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Thursday, January 11, 2024

National Review: GOP Should Consider Alternative to Trump

Regular readers of this blog know I consider former President Donald Trump a threat to democracy. But I've avoided writing about him in recent months because he needs publicity to appear relevant. Like a WWE wrestler, he'll bluster precisely because he knows it will give him notoriety. Unfortunately, most of the mainstream press still revels in catching his lies or claims to be a dictator. All that does is empower his base. But there is one conservative publication that Republicans should consider.  In a recent editorial, The National Review tells Republican voters that they should rethink nominating Trump as their standard bearer in this year's Presidential.  " They would be well advised to opt for one of the alternatives who are far and away better on the merits, more likely to win in November, and, if elected, more likely to deliver — free from the wild drama of a second Trump term — conservative results."

As a Democrat, I obviously won't be voting for Trump. I won't be voting for Biden, either, especially since I think it is highly unlikely that he can devote the time and energy needed at his advanced age.  But I'd consider one of the Republican alternatives, especially Nikki Haley. 

Aside from his nauseating stolen election lies, the National Review points to numerous other problems: "[M]uch energy would be wasted on his personal vendettas and fighting back against the Left’s sure-to-be-unhinged reaction to his return to the White House. He’d have trouble attracting talent to serve him. His bad instincts on trade and NATO, tendency to personalize everything including foreign relations, contempt for rules that get in his way, and erratic nature would risk real harm to the country. He’d be an easily distracted 78-year-old one-termer sure to get wiped out in the midterms, once again."

He is, as the National Review described him, a "radioactive persona."

Is Trump v. Biden the best we can do? If that's so, then we really are in trouble.


  1. "As a Democrat, I obviously won't be voting for Trump. I won't be voting for Biden, either,"

    Oh boy O'Hare you are in trouble now. McClure will have his loyal dogs go after you on social media. Who knows maybe Ken Kraft will have to visit you and warn you about being a DINO.

    1. You’re going to vote for Michelle Obama and her VP, Gavin Newsome.

      The American Marxist party takes its conquering victory lap next year.

  2. Oh, my. This quote, “They would be well advised to opt for one of the alternatives who are far and away better on the merits, more likely to win in November, and, if elected, more likely to deliver — free from the wild drama of a second Trump term — conservative results." is downright laughable.

    A Donald Trump-like leader is EXACTLY what my country needs at this point of national decline. Nothing can convince this Independent voter otherwise. I will proudly vote for such a ‘monster’ to interrupt the ongoing takedown of America.

    1. Wow….takedown of America…my guess is that “your” country is different than mine.
      Guess you agree with Putin, Hitler, XI, and other fascists, murderers, racists, …so go back to “your” country and wait for it.

    2. Agree with the reply……what’s wrong with you people were you asleep January 6, 2021? Trump is either mentally ill or is the Anti-Christ

    3. I guess you Demorats, love what’s going on at the border! Didn’t happen under Trump! Didn’t have no wars either, you know why, they were scared of Trump! I will take a country under Trump any day! So all you Rats that hate Trump, that don’t want to due your civil duty to vote then guess where your no vote goes, you guessed it, Trump!!

    4. Trump supporters, please stop asserting silly things and stick to verifiable reality. Remember how the Trump started his 2016 campaign taking about Mexican rapists? Remember how his Admin separated families at the border? We've had border problems for a long long time. The number of migrants rising at the border is a sign of two things: 1) the US economy is very very strong under Biden, and 2) Central/South American economies/governments are weaker. Otherwise, why would migrants migrate? Beyond that, Trump never finished The Wall, and he didn't solve immigration challenges the nation faces. If he did, why do we still have a migrant crisis? Please stop pretending. No one is scared of Trump. He's a self-centered fat old man with a loud mouth and a comb-over.

  3. I agree, Trump holds a slim lead over Biden in the polls and most believe Biden is the worst President there ever was. Nikki Haley, in some polls, beats Biden by up to 17 points. She also does well against any other generic Democratic candidate. A poll from NBC suggests both Biden and Trump would lose to any other candidate on the other side. Both Biden and Trump have 30% approval among all voters, which is where the general election would be held. Lastly, what if Biden is NOT the Democratic nominee? Republicans need to think general election where it really counts. Mediocrity striving toward failure.

    1. Since when do people care about what Craig DeLame-o thinks? This guy lost his seat to Steve Lynch.

      If Craig is suggesting something, logic points that the opposite will happen.

  4. Haley is an establishment candidate. No thanks.

    Vivek, RFK, DeSantis, and Trump are all worthy candidates of getting us out of the decline we are in.

    Get better news sources, you're propagandized.

  5. While your hatred of Trump is well known, his policies were far better for America than Biden's. Nikki Haley is just another advocate of world domination by force, a policy that is now dead, no matter if those who want to perpetuate this disastrous policy refuse to understand that the U.s. has frittered away its ability to move the world to a better place.

    Trump is actually the best we have at present, I don't see anyone now who is ready to lead the country or adapt to the changing world political and economic environment. Most are just going to double down on the disastrous policies of the past.

    Either way, no matter who is elected, expect lots of pain, and the focus of the country will now be survival, not political power.

  6. I'm afraid we really are in trouble.

  7. Won't even be a contest. And it will be glorious to see all of your TDS ramping back up.

  8. Bernie will you be covering Bidens visit to the area this week. If so can you tell the truth as too his demenor as well as recant some of your false stories during his tenure. Yesterday there were two incidents that the media won't truely report on one being hunters exit of congress during his show of being the victim and than there is Vivic's confrontation of the media and there inability to admit reporting false what has been now proven true?

  9. In fairness, NR doesn't represent a mainstream conservative view, anymore. Whether the movement left it, of it left the movement, NR is barely a shadow of the conservative megaphone that it was under Buckley. I was a long time subscriber and have seen NR descend into a fringe stenographer for the right and left entrenched government. In short, most conservatives view NR as a joke. That being said, the first party to dump it's flawed, dementia-ridden candidate is the party that will win in November.

  10. Haley has credentials and sensibility. She would be a "breath of fresh air", IMO

  11. C'mon Bernie - The National Review is totally in bed with the radical left wing media and is biased against something, something, something...

  12. We had one of the greatest lapses of leadership in this country when the Secretary of Defense didn't notify his boss he was going under the knife. Presumably because he wouldn't remember. You post this? Where is your info on Secretary Austin and how Biden knew nothing? You proud you votes for this?

  13. Bernie, you’ve laid out the Trump problems before, the Magas have heard it all before. Sadly most of the Maga folks I’ve observed have problems assimilating new information. They just shut down and stick to their beliefs even though the facts are there for them to see. They are also the first to complain when faced with any organizational change takes place at work. I’ve observed that many work for themselves so the concept of teamwork is lost on them, or the idea of a common good. Trump is an old white guy who behaves like a 10 year old boy would, if he could, without any adult rules or guidance. Magas think that makes him cool. If Trump gets elected he would indeed be a menace with a short timer attitude. The family would grab anything they could, with no boundaries. Events like January 6th would be commonplace and would also happen on a local level. Yes, it would happen here. The National Review should have been condemning Trump for years. Their reluctance to deliver the truth may have helped destroy the Republican Party. I fear a generation, and maybe two generations of capable Republican leaders are lost, and every dim-wit like MTG and George Santos is coming forward to join the graft party.

  14. Delusional maggot cult puppets heads are popping off nationwide because Don the Con is being challenged.

    What is National Review said is old news - all sane Rs already know that.

    My take is Nikki would make a great VP for DeSantis. BUT, the Rs will screw it up, they always do.

    Ds never look at the person, they just push the D button no matter what.

    tRUMP/ biden - if this is the best we can do, we have already lost.

  15. Glad you're reading National Review. Great source of legitimate conservative talk.

    If we're honest with ourselves every President since Bush II (at least) was "a threat to democracy." Is Trump the worst? Yep. But that does not mean the other guys are good, just less bad.

    Hardly a standard we should strive for.

    You are right in your conclusion though - if Trump and Biden are the best we can do, we're doomed.

    1. I guess you love what’s going on at the border! I would love to hear your comment if you lived in a border town!!

    2. Do you live in a border town?

  16. Bernie, you are right on this issue. It is truly sad we can't do better in selecting our leaders. But all the blame isn't solely on the voter. The news media has to clean up their act. You can't have Fox News spreading lies (getting sued for Billions of dollars for spreading those untruths) and then admitting they lied, just to go back to doing it all over again. If we can't believe our own free press to give us accurate news, who can we believe? It gets worse. You have Donald Trump and his Maga Followers who constantly lie and distort the truth and are never penalized for those MAGA LIES. What has happened to our Country, our leadership, and the free press?

    1. Please. No news is without distortion. Fox is commentary and abc CBD nbc MSNBC CNN etc. All are commentary no real news anywhere. All news is opinion based now not fact based. If you believe any of them without research you are gullible and very misinformed

  17. You are a loser! Voting for Nikki Haley is a vote for the wrong National Viewpoints as an American. She has stated that she would free trump of all of his crimes and there are many, 91 counts against him, many of them dealing with defrauding our American banking system. And let’s not forget his true crime family making billions of dollars in business dealings with Jared Kushner and the rest of the trump gang.
    I thing you need to do is change your voter registration as you are a true Republican.

    1. I guess the Biden family are saints! Get real. I’ll take a Trump America any day of the week!

    2. What is "a Trump America" exactly?

  18. Three weeks ago Joe Biden let it be known that if Trump wasn't running for President, Joe "might reconsider" his own reelection campaign. Hint. Hint. It is my firm opinion that Joe Biden only ran for President 4 years ago to save America from the likes of Trump. The evidence shows that he has succeeded. He is now campaigning for reelection to, again, save America from Trump. If the Republicans could dig their heads out of their asses and field a moderate candidate who would put America's interests ahead of their own (like Trump clearly does) AND FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTION, I would not be surprised to hear Joe Biden announce the suspension of his campaign. As long as fake "patriots" continue to hold up Trump, America will continue to be in turmoil.

  19. It is abundantly clear, America was stronger and our futures more secure under Trump’s leadership. Now, with Biden and his radical Left agenda, we are circling the drain, in danger of losing our country. The mistakes in governance by the Biden Administration have been severe. Economically, morally, militarily, ethically, scientifically, educationally, etc.

    To reverse our present, and rapid, decline, voting for Biden (or any other Democrat replacement) will not solve the jeopardy most families find themselves. We also don’t have time for any ‘on the job’ training for some candidate from either party. Trump has the experience and the will to put us back on course and do that quickly. This time, being a rock solid, loyal Democrat and endorsing what we’ve seen from that philosophy is foolhardy, if not plain ignorant of the world around us.

    1. You’re obviously a very partisan Republican. If not for Democratic policies of FDR and LBJ the senior citizens in this country would be in very sad shape.

  20. As far as local government goes I am a democrat. For national politics, I am full throated in my support for trump. I do believe the GOP will do whatever they can to avoid nominating trump, ultimately destroying themselves in the process. This is ultimately a good thing, though it may seem awful as it happens. Never have I felt more optimistic than today.

    1. We all know what your throat is full of.

  21. The only "decline" in America is the Republican Party! tRump is a sexual predator, fraudster, grifter con-man (one of the best I might add) and addicted to drugs! Prove me wrong...

  22. Trump's presidency and that of Jimmy Carter are remarkably similar - especially their endings. Both were tossed from office under the premise of poor economies. But they were really institutionally fired by the military industrial complex because they were determined to get this country out of the always-at-war business. Two president in modern history have not started wars: Carter and Trump. Blessed are the peace makers, for they will get fired before a second term.

  23. For the record and future discussions, there is no Republican Party . Whatever they have decided to be is now based upon lies and follows insurrectionist play books. The only party that exists is The Democratic Party.

    1. @ 12:33, You mean what’s left of the democrat party. 55 percent of the party now identify or lean socialist. I’m in no man’s land here, it’s time for a third party.

  24. Nikki Haley enjoys the support of all nine defense contractors in South Carolina. She's a war girl. But keep her kids' names out of your mouth. She'll only be sending yours to die for her most lucrative donors.

  25. Trump or Biden? One is under a bazillion indictments, the other has to use the kiddie stairs to get of the effing airplane. Not good!

  26. Trumps said he wants thr economy to crash on Biden's watch despite positive economic numbers and records in the DOW. Meanwhile, Congressinal obstructionist want another shutdown which will fulfill the aspiring dictator's wishes. It is time the extreme right stop rooting against America.

  27. 1:18, This is not entirely true and is emblematic of what is wrong with current media coverage. It is actually a distortion of what Trump said. He said that if the market fails, he hope it fails under Biden and not him. I say this as someone who despises the guy.

  28. Why do we have so many stupid people who would vote for Trump or any other right wing wack job?

    The answer is white privilege.

  29. The Biden family is corrupt and they will stoop to anything ;namely, even now exploitation of Joe, an incompetent senior, to keep power and money.. That’s a crime, Bernie. Your hatred of Trump is blinding your assessment skills, Bernie. Guess you like socialism.

  30. 1:18 are you sure? An economy that's rung up $34 trillion in debt (and growing) is not an improving economy. Our current debt-to-GDP is 129%. Did Trump contribute to this? Yep. He also supported experimental goop mandates and gave Fauci a medal. This isn't about the orange clow. It's about the current guy and his uncontrolled spending. And now he wants to fund two wars?

  31. Im just over here wishing I could have the opportunity to vote for a sane and/or coherent person preferably under the age of 70 years old. It's not looking like we'll have a choice like that. Not from either of the 2 major parties.

  32. Nikki Haley insulted my forebears who came from Ireland just in time to fight in the American Civil War. The war was not about the South fighting for Freedom and Rights. That’s the nonsense of the vanquished Confederacy historians and its propagandists. If she is concerned about losing the Daughters of the Confederacy etc.vote she has no place running for National office. The South Carolina that was the first state to leave the Union is not where we need to find our next President. It reminds me of the Northern editor of the Newspaper said at the time of secession, “South Carolina is too small to be its own Country and too large to be an insane asylum.”

  33. Face facts… Biden is a Great President and will make a difference for America in the next 4 years.
    Biden has got multiple accomplishments done compared to the grifter trump.
    Trump is not worthy and never was of being the president of this nation.
    Anyone who thinks Nikki Haley is a choice needs to have their head examined.
    Light off for real, this site is full of biased bigots full of hate mongers, womanizer who don’t want to pay their fair share of taxes.
    Well Taylor Swift will set you guys straight and push Biden on top.

  34. Bernie -- why won't you be voting for Biden? Don't you want to at least see what policies and plans his upcoming campaign focuses on?

    Check out the map for real stuff the Biden Admin has been doing for PA:

  35. The latest (and most ridiculous) Democrat Party talking point is that electing Trump threatens our democracy. Can you imagine? Here’s a party (Democrat) moving everything into place, abusing our court system, controlling our news media, etc. to strip from Americans their right to choose their own candidate (Trump) from the ballot. On the Republican side, Trump’s lead over every other Republican is enormous, his lead clearly makes him the choice of half, or more, Americans.

    It will be interesting to read Biden’s remarks from today in Emmaus. Even better, to read the Morning Call’s fawning all over everything claimed without challenge.

    9:18 PM has it right. Do your OWN research. The truth is out there, but finding it does take some effort. Tough times ahead without MAJOR changes in Washington.

  36. Biden makes America less safe. Wars all over now. Trump makes the Constitution less safe but America safer. Pick your poison.

  37. @11:55AM
    Voting for Trump because you think wars will immediately stop, and we'll be safe is ridiculous, because our presidents are term-limited. The job of the president is to put in place policies that create enduring conditions for safety and prosperity in the future, so the next President has an easier job. What will Trump do to create conditions for safety in the future? When he had his chance, he undercut Zelenskyy in Ukraine, cozied up to Putin, and weakened NATO at every turn (https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/24/ukraine-trump-impeachment-00011406). How did that make us safe?

    Same goes for immigration. What policies did Trump put in place that solved our migrant crisis? None that worked, which is why southern border Governors are shipping migrants to NY, CA, IL, etc.

    1. @ 4:12. Lol. Joe Biden was left with a vaccine, a border relatively secure because of the remain in Mexico policy, and NO WARS. Now it’s 2 maybe 3 wars, a wide open border, and a war on the cops. I want neither both suck! Joe Biden can’t even walk down the big boy stairs of Air Force one. He belongs in a nursing home and Trump hopefully goes away so we can move on from both these idiots.

  38. @7:51am Trump made his own bed on JAN6. He sent his supporters to kill Mike Pence, his own VP, because he was angry that he lost the 2020 election. You can be sad about it, but blaming Democrats for Trump's actions...? Not reality-based. That's Biden Derangement Syndrome.

  39. Gallup just released a poll that shows democrat party registration in this country down to 27%. Same for republicans. Independents now 43% of the electorate.

  40. Trump is toast. His latest Hitler hits releases and rants to incite violence only create more divide and anger from decent people. Normal, god respecting citizens are getting sick of his constant drumming of fighting to save America
    and his blatant lies about patriotism while he strokes Putin, XI , and embraces dictators and hugs the American flag.. He will lose, He will get old, He will go back to his gold toilets and vulgar lifestyle, and stain in Florida with those of similar DNA.

  41. A couple of points...

    Neither Biden or Trump, Republican or Democrat are responsible for the ECONOMY. Taking credit or blame for current economic conditions is a sign that the person talking has no real understanding of what they're talking about. There are market winners and market losers every day. When people talk about todays inflation rates, it does connect back to 2008 Bush & Obama stimulus as well as Trump & Biden's in 2020. Bear in mind the alternative to either situation without massive government spending would likely have equated to economic depression levels similar if not greater than 1929.

    New/Media - there is definitely bias out there, some overt, some subtle. The problem with people doing their own research is that they'll inevitably shop for whatever opinion they're looking for.

    Polling/Predicting November - While neither Biden or Trump are great choices, it does appear that that will likely be our choice in November. Lets not overreact to what people or polls are saying in January. Trump has a number of legal hurdles between now and June to get thru which may or may not derail his campaign which has a lot of people sitting on the sidelines. Biden support is very soft among large parts of his base, but historically those demographics tend to come back during election seasons.

  42. 2024, still waiting for Trump to unveil his healthcare plan…

  43. No One is scared of Trump


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