Local Government TV

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Judge Sletvold, Up or Retention, Scheduled to Hear Election Challenges on Election Day

On Election Day, the motions judge is assigned to cover all disputes that arise on Election Day. Though she's up for retention, Court Administrators just confirm d with me that Jennifer Sletvold is the assigned motions judge to handle any problems that arise. She is obviously conflicted, and this needs to be corrected immediately. 


  1. Bernie - Biden is the worst President in our history and that is a fact. but you stupid democrats can get worse --Gavin Newsom is your man And there is a lot of idiots who would vote for him, San Fransico and California enough said.

    1. Despite the fact that your comment is off-subject, it comes as no surprise that you are too embarrassed to identify yourself. Typical delusional MAGAt Trump-worshipper.

    2. @11:53

      How old were you when you started to vote against your own interest?

      Anyway, you have the impression that liberals like Biden, and that’s false. We hate him too.

      But he hate that fascist Trump more.

  2. Is NO ONE paying attention to what this woman and the Court Administrator are doing in that courthouse? She should have bowed out of that assignment voluntarily, but the fact that she did not only solidifies that she is NOT HONORABLE and NOT worthy of the robe. Even if, with her inflated ego, she believes she can be impartial she should have declined just based on the fact that she is on the ballot.

  3. No worries- she’s ethical so I’m sure she’ll self-regulate and simply recuse herself LOL!

    More and more evidence of the ongoing Shit Show in Northampton County - President Judge Dally - get your head out of the sand and fix this!!!

    1. Patricia is that you?????? It smells like you

  4. This is a last ditch effort to hedge her bets and manufacture some kind of issue to stay on the bench

  5. I think you're really going crazy here. Why can't she perform this function.

  6. Sletvold is just digging her hole deeper and deeper...

    Any half decent judge would have recognized the inherent conflict and asked to have this reassigned to someone impartial immediately.

    Not Sletvold. She probably jumped at the chance to add potential election interference to her long list of bad acts.

  7. The last president judge was up for retention the year the new machines went haywire. No one asked for him to be recused. Why the double standard?

  8. I used to read here that judicial races are not political. Lol.

    1. They aren’t. Just because R’s and D’s happen to see the wisdom in ridding us of this judge, that doesn’t make it political

  9. "The last president judge was up for retention the year the new machines went haywire. No one asked for him to be recused. Why the double standard?" - No double standard. Your statement is simply inaccurate. When PJ Koury was up for retention in 2019 and the machines went haywire, the judge presiding over election problems was Baratta. It would have been a conflict for him to handle challenges in an election in which he himself was on the ballot, and he had no part in any of the matters that came before the court except as a candidate.

  10. Typical.

    Last time I was before this judge I gave her the opportunity to quietly recuse herself and save face. She didn’t accept the offer.

    Only when I made a much stronger suggestion on the record and let her know that I would be actively involved with her retention election did she decide that recusal was the proper choice.

    If she is waiting for me to get involved and make the suggestion to her in open court a se one time, I am happy to make that happen for her. I will always make time for Jennifer Sletvold, even on Election Day!

  11. I’m tiring of the attacks on Judge Sletvold, a woman unable to defend herself. Obviously, Lisa Tresslar is the second coming and her word is, well, gospel, but what you are doing to Sletvold is incredibly unfair. As an aside, get Tresslar to the Middle East so she can straighten out that mess as well as she handle custody court.🙄

  12. Who is responsible for judicial assignments? Obviously this needs to be corrected.

  13. What’s going on here Bernie, you’re like a dog with a bone . McCure put you up to this? So his wife can screw up at a higher level of court next?

  14. "I’m tiring of the attacks on Judge Sletvold, a woman unable to defend herself. "

    This is not an attack on Judge Sletvold. It is more of a criticism of court administrators who should know better than to assign a judge seeking retention to handle Election Day challenges. I doubt Sletvold know of this and took steps to recuse herself once it became known to her.

    By the way, Judge Sletvold herself has noted in her 53-page refusal to recuse herself that she can ethically respond to media reports, so she is able to defend herself and knows she is able to defend herself.

    1. If the Superior Court ruled against Sletvold, it means that she already had at least one opportunity to defend herself and she failed to do so successfully.

      The higher courts are not in the habit of overturning orders without due process, which generally includes a statement from the judge and written briefs.

  15. Please, please, please, vote "NO" for her Retention.

  16. "Bernie - Biden is the worst President in our history and that is a fact" nah the fact is Trump is the worst president in history. He is a crook and a liar

  17. Has this been corrected yet?


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