Local Government TV

Thursday, May 16, 2024

$500,000 Bail Set For Bethlehem Cop Accused of Seducing 14 YO Girl and Taking Upskirt Photo of Middle School Student

Bethlehem police officer Costas Alestas is behind bars. After his arrest yesterday for numerous alleged sexual encounters with a 14 yo East Hills Middle School girl, as well as an upskirt video he shot of another female student, he was preliminarily arraigned by Magisterial District Judge Vivian Zumas. She set bail at $500,000, and Alestas is now off the street.

The criminal complaint, including a very detailed affidavit of probable cause, can be seen below. It is actually somewhat shocking to read. NorCo DA Steve Baratta announced the charges yesterday at a news conference inside Bethlehem's City Hall. I unfortunately was unavailable. 

Yesterday, I received an anonymous comment hurling some serious accusations against other Bethlehem police officers. If you'd like me to publish them, you are going to have to tell me who you are and the basis for your invective. Most cops are decent and honorable people. Unfortunately, an incident like this tarnishes them all. 

Alestas Criminal Complaint by bernieohareiii on Scribd


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Bernie has more game then the sicko !

  3. CA - dead meat. Strong evidence. He deserves everything he gets.

    The victim ain't no saint.

    1. The 11 year old? Yeah, I bet she was asking for it.

    2. You belong sitting right next to this abuser! How dare you comment on an innocent 14 year old girl like that! SCUM

  4. PLEASE redact the phone numbers. This is toe-curling indeed, heartbreaking for the family, for the school, for the BPD, and for the city. Frankly I couldn’t read it all. But please…even if it is a public record, there are things like cell numbers more of the public do not need easy access to.

  5. I would delete thise numbers if I thought they were in current use.

  6. Seems people in your comment section are more interested in protecting that piece of hot garbage PEDOPHILE and his family, than they are about the mental and physical health of the victim.

    Because he was a police officer.

    But if the defendant was of a different demographic, they’d be sharpening the guillotine blade.

    They’re projecting.

  7. So let me make sure I have the story straight. Officer DiLuzio is the arresting officer. District Judge Zumas presided over the bail hearing of defendant Alestas, who also happens to be a member of her church, and defendant hired the judge’s husband, attorney Nassif to represent him in front of her, who also happens to work for the public defender’s office under head public defender DiLuzio, who is the stepmom of the arresting officer.

    1. 3:04. Wrong on nearly all accounts. You have any other conspiracy theories??

  8. BernieOHare to 3:04, the defendant is not represented by the PUBLIC Defender so that is no conflict. The fact that Nassif is married to the judge is a conflict. She handled the preliminary arraignment but she will undoubtedly recuse herself from further consideration if the defendant is represented by her husband.

    1. She did not arraign him. Her name on there is a formality, since the crime occurred in her district. All other news sources correctly cite that he was arraigned before MDJ Englesson. The investigating officers, while part of the same agency, are the most qualified sex crimes investigators in the county.

  9. Well this is Intresting. I would like to speak from fact if I may. Too all the people who are calling him a pedophile.... you are correct! I can't express this more if you violated any person under 13 you are a pedo!! The law says that's what a pedophile is. If I was the school,city and insurance I would settle this one. Clear 1983 violation.. go ahead and say it's not. I like a debate.

  10. 9:42 and Bernie.. Bernie does not have to blackout anything. It's all free information other then SS#. Unless it's sealed it's fair game. It's a win / lose

  11. @ 304 and 417 MDJ Englesson signed the complaint. MDJ Zumas and defendant are not members of the same church. Nassif never appeared in front of MDJ Zumas because he can't. MDJ Englesson conducted the preliminary arraignment. The Chief Public Defender has nothing to do with this case.

    @BO This blog has incorrectly stated that MDJ Zumas arraigned the defendant, which proves you can't rely on the press to be accurately representing the facts.

  12. Why do we even have school resource officers? They’re obviously showing that they’re more of a liability than they are useful. Get rid of all of them.

  13. Graphic probable cause affidavits don't equal transparency.

  14. BASD won't be able to cover this up like they did Dr. Roy's thuggery. Granted, this is much more disturbing than having a goon as a superintendent.

  15. Bernie. Any word on the teacher that was suspended and not coming back who was best friends w SRO?


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