Local Government TV

Thursday, June 13, 2024

SEIU Must Seek Mediation and Fact Finding Before Strike

Earlier this week, I reported on SEIU's recent appearance before Northampton County Council on behalf of unionized human services workers. Several comments suggested that the union is pondering a strike as soon as June 21. Lehigh Valley News also reports they are "set to strike." 

Northampton County has responded with a letter warning the union that they are required to seek mediation and fact finding before declaring an impasse and calling for a strike. You can read it below. 

Northampton County Warns SEIU Against Strike by BernieOHare on Scribd


  1. All County employees need to support this union if they strike.
    Massive sick call off on June 21 to close the Courthouse.
    Their actions are going to help everyone in the future.
    Stop complaining and start showing solidarity.
    Sell out employees are your worst enemy.
    The deputy sheriffs are in the position they are now due to sell outs for Lt. titles

  2. Support, demand a full county pay study!

    Let's see who really supports all county employees?

  3. I think the last time seiu and the county bargained to impasse was 98

  4. The paperwork that was received from the county near the end of May stated, “This is the last, best, and final offer” and THAT was a complete joke because the offer was a joke in perspective! McClure can preach to everyone as he did the other day at the State Theatre how well this county is doing but many county employees are tired of his words because they’re simply meaningless. Jobs are open all over this county because individuals are sick of the low pay, sick of the limited PTO you get per month, and tired of the bologna they’re being fed! Look to your local surrounding counties, it’s tough to get a job there because people don’t leave because they’re treated decently well, have generous PTOnand benefits, and many feel valued!

  5. Just a thought. The many millions of border crossers over the past few years, being spread in cities all across the nation, would seem to be an influence in how people view any labor strike. Is the value of what you provide helped or harmed by a massive influx of those seeking employment regardless of wage?

  6. So let me get this straight. A County official, lawyer, employee( he is employed by the county and cannot do this without approval) has given a Legal County document to a BLOG, to a BLOGGG are we serious right now! So our local government, who mind you has a public county page is sending County documentation to a blog that routinely disparages and ostracizes their employees, what!
    Does no one see how unbelievably FU that is. And Aren’t they people busy running a f***ing government, they’re participating in blog post ?? So the government who has ALOT of power is coming after their working employees in a blog by exposing obviously private governmental County Documentation and lying so they can make their employees seem like their running wild and are uneducated about what they can and cannot do.
    Doesn’t this county have a strict policy about sending county documents to the public are they not bound to that? And don’t say this guy isn’t a county employee because he sure is and he cannot release this type of paperwork without approval so who gave the thumbs up on this, wow how FU!
    And now we know who’s supplying your information, the county lawyer, lol, yeah no nefarious motives coming from that so reliable resource!
    From my understanding The County has known about the strike, and DHS has been preparing for this since it was authorized in May, so they really should stop the misinformation of a surprise attack, like you run the place and you got time to post to the blog, but you don’t know what your employees are doing, I call bullsh*t.
    SEIU is a national union, who has strikes all over the Country, they know what they’re doing, and they have a team of lawyers too. This letter is a farce and way to get people amped up and hating on, once again the employees, who are literally trying to earn a decent living.

    Also, If the County really believes it’s against the law, let it happen, and then take legal action but I bet they won’t because it’s on the up and up.
    The real issue should be is The government is sending governmental paperwork to a blog, that hates their employees, with the hopes the public will hate them too. They are also mostly like HALF if not more, of the negative Anonymous posters to this blog, wow government business at its finest, use your power to screw over the little people. Let this craziness sink in people and really understand who these government officials really are.
    And to the poorly paid County people take these MFErs to the bank, they deserve no sympathy because they have none for you.

    1. Wow.. little bit angry are we? It’s not F@cked up that a shop steward would go to a local paper to spill out the business just for some leverage and her own personal gain? Ridiculous how you are trying to monetize professions that were originally founded on philanthropy. You can’t put a price tag on doing the right thing. It’s obnoxious. Especially when most of the public employees the union is defending hardly work. Months behind on paperwork, mediocre work ethic, documentation with inaccurate information and you really believe you all deserve more than 13%? If you asked me, wage increases should be performance based and not a one for all.

    2. Not angry just highly educated unlike you who actually believes that in 2024 people should not be compensated and donated their time, that’s actually obnoxious! Not sure why you wanna go back to the roots of social work from the 16th century, which i believe is the philanthropy thing you brought up but just to bring you up to speed, since the 19th century social work has been a paid profession. I know this might be hard for someone with your lack of education to grasp but social workers no longer work for free
      But since you feel so strongly about giving back, go to the County building and donate your time, you know “do the right thing” as you so intelligently stated.
      Oh and one last thing, as a county administrator you should refrain from posting on the blog

  7. You seem to have something against blogs, lol. The "little people" are the ones paying your salary. You seem to forget that.

  8. 10:57 am: Thank goodness things are leaked to Bernie because the local media is asleep at the wheel. The Sultana debacle, Dixie disaster-in-the-making, Baratta campaign dishonesty, etc., would be completely unknown if not for Bernie’s digging and his trusted sources. I fear the day he walks away from this blog because we, the voters who pay attention, will be in the dark.

  9. You are lucky to have Steve Barron feeding you all this information.

  10. Get back to work, ya lazy bums! Stop wasting my tax dollars!

  11. If the County offer is so generous I do believe this bargaining unit would refuse it.
    Even this generous offer does not rectify past wrongs.
    Make the employees feel appreciated and meet their demands.
    Paying a clerk position 6 figures discredits any argument the County has to not meet their demands.
    Raise taxes by $100 per household to offset costs if need be

  12. If talking fails, and with lawyers involved it usually does, go to old school action tactics and strike…….you should know that no one wins in a strike, you will need to use and empty your own savings and retirement accounts to fund your every day needs, and you will be viewed as a bad guy , so go ahead, do what is best for you and your family.


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