Local Government TV

Friday, May 17, 2024

Dixie Cup Developers Offer Full Throated Defense of Project

On Friday and Monday, I questioned the credibility of Skyline Investment Group., the private equity firm that plans to redevelop the long vacant factory into 405 fashionable apartments beyond the reach of most Lehigh Valley residents. I did so because Skyline wants a 20-year tax incentive known as a TIF. Under this program, it could be 20 years or longer before any taxing authority sees increased tax revenue. But it will be required to provide the services that 405 residential units will undeniably demand. In response to thos criticism, the wagons have circled. 

At last night's County Council meeting, several people involved in the project once again stressed the importance of the project. Skyline principal Bill Bartee, whose website is an exercise in puffery rivalling Donald Trump, was there in the flesh. So was Claudia Robinson, although this time she made sure to make clear she is a consultant. David Amirian, a real estate developer who said he's a "man of faith," identified himself as involved in the project. Finally, Executive Lamont McClure also waxed on about the importance of this project, stating that the giant Dixie Cup will be a symbol for other communities to emulate. He also issued a news release advocating the project.

I'll agree there are numerous arguments supporting a tax break. I expect it to pass easily. But Bill Bartee's website for Skyline Investment Group.is without question blatantly dishonest. 


  1. Thanks BO. Just watched it could only stomach so much. Messiah McClure claiming that he is dragging Northampton County into the 21st century is disrespectful to all Northampton County residents. If helping facilitate another overpriced apartment building with generation tax breaks and turning Northampton County into a suburb of North Jersey and New York is his aim, he is doing a great job.
    He should be ashamed of himself but that is an unknown emotion to arrogant know-it-all lawyers.

  2. Let's make Northampton County great again!

  3. McClures radish faced Rubenesque figure makes for a new age messiah, like a local version of Trump complete with the same type of BS..lol

  4. Great project. Revitalization is the key to rejuvenation.

  5. Minority owned business. The haters are really going to crawl out from under their rocks now.

  6. Great work. But Trump again? Your obsession is a riot. I never voted for him and couldn't possibly ever. But Biden shuffles around like a stroke patient with a load of shit in his diaper. Puffery? The guy is nearly dead and they just drug him up and drag him out - before the sundowner kicks in. Biden references are funnier, especially. with Trump now apparently leading. Also, any council member supporting this outrageous charlatan and his bullshit attempt should be impeached immediately. This is the dumbest, phoniest pile of garbage to wander into the area. They are about to be completely had. And you warned them.

  7. So, isn’t 25th street region already in traffic overkill? Let’s add 300 more cars/residents in that minuscule region and really tie it into a knot.
    Where is the traffic flow/pattern study that confirms this as a great 20 year investment?

  8. 5:09 - If it’s a good project, it can be done without the TIF

  9. Why is Lori Bargo Heffner so bitter. She’s so mean when running a meeting. No joy in her at all in public service.

  10. 1000 new taxpayers for Wilson !

  11. Once again Lamont Mcclure does not get it. No one is questioning the importance of getting this building renovated. The question,as you pointed out Bernie, is why would you give a TIF and support the project of someone who never developed anything, not even a dog house! Not only did Lamont support it but now he doubled down after reading your great investigative work which clearly shows the Bartee guy as a phony. This just reinforced McClures stubbornness and hubris. Bernie, you know Nat Hyman. No one knows more about these projects than he does so why don't you ask Mr. Hyman if a TIF is needed to get this project done? He is the authority on these renovations.

  12. annon 6:12, you are so right. Lots of luxury apartment buildings going up without LERTA or TIF. If this is so great he doesn't need the county taxpayers to subsidize him. Council should ask this; could the average county employee afford to live there on their salary? If not, stop playing with other people's money. McClure is so vain now he really is into empire building. It is an eyesore because Wilson let it be an eyesore. Have Reibman give them a break on the price.

  13. BO you did all the investigative work for McClure and he still supports the project?! Unbelievable. You can't coach stupid.

  14. There is no trust factor here. The company sounds weak, the project sounds wrong, council has little credibility, and the exec has even less.

  15. "Minority owned business. The haters are really going to crawl out from under their rocks now"

    The same McClure that handpicked Keegan and funded her to run against the only African American county council member. The same Administration that hung out in the election office scouring petitions for Keegan.

    McClure and Keegan are not in a position to lecture anyone on minority concerns.
    Physician heal thyself!

  16. People of Wilson need to go to the council meetings and put a stop to this TIF. It is NOT needed and especially for 20 years. Too Long. A LERTA is better since it is only for 10 years and the authorities will receive 10% taxes yearly. The county council should not vote for this TIF. If they do, it could and will be trouble when it comes time for re-election.

  17. Great projects don't require corporate welfare. The developer gets paid immediately. Taxpayers get paid back in 20 years - if that ever happens. It doesn't.

  18. "5:09 - If it’s a good project, it can be done without the TIF"

    there are many good projects that can't be done without a tif or a alert.

    in the absence of traffic improvements noted by 608 am, I'm not certain this project is one of them

  19. Lamont McClure owes all th residents of Northampton County an apology. This county has and is made up of honest good people. They are farmers laborers and businesspeople. His disparaging remarks about having to "drag Northampton County" into th twenty-first century is shameful. The people of this county have been doing well long before this carpetbagging politician came along and will do fine long after he is gone.

    Ther county has been a great place to live with a strong tradition of hard work, love of family and Common Sense. Something McClure and his crew could take a lesson from.
    No thank you to this self-proclaimed Mosses!

  20. " ... in the absence of traffic improvements noted by 608 am, I'm not certain this project is one of them"

    Yeah. Complete bullshit. Developer gets instantly rich. Taxpayers get a nothing burger and infrastructure bills forever. The math on these schemes NEVER works. Never. Ever.

  21. @7:39, did CHATGPT write this for you ? Did you play the report for it ? The theme was the modernization of the County government which has been undeniably slow in some areas. However, its ultimate conclusion was that Northampton County and the whole Valley are on the verge of being an example to emulate, not just in PA, but the whole Country. So, far from denigrating the County’s citizens, the speech quite literally elevated our folks over just about everybody else. Maybe a little hyperbolic, but it’s a positive vision for the future. But, you and your AI app have hit upon a theme that you should definitely come into the light with and continue this important debate in public with Executive.

  22. 7:33, I will be writing about McClure's report to Council. I believe his remarks were not about the county per se but about its government and his assessment is correct. Perhaps he could have expressed it better, but I like that he speaks extemporaneously instead of delivering canned remarks.

  23. Where is John Stoffa when we need him? This whole thing is a sham and the owner is a tax derelict. Silk purse out of a pigs ear anyone? Disgusting to even think of honoring Dixie who cut and ran and left the county and Wilson boro holding the bag. McLure should know better but he continues to float ideas that are not in the publics interest. Flush it!


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