Local Government TV

Friday, March 01, 2024

NorCo Dem Chair Condemns AntiSemitic Slurs, Fake Facebook Profiles In Apparent Reference to Sultana

NorCo Dem Chair Matt Munsey usually is Switzerland in contested Democratic primaries. Come to think of it, he's usually Switzerland in the general election as well. So it was a bit unusual for him to condemn underhanded tactics going on in one unspecified contest. Apparently, one campaign has been using fake Facebook profiles to attack a male candidate with antisemitic slurs and accusations of racism. 

Munsey fails to name the race in which this is happening, but he's clearly referring to the Sultana-Freeman contest. 

There are only two contested primaries in Northampton County for the state house. One of them is the state house race in the 131st legislative district. That's spread out over three counties and only a tiny portion (one or two voting districts) is in Northampton County. 

The other race is the state house contest between Taiba Sultana and Bob Freeman. Sultana has attacked Freeman as aligned with "elitist DINO" Lisa Boscola, whose signature was forged on Sultana's nomination petition. I have watched her call fellow Easton City Council members racist, including black member Ken Brown. I have seen her accuse them of being sexist as well. And she herself has claimed she is running against the "gerontocracy," i.e. older candidates, I also have received numerous anonymous ageist comments on this blog. I have received no anti-Semitic comments aimed at Bob Freeman, but Munsey asserts these slurs have been posted on an official government page. 

The only candidate in a contested Democratic primary with an official government page is Bob Freeman. It certainly looks like Taiba's minions are continuing the same nonsense they pulled with her nomination petitions. 


  1. She is clearly demented. If she cannot see how her antics are working against her, she is definitely unstable. Right now the only bets that can be taken about this race is just how big Freeman's win will be. 20 pts.? 30 pts? more?

    1. Well she lost to Sal by over 50, so I’d put all my money on the over

  2. Munsey failed to mention any names or races, and you assumed he was referring to Sultana? There are other statewide races, and this is clearly about Kenyatta, who was caught on video criticizing Mark Pinsley for his supposed dislike of "Black people".
    Northampton County Democrats are both racist and classist. I witness them betraying each other every day.

    Lamont frequently posts mocking comments about Hefner every other day. Munsey seemed unaware when Freeman and Boscola accused Taiba for forging signatures, an accusation that is yet to be proven.
    The Democratic Party is the most racist and dysfunctional party in America.
    If you study history, Republicans were the ones who freed the slaves.
    Munsey is a little pawn that big men in the county used to play political games.
    Munsey's own party members doesn’t like him.

    1. So- you’re saying Matt Munsey is accusing Mark Pinsley of having fake Facebook pages and attacking his opponent?

    2. Malcom Kenyatta has been seen in a video accusing Mark Pinsly of racism. Pinsly, who is Jewish, was interviewed by WFMZ and may have faced antisemitic remarks from Kenyatta's followers.

    3. Sorry Sultana, your BS won't fly. You are too transparent in your no holds barred ambition.

  3. The one person who must love Taiba is Tara Zirinski. Taiba takes all the eyes off of Zirinski's craziness. She is free to just hang out in Easton under the radar and collect a taxpayer check while Baron runs the office.

    1. Why are we dragging Tara into this again?

    2. Rumored Tara is in need of or looking to hire a person to do her $80,000 job that she claimed she could more than handle.

  4. Munsey usually stays invisible and works behind the scenes with his star students, but this time he will need to do more than some word lashing.
    His candidate has demeaned some of the elite Dems with disrespect and harsh words and it will add more tarnish to his badge of poor leadership.

  5. It's too bad Glenn Geissinger (gop gg) doesn't have the courage to do this. When I was running for office I wasn't "republican enough" or I was "unhinged" I was ruthlessly attacked by a bot army led by gop gg and his minions. When I reported this malfeasance to Geissinger he did nothing. It should be noted I had real verifiable proof. I still won and so did the candidates I helped. All candidates assisted by ncrc lost. Glenn will be tossed out like rubbish and this dumbass says good riddance. Its pathetic as a party we bash democrats but in this county their committee, not ours is playing to win.

  6. If Munsey has actual knowledge that Sultana is responsible for this, he should directly name her. Otherwise this is a smear campaign that unfairly taints other candidates.

    In addition, (again) if he has actual evidence that Sultana is behind this, he should immediately call for her resignation from Easton Council. Otherwise, he really doesn’t care about the antisemitic slurs, he’s just trying to help his preferred candidate.

  7. A Democrat calling their opponent racist, even a fellow Democrat in a primary election?? That's right out out of the party playbook. Just ask Mark Pinsley, who Malcolm Kenyatta says "he don't like black people". As a Democrat, I hate this strategy and I abhor that it is also being applied against members of our own party in a primary. Labeling people associated with really good individuals like Bob Freeman and Mark Pinsley as "racist" is a horrible accusation and it begins to diminish the vile attitudes of the real racists out there.

  8. I saw on Facebook that there is a debate between freeman and Sultana March 5,2024 at 6pm 201 Thomas Bright Ave, Easton, PA 18042

  9. One has to speculate if Ben crump and Joe Welsh are pushing the female malcom x of Easton. True, freeman sits on the board of lvji, but that doesn't mean much. The establishment obviously wants freeman to stay for 50 more years, but the primary race outcome will tell the true story

  10. She obviously found her moral compass in a box of Cracker Jacks.

  11. One of the fake profiles is "Brandon Elli", who posted on Rep. Freeman's official facebook page (on a post about a chili cookoff!) that Representative Freeman "co-sponsored a resolution in the PA House to send unconditional support to his home country".

    Israel is not Representative Freeman's "home country". This is a very subtle and common method of expressing antisemitism, by accusing a Jewish person of being a disloyal citizen whose true allegiance is to Israel.

    [As a side note, the resolution did not call for unconditional support. The resolution, which was written 10 days after Hamas attacked Israel, called for "The United States to provide the State of Israel with the support necessary to ensure its safety and security and condemn the terrorist attack in Israel by Hamas" and it also "recognize[d] our shared humanity with all affected innocent people in the region and pray[ed] for a lasting and just resolution to the current hostilities"]

    Brandon Elli is not the only profile that was created as a fake. Just clarifying where I am seeing the antisemitism on an official account. (I'm not Matt, he may have seen more).

  12. To his credit Munsey is calling out the bad behavior. Democrats do seem to have an anti semitic wing, usually it’s synonymous with the squad wing of the D party. People like Sultana. Glad to see Munsey calling out this abhorrent behavior.

  13. False flag. Another smear attempt against Taiba.

    1. Taiba smears herself every time she opens her mouth.

    2. Munsey is a coward. He chose not to call her out by not using her name. Zero tolerance, what a joke, he has known about situations for years and done nothing. Even at no salary, he’s not worth it.

  14. The Hamas supporter and rape apologist is a dirty anti-semite. Color me shocked

  15. Why don’t Easton City council remove her??
    BO, can they remove her?

  16. Not to his credit, he vetted this person who now has created the chaos that currently exists, and remained quiet until now….damage is done.

  17. "BO, can they remove her?"

    She can only be removed by the state legislature or after conviction of an infamous crime.

    1. So vote no to Taiba in 2025?

    2. If she is accepted into the ARD program, isn’t that an admission of guilt, and if so, do her actions fit the infamous crime level? Seems far worse than what Meyers did without even so much as a thought.

  18. Mr Munsey Needs to be held accountable for his foundering as the NORCO Dems chair. This woman has been an utter mess from day 1 and Munsey allowed her to escalate. And now not mentioning her name so people unfamiliar with sultana have to speculate which candidate he’s speaking about. He’s is a total failure. The County Dems and the state party MUST demand his resignation

  19. With regards to TeamTara, the dumb things she says and does are just comedic gold; great for a good laugh. Taiba does and says dumb things, too, but she's dangerous and not funny.

    1. To add to your point, Her supporters at council meeting this week were glorifying the Airman who lite himself on fire.

    2. I saw that. They should use him to discuss Mental Illness

    3. He was NOT mentally ill. He sacrificed himself as a protest against our government's funding of what many international organizations, including Amnesty International and the International Court of Justice, have declared genocide after thorough research. He should be honored because that's how movements succeed, unfortunately - by revolving around a central figure even if they died... like Christianity!

    4. He was garbage, and so are you

    5. 10:28 if you don’t thinking lighting yourself on fire is the result of a severe mental health problem, then you are mentally ill as well lol.

  20. Mr. McClure has used this and other democrat sites to slam county council members who do not agree with him. Is that a problem. Democrats beating on Democrats, got to love it. So Taiba is not alone in this practice.

  21. Anon 7:44 am said:

    “ A Democrat calling their opponent racist, even a fellow Democrat in a primary election?? That's right out out of the party playbook. Just ask Mark Pinsley, who Malcolm Kenyatta says "he don't like black people". As a Democrat, I hate this strategy and I abhor that it is also being applied against members of our own party in a primary.”

    Geez, you were so close to getting it right and being a decent human being.

    So it’s ok to lie and call people racists, as long as they’re not members of your own political party?

    Unfortunately, you’re correct about it being right out of the party playbook. I remember when we used to stand for principles. But your comment tells us everything about what today’s democrat party has become.

  22. If sultana is/was jailed for child abuse and skipped out on rental payments and owes money and has been charged ….at what point does any of this disqualify or discredit her from holding a political position?

    1. Sultana was not imprisoned for "Child Abuse" nor she skipped any “rental payments”. She has not been guilty of any wrongdoing.
      Now go fuck yourself.

    2. Lying scumbag. She was arrested for assault on her child and sent to jail because she couldn’t post bail. She was also just in court last week where she LIST and must pay the landlords over 11k for breaking a lease and causing damage. It’s public record. And this week she will plead guilty to assaulting her son and take ARD or she will go to trial in April and be found guilty. Either way it’ll show she is guilty and a POS

    3. You had better fact check yourself.

    4. Express times:Fact: Released from Northampton County prison on unsecured bail on a Tuesday.. According to docket sheet, Sultana’s husband is guarantor of the bond.According to paper, Sultana was arrested on a Monday afternoon and charged with simple assault under domestic violence..

    5. So now, Taiba, who is lying now ?
      More to come ..

    6. I've looked everywhere and there is no evidence that she owes anything on her house and has done anything wrong there. Her son actively helps her in her campaign and willingly lives with her so it's obvious that nothing happened there. She's another brown lady who was harassed and abused by corrupt police officials. Nothing unusual guys.

    7. Easton court dockets and local newspapers prove there is.

  23. My goodness this Sultana lady is awful.

  24. 4:21, I'm unclear on what owing something on her house has to do with anything, but she does owe money on her home to US Bank and HUD. She has a $137k mortgage from 2017 and another in 2022 for $22k. Also she's been cited a few times for code violations at her home, which apparently was a mess and was reported by neighbors. You can't have looked everywhere. I've written in the past about her code violations and linked to them. I thought and think an Easton City Council member should set an example instead of accumulating code violations for an unkempt home. I am glad to learn she has reconciled with her son if that is so and hope she has taken anger management classes.

    1. Could it be that every homeowner has a mortgage debt? Unless you purchased your property back in the 60s like Freeman did. Just because you write something doesn't make it true. I checked the citation you mentioned, it was regarding the garbage issue and it was not proven in court. Her citations are closed. It seems evident that Panto, or his supporters, are attempting to frame her. Panto holds a grudge because she ran against him and endorsed Peter Melan in the last primary.
      Why are making things up?

    2. Her ARD moment isn’t about garbage or debt service…..let’s see how she pleads.

    3. Why would Panto have a grudge?? He beat sultana 70/30 and he beat Milan by almost the same margin. She is scum that needs to go away

  25. So we have this very bad train derailment and Representative Freeman is in contact with the Governor making sure the first responders have everything they need. Could you imagine if it was this Sultana lunatic? She’d be out protesting Israel somewhere and have no clue what to do.

  26. "She has a $137k mortgage from 2017 and another in 2022 for $22k."

    On her Statement of Financial Interests filed with her petition, she claimed her only source of income was her city council salary. And when Nadeem ran for controller last year, he claimed his only source of income was being an Uber driver.

    Really makes you wondering how they're paying off those mortgages.

  27. You are obviously a shitty researcher and dishonest as well. First, it is You, not I, who asserted falsely that she owes nothing on her home. I showed that you are wrong, and you respond with yet another ageist attack. It's pretty clear Sultana has no desire to represent her older constituents, most of whom vote.

    " I checked the citation you mentioned, it was regarding the garbage issue and it was not proven in court. Her citations are closed"

    Actually, it was proven in court and she was found guilty. The case is marked closed bc she paid her fine. She was cited for a property maintenance violation on 4/7/21. Found Guilty 7/13/21. Fined $170.76. (NT138-2021). There were two citations filed in 2023 that may have been withdrawn.

  28. Was she or was she not incarcerated and was she or was she not bailed out of jail by her husband?

    1. She absolutely was. You could see it in the paper or on the dockets

  29. BO. Word on the street is Lying Taiba is about to have a very bad week.

  30. Munsey grows a pair? Not sure that is the case here but credit where credit is due. The mouse that roared..perhaps?

  31. Munsey, he was forced to make a statement because of how horrible she and fake FB friends have been attacking Freeman and Boscola, droning on about age and racist labeling. Mouse yes, but no roar or teeth.


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