Local Government TV

Thursday, December 07, 2023

Allentown City Council Has No Confidence in Mayor Matt Tuerk

By a 4-3 vote, Allentown City Council last night adopted a resolution expressing no confidence in Mayor Matt Tuerk's leadership. The resolution was supported by Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Cynthia Mota and Natalie Santos. Opposing the measure were Daryl Hendricks, Santo Napoli and Candida Affa, 

Though the public was permitted to speak before the vote, many members of the audience were intent on interrupting Council members opposed to the measure. An exasperated Candida Affa finally shouted "Shut Up! as she was constantly heckled. Hendricks had to have one member of the public removed. 

Council members who chose to speak on the measure are as follows:

Ed Zucal: "It appears that I'm the only one who tries to show some leadership here. ... ." He noted five good department directors have kleft along with another five deputy directors and supervisors have also left.  One employee left because, according to Zucal, Tuerk wanted him to do things contrary to his personal integrity.  Zucal noted that Mayor has called himself a budgetary guru. "How can you be a guru when you call for a 6.9% budget increase and 23 positions?" 

Santo Napoli: "There is a lack of cooperation between Council and the administration. I think there's blame on our side. We need to do a better job communicating. ... What's happening here tonight - I'm very disappointed because we're taking our eye off the ball when it comes to serving our residents. That's really what we're here for."  He noted that City Council authorized an investigation and taking any action now is premature. He said the resolution makes Allentown government dysfunctional, like Congress. 

Candida Affa: "I don't know what we hope to accomplish." She noted Council has no power to remove an elected mayor, and all this does is drive a wedge between Council and the Mayor.. "Tomorrow he will still be our Mayor." 

Daryl Hendricks: "There is nothing positive in this resolution. ... "  He echoed Napoli's Washington analogy. 

Ce-Ce Gerlach: "We got concerns about your leadership just like you all said to me. We might not get invites to Mayor Tuerk's cookouts." 

Matt Tuerk: "I'm going to continue to stay as high as possible." He noted Zucal doess not answer his texts or phone calls. He was also disappointed in the behavior of some of the citizens in the audience.  He added, "I got thick skin." he said he will continue to respect Council. "Let's get back to business." 

He then had his communications officer note that, based on numerous complaints, the city commissioned an outside investigation in which 25 employees were interviewed. The report recommended the termination of 3 human resources employees. Tuerk followed those recommendations. The city declines to say more because these are personnel matters.

Allentown is now officially cRaZy.  


  1. Wasn’t the whole HR Dept fired on or about the week of the 19th of November 2023? So they don’t have ant people left ?

    1. They have an interim director from the health bureau with no HR experience & 2 clerks-1 was hired with some experience & the other no experience.

  2. Meanwhile, the city remains an unsafe shithole, even in broad daylight. The rest of the valley has no confidence in Allentown. Build a wall.

  3. Politicians are not trustworthy they are bred by our system of government and if we do not change this system this country will fail.

  4. I wasn't at the meeting, but based on the media coverage, I favor the positions of Affa, Napoli and Hendricks on this issue. I support the Mayor's authority to manage the personnel at the City and I wonder what Zucal's motivation is to form an odd alliance with Ce Ce Gerlach on an issue like this one. What does he know about the inter-workings of the day to day operations in City Hall? Then Zucal fills the room with a bunch of disrespectful and obnoxious people with agendas of their own? I'm beginning to worry about this guy.

  5. It’s apparently a race between these once great cities, Bethlehem and Allentown, to see which one self destructs first. Both situations are sad but it’s the voters who put these folks into office.

    1. Wee Willie of Bethlehem may be arrogant and bullish, but the City of Bethlehem is looking great still (tax increases and all). Allentown straight up looks worse and worse daily.

  6. A few comments:

    1) It's not exactly shocking that the three tax-hikers on council (Hendricks, Affa and Napoli) are circling the wagons around Tuerk. They are reliable rubber stamps who probably haven't had an original thought since they joined Council.

    2) There does seem to be a disconnect here. Per your post, Santos "...noted that City Council authorized an investigation and taking any action now is premature." However, you also note that the City Communication Director said that "...the city commissioned an outside investigation in which 25 employees were interviewed. The report recommended the termination of 3 human resources employees." So it seems that someone is out of the loop.

    3) You mention that Tuerk noted that "...Zucal does not answer his texts or phone calls." I believe that e-mails and texts are subject to open records requests. You would think that a truly curious press (hello Morning Call) would request those records (and e-mails too) to see what they contained and publish them for all to see. I doubt they will, since the "local newspaper" continues to have no real interest in reporting anything beyond what is spoon-fed to them by City Hall (despite their failures in uncovering the Pawlowski corruption). It would seem nothing has really changed in that regard.

  7. Which party runs Allentown? Again, People need to change their voting habits for change. Until that happens the tax increases and crime will continue to happen. Guess its not bad enough yet.

  8. Hermano Matteo Tuérk is facing back lash from the BIPOC community because he is a modern day Conquistador, a group of us have summoned the spirit of Montezuma to terminate his reign of terror

  9. Too bad the 7 dwarfs that sit on council in Bedlum don't have the cajónes to tell the truth and do the same thing.

  10. I am not a proponent for or against Mayor Tuerk. My limited interactions with him suggests he is a bit of a lightweight, even perhaps the caricature of a pajama boy progressive (Tattoed sleeve, athletics shoes with suits, bikes to the office, "celebrating" multiculturalism, so long as it is not of European descent).However, he is not dumb and he has invested in Allentown both professionally and as a homeowner and family man. He wants the city to succeed. He just is wrong in how to accomplish that, sticking to the democrat playbook of relying on increasing taxes, and generating a base from the hand out culture of professional non-profits fighting for their share of public money, versus meaningful city growth. Contrast him with those that voted no-confidence, only one has had a "real world" career to speak of and he is aiming his sights on running for the job of mayor, which explian his criticisms of Tuerk more than anything. The other 3, "professional" public servants, i.e., those that feed off the system just like the many non-profit that now burden any real progress in the city. I find it interesting the 3 who voted against the "no-confidence" resolution have real world experience and careers outside the world of government.

  11. Northampton County has that place beat by a long shot. It is worse working in Northampton County just what ever is said in Northampton County never gets to public eyes or ears. Just like this post won't. The county as a whole is falling apart. Imagine try to say something about our HR ppl. You'd be walked out immediately

  12. We want O'Connell back....

  13. Oh boy, where to start.... I'll just go with the fact that the city is on notice of pending litigation regarding these terminations. So what does this band of idiots do? Go on record agreeing with the potential plaintiffs. Bernie I'm not a lawyer but that sure looks like it would play well to a jury.

    Allentown remains a laughingstock to the Valley, the State, and the Country.

  14. BO, is there anyone out there who could do this job as mayor of Allentown and make the city better? Tuerk has made this city worse than ever. He obviously is over his head. The first vote of no confidence since Pawlowski so early in his term speaks volumes.

  15. I guess that Mayor Matt has found out that all the selfies in the hood haven’t had the anticipated effect, his constituents don’t love him. That’s a difficult empanada to swallow. Now, what’s next? What can get council to fly with him again? I really don’t know.

  16. I have yet to form any solid opinion about Tuerk. I think his planned tax hike is absurd, especially since it is coupled with a request for 23 new positions. He seems to be a bit full of himself and often focuses on progressive issues that have little to do with local government. I hear he is a tad arrogant. I know morale is bad. That kind of thing happens when you get rid of a lot of people. But I also believe he is sincere and really is trying to connect with his community. I see no basis for the meaningless resolution adopted by Council except appeasement of a small group of people who were unwilling to even let other Council members speak without heckling.

    Allentown city council has a tendency to listen to whatever the mob du jour wants from them. That is why I'm actually surprised they voted against a recent attempt to ban police from responding to many 911 calls.

  17. "Meanwhile, the city remains an unsafe shithole, even in broad daylight. The rest of the valley has no confidence in Allentown. Build a wall."

    I've lived in Allentown for 30 years, love our neighborhood, have excellent police service, good quality of life and never once felt unsafe. If I were the type to post an ignorant and irrelevant comment on a blog article, I'd probably say something like "your predominantly segregated suburb is a "shithole" to me.

    1. Happy Hanukkah Bernie !

    2. I agree. I live in a lovely neighborhood on the east side of Allentown and have felt safe in the 20 years we have been here. Great police, fire, and EMS services.

  18. 9:59 Ray ran that self serving write in campaign to derail Nat Hyman’s campaign. As a result we re-elected Pawlowski and were the laughing stock of the country. Allentown missed its chance of improvement by not electing Nat Hyman. Ray has disqualified himself as someone to do what’s best for the city

    1. Pawlowski led from the front and got things done, the city moved forward on many fronts, but that didn’t end well for him. Ray literally did nothing while he was in office and the city slipped a little. There was hope with Tuerk but it’s been two years. It’s tough to say what Hyman would have accomplished if he ever became mayor.

  19. Critics keep saying why continue voting for democrats? Well I'll tell you. Have you seen the last 15 years of voting choices. With the exception of one republican running the only ones campaigning for mayor are democrats. Some will say why should a republican waste their time? I reply, why not? The worse they could do is lose.

    Unfortunately we're left with no other choices. Even if you'd write-in Donald Duck he'd stand about a good a chance of winning as anyone I'd write-in. Indeed a republican may lose again but we'll never know will we? Maybe one of you people bitching about Democrats running the city ought to step up to the plate. It's easy to bitch about how other people vote maybe instead try doing something about it instead!

    As far as Tuerk is concerned.. have you seen the other far-outs who could have ended up in office who ran against him? Things would have been far worse.

  20. I liked the anonymous comments from 7:24 & 8:57 and of course those of the moderator. It seems safe to say we don't know much about Tuerk's true character and skill set. It does seem to me that the Affa, Hendricks and Napoli voting block comes across as reasonable/sensible and I see no reason to label them as "rubberstamps". Finally, it piques my interest to see the insinuations that Mr. Zucal has Mayoral aspirations and it worries me greatly to see him on a voting block with Ms. Gerlach.

  21. I wish we could vote no confidence on CeCe and her lack of ability to master the English language.

  22. 12:31PM Always remember that Republicans are not the answer to all your problems but I can assure you Democrats are the cause of all your problems.

  23. The lack of oversight by our sinking Morning Call shares some responsibility for Allentown becoming a one-party, never criticize Democrat administrations, municipal decline. Favorite special interest groups can spin any tale they choose without being pressed for accountability.

  24. "If I were the type to post an ignorant and irrelevant comment on a blog article, I'd probably say something like "your predominantly segregated suburb is a "shithole" to me."

    That's Stockholm Syndrome. But you be you. Segregated? OK, racist. Now, tell us how many shootings and stabbings happen in the shitty suburbs vs idyllic Allentown after dark. Good grief. This is who keeps voting for the same team. We really need to build that wall. Casino money should be considered.

    1. Per capita, the delta between shootings in the suburbs vs in the city limits is probably much smaller than you think. “Allentown” appears in the news much more because it has over 4X the population of the next largest municipality in the county.

  25. To 2:59 response.. get your language right, it’s Democratic administration, not your MAGA misuse of Democrat Administration , then understand that there is no Republican normal party left for you to hope for, only a rag tag, cult of those that don’t think for themselves, only repeat what they are told by traitors in hope it will be the demise of freedom in this country.

    1. Spoken like a proud, coddled suburban racist.

  26. That's quite an illuminating and cogent statement by Gerlach. Has the local MENSA chapter sought her out yet for membership?

  27. Wasn’t the fire test people supposed to start . Next class starts

  28. Matt coexists with Jennings human services nonprofit that has now become a land holdings profitable bisseness for the well connected transplants into the lehighvalley.

  29. So HR goes to shit in Allentown and someone commented about HR in Northampton County? Bet you miss the smell of popcorn now.

  30. Anon 12:51 said:

    “It does seem to me that the Affa, Hendricks and Napoli voting block comes across as reasonable/sensible and I see no reason to label them as "rubberstamps". Finally, it piques my interest to see the insinuations that Mr. Zucal has Mayoral aspirations…”

    Hendricks, Affa, and Napoli are the definition of rubber stamps. They will routinely fall in line behind whatever any mayor (including Pawlowski; in the case of Hendricks and Affa) wants, and have voted to raise property taxes this year instead of trimming a budget that adds 23 new positions and continues to fund his political hacks (Promise Neighborhoods) with our tax dollars!

    I will never vote for any of them again, nor will I vote again for Tuerk. I have tried to justify his many bad decisions and have run out of excuses (as has he). I thought he’d learn from his mistakes, but he’s at the two year mark now and keeps making bigger ones. He’s in over his head and apparently lacks the ability and self-awareness to change for the better.

    As for those who are concerned about Zucal aligning with Gerlach, I have no problem with that when it benefits the taxpayer. If Gerlach is willing to vote against a tax hike, she’s on the right side. It’s the side that ALL seven should be on.

    I can only hope that Zucal runs for mayor. He is the only one on council that is qualified AND fighting for the taxpayer.

  31. Un-American leftist extremist Matt "L'il Che" Tuerk refuses to commemorate D Day, 9/11, and numerous other noteworthy American historic events. Is there really anything else we need to know about the little fellow?

    Allentown deserves an American Mayor. It's time we bring America back to Allentown.

  32. As a non-Allentown resident, I think Tuerk has a strong econ-development background & has done a lot to move the city forward; good police & fire hiring, the redev. of the state hospital site, supporting law enforcement while building a better sense of community between city govt and "minority residents." Not sure the whole story behind the City Hall firings that set this off is yet known. I thought the Allentown NAACP's letter accusing discrimination was rather chaotic, released without leadership's approval & lacked credibility; I also note an interesting split, where Batt's "Promise Neighborhoods" seems to be strongly backing Tuerk amid all these other "discrimination" accusations. All in all, I do think Tuerk still brings a lot of growth potential to Allentown.

    1. Scott, have you considered going on the standup comedy circuit?

  33. Ray stared the downfall.

  34. I wish Bethlehem would have a no confidence vote in Reynolds!


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