Local Government TV

Friday, May 17, 2024

NorCo Council Needs To Stay In Its Wheelhouse

In recent weeks, well-meaning if rowdy college students and pro-Palestinian residents have invaded the city councils of Bethlehem, Easton and Allentown to demand a stop to the conflagration in Gaza. They've been egged on by Easton City Council member Taiba Sultana, but most other local elected officials have rightly recognized that foreign policy is well outside their wheelhouses. They deal with potholes and parking, bridges and administering elections, not the tragedy of war. While Northampton County Council has yet to demand a free Palestine, members are using their elected office to advance agendas that have nothing to do with county government. Lat night, Council member Kelly Keegan introduced a resolution on the divisive topic of abortion. The resilution declares "that the County of Northampton, Pennsylvania declares itself a Right-To-Choose Sanctuary County, recognizing that anyone should have a right to abortion, on-demand, and without question."

In Easton, Council member Crystal Rose told pro-Palestinians, "[W]e want to get back to city business and I think that if we keep bringing this up, we're getting away from the things that the people elected us to do here. I have had an overwhelming amount of people come up to me and email me and ... most of them have been angered that we are focusing on issues that don't involve Easton." Her views sum up the opinions of most local elected officials. They are elected to deal with issues like affordable housing. Easton City Council member Frank Pintabone states residents "did not elect me to represent them on international business. They elected me to represent them in City of Easton business."

County Council member Kelly Keegan has been elected in the Easton district to represent its citizenry on county issues, not hot button topics like abortion or declaring that the county is a sanctuary for this medical procedure. 

I'd love fighting to end everywhere. I believe a woman should be able to choose what she does with her pregnancy without interference. But these are not county issues. 

Keegan's toothless resolution has been tabled for now, but only because Lori Vargo Heffner is uncomfortable with calling NorCo a sanctuary. It will no doubt be brought up again at the next meeting for a vote. All this does is open a Pandora's box for a host of other issues that have nothing to do with county government. 


  1. Abortion is not the governments, at any level, business!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. The intentional termination of 900,000 unborn developing human lives every 365 days is everyone’s business.

      You vote for politicians who legislatively support it. Others don’t.

      This “Nobody’s business” BS is a farce perpetuated by soulless ghouls who lack a humanistic argument for the practice.

    2. Please provide your address. Because you care so much about “unborn” children, that I’m sending 400,000 ACTUAL living and breathing foster children to your residence, for you to immediately adopt.


    3. Birth control is readily available and often free. Use it. It’s about prevention.

  2. These local women elected officials seem to have no idea of local government or their responsibilities. I agree with a woman’s right to choose. However, these women just seem to regurgitate national policy for headlines. Seems Keegan and Sultana are one in the same. Has Keegan brought anything forward that the people of Northampton County elected her for?

  3. It seems Keegan doesn’t read or understand the various levels of government. The Supreme Court ruled that abortion be addressed at the STATE level, not the County. Ms. Keegan, you represent the COUNTY, which has nothing to do with the decision on abortion. This vote shouldn’t even be allowed, it’s a joke. What’s next a resolution bringing illegal immigrants to Northampton County and local Townships. People like Keegan and Sultana should be recalled. They’re not doing their jobs. As for being elected, that was by default, as there was no opposition. I’m sure there will be next time. McClure might be thinking twice what he pulled on Kerry Myers. If Keegan wants attention, maybe the Pro Life organization should hold a peaceful protest at her house. Do your job and stop wasting taxpayer dollars on issues outside of the county’s jurisdiction.

  4. Vladimir Ill-itchMay 17, 2024 at 9:42 AM

    Given the platform, the public will learn that Keegan isn't going to get a call from Mensa asking her to take the entrance test. If you find her FB profile, you'll see that a supportive of abortion quote is prominent, I think that's the only thing she thinks about. Not sure why that qualifies her to be on council but she did run unopposed.

  5. She is like Zirinski only less intelligent. She like Warren was handpicked by McClure to be his extension on county council. Warren is a jobless goof, always has been. He makes a silly speech claiming the county council should address all issues bothering any people. Get ready for the pro-Palestinian parade, thanks to goofy Warrern. This is the face of th new democrats. This pair knows nothing about county government, and they show it every time they open their mouths.

    1. This is the biggest concern along with tampons in girls bathroom. Am I allowed to say girls bathroom? That will probably be their next resolution, renaming the girls bathroom. You can’t make this stuff up. Good job, McClure.

  6. Abortion is legal in this state until 24 weeks when the baby is approximately the size of an ear of corn. At this point the baby is now considered "viable", which means he/she could survive if they were born right now and given the right support. What exactly does it mean to make Northampton County an abortion "sanctuary" and how does this affect taxpayers?

  7. The best solution to this highly controversial topic is what we have in place NOW. The regulation of abortions is left up to each STATE legislature. I am personally opposed to the practice of abortion, but acknowledge the act is a STATE matter. This is the same opinion expressed by candidate Donald Trump. I am under the assumption Joe Biden and others have expressed differing views. As for our Pennsylvania Governor’s opinion, Susan Wild, etc., I have no idea.

  8. I prefer women who wouldn't premeditatedly murder their children. Abbortion is primarily a tool to cull blacks before they become a problem. Many have long suspected Kelly's hatred of blacks. You be you, KKKelly! Spread your legs, ditch the kid and get back to work, you sorry hos! Very progressive.

  9. This woman is a moron. Period.

  10. 9:12 - Holy, holy ,holy.

  11. Lori Vargo should have supported this Resolution without qualification. Like everything else she’s fake Pro Choice !

    1. It’s a state issue. It doesn’t belong at the county level. And the state already allows abortion so what was Keegan purpose for bringing this up other than calling attention to herself to prove she doesn’t belong in government. MS. Vargo did the right thing and she shouldn’t bring it up for a vote at all. Do was Easton did to Sultana and tell her to take a hike. Stick to County business.

  12. LVH’s fake Pro Choice position is meant to straddle the fence between her service in the Pennsylvanian Democratic Women’s Federation and her anti-choice Republican buddies on County Council.

  13. Kelly Keegan was erudite and positively brilliant in her measured and reasoned defense of women’s bodily autonomy.

    1. No, she's an evil baby-killer!

  14. I consider this kelly keegan to be a baby murderer - as despicable as Adolf Hitler or Josef Stalin.

  15. “A resolution is a formal expression of opinion, will, or intent from an agency's governing body that often addresses a matter of special or temporary nature.” County resolutions are created all the time in support of issues and Keegan has every right to propose one. Even Spadoni, when asked, if this was doable agreed. Keegan and Warren were just in the papers for the article they wrote. I have a feeling she isn’t going to be a wall flower and we will be reading about her here as often as we did with Zrinski.

  16. How bout ….Just do the County business and keep your opinions for personal discussions.

  17. 10:16, Resolutions are nonbinding and are typically made to agree or disagree with an executive's decision on a matter. I can see it being used to support the annual top priorities of the county comm'r ass'n or to express support for a bill that has a direct impact on the county, such as the bill to allow the official canvass to begin a few days before election day. But resolutions should not be used on very divisive topics like abortion or the Israeli-Gaza war. The county really does have enough very serious business on is plate. People are dying from fentanyl every day, the equivalent of an airplane crash daily. We need to do all we can to ensure the next election runs smoothly. We have a garage that drops cement on and stains cars. We have a need to connect trails, preserve farms, reduce recidivism, take care of our bridges. Seventy percent of the county is either dealing with the aftermath of crime or helping people in serious need. We do not exist to take stands on divisive national issues like abortion or start resolutions complaining about litter on exit ramps.

  18. 10:16, Resolutions are nonbinding and are typically made to agree or disagree with an executive's decision on a matter. I can see it being used to support the annual top priorities of the county comm'r ass'n or to express support for a bill that has a direct impact on the county, such as the bill to allow the official canvass to begin a few days before election day. But resolutions should not be used on very divisive topics like abortion or the Israeli-Gaza war. The county really does have enough very serious business on is plate. People are dying from fentanyl every day, the equivalent of an airplane crash daily. We need to do all we can to ensure the next election runs smoothly. We have a garage that drops cement on and stains cars. We have a need to connect trails, preserve farms, reduce recidivism, take care of our bridges. Seventy percent of the county is either dealing with the aftermath of crime or helping people in serious need. We do not exist to take stands on divisive national issues like abortion or start resolutions complaining about litter on exit ramps.

  19. "No, she's an evil baby-killer!"

    And I believe abortions should be safe and legal. It's a very personal decision and one that divides us, as you just demonstrated. It is improper to employ county resolutions on divisive non-county matters.

  20. Some people believe that women’s rights being taken away in their country is important. Surely, the County Council can chew gum and walk at the same time.

  21. And where does it end? If it takes positions on abortion, why not strengthening social security? social security? LGBT issues? The war in Ukraine? Taiwan? Inflation? Child labor? County Council is not the UN, EU, Congress or the state legislature. As important as these issues are, and they are, County Council needs to take care of its own business. If it cannot even agree on a Council appointment, it is in no position to be dictating on how to solve the world's problems.

    1. Well said Bernie. Where does it end? Do your damn job and run the County.

    2. Someone should remind council of their core function.

  22. Lori Vargo Heffner was very clear that she too supports this Resolution. Lori and Kelly are working on this together to send a message that Northampton County is a safe place for women to have their reproductive health care needs met.

  23. "I have a feeling she isn’t going to be a wall flower and we will be reading about her here as often as we did with Zrinski."

    And that's a goo9d thing??
    OK. lol

  24. Terms like 'Sanctuary' and on demand' are RedFlags. This is pure virtue signaling for votes of the ultra-left. What about an unborn child at seven months or more. At that point they are unborn children who could survive outside the womb. Do you just destroy them? This is a bad resolution in many ways and county council is not the place to decide such things. Focus on the services that the county is dropping the ball on. That is your job!

  25. This is nothing more than a political statement in an election year. Democrats are losing on every issue except abortion. This why you are going to hear abortion abortion abortion for the next 6 months. How is this any different than Taiba and her nonsense in Easton? Zirinski’s environmental crap. You are elected to govern, not make meaningless political statements over issues you have no control over.

  26. Whatever happened to Hillary’s safe, legal, and rare. A position that’s normal and mainstream. Now it’s late term and taxpayer funded. It’s like a religious cult with the far left, all they talk about. The country is circling the drain but hey if you can kill a baby all is well. If I was on council I would submit a resolution supporting a secure border and a balanced budget.

  27. As already noted stay with the many issues that are related to county government. It's a state issue. But I need to add this. For all of the women who think this is their right put your energy into teaching birth control and responsible sex. Most believe in cases of rape or of course for mothers health abortion is acceptable. But for all those woman who feel abortion is birth control ..that mindset has to change. My body my choice should be about not getting pregnant in the first place! Once you do get pregnant the baby now has rights too. Your choice is to do something to not get pregnant in the first place. And if you chose to have unprotected sex and got pregnant that was your choice!!!

  28. Ken Kraft is the Mastermind behind all of this !

  29. 900,000 unborn children intentionally destroyed by their own mothers every 365 days.

    The Democrat Party needs a voting block to serve as their base. Used to be blue collar laborers. Now, it’s these 900,000 savages and their enablers.

    “Ladies, keep destroying your babies.”

    There….I’ve coined your next election slogan.

  30. Keegan probably wrote this statement during her EAHS work shift. RIP, Ed. You are missed.

  31. Hasn’t this group shown how shallow they swim already? They wasted time and effort by a display of inaction on voting for a replacement, then they bicker among themselves and refuse to “listen” to opposing views because of their personal agendas. Will there be anyone in this group who will reach across party lines and task fellow councilmen to focus on county business, the budget concerns, the personnel needs, and following Home Rule governance rules? A sad bunch of hollow wannabe leaders without Robert’s Rules knowledge

  32. Heckman would have set her straight but he had a hissy fit and hung up the phone because he wasn't allowed to ramble on about nothing when Lori would not recognize him. Way to go LVH

    1. Heckman and Heffner should just switch to being Tepublicans and end their pain.

  33. BaRATta made this abortion a focal point in his election, but I don’t recall much of an outrage. How are things in the DA’s office, Bernie? Considering Houck was portrayed as the big bad wolf, I’m assuming it is all peachy there now.

  34. "Ken Kraft is the Mastermind behind all of this !"

    I seriously doubt it. Kraft hates bullshit like this at meetings, but he'll support it instead of calling it out, and is probably right to do so. It will take less time to just vote for it and move on.

  35. "BaRATta made this abortion a focal point in his election campaign"

    It was one of several issues raised, but in his case, it is a real issue. A DA enforces the law. County Council has no role. Baratta has made clear that he will refuse to prosecute any law interfering with a woman's right to choose.

    I believe the office remains short-staffed and I supported Houck, but as I said before, I want Baratta to succeed as DA bc that is in the best interests of this county and the people in it. I do not like the way he handled Sultana's ARD. He should have chosen his words more carefully. Chief Scalzo may have forgiven him but I am not sure whether rank-and-file cops have. I do not care for the terminations in the detective bureau. But his office has been very open with me and Baratta does have very good organizational skills and is a very hard worker. I want him to succeed bc then we all succeed.

  36. anon 9:09, Don't know about that but Hefner is known as a snarky bully on council. I think it was Kraft who said she was a queen bee and people had to serve her. He would not be the first person she cut off.

  37. HERE WE GO!!!
    More deflection.

    It is a woman's personal business. Not the business of government.

    Get the "GOVERNMENT" back to business!! Bunch of BOZO clowns (all the way to the top), meddling in miniscule BS and loaded bills with pork and getting NOTHING DONE!!

    I cannot stand the state of our Government.

    It is worthless. From the bottom to the top!

  38. Abortion is legal and takes out minority kids at 8x the rate of whites. Whites love abortions for blacks and Hispanics. It works. It also largely eliminated Down Syndrome kids, who may be delightful, but are an economic drag. Imagine a world where blacks are more than 13% of our demographic. Hint: look to major cities and you'll see. The county should offer free abortions. You know I'm right.

  39. Why isn’t the council solicitor advising this group that they are wandering off into the weeds instead of staying the county road course?


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