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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Thursday, June 06, 2024

NorCo Council To Appoint "Acting" Clerk Tonight

Northampton County Council is poised to appoint an "acting" Clerk tonight to replace Linda Zembo, who is retiring. Whomever is appointed will be paid $107,482 a year. The catch is that the position is "exempt," meaning that the selectee will serve at the will of Council. 


Anonymous said...

There should be absolutely NO opposition to the proposed Gracedale increases at tonight’s meeting after seeing this expected salary for a clerk. This is a huge slap in the face to those who work in 24/7 operations like Gracedale and the prison. Those staff won’t ever make close to that, yet a clerk will. This also sets a precedent for staff to demand starting salaries at where their predecessors left at but aren’t there policies on promotions and starting salaries? I guess ultimately council can do whatever they want, which again is continually think of themselves. It’s sad that staff who have given their entire career to the county, who will retire after working 30+ years will NEVER see a salary that high. Way to jab that knife into the hearts of county employees even more.

Anonymous said...

Bernie you should be acting clerk!

Anonymous said...

This salary is an affront to every hard working taxpayer in Northampton County. The Clerk does almost no discernible work.

Anonymous said...

Well stated 1:53 AM. Council should be ASHAMED and GONE if they leave the salary at that ridiculously high amount. A WASTE OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS!!!!!! Get rid of ALL OF COUNCIL if they don't fix that amount. The clerk does NOTHING WORTH that amount. SHAME ON COUNCIL! Do your job or get out.

Anonymous said...

We all know who that acting clerk will be. We aren't has stupid as Council. Then they will give her the job permanently so she can fall asleep while doing it at the INSANE salary.

Anonymous said...

What are the salaries of cabinet members? That's your comp. I'm guessing they are almost all similar or higher.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I see no reason for such a comparison. The position is more akin to a Recorder of Deeds than a cabinet official. The person is a clerk and it is idiotic to pay this person on the same level as a cabinet member.

Anonymous said...

I see no reason for such a comparison. The position is more akin to a Recorder of Deeds than a cabinet official. The person is a clerk and it is idiotic to pay this person on the same level as a cabinet member.

Yeah Bern, but it has always been a cabinet level position so go suck and egg, Cry-baby.


Anonymous said...

What is the job description? I recall reading the duties and thinking they were fairly lengthy and required some expertise in certain areas. To all decrying the salary, most competitive salaries have sky-rocketed the last few years.

Anonymous said...

And you kept your mouth shut when Flisser was making that salary and Linda was doing his work.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahaha …..go ahead, ask them

Anonymous said...

The starting salary for this position is 107 K. The previous Clerk regularly failed to timely have items on the Agenda, and in almost every meeting there was some error that could be attributed to the Clerk’s office. This acting Clerk fell asleep during a meeting last year. The work product is going to get even worse.