Local Government TV

Monday, December 11, 2023

Former Jailbird Tricia Mezzacappa Announces Candidacy For NorCo Exec

The next NorCo Exec race is two years away. We have a Presidential race next year, along with a myriad of Congressional and statewide elections. But West Easton's most infamous resident, Tricia Mezzacappa, has announced she's running for Lamont McClure's spot. He should contribute to her campaign. If she is the Republican nominee, he will win in a landslide. She is so far out there that she makes McClure's most recent GOP opponent - wingnut and conspiracy theorist Steve Lynch - look like the voice of reason. 

Lynch, who hated my criticism, once challenged me to a duel. But if a letter from the District Attorney's office is to be believed, Mezzacappa wanted to kill me. An examining psychiatrist insisted that authorities warn me after she allegedly told a fellow inmate that she intended to build a ghost gun upon her release and put an end to me.

I stopped writing about her, not because of her threat, but because I thought she'd never run for office again.  Now that she has re-entered the political sphere and is seeking votes, I have no choice. 

In 2012, Mezzacappa was convicted of disorderly conduct after she barreled into borough hall and threatened to punch then Borough Solicitor Peter Layman in the nose and twice stated she was "going to fucking drag [Council President Kelly Gross] to the river and drown her."

In 2013, Mezzacappa was convicted of harassment of a West Easton Borough Clerk with threatening and abusive behavior, which included constant kicking and banging at the doors to Borough Hall after being told to wait for a police escort.

In 2021, Mezzacappa was convicted of false reports to the Pennsylvania State Police. Here's how the Northampton County DA summarizes what happened in a subsequent federal action that Mezzacappa filed, in which she is referred to as "Petitioner."

On February 11, 2019, in West Easton Borough, Northampton County, Petitioner reported to the Pennsylvania State Police that she had been held at gunpoint by a black man, a drug dealer, who ran away after she fired a shot in his direction. Petitioner told the Pennsylvania State Police that this black man lived at 816 Ridge Street and had fled into that address after threatening her. Petitioner voluntarily gave troopers the firearm that she reported firing, a Smith and Wesson 9 millimeter, indicating that she had not manipulated it following the shooting. However, troopers noticed upon examination that there was no round in the chamber, that the magazine was at full capacity, and that there was lint in the barrel of the firearm. The firearm was submitted for ballistics testing. The firearm was found to be fully functional; however, Sergeant Daryl Elias of the Pennsylvania State Police, an expert and forensic and toolmark examiner, concluded that the firearm had not been recently fired due to the extent of the debris present within the barrel and muzzle. Moreover, Petitioner’s neighbors denied hearing a shot fired. No shell casings were found in the area Petitioner alleged shooting her firearm. 

Upon arrival, the troopers interviewed Gregory Bealer and Charose Krock, the sole adult residents of 816 Ridge Street. Mr. Bealer reported that when he had entered his vehicle to get formula at the store for his newborn baby earlier that evening, Petitioner banged on his driver’s side window and “was screaming at me to get out of the neighborhood” because “they do not want drug dealers in the neighborhood.” Ms. Krock stated that five minutes after Mr. Bealer left, she heard a bang on her door and that Petitioner yelled through the window to her that “she wanted the drug dealer out of her neighborhood.” Petitioner gave two witness statements to the troopers, alleging that drug dealers had been sent to her address to harass her, and that on the day in question, “a drug dealer held a gun to [her] head,” “ran into 816 Ridge Street,” and that she “fired [her] gun at him.”

Following a jury trial, Mezzacappa was convicted. A disturbing presentence report noted instances of "racial rhetoric" employed by Mezzacappa, including the term "tar baby," She was sentenced to 12 months of probation, but ended up doing the entire 12 months behind bars instead because she refused to comply with any terms of probation. According to a court opinion, she was involuntarily committed to Norristown State Hospital during a portion of her stay in jail “based on her behavior and threats to Corrections Officers and/or other inmates.”

Of course, Mezzacappa appealed her conviction. Of course, she lost.  

Since her release, she gloated when West Easton Borough Council member Matt Dees passed away. "Good riddance to the nastiest rotten criminal west Easton has ever seen," she wrote on Facebook. Her violation of this social norm about speaking ill of the dead is sinful, regardless of which religion she pretends to follow. 

What's especially sad about Mezzacappa is that she is actually quite intelligent. But if she thinks she stands a chance in a race for any public office, she is sadly mistaken. 


  1. Just wants to a politician-she sees the possibilities.

  2. No different than McClueless. She might just win to get rid of him.

  3. Lamont McClure is the luckiest politician in the state. First, he runs against Brown, then he runs against Lynch. Now he will run against Mezzacappa. Who is next Jack the Ripper? The Republican should just concede now.

    1. Mezzacappa will never in a million years win the Republican primary. She may run as an independent.

  4. Perfect, she should “light up the switch board” during the election.

  5. This looney tune has recently been working with Steve Lynch, and recently elected NASD school board directors Josh Harris and Brian McCulloch. All four of them are deeply disturbed individuals who share Tricia's tendency toward paranoid delusions.

  6. She has my vote. I just want to bust things up and cause chaos. She's perfect. Her criminal past makes her more qualified than anyone running. She's reprehensible. That's why she has my vote.

  7. The Republican Party is amazing in Norco Lolololol These are the candidates they run Lolol. Could someone from the R side ask Aaroe to take her signs down from public roadways??

    1. Tricia is not the county party endorsed candidate, nor will she ever be.

  8. She was typical MAGA before there was MAGA

  9. The gift that keeps on giving. Too bad Matt Dees isn't around to see this. I would have loved to see his remarks on this development.

    Things might just get more interesting ... if Zrinski chooses to run too. Would love to see those three stump for votes. Going to make for interesting reads in the papers and blogs. Nice!

  10. What ever she is on, should be outlawed.

  11. When is Mike Fleck going to announce his candidacy? Or, better yet, he can be Tricia's campaign manager.

  12. Is that her "mug shot" or is she really that unattractive? I met her years back and can't believe this is the same woman. I remember her as quite attractive. What happened?

    1. Someone on here in the past would refer to her as "the Easton stunner," which I thought was hilarious. Bernie claims she's quite intelligent, so I'll have to take his word for it. But quite attractive? Ever? I dunno about that. Of course, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. So go ahead and hold her.

  13. Do you mean the Mike Fleck who wore a wire and set everyone else up so his wife wouldn’t go to jail for tax fraud?
    That Mike Fleck? Perfect choice to run Trish campaign

    1. Yes 9:39- That Mike Fleck. Apparently, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree considering the recent criminal charges. He's a minor, so I won't go into specifics, but it kinda rubs me the wrong way that junior is bragging about his criminal activity- hopefully, it's just to save face and not because he's proud of his crime. He's lucky that the police gave him an honest break.

  14. I'm from the other side of the state. I follow Northampton County politics (guilty pleasure) because it's a dumpster fire that can't be ignored. I thought Lynch was the "main character", but... I'm now holding Tricia's beer.

  15. Personally I would have loved to see Steve Lynch win. He would have been run out faster than George Santos. Has anyone ever actually met a personal trainer who wasn't bat sh*t crazy?

  16. Judging from a brief interaction with her years ago and everything I've read about her, I conclude that she has every known mental and psychological disorder classified by science and medicine.

  17. Tricia is blowing her first campaign fund raiser @ The Green Door in Freemansburg this cuming Friday afternoon, 2:00PM don't be late!

  18. We really need to tighten up on what ex-Cons are allowed to do in public life. Look at the ride we're being taken for by felon dope dealer Convict Hasshan Batts.

  19. Politics seems to draw some really unique people. Especially those who couldn't find honest employment in the private sector. Not unless it was in the media-entertainment business. Which is pretty much what politics has become.

  20. Tricia is better than a Hallmark Card.... The Gift 🎁 that keeps on giving! Enjoy the Holidays Bernie now you have received a special gift aka Tricia for County Executive like a nut case in the administration building 🏫! Enjoy this "Special Gift" 😂

  21. She is a big iron PIGS 🐽 fan !

  22. And Bernie are still driving her old car? This “Witch” could accidentally win as an Independent. She will be the turd in Punch bowl. Her presence would not be a positive influence on NorCar business as she is a psychologist monster by some peoples standards,but mine. I’m an average citizen , tax payer and can’t profess to to know psychology. One thing for sure - she would increase attendance at county meetings. Remember I’m not an expert at anything.

  23. Does anyone know what she does for a living? Her PA nursing license is expired.

  24. I’m surprised that the Black man that was falsely accused didn’t get shot or 20 years in prison

  25. Bernie may need to clone himself in order to cover all the fodder she's going to produce if she gets back into the local news cycle again.

  26. When you first wrote about this woman, I found it humorous and enjoyed reading about her lunacy. Now, though, it is apparent she has some serious problems and I believe it is smarter to ignore her because giving her attention will not do her any good. She may crave attention, but that doesn’t mean you have to provide it. She has created problems for you and she seems determined to cause you harm.

  27. I avoided writing about her, refused to publish comments about her and even refused to publish comments that I believe came from her until now. I decided to write about it bc she is running and people need to know who and what she is.

  28. This woman can't even be elected as a West Easton Council member. If she thinks she stands a snowball's chance to be Executive, she's certifiably insane. Who is going to fund this campaign? She has tried to bankrupt her town in legal bills, and is sadly a menace to the entire community.

  29. Honestly, this may be a good thing in norco. Reading the comments, this maybe the first time D’S and R’s are in agreement. Bipartisan unity in laughing at Tricia Mezacrazy

  30. Lynch is behind this and has yet to find put how insane this woman actually us.

    Sooner rather than later it will become apparent to him and his band malcontents that this candidate is mentally ill and they will move on to greener pastures.


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