pain in the ass "back in the day" also

  31. Mr./. O'Hare your pointes are well taken. What is fascinating is McClure, his Directors and his hate patrol coming on here and throwing mud at the very people he needs to sway to get his stuff passed. They insult, smear and basically dismiss the opinions of anyone that is not in their tent.

    McClure is a narcissist who does not know how to cooperate. His disdain for county council is palpable. But his bully pulpit is weak. He has three people on council but needs five, so his strategy is to attack and smear the rest of council. Keegans comment that she sees no need to convince other of here great ideas is sad but comical.

    The guy is a mid-level manager at best.

  32. Bernie
    You are right on track with this issue. Shame on Council for dragging out meetings on matters that they have no control over or no legal right to attempt to inforce those issues.

  33. DPRKK stepped in it. By commenting, everyone now knows she reads this blog. She fell for one the classic blunders; no, not a land war in Asia, but a flame war on a local blog.

  34. Council should look into how poorly county employees are paid. According to an article in Lehigh Valley live ran the other day a single person needs to make over $17 an hour in order to live here in a less than $900 a month apartment. You can’t find a decent $900 a month apartment. Instead of looking into building another government center or funding a park put that money in the employees.


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