Local Government TV

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

$274,525 Mechanic's Lien Filed Against Dixie Cup Property

Last week, I told you that Skyline Investment Group, the private equity developer that is reputedly buying the vacant Dixie Cup factory in Wilson Borough, is being sued in federal court for failing to pay a $274,525 bill for environmental cleanup. I have since learned that a mechanic's lien has been filed against the property in state court as well. (2024-ML-3394). This lien was first placed on the property on April 17. Before doing so, a notice of intent to file the lien was provided on February 27. 

A mechanic's lien is a cloud on title that can interfere with an owner's ability to sell or finance his property. This may explain why the deed transfer has yet to occur of record. 

WilsonPark, the LP that owns Dixie Cup, has filed a motion to strike the lien. Argument on that matter is scheduled for June 18.  


  1. Law suits already and they haven't even started. Hyman tried to warn them that Skyline is a scam. They should listen and run away from Skyline and the Tif!

  2. Skyline sounds like a loser to me. They don't even pay their bills but lets give them millions in OUR tax dollars

  3. Sure. Strike the cleanup costs. Put that on the tax payers too so Skyline can make more money. The rich just keep getting richer on the backs of the working class. If you have enough money you can just buy the votes you need.

  4. I decline to publish comments making allegations about a local developer that I know are lies.

  5. I hear the school board will not be giving them their tax money. This is a good thing so a real developer with experience can come in and get this done without our money.

  6. This project has boondoggle, scam, farce, disaster, and theft from the taxpayer written all over it. Nat Hyman tried to warn council and the county executive, but they are all too dumb to listen to a guy who has been quite successful in redeveloping old properties on this scale. Any elected official, be in it county council or Wilson Borough, who supports this is a fool.

  7. 10:27, Apparently there was a nonpublic meeting with the school board and borough council last night, which smacks of Sunshine law violations. What I am hearing is that the school board is not entirely on board.

  8. I saw a video of the dixie hearing, including Nat Hyman's presentation. Bernie, is he single? I am a single attractive 41 year old woman who can still rock a bikini!

  9. I heard the school board WAS going to gift the taxpayer money. But at least one board member decided to math and read your blog, and is rightly having second thoughts.

  10. Has Barron or McClure or any of the supportive council members addressed the raft of concerns offered by you or Nat Hyman? Or do they simply consider you guys to be nattering nabobs of negativism; who are unworthy of a response? The math is so bad for a very shaky "developer," that either you and Nat are completely wrong, or you've been put on the ignore channel by our betters and nobody is asking why.

  11. Bernie isn't this skyline one of these fallacies that was gifted a 7th st property and know has become one of the many non-profits under one umbrella? There was some shady dealings with the original property that was gifted too!

  12. "Bernie isn't this skyline one of these fallacies that was gifted a 7th st property and know has become one of the many non-profits under one umbrella? There was some shady dealings with the original property that was gifted too!"


  13. Skyline gets $29 million tax relief and the county gets a $1 million back. McClure thinks this is a great idea? Sounds like Bidenomics. I wouldn’t want McClure making any deals for me. Reject this scam.


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