Local Government TV

Friday, December 08, 2023

NorCo Council Establishes Election Integrity Committee

Government's answer to election problems? Let's form another committee.!

After two botched municipal elections over the past four years, NorCo Council member John Goffredo last night proposed the establishment of an election oversight committee. Council member Tara Zrinski initially complained that such a committee is unnecessary because we already have an elections commission. But she was quickly shut down when Council member Ron Heckman said that Council can pretty much establish a committee to do whatever it wants. Council member Lori Vargo Heffner suggested that her Governance Committee might be the best place to tackle our election woes, but Goffredo responded that a separate  committee is the way to go. And Heckman added that it would send a message to the public that Council really, really, really, really cares. Really!

Goffredo's resolution provides that the committee is "necessary to provide oversight and promote fair, transparent and legal elections, registration of voters and related functions."

Prior to the vote, Democratic Chair Matt Munsey and GOP Chair Glenn Geissinger, speaking in stereo, both endorsed the idea.  


  1. They can have all the OVERSIGHT they want. No Committee can tell the Election Commission what to do. The Election Commission can tell the oversight committee to go to hell. The Commission is responsible for running elections. Didn't their solicitor inform them of the law? So now we're going to run elections by committee? Where is Dertinger when we need him?

    1. Yeah, they're SUPPOSED to be independent. But Charlie used to and now whoever pays Ricky Santee really calls the shots.Sorry Charles you were part of the problem.

  2. See that the McClure clones are already posting. No one is taking power from the election Committee. If that were the case the first suspect would be McClure.

  3. Now we know why council voted to bring back a moment of silence or prayer before their meetings, they’re going to need it when they roll out the slightly used 3 million dollar voting machines along with ESS “oversight” program!
    I’m sure adding a committee will make voters really, really, more confident in 2024.

  4. Their solicitor does not know the law and needs to be replaced asap
    12:13 you are absolutely correct the election commission is an independent board to run elections without the interference of elected officials

    This solicitor needs to start advising and stop kissing Lori VH substantially large bottom

  5. Gop GG stepped away from having his lieutenants attack GOP candidates to come to this bs meeting. More theater. Where was he when the machines were being tested? He's a clown and needs to RESIGN. I hope he takes his area 11 chair with him as well. Gunther show from 11/14 breaks the ncrc dysfunction down well.. Apologies in advance for poor grammar.

    Your Friend,

  6. Commissions have real power. Committees, not so much. I'm not sure what a committee could accomplish that a commission couldn't.

    Also, is this committee going to cost money? I'm assuming they're going to need legal counsel well versed in the Election Code.

  7. Now they want oversight!!! Where was this council’s “oversight” during 2016 and 2019??
    The crash occurred, they saw it”twice”, and all of a sudden an “election committee” is formed and Zyrinski decides she’s going to review this as a priority once she’s controller? A. The damage was done..twice. B. The “election committee” will be chosen how and how will they influence the machines outcome now? C. Zyrinski voted yes for the machines and ESS during controversial hearing with ESS VP Carbilido during first questioning of integrity of ESS and machines, so NOW, she intends to investigate? This council, and soon to be committee , are nothing more than a dog and pony show in an entertaining attempt to show
    They are all working hard to do something now….
    ……when it should have been done in 2016 and 2019…..Not Impressed .

  8. Norco never fails to make me happy I don't live there

    1. Yes, why can't we ever be great, like Lehigh County?

  9. " No Committee can tell the Election Commission what to do."

    One problem this committee might discover is that the elections commission has no power, despite what the law and the HRC says. Our elections are run by the admin, not the elections commission. That might be a source of some trouble.

    The current elections commission asked for another meeting before the end of the year, when their terms expire. So far as I know, no such meeting has been scheduled. They can't even get a meeting.

  10. If these council people were truly wanting to hold ESS or McClure accountable, they could follow legal protocol to produce a bonified legal challenge to the 2023 voting problems , only then can solicitor Santee proceed, otherwise, as you pointed out, they have bupkis . Where is Spadoni on all this? He should be advising what can and cannot be done by this group of wannabee commissioners.

  11. You still post Dumbass’s dumb comments for some unknown reason, Bernie. It is pretty clear by now who Dumbass is and, even though the grammar is improved (most likely because someone else is proofreading the text before submission), the information is inaccurate as was the information from the Gunther show of 11/14.


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