Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Municipal Lien Filed Against Easton City Council Member Taiba Sultana

Her list of transgressions continues to grow. Easton City Council member Taiba Sultana has the distinction of being the only Council member who was charged with code violations at her own home. She was placed on ARD after being accused in the domestic assault of her adult son. She has accused Easton City Council members and Mayor Sal Panto of both racism and misogyny while simultaneously blasting older people. Her own adult daughter has been accused of corrupting the morals of minors after she and two of her minor siblings were nabbed by state police in the process of damaging anti-Sultana campaign signs. A judgment has been entered against her in a dispute with a landlord. Her car was booted for failure to pay parking tickets. And now, a $922 municipal lien has been filed against her for failure to pay real estate taxes on her Vista Drive property. 

These taxes are what pay her salary. 


  1. This woman is a complete disaster!

  2. You say she has a dispute with her landlord. Why would she have to pay real estate taxes if she is a tenant. Isn’t that the responsibility of the landlord?

    1. The dispute is with a previous landlord BEFORE she became a homeowner.

    2. I had many run in with her she had numerous claims for not paying her rent and having pets. She knows how the system works and trust me knows how to use it better. Her hubby is no better.

  3. She seriously needs to resign. Honestly kinda makes you lose faith in the democrat party when they keep protecting people like this.

    1. Here’s one D who’s had enough of her.

    2. You must be kidding? Smear tactics of course. But republicans can do whatever they want and nobody bats an eye

    3. Who is protecting her?
      If somebody is, they aren’t doing very well at it.

  4. How about an order of deportation? That's what I'd like to see. And do Talib and Omar while they're at it! Damned foreign terrorists have their hooks on our soil.

    1. Shut your drunken ass up Bigot!

    2. Hide behind your anonymous prejudice statement!

  5. They’re going to be busy this year filing claims in Easton. With inflation and cost of feeding families, gasoline and junk fees from services, has taken a heavy toll on the 1st 3 tiers of income groups. What ever the delinquency rate has been ,the city better anticipate about 6-7 % more this year. And wait, EASD wants TAX increases again, rather than find a way to streamline costs. .

    1. I hear she also owes her HOA dues

    2. She needs to take down her sign’s from the primary election

  6. Cultural assimilation is important. This is why.

  7. Come for the content. Stay for the Taiba comments

  8. She’s a scam.

  9. It never ends with this person.

  10. A buddy of mine works for the EPD. He told me that each council member received an invite to the Officer of the year Luncheon this afternoon EXCEPT SULTANA. And if she shows up, will not be permitted to attend. They are tired of her attacks on the police dept and constant lies about them

    1. Good for them!

    2. This is how she should be treated.

    3. Good she is evil and toxic

  11. I can't think of anything remotely polite or printable.

  12. She still waiting on the voters to go temporarily insane and vote her into higher office along with the salary that comes with it

  13. This woman is horrible. How can she serve on council and owe taxes.?????

    1. You can’t owe taxes on a property you rent. But I agree, she is a liar!

  14. "You say she has a dispute with her landlord. Why would she have to pay real estate taxes if she is a tenant. Isn’t that the responsibility of the landlord?"

    She owns the property on Vista Drive. She dispute with a landlord relates to another property.

  15. Mr OHare

    SHe has not paid her HOA (homeowner association fee) for her home in the Higlands in years. She is a real deadbeat!

    1. And how do you know that?

    2. 7:26a it’s common knowledge in Easton. Instead of asking how I know it. Ask Taiba… although she will lie like always, as her to show proof. Ie.. receipts, cancelled checks etc

    3. The funniest thing is when the Palestine supporters threatened elected officials with NO Votes. Lolol Taiba got crushed and Biden did not get “undecided”

      Blowhards with no power

  16. Bernie O'Hare: Foot Soldier of the Patriarchy

    the local blahgo sphere hactchet man strikes again with a despicable smear on a fearless BIPOC SJW for pennies worth of Google ad revenue.
    if u need the cash that bad why don't you open a rentboy.com account? your a disgrace sir

    1. At least he has a job. Not like your worthless Sultana

    2. This is sarcasm, right? LOL

    3. Why defend her??? Bernie pays his taxes SHE didn’t period, Tabia brings these articles on herself

  17. "why don't you open a rentboy.com account"

    Interesting use of the term "rent boy", a slur directed at homosexuals, typical in the parlance of the United Kingdom, and the rest of the former UK Commonwealth.

    Pakistan was a member of the Commonwealth until 1972.

  18. This WPOPC (white pipo of pasty color) thinks she's more scofflaw than BIPOC. I support her regular civil disobedience, however. She's a hero to us, who are too scared to not comply.

  19. Interesting comment's. Taiba has many troubles. Debt seems to leed the way. It's time for her to get real and step down from office and take care of these persons matters

  20. Serve
    in that order Girlfriend Taiba keep the marginalized as your north star and don't let the punks on this hate blog deter you from doing Allah's work
    , Bernie will be exposed soon, Inshallah!

    1. 7:06. So your scum leader taiba doesn’t have to pay taxes like everyone else?? 20% is how many votes she got last month. She will never win an election in the Lehigh valley again. pack her and her criminal kids up and move

  21. Vladimir Ill-itchMay 15, 2024 at 8:39 PM

    The comment from 1:34 PM should be screenshot and sent to Merriam-Webster to be used as the picture caption next to the definition of imbecile. Pro Sultana comments are usually uttered by people with limited brain power who have an inability to process logically, but that one may become the archetype. Congratulations, whoever you are, you may have finally accomplished something in your life.

  22. Paying taxes is for whitey chumps. Her district is populated with society's net takers. They're good with her refusal to pay whitey his money.

  23. Woman? Check. Minority? Check. Outspoken? Check. All boxes on Bernie's "people I hate just for existing list" are checked so he is going to ride all these stories out harder than anything else.

    1. Who cares what boxes are checked! The rules apply to everyone! She thinks the rules and laws are for everyone else but her. Then when called out she plays the race and victim cards. Thats the worst kind of person and politician there is.

    2. Taiba instead of spending time writing these bigoted rants spend that time picking up your signs.. but I’m sure you feel that someone else will clean up after as always

  24. the use of this EPD body camera screen grab for stories is a clear marker of your Islamophobia and deep seeded animus towards women who dare to roar. Time will come for Taiba to be a rising star in the progressive wing or perhaps even operate under a banner more appropriate such as the democratic socialist party.
    BrownGirlMagic is a real thing the pasty set has great fear hence replacement theory and circle Jerks when antidemocratic thugs like DJT take the stage times up boomers

    1. I believe you made similar comments before the last primary election that Taiba was going to roar and down the pasty. She didn’t even squeak let alone roar… she blew it she’s done in politics move on

    2. These people are crazy LOL!

    3. @840. The body cam footage was used because Taiba is a lying, manipulating piece of trash!!! She doesn’t work, she doesn’t pay her HoA fees and doesn’t pay taxes! The people of the LHV deserve much better than her.

      Bernie, please look into her BS in Phillipsburg NJ. She has multiple judgements from the Phillipsburg Housing authority. And screwed Phillipsburg out of money for her failed restaurant

    4. Your brown girl is pastier than me. And I'm of western European ancestry.


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