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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Possible Strike By NorCo's Human Services Union Averted With Tentative Deal

previously told you that SEIU Local 688, the bargaining unit for NorCo's unionized Human services workers, was pondering a strike to commence on June 21. That strike has been averted by a potential deal.

According to a highly placed county source, "we have a tentative agreement to settle the contract pending approval of the bargaining unit." 

No additional details were provided. 

Human Services union workers recently rejected a new three-year contract that addresses salary more aggressively than I've seen before. 

Year one is a 2.75% step increase plus cash equal to 4.5% rolled into the base. Year two is a repeat of year one. Year three is a 4% COLA.

Those already at the top of their pay scales would get $1,750 cash bonuses in years one and two, along with the 4% COLA in Year 3. 

Basically, the proposal amounts to a 13% payhike over three years. 

The county even sweetened this deal by offering a $500 retention cash bonus on July 1, 2024 and January 1, 2025. 

Whatever the merits of the complaints that Human Services workers might or might not have, it is good to see that they placed the children and elderly they serve over their own financial interests. 


Anonymous said...

"Highly placed county source"

Little Steevie Barron, the county snitch strike again!

Anonymous said...

Strikes are a last resort, everyone loses, tactic and it’s good to see a decision that avoided the negative and divisional impact it could have had on all involved that would have taken years to heal.

Anonymous said...

Avoid the Long Hot Summer. Take the 15% !

Anonymous said...

Union crybabies sticking it to the taxpayers again. They wouldn't make it in the real world.

Anonymous said...

15% over 3 years is a good deal. Vote ‘Yes’ and get that money !

Anonymous said...

Next to strike will be the Government Center employees if the Clerk to Council salary continues at that RIDICULOUS and OUT OF LINE TAXPAYER MONEY amount. Don't try to tell me that it is because she works for all the Council people. The Solicitor's office works for just as many and doesn't get paid that and there are probably others. SHAME ON COUNCIL!!!!

Anonymous said...

It’s too hot to picket, when you can pocket it.

Anonymous said...

They were never going to strike.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

15% over 3 years is hardly putting the kids first, but I’m glad they’re putting this behind them.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Steve Barron. He’s been telling people that if this tentative agreement is rejected that the bargaining will start over fresh from zero. He’s blabbering in that case the County won’t go over the current inflation rate for any particular years. He’s got a big mouth, but it seems like 15 is better than 9 ?

Anonymous said...

Bernie is predictable as always. He stands up for the County when the Executive is a Democrat. He goes against the County when the Executive is a Republican. That's his entire platform. ALWAYS.

Anonymous said...

So tell me the last time the county raised taxes ? Please tell me how this affects you ? It always amazes me how people don’t want others to make a decent wage

Bernie O'Hare said...

I'm told there's a segment of workers being led by Kizzy Johnson who are still going to recommend that the agreement be rejected. As I understand, she agreed to the deal. I suspect this is rumor.

Anonymous said...

Stevie Blunder strikes again. The behind the scenes demeaning of all identified enemies by the McClure gang is well known. Problem is Steevie Blunder is a legend in his own mind. His arrogance is only matched by his incompetence. Please Bless his little heart in your prayers.

Anonymous said...

Anon12:52 said: “ So tell me the last time the county raised taxes ? Please tell me how this affects you ? It always amazes me how people don’t want others to make a decent wage”

I did not make the original comment to which the above reply was written, and I won’t venture to say whether this is a good deal or a bad deal (for taxpayers or union members). But the logic in the reply above is stunningly ignorant.

The tax hikes of tomorrow will come from bad deals being struck today. It’s important that any wage increase be looked at as to how it will fit in with future revenue growth (without hiking taxes).

You can’t be shortsighted and just look at where things are today.

Again, I’m not making a comment on the deal itself (from any perspective), but the flawed thinking in that reply is fiscally dangerous needs to be called out.

Anonymous said...

Doesn’t matter. All county employees essentially “work for” 300,000+ people (the residents)! That pay though is ridiculously high especially since their only real danger is stapling two of their fingers together or a typo…
But stop with the “taxpayer” blah blah blah! County employees are entitled to a living wage also! I’m a tax payer and would support an increase each and every year if it kept the employees happy, kept them there (can’t buy experience) and kept them supporting their families.

I’m sure you keep buying that favorite cereal as the price increases each year. Well I’m sure you’d still pay the tax increase also as these salaries get higher and higher!

Anonymous said...

And that big mouth just loves the candy bar aisle. As well as the soda machine too.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:56 said, "Union crybabies sticking it to the taxpayers again. They wouldn't make it in the real world".
Buddy, you have no idea what they do. You wouldn't make it in their world.

Anonymous said...

Caseworkers are out dealing with abuse and neglect issues the general public doesn't want to see. Support staff in DHS are paid less than their counterparts in the courthouse. At least one CYF supervisor left for better pay and less stress to work an assembly line/warehouse job. The county needs to keep existing workers. Incoming staff should not have the same salary as staff with 2+ years of experience... This contract is a step in the right direction.