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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Friday, June 14, 2024

No Story Today

 Early this evening, I became quite ill. I'm sorry but I need to rest. 


Anonymous said...

Dear Bernie, we want you to get well, call a homeopath, and rest until you feel better.

Anonymous said...

Swine Flu ?

Anonymous said...

My best to you, Bernie.

Anonymous said...

Please be CoViD. Please. Please. Please. You didn't wear your mask while driving alone to your 18th booster. Please be CoViD. You should then be denied medical care for failure to mask while showering. Lol. Feel better anyway.

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a case of “Skyline’s Revenge”.

How many times do you have to be told, you can go to the Council meetings but don’t drink the water!

Or is is Kool-Aid?

Anonymous said...

That damm clot shot is effecting all of us that again from kicking that pig years ago could have givin you lasting swine flew. Pla3sa God allow Bernie to get well so he can keep doing his super hero job.

Anonymous said...

Rest up and be well!

Your Friend,


Anonymous said...

Prayers for your recovery 🙏.

Anonymous said...

Take care of yourself Bernie

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better!

HelenP said...

Rest, recover and renew your strength.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing its one of those illnesses that affects cranky old farts. Get well soon!

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

Get well soon, Bernie!

Anonymous said...

Take care of yourself, Bernie

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better BO

Anonymous said...

One of those curses from Leviticus no doubt.

Anonymous said...

Trump caused your illness.

Anonymous said...

I was beginning to worry but see you've now posted the comments. I was worried GOP GG fed you a bad batch of bull$hit. Get some vitamin d (but not the purple unicorn kind) and rest up.

Anonymous said...

Your issue is
That's how you really feel

Anonymous said...

No if you look at his page you'll see he got sick from biking with Republicans

Anonymous said...

https://youtu.be/wxmubvFg4Sw?si=HF8B4HnIdE4AvVLz 🤣

Mike4ro said...

I hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, Republican here. I'm also battling for a few days. On a script.
Don't know what you had but your short response said enough.
Hope you are better.
Don't know why I read your blog. Mostly bullshit. But get well soon.
Trump 2024

Anonymous said...

Not a big fan of yours. I think you’re seldom correct.

But you maintain a forum for people to express their opinions, and for that you have my respect and regards for a quick and full recovery.

Anonymous said...

I can’t go without LVR “cold turkey” so I’m reading old posts.
Get back soon!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Prayers for a speedy recovery

fletch said...

5:35- You're just an Marjorie Taylor Greene fanboy. Last week, I had had a seasonal cold. My neighbor (an ER physician) had previously asked me for a ride to the Philadelphia train station. I arrived to pick him up with two masks for us. I explained that I have a cold and cough and wanted to take measures to keep him healthy as he spends his life caring for sick patients and I was thinking of their needs, too. He couldn't have been more appreciative. He didn't hesitate to wear the mask and was dismayed how so many people don't take proper precautions when they're sick.

One more quick story- My PCP is Republican and a huge Trump supporter. At the beginning of COVID, he didn't take many precautions in his office. He contracted COVID and ended up hospitalized on a respirator for a few weeks.. His oxygen level was in the 40's. He's since told me that he was convinced that he was going to die. To this day, he gets winded while talking or walking from exam room to exam room. His oxygen level still has not gone above 90. 98 is about normal. He insists that all of his sick patients wear masks and wait in a second waiting room and he masks up all the time. His waiting room plays Fox News constantly and he has a Trump sign outside his practice.

Stop making illness and mask wearing political. You're not helping. You're a part of the problem.