Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

It's Not Christmas, But Gracedale's CNAs and LPNs Getting A Raise

AFSCME 88, Local 1435, is the bargaining unit representing the CNAs and LPNs at Gracedale. Its current contract with NorCo ends on December 31, 2024. But it just entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the county that can only be regarded as a win for the workers as well as the county. Most importantly, it is a win for the residents who make Gracedale their home.  It addresses the two most important issues raised in a recent operational assessment of Gracedale by Affinity Health Services - the need to pay more money as well as an ability to hire experienced nursing staff at levels commensurate with their time on the job. 

CNAs. - The previous starting rate for a CNA was $14.28 an hour. (Pay grade 4, step 3). The new starting rate will be $16.61 an hour. That's a base pay of $34,538 a year. CNAs working the second shift already get an extra $1.50 an hour, and those who work third shift get an extra $1.00 an hour. On top of that, CNAs get an extra $0.75 an hour just for showing up on weekdays, and $3.00 an hour just for showing up on weekends. So, a new CNA who works second shift on a weekend will actually be getting $21.11 an hour. 

It gets better. The bottom three steps have been eliminated so that all new hires will start at $16.61. Moreover, three new steps have been added to the top of the scale. 

A CNA who has 5-10 years of experience in that role at another facility will start at $17.80 an hour. One with 10+ years on the job can be hired at $25.38. 

LPNs. -  The previous starting rate for a LPN was $21.35 an hour. (Pay grade 9, step 3). The new starting rate will be $23.69 an hour. That's a base pay of $49.269 a year. LPNs who work the second shift already get an extra $2.50 an hour, and those who work third shift get an extra $2.00 an hour. On top of that, LPNs get an extra $3 an hour just for showing up on weekdays, and $4 an hour on weekends. So, a new LPN who works second shift on a weekend will actually be getting $27.85 an hour. 

As with the CNAs, the bottom three steps have been eliminated so that all new hires will start at $23.69. Moreover, three new steps have been added to the top of the scale. 

A LPN who has 5-10 years of experience in that role at another facility will start at $25.38 an hour. One with 10+ years on the job can be hired at $27.17. 

This is good news for the nursing staff because it puts more money in their pocket for performing what is a very special job. It's good for the county because it will reduce its reliance on outside agency nurses. It's really good for the residents because it ensures they will receive quality care from the same people, day in and day out. 

It's somewhat surprising to see this action taken so close to the end of a contract. If the contract proposed by the county is similar to what has been offered at Human Services, it means that CNAs and a LPNs can expect to see step increases in each of the first two years of the next three-year contract, followed by a 4%b COLA in Year 3. CNAs could expect to see their wages jump to $17.79 an hour by the end of the second year, and LPNs would see their hourly pay jump to $25.38 an hour by the end of the second year.  This is speculation on my part but seems logical because McClure likes to follow a similar pattern with all unions. 

McClure credited the operational assessment, HR Director Mary Lou Kaboly and AFSCME's Tom Tosti for working together to provide a solution that provides more competitive salaries for new hires and transfers while reducing the county reliance on outside agency nursing. 


  1. Tosti loves McClure and sees him with a future in Harrisburg. That is why his union funds his campaigns generously. This seems like some payback and helping McClure put the screws to the other unions.
    I see no connection with the Caseworkers. Instead of made-up screwy math this contract is straight forward with steps and yearly increases. You don't see the over time handouts that he offers others.
    This is a gift to Tosti and the former union boss that left, If it brings in and retains staff it will Be applauded if it doesn't it means nothing.

  2. Nursing homes are no longer a core function of county government. What was the operating loss last year? McClure has been papering it over with federal funds that will eventually run out.

  3. Shows a real commitment on AFSCME’s part to keeping Gracedale a county home.

  4. Why is this story important ?

    1. Uh maybe, just maybe it is important for tax payers?

  5. Don’t believe. Not possible.

  6. Isn’t this just another sweetheart deal cooked up by Lamont and his AFSCME buddy Irvin.

    1. I imagine you meant to say Irwin, as in Jimmy Irwin. Get educated my friend, Jimmy left a while back. As usual you are wrong. Think you need to loosen up that red MAGA hat you are wearing.

  7. Not sure if it will matter but this is a blockbuster deal.

  8. When did The County Commissioners vote on this issue. Pay raises are controlled by Council and part of the Legislative function. What did I miss here? It was never advertised.

  9. If the Administration did this without the Commissioners vote of approval, it is a violation of the HOME RULE CHARTER.

  10. About time! Congratulations!

  11. 8:43, I am sure this will be brought to Council and they will approve. It is what they have been seeking.

    1. I just hope the council knows that all cna's at gracedale were not pay grade 4 and those were forgotten on the mou.

  12. "Isn’t this just another sweetheart deal "

    If the sweetheart is the county employee, it is a very good deal.

  13. " What was the operating loss last year? McClure has been papering it over with federal funds that will eventually run out."

    The assertion that Gracedale is operating at a loss is a lie. John Brown made that claim at a meeting and McClure showed that the home is actually revenue positive. I wrote about this but you persist in perpetuating a lie. Just bc that is the way Donald Trump operates does not make it right. Just bc you are anonymous does not make it right. You are a liar and need to stop.

    If the IGT funding ever stops, then Gracedale will have some tough decisions. But this is not pandemic relief money. It is a grant program that actually was brought back when your hero was President. My guess is that the home could still be revenue neutral without it but would have to reduce census and it would be less of a safety net than ot currently is.

  14. Publish the balance sheet and income statement. Easy peasy. Unless, of course, they're not so easily found.

  15. It’ll be in front of Council as soon as Lori permits it to be. The HRC has not been violated. The Executive negotiates and Council approves or disapproves. Council may vote ‘No’ and prevent the agreement if it so chooses.

  16. 8:43, I have just confirmed that County Council will be asked to approve the MOU. You are correct.

  17. "Publish the balance sheet and income statement. Easy peasy. Unless, of course, they're not so easily found."

    That is done all the time. The only Council member who actually read them was John Cusick.

  18. At 4:30 a.m. if you’re talking about CYF “Caseworkers” they were offered a ton of money with Steps and no fuzzy math or whatever. 25% over 6 years is more than fair. Not sure what you’re talking about.

    1. Well we see Tostie showing his true colors screw over everyone else in the county but make it look like McClure and the county care about ppl. I sat in a room where Tostie exact words were stop emailing and bothering me and take what the county is offering. He doesn't want to fight for anyone but himself. Don't worry the president of the residual union will get down on his knees and kiss the ring of McClure again. Don't worry this will pass the county council with McClure little minions praising him.
      Maybe Dayoc will get in front of council and fight for the COs. Lol. They aren't important to the county or AFSCME

  19. I hope it’s not to little to late but it will help recruit and retain employees

  20. This will not make a dent in recruiting . These new rates are still way behind the rest of the Valley, even the chain facilities. A simple search online will show these rates are $3-$4 / hr behind Lehighcounty / Cedar Brook.

  21. Gotta luv the CO at 11:54. Offered relief from mandates with a new schedule, but reject it because it’ll cut into their overtime.

  22. I just looked at zip recruiter and Indeed for CNAs. The average is $19 an hour in this area. As I explained in my post, the hourly rate paid at Gracedale does not include an additional 0.75 an hour just for showing up or the shift differentials. And the rate I cited is for new hires. Someone with 10 plus years gets $25 an hour, without the added perks. So yes, I believe this new salary scale will make Gracedale competitive with other nursing homes in this area. The average salary for a CNA at Cedarbrook is $30,000, while the salary for a new hire at Gracedale is $34,538, and this is without the daily bonus or shift differential. So yes, I do think this will make Gracedale more competitive.

    1. Look at Indeed. Cedar Brook pay 19.87 - 31.04 hr for cna and lpn 27 - 46.

  23. It’s a shame, after years of knowing it, the county had to pay for a group to tell them that the employees were do a raise…. Incredible

  24. The shame is that @ 7:03 p.m. is misinformed or a liar. Northampton County has been trying to do exactly this at as far back as the Reibman Administration.

    1. But then there was Stoffa and Brown and that is where the problem occurred. Now we are asking McClure to fix 12 years of under paying all County employees. Non-Union and Union not just Gracedale.

  25. Bernie, could you please explain the additional $ amounts for “just showing up.” I understand shift differentials, but am not familiar with the concept of additional pay just for coming to work? Thank you.

    1. It's part of pay when they work. If they call off or take vacation it is not paid

  26. I love how these concerned county residents are quick to question a much-needed raise to our healthcare professionals, but are eager to just pay the tax on groceries through the guise of inflation that support overpaid CEOs and company buy backs.

    Get your priorities straight. The same poor people will send Trump money for his campaign - losers.

    It should make you proud that the few hundred dollars you’re paying in your “taxes” are helping blue collar employees feed their families.


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