Local Government TV

Monday, March 04, 2024

Dellicker Takes Aim at MacKenzie in GOP Contest for LV Congress

Three Republicans - Kevin Dellicker, Ryan Mackenzie and Maria Montero seek the GOP nomination to take on Democratic incumbent Susan Wild in this year's race for Pa.'s 7th Congressional district. My view is that, of these three, the only candidate who could beat Wild is Montero, whose views resonate with at least some Democrats. But she's run a terrible campaign and is unlikely to survive the primary. That leaves Mackenzie and Dellicker. Mackenzie is a career politician trying his very best to be all things to all people. Right now he is branding himself as a firebrand conservative, but if he wins the primary, he'll portray himself as a moderate. Dellicker actually is a hardcore conservative. While he and I have nothing in common politically, he's at least honest about who he is and what he will do. While I'm known as the kiss of death when it comes to politics, I think he'll win the primary. 

He recently hammered MacKenzie and I thought I'd share what he has to say.  

It’s no secret that career politicians are tearing our country apart. They elevate crass ambition, vulgar discourse, and personal gain. They take words out of context and twist them to fit their own narrative. They’re inauthentic, ineffective, and out-of-touch with the voters they represent.

We have seen this in Susan Wild. She says one thing at home in the Lehigh Valley and votes the complete opposite in Washington, DC. She claims to be bi-partisan but supports Joe Biden 99% of the time.

Now we’re seeing this same behavior from my GOP primary opponent, Ryan Mackenzie. For months, Ryan has been launching personal attacks against me and I’ve largely ignored his silly routine. I’ve always focused on running a positive campaign that touts my own experience and relevant credentials. But recently, he’s been going after my family, my volunteers, and my supporters. It’s time to respond.

  • Ryan tells GOP voters he’s “America First” and expresses his unfailing loyalty to Donald Trump. But Ryan’s campaign is buoyed by Americans for Prosperity – a Super PAC with no fundraising or spending limits that supports amnesty for illegal immigrants, opposes tariffs on China, and was working throughout the GOP primary to defeat Donald Trump. Career politicians will do anything to get elected.
  • Ryan routinely attacks my military service and calls me nicknames that disparage our men and women in uniform. But while Ryan was safe and sound at New York University, I was fighting Al Qaida in the Middle East. And while he was enjoying life in Boston at the Harvard Republican Club, I was ducking into bunkers in Afghanistan. Career politicians don’t understand real sacrifice but have no problem impugning military veterans if they think they can score political points.
  • Ryan touts his record in the state legislature as evidence of his conservative achievements. Yet, he voted to make Pennsylvania a sanctuary state for out-of-town abortion providers. And he was a leader in passing Act 77, the law that gave us no-excuse mail-in ballots. Act 77 has done more damage to Republican candidates than any other law in a generation, but Ryan said he would vote for it again. Career politicians can never admit when they’re wrong.
  • Ryan Mackenzie has never served in the military and never held a private-sector job. He has been a legislator for 12 years and worked in politics his entire adult life. Yet he touts himself as “feared by the establishment.” Career politicians like Ryan are the establishment.

I’m disappointed that I had to write this note. I find no need to respond to Ryan’s juvenile provocations against me. But when he attacks my family, my volunteers, and my supporters, he’s also attacking you, the voters. I need to speak up.

The last thing we need in Washington is another career politician looking to further his own ambition at the expense of us taxpayers. You deserve better.

What we need is someone with real-world experience who will go to Washington, get the job done, and return home. That's what our Founders envisioned, and that's exactly what I will do.


  1. I'm 95% certain that Dellicker's going to be my choice in the primary. We need to send Wild packing - maybe she can spend some time with her former boss, Fed Ed.

    1. This is a below-the-belt punch. Susan Wild was in private practice as a lawyer when the scandal of Pawlowski and Fleck came to light. She was brought in afterwards to clean up the mess, which she did with integrity and competence. Every political party has bad actors, but Congresswoman Wild was the sheriff not the thief in that instance.

  2. Ouch! That will leave a mark. Unfortunately, Kevin is correct. Ryan served his constituency very well in his safe State House district however, expanding the boundaries to the PA 07, not so much. Act 77 is an albatross around his neck as far as the primary is concerned and, if he should make it to the general against Susan Wild, his career politician status will not sit well with independents. I also disagree with the premise that MarΓ­a would be a better candidate against Wild. She and Ryan both lack the world experience to counter an incumbent on issues. Maria is very relatable on social issues but, the challenges we are currently facing, and at the top of voter’s minds, mainly border security, China, and military involvement overseas, I believe both Ryan and Maria lack credibility and quite frankly, I haven’t heard anything more than talking points from both of them.

  3. Ryan is a big baby. He is a career politician. He lies about his positions and deflects from the truth of his votes.

  4. Kevin is on point on this message.

  5. The Wee Baby McKenzie and his campaign manager, perpetual loser Andres Weller, are going down in this primary. We can all only hope that when they lose, they are done with politics.

    You are right - the only one that stands a chance is Montero but she’s not going to win the primary. The wee baby is going down as well. Our district is still very purple, and Dellicker is VERY Republican.

  6. Violating Reagan's 11th Commandment by bashing military service is about as slimy as it gets. I suspect that MacKenzie has already pissed down his leg at the thought of facing Dellicker in person. Let's go buy you that prom dress, Ryan. Let's get you back in your comfort zone, instead of bashing vets and the military you're too cowardly to have ever served in. Maybe we can find an olive drab dress, hmmm?

  7. Dellicker has ZERO chance of winning this primary.

    The vast majority of the party does not support him and has chosen to work with either MacKenzie or Montero.

    His few supporters are fanatically aggressive to the point of doing more harm than good, and his previous attacks against Lisa Scheller have sealed his fate.

    The winner of this primary will be Montero or MacKenzie. Dellicker exists only as a spoiler who will weaken the other two.

    1. Sorry Lisa Walter. The Republican voters determine the nominee, not the “party.” You need to go away as you are embarrassing yourself with your sycophant behavior toward Ryan Mackenzie.

  8. Dellicker came within 2 points of beating Lisa Scheller last primary. She outspent him 10-1 and had Trump’s endorsement. Dellicker should win this. Besides, everyone knows Montero is running because Lisa Scheller hates Dellicker and Lisa is running Maria’s campaign down in Naples (where she lives now) to be a spoiler to Kevin. Isn’t going to work though. Kevin is so far above either of the other two candidates.

  9. People should Vote Mackenzie because Dellicker has no shot against Wild.

    1. The days of voting for the least crap sandwich are over.

    2. Wild would chew Ryan up and spit him out. He should have never entered this race.

  10. I have received several of Mackenzie's flyers. The falsehoods on them are not worth the paper they are written on. It's a shame that liars' pants don't actually catch on fire.

    My vote goes to Dellicker - a straight forward taking and honest veteran.

  11. And that is exactly what Kevin will do. I agree and disagree with you on Montero. She has no clue and has run a terrible campaign by displaying her own self in a video and basically yelling at folks about our country’s problems. Ryan has stooped to the lowest of the lowest in his attacks on Dellicker, his family, his supporters and his volunteers. A truly spoiled man who acts like a child and a bully. His campaign team apparently supports this too. He takes cheap shots at military personnel (Kevin) and then whines when someone calls him on it. We all need to support Kevin and vote for him. He’s the real deal!

  12. Appointed to his position ahead of more qualified candidates because his father was a known party kingmaker. NEVER had a real job in the private sector. Runs shamelessly nasty campaigns. Attacks candidates who are measurably better people in the most silly and childish ways. Wins subsequent elections mostly based on the name recognition associated with perpetual incumbency. Ryan Mackenzie is the very worse kind of politician.

  13. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm 95% certain that Dellicker's going to be my choice in the primary. We need to send Wild packing - maybe she can spend some time with her former boss, Fed Ed.

    March 4, 2024 at 2:30 AM"


  14. I use the Mackenzie mailers to clean up after my dog when she has a number 2 accident in the house. They work great!

  15. To Anon. 9:25:

    Exactly what attacks has Mackenzie made on Dellicker's family and volunteers? Do you have specifics? If not, then Kevin is whining about nothing just like he did two years ago. If Kevin loses he will then use the so called "attacks" as an excuse not to support the winner. That is his MO.

    BTW - if Kevin wins he will finish the primary with next to nothing in his campaign war chest. Meanwhile, Wild will have $1.5 t0 $2.0 million in her account. Want to make a bet how much of that she will spend to label Kevin as another version of Doug Mastrianno? If Kevin wins the primary, the race for the PA-7th will be over by Labor Day.

  16. Kevin Dellicker has no shot against WILD. WILD will destroy him because of his stances in favor of the national abortion ban. Also, he refused to endorse Lisa Scheller which gave us two more years of Susan Wild. Kevin is now crying about an attack? Dont forget that all he did was attack Lisa Scheller. I will be voting for Mackenzie because I think he can win the primary and has a shot against WILD. Kevin can not be this party nominee.

    1. Kevin doesn’t care what baby Ryan says about him. He does get angry when his family and volunteers are attacked by that spoiled Mackenzie child.

    2. Spoken like a true Northampton County Republican who has no reasons why Mackenzie can win but only that you dislike Kevin for no reason. Duh!

  17. It doesn't matter who the Republicans nominate. Dems will yell: Abortion! Insurrection! Democracy! and Wild will beat any of these three and Biden will beat Trump in PA.

    Why? Over the past 4 years the Democrats have established a mail-in and early vote machine that R's are oblivious to. When one party votes for a month and the other votes on one day, the resulta are easy to predict.

    1. And you can thank Ryan Mackenzie for his vote on Act 77 enabling this.

    2. Unfortunately I am afraid you are right. Republicans need to get out and vote. Or vote from their couch. But just vote!! Being in a strong democratic area doesn't help either

  18. Mackenzie has more money in his coffers right now because he's spent his ENTIRE career as nothing but a career politician working the donor class. And he did it as all careers do on their taxpayer funded salary. No one should be surprised Mackenzie out raised an outsider like Dellicker. It has nothing to do with the quality of candidate it has everything to do with the network of donors a career politician cultivates years and years of near constant campaigning. Remember, state reps win a race and they basically begin their next re-election campaign the very next day. ALL. THEY. DO. IS. CAMPAIGN. All they do is fundraise. They spend much more of their time doing those activities then they do working for the people. The whole machine is built to protect incumbency.

  19. Mackenzie is terrible and is an elitist. He drives to work with mommy

  20. Mackenzie is a lightweight.

  21. Mackenzie and his baby boy Andres stink to high hell. Career politician. If he ever got elected, I can see him going down in scandal similar to
    The one that took out mark foley.

  22. Thank God for the voice of sanity 4:13pm.
    Personally, looking through all the BS we are putting up with the Supreme Court, Heritage Foundation- promising to destroy the federal government, Trump and his lying family & cronies, Fox News, and the corrupt NRA. WOW!
    I’ll never forget what they are doing to this country and will never vote for a Republican again, ever……

    1. You could be a comedy writer. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  23. It's funny how people forget what Kevin did to Lisa Scheller. He refused to endorse her and then campaigned against her. Montero's campaign unfortunately has fallen apart. Ryan Mackenzie will have no problem beating Kevin Dellicker in the primary.

    1. Another one who apparently still wears Lisa Scheller t shirts. She had factories in China and she denied it. Yet you still support her and condemn Dellicker. Sheesh!

  24. Kevin is a total dead on arrival candidate. Seriously people are blind to support Kevin if they actually want to get rid of Sussie. Mackenzie has a much better shot of defeating Wild than Dellicker anytime of day. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that.

  25. Will Dellicker want the position so bad that he will fall with Flynn, Bannon, and Trump and be a putin enabler as democracy is threatened in Europe or will he hold his oath to defend democracy? I beleive his background would guide him better but he has been silent on such and important issue.

  26. Anonymous 12:09 - Nah. Mackenzies career politician thing is the liability is this race. Just ask Pat Browne. Get in do some good and get the heck back to the real world. Dellicker is the winner here. His private sector resume is fantastic. Service, small business success & community. Mackenzie? Livin off the government teet and hand delivering Wolf mail in ballots. That's his record.

  27. As a Republican who adamantly opposes Ryan Mackenzie in this race, it comforts me to see his echo chamber (probably his Mom) on here continually claim he’s the strongest candidate to go against Susan Wild. That’s just not factual. In fact ,very expensive and respected polling has shown he’s actually the weakest. Legend in his own mind (and his moms). Ryan better start dusting off his resume of living off the government his entire adult life.

  28. Someone should tell Ryan you can’t put signs out yet. 30 days before the primary is allowed. Guess he thinks the rules don’t apply to him.

  29. "Someone should tell Ryan you can’t put signs out yet. 30 days before the primary is allowed. Guess he thinks the rules don’t apply to him." He has an absolute First Amendment right to display his signs. Ordinances that attempt to restrict this have been found unconstitutional. The rules you need to follow are in the Constitution. Try it sometime.

    1. And Bernie, most other candidates have the courtesy to do the 30 day thing except those who are desperate such as Ryan. I hope it made you feel important to attempt to give me a verbal slap. Sheesh. SMH.

  30. Some facts for you keyboard scientists.
    1.Dellicker supported Scheller and offered her advice but she refused it, did he agree with her on her positions or her China Businesses, or other factors, NO! But in the end he most likely voted for her for the good of the Party, a Party which was not very kind to him.
    2,And Yes, Mackenzie is harassing Dellicker volunteers and his family FACT! And Lying incessantly.
    3. Mackenzie is a spoiled entitled brat who thinks he is owed the position.
    4. Dellicker is the only Adult in the Group, with the most experience in what we need as a Country.
    5. Mackenzie compared service as a State Legislator to be equivalent to serving in the Military. ( I would bet many Veterans would disagree with that)
    6. Mackenzie voted for ACT 77 which got us Mail in ballots, he also voted for HB 1786 which allows for PA to be an Abortion Sanctuary State
    7. Montero, seems to move to different areas in order to run for Political Offices, and proclaims that because she had a baby when she was 18 (Her child is now in his 20’s) that she is the most qualified to send to Congress. In witnessing her “ performances” several times now, all I can say is “ Kudos to her Drama Coach” she can cry on a dime and shows her emotions rampantly but in reality she never really says anything. Running for Congress is quite different from an Audition for a High School Musical.
    8. Yes apparently the Rules don’t apply to Mackenzie or Montero who both have put their signs up already. I hope someone reports this to the Voters Registration or Election Board. Rule is 30 Days before Election Day.
    9. Btw if you take notice of the Financial Reports, Dellicker out raised both his opponents put together in the last quarter. And he held 3 fundraisers in December for local charities in which he gave all the funds to them. Hopefully someone investigates the financial reports of the other two. ( Montero claims to have worked for many different entities, yet shows little to no income) Only one of the Candidates can afford to drive a Tesla, I’m sure that makes him relatable to The Middle Class!
    The Republican Party comes across as Dysfunctional in many ways and sad that when a Great Candidate presents in a primary that it’s all about the money and not the quality of the candidate. This is why they lose Elections.

  31. THIS Keyboard scientist knows the REAL facts…
    Did Kevin support Scheller after she won the primary? NO - he REFUSED to endorse her or support her financially. Then, he actively worked against her in the general by telling his supporters that if Scheller lost the general, he would run again in 2024. In other words, he told his supporters NOT to vote for Scheller. When asked who he voted for in 2022 for CD7, he conveniently “didn’t remember”. Suck on those facts.

  32. Hey Keyboard Scientist at 11:18 where did you get your Degree? From the school of False Facts? Dellicker indeed did NOT tell his supporters to not vote for Scheller. And did NOT work against her. He did not send her money because she already is a Millionaire from running her Companies in China. You can choke on your imaginary facts!


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