Local Government TV

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Who Will Serve the Final Two Years of Zrinski's Term on NorCo Council?

In January, Tara Zrinski will be sworn in as Northampton County's new Controller. She will be required at that time to resign her seat on NorCo Council. The remaining eight members will have 30 days to replace her. If unable to do so, any member of Council or any five registered voters can petition the court to make an appointment. The court must do so within 15 days of receiving the petition.

Qualifications: The person appointed must be a US citizen who has resided continuously within the county for at least a year prior to appointment. The candidate is barred from holding any other elective office. County employees are barred. So are "officials" of political parties.  There is no prohibition against appointment of a person simply because she belongs to a different political party than the holder of the office being vacated. Thus, a Republican or Independent could be appointed to fill Zrinski's vacancy, even though she is a Democrat. 

Appointing Body: The eight members of Northampton County Council making this appointment will be five Democrats - Ken Kraft, Ron Heckman, Kelly Keegan, Lori Vargo Heffner and Jeff Warren and three Republicans - Tom Giovanni, John Goffredo and John Brown.  Though Democrats have a 5-3 majority, both Heckman and Vargo Heffner have resisted attempts by Executive Lamont McClure to control them. Thus, I think it unlikely that they will go along with appointing a rubber stamp. 

Most Qualified Persons: The most qualified persons for this seat are John Cusick (his term just expired), former Exec Gerald E "Jerry" Seyfried, former Clerk Frank Flisser and former Council member Ron Angle. They all know the Charter inside out, and Cusick religiously follows the county's quarterly financial reports  

Though Council can appoint a Republican, I consider that highly unlikely. Ron Angle would have trouble attracting even Republican support. 

That leaves Democrats. Seyfried is too busy visiting his swamp and is even stepping down from the Retirement Board. I also doubt Flisser has any interest. 

Others: I believe Deb Hunter has a realistic shot if she is interested. She was vocally opposed to the Express Vote XL and is willing to say No to the Exec. So is Bob Werner or his wife, Sandy O'Brien. 

Who do you think they should appoint?


  1. You forgot to mention Mezzacappa. She is experienced and loves government. Her and McClure would provide you with enough material to report, that you would win another award in journalism.

  2. Peter Melan or Tabia Sultana

  3. I'd vote for Ron Angle. We need him watching out for our taxpayer dollars like a bulldog!💲💲💲

  4. Bill McGee would be great

  5. Although incredibly cynical, I'll only vote for charged and/or convicted criminals. It's time to be honest about the political class and those who claim a life of public "service." What a load of shit. Get charged or convicted and you have my vote. Few will admit they're voting for lowly, unsavory, dishonest politicians. I will.

  6. Lori Vargo-Heffner has already made a deal with the Republicans to appoint Cusick. In return Lori Vargo-Heffner will be made President. It’s already done. I heard Giovanni and Brown talking about it at Detzi’s.

  7. We need someone on their to force McClure to raise taxes, so employees can be fairly paid.

  8. Cusick all the way. Experience is the best teacher.

  9. Controller Parsons would be a great pick. He’s very independent. He has a ton of experience. He’s not afraid to raise taxes to benefit Gracedale and employees.

  10. Deb Hunter is a great choice. She and Lori and Kelly were form a tripod that will lead us inevitably toward Executve Zaranski’s reign.

  11. Cusick checks all but one box. He is a Republican and I don't know that he can attract the two Democratic votes he would need. I am certain Warren, Kraft and Keegan would spurn him.

    Parsons was employed by the McClure administration. I do think he would be far more independent than a Bill McGee, but would likely be willing to work with McClure and might reduce the friction that currently exists between council and the exec. He might attract all five D votes.

  12. Deb Hunter would be a good choice, but as i recall, she and Lamont are not fond of each other.

  13. Terra's birkenstocks can never be filled, D.G.R currently advocates for Scot Slingerland Field Marshall of the C.A.T to be her successor as his carbon footprint is lower than even Saint Greta


  14. Scott Slingerland is a good guy and is far from an opportunist.

  15. Anon 736am -- "We need someone on their to force McClure to raise taxes, so employees can be fairly paid."


    The Taxpayers

  16. Cusack is for Term Limits so he certainly wouldn’t want it less he be labeled a hypocrite.

  17. As a member of a group that's been unfairly singled out for draconian persecution by Lady Zrinski and her save the world zealots, I say good riddance to her and wimpy, wokey, wet paper straws. One word for you, Tara: "plastics." We're back baby! Everyone can suck us!

  18. Saw Hunter go toe-to-toe with Dertinger, but not McClure.

  19. @ 11:06 -- An individual employee can certainly quit (and they do, pretty often!) but that leaves the county understaffed and struggling to attract qualified new employees to replace the ones who bolt.

    You're essentially saying that you want anyone who takes a job with the county to be underpaid, with the exception of top-tier administrative heads and certain elected officials, who do just fine. Seems like a strange philosophy unless you either (1) love bosses and hate workers or (2) are essentially an anarchist and want there to be no government at all. Neither of those seem like particularly appealing worldviews to me, but I'm just an anonymous internet commenter, so what do I know?

    1. Just a comment. Gracedale .employees with overtime are paid more than the salaried career service managers . Managers there work tons of hours as salaried employees. I would bet the same true in other departments

  20. These choices are all stupid

  21. Baratta just sent letters to DAs office employees that worked on Lance Wheeler’s criminal case informing them that they won’t be retained. I thought he wasn’t supposed to play politics. Smart move. Fire people from in office that barely has enough staffing to cover courtrooms. Please investigate. No one else will.

  22. Anon 159pm, what I'm saying is that, when you take the entire compensation package and employment structure into consideration, I don't believe they are underpaid at all. I'm not including Gracedale nurses in this discussion.

    I believe that people always want to be paid more, and if they are worth it then there is a market for them outside the County.

    But to bitch that they are underpaid and not do anything about it? Makes no sense to me.

    The Taxpayer

  23. I’m wondering if Myers has enough support to take the seat

  24. The McClure Administration is on borrowed time no matter who is selected for that seat. It is falling apart and the true administration and its initiatives are being revealed to everyone including all of those who voted for him. Steve wasn’t a legitimate alternative so of course Lamont won. I doubt he finishes his term.

  25. McClure has bought off folks. He gave jobs to the Werner's relative; Parsons is far from objective. You can be sure McClure has a couple rubber stamps lined up. Word is he has a big one ready to go that the dems will have no choice but to approve. McClure is the wannabe godfather of the county. He is pushing for a veto proof council. His neutering plan is working.

  26. December 12, 2023 at 7:34 PM

    You are funny, bought off people, with that salary? Lowest paid in the state just about, what did he buy them off with a big mac and fries?

  27. Sam Elias for County Council

  28. John Callahan still around & avail.?

  29. @ 8:04 Parson has sucked up enough taxpayer dollars for doing absolutely NOTHING. When he was in Public Works, he sat in his office with his feet up. When the handicapped elevator needed fixing, he said there was nothing wrong with it. Who would know better than the people that needed to use it. NO TO PARSONS!


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