Local Government TV

Friday, January 12, 2024

When it Comes to UMBT, NorCo Council Solicitor Spadoni is Conflicted

If the current make-up of Upper Mount Bethel Township's Board of Supervisors is any indication, voters want nothing to do Lou Pektor's River Pointe Commerce Park. They are very concerned this industrial "park" will increase truck traffic along Route 611, add even more warehouses and destroy the rural charm of Northampton County's most beautiful municipality. A large and active group, sometimes referred to as Concerned Citizens of Upper Mount Bethel, has changed been unable to stop this development, but has changed the face of Upper Mount Bethel's government. 

Many of them expressed their concerns when Northampton County Council considered a tax break for Pektor last April. Judith Henckel, a well known environmentalist, added that this kind of tax break is limited to blighted areas, but is being applied to farmland. 

As with most things, there's another side to this story. Council members John Goffredo and Tom Giovanni, who actually live in the Slate Belt, complain there are no jobs. According to Goffredo, "The slate belt is an area where there are no stores, no restaurants, no nothing." Former Upper Mount Bethel Supervisor Robert Teel described it as a depressed area that never recovered when the garment industry died. Giovanni said that his aging father-in-law lives in Evergreen Village and struggles to pay taxes. "This has to go through." said the normally laconic Council member. "That northern tier of our county is suffering and we need to help them."

When push came to shove, Northampton County Council approved this tax break, known as a LERTA. It was supported by Republican Council members Giovanni, Goffredo and John Brown and Democratic Council members Lori Vargo Heffner and Ron Heckman. It was opposed by Republican Council member John Cusick and Democratic Council members Tara Zrinski and Kevin Lott. 

Executive Lamont McClure, no fan of warehouses or truck traffic, vetoed the measure. But Council overrode his veto with the same votes that initially approved the tax break.

McClure's concern may well have been justified. Since this vote, the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission has been with with 13 million sq ft of proposed warehouse development in Northampton County. This includes nine separate plans submitted by Pektor in Upper Mount Bethel Tp. 

At their last meeting, McClure asked County Council to rescind the tax break. He said he'd support a LERTA for manufacturing or to remediate the hulking PPL power plant, but that incentivizing warehouse development is "obscene." 

I happen to oppose most corporate tax incentives. If someone has a good business idea, he should need no government money to succeed. Moreover, no amount of government money can transform a bad business idea into one that is good. So I pretty much agree with McClure's concern. but that's not the point of this post. 

Though Northampton County Council voted in favor of the tax break and against the wishes of what seems like a majority of Upper Mount Bethel Township's voters, it needs to know that their Solicitor is in bed with Pektor's opponents.

County Council Solicitor is Chris Spadoni. He has represented Upper Mount Bethel Tp residents in their fight against Pektor.  He represented Pektor foe and Township Supervisor David Friedman in a complaint that Friedman lost before the state ethics board. Now that the Township is under control of these concerned citizens, he wants his piece of pie. He's been appointed as an alternate township solicitor, but that isn't enough. He wants to be lawyer to the zoning hearing board, even though he'd have to resign as alternate township solicitor. That way he can pretty much stop any zoning changes that Pektor might think are necessary. 

But there's a price to pay. 

Spadoni is clearly conflicted on this or any matter concerning Upper Mount Bethel Tp and the county. He is ethically barred from offering County Council advice on any legal questions that could arise during their consideration of McClure's latest proposal.  


  1. More than that apparently, he was brought in by McClure council agent Kraft to be an executive friendly solicitor for county council. As time has gone on some are disenchanted by his laid-back approach to the job and his reluctance to defend council positions. If the republicans get another spot, he may have problems. The ties to McClure are his biggest problem. You are right he needs to bring in another lawyer with no executive branch ties to handle the Pector issue.

  2. I doubt very much that Chris is unsafe, but I am pointing out that he is in no position to offer any legal advice concerning any matter in Upper Mount Bethel. The county's HRC bans the county solicitor from serving as a solicitor in any other municipality. There should be a similar prohibition on Council's solicitor or an alternative solicitor should be appointed for conflicts like these.

  3. I don't think McClure likes Slate Belters. I know Slate Belters can't stand him. So here we are.

  4. Spumoni must be fired now !

  5. Chris Spadoni is a nice man. He’s not a great legal mind, but he’s perfect for Council’s collective IQ.

  6. County Council is an ethical morass. It’s no wonder, Lori Vargas/Haffner thinks she can vote on the health bureau, even though she’s a St. Luke’s employee.

  7. County Council must act. At its next meeting, the must demand Chris resign.

  8. If County Council does not fire Spadoni, his ethical lapses become their own.

  9. Lori Vargo-Heffner had a conflict of interest on the Employee Health Center. It was Mr. Spadoni, who advise Ms. Vargo-Heffner how to side step the issue.

  10. Both Chris and Lori are ethically challenged. They are a perfect team at the helm of County Council.

  11. This scandal will be the first test of John Brown’s leadership.

  12. Chris is a great guy, but he should do Council a favor here and fall on his sword. The last thing he wants is to harm the Commissioners reputation.

  13. Remember one thing in Northampton County. There is only ever a conflict of interest if it goes against what Lamont wants to do. If goes with Lamont wants to do it is perfectly fine. Lamont wants to get rid of warehouses, Chris will help him. So perfectly fine to be solicitor for both places. It all goes by what Lamont says. Take it or leave it. That guys has his bully pulpit now and he will use it.

  14. I am not saying Chris should be fired. That's ridiculous. I am saying that he is unable to advise Council on anything concerning UMBT bc he is conflicted. He obviously had no influence on Council bc they did the opposite of what UMBT residents and his clients wanted done. He cannot be involved in the preparation of any ordinance or amendment concerning that LERTA. I do not know whether he ever disclosed his conflict. I assume he did.

  15. Interesting that Pektor is using this blog to leverage Spadoni.

  16. Lori and Brown will meet in the President’s Office. Brown will give Lori the thumbs or down, and Chris’s fate will be decided.

  17. Alternate solicitor is a solicitor.
    HR Charter addresses this as stated.
    Spadoni must resign from one position.
    If he refuses Council has the authority to fire him for cause

  18. God Bless the most union friendly, yellow dog Democrat on Council Ron Heckman.

  19. People should listen to Heckman. That stubborn old Dutchman is a brilliant thinker, and a kind soul.

  20. It is a shame that McClure who with Kraft pushed this LERTA some five years ago is now flip-flopping due to political winds blowing. He was for it before he was against it. Don't make any excuses for the politician. Warehouse development has been going on much longer than five years, so he knew the score. As soon as the gentrified bird watchers showed up, he did what he always does, he counted the votes and the noise and changed his position and attacked council. He is predictable on that score.

    He is as unreliable as Pennsylvania weather. Don't want him in a fox hole.

  21. Chris might be conflicted, but he has a MARVELOUS head of hair for a man his age.

  22. I've seen plenty of honest, intelligent and well-educated people make bad decisions. It's hard for humans to separate emotions from rational decision making.
    Keep a close eye on the one issue candidate. Their populism tends to outstrip their ability.


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