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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

NorCo Awards $649,343 For Trails, Parks

At their June 20 meeting, Northampton County Council voted to approve Executive Lamont McClure's 2024 Livable Landscape Grant plan by a 9-0 vote.  The total grant awards amount to $649,343. It's increasingly rare, but there are times when Council and the Exec work together.

According to a county statement, Northampton County has invested $21 million of Livable Landscapes since 2006 in grant awards for land conservation, ecological restoration, streambank stabilization, regional trails, parks, recreation, open space plans, and municipal park development and rehabilitation.


Vladimir Ill-itch said...

Something that benefits everyone. I'll break from the caustic comments this time.

Anonymous said...

Definitely don't see why taxpayers should be giving $75K to Lafayette. They can certainly afford this on their own dime. The public benefit argument does not wash with me.

Anonymous said...

Why the heck are we giving tax payer money to Lafayette college who has an Endownment of $1.063 BILLION dollars?? That number is from 2021 so it's probably more now. Link below.


Anonymous said...

Not sure why you put so much emphasis on everyone working “together”. McClure should do his job and bring forward his work and each commission should vote whether or not it benefits their constituents. What do people have to work together about?? Either McClure’s work is good for the county or it is not. Why is this a thing??? Work together??? Do your job and vote! It’s not kumbaya!

Anonymous said...

McClure just keeps handling business.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Why the heck are we giving tax payer money to Lafayette college who has an Endownment of $1.063 BILLION dollars??"

Fair point. I do believe the public is allowed to use those fields. I know I used to run there at times.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't this money be better used by giving it all to a shaky developer with a sketchy past and a website full of outrageous lies who is about to make Wilson Borough its bitch?

John said...

The greed of Norfolk Southern (the land owners of the stretch of greenway trail being acquired) is breathtaking. I’ve seen the interior of their track inspection car that visits the area a few times a year. The interior custom woodwork alone probably cost $500K. They of course are responsible to their shareholders so…

Meanwhile that stretch of unused rail line that leaves the Monocacy Way trail at Burnside Plantation and ends at the Lehigh as American Parkway, crossing Eaton Ave and 378 in the city of Bethlehem…it’s a dream on the city’s books that you and I will likely never ride, Bernie. Did I mention it connects directly to the Martin Tower site?

End of rant.