Local Government TV

Friday, September 15, 2023

What Questions Do You Have For NorCo Candidates?

This election cycle, NorCo voters will be electing four District County Council members, Controller, District Attorney and Judge.

Only one candidate is on the ballot in the District Attorney's race (Steve Baratta) as well as the County Council races for the Slate Belt (Tom Giovanni) and Easton  (Kelly Keegan) areas. 

The other races are contested.

Democrat Brian Panella is opposed by Republican Nancy Aaroe in the race for county judge.

Republican John Cusick is facing Democrat Tara Zrinski in the race for County Controller.

In the County Council race for the Bethlehem area, Democrat Ken Kraft is opposed by Republican Bill Rowe. In the County Council race for the Nazareth area, Democrat Jeff Warren faces Republican Casey Foreman.

I intend to send a questionnaire to the county candidates in contested races next week, and am inviting you to suggest questions that can be asked of both candidates in any of these races. I will try to limit the questions sent to no more than 10.  

In the judicial race, Nancy Aaroe argues that her experience makes her the better choice. I'd be interested in the views of judicial candidates on the roles that judges play in cases involving juvenile matters, PFAs, and elder abuse. 

In the Controller's race, I'm concerned whether candidates will continue to work any part-time jobs they currently hold/

In the County Council races, I have a number of questions. Feel free to make them better. 

1) Do you support or oppose the exclusive, voluntary health center proposed by Executive Lamont McClure. Please explain your reasoning.

2) County Council, over the objection of McClure, has ordered a wage study of the county workforce. It is limited to career service workers, who only make up a third of the work force. Would you support expanding this salary review to include union workers as well? Please explain your reasoning.

3) County Council operates without rules of order. Would you support adoption of rules of order like Roberts Rules by an ordinance that would bind future Councils? Please explain.

4) The county's Home Rule Charter, first adopted in 1978, has been amended at least 18 times. Do you think it's time for a review of the Charter itself, even if it is limited to specific issues like an elected as opposed to an appointed sheriff? 

5) What is your stance on the tax breaks that the county routinely dispenses to developers and builders in the form of LERTAs, TIFs, KOZ, etc? 

6) Are there any county departments you would consider eliminating? 

7) Gracedale, the county nursing home, requires considerable oversight by county council. In what ways would you improve this oversight and do you think the home is moving in the right direction? 

8) Allentown is the asthma capitol of the U.S. Northampton and Lehigh County recently approved the installation of air monitors throughout the Lehigh Valley. Would you approve continued funding of this project? What additional steps would you take to mitigate asthma?   

9) Would you support a county limit on campaign contributions on candidates for county office?

10) Bethlehem, Allentown and Lehigh County post online the campaign finance reports filed by candidates in their municipalities. Would you support this kind of transparency for county candidates here? 


  1. I like your questions. You could specify if you received money from a county executive is that a potential conflict of interest? Also, the same applies to the Controller Candidates. In some ways it is even more important for the Controller candidates as not only Republicans, but some Democrats have said there is a clear conflict of interest with one of the candidates also being mentored by the Fiscal Affairs boss.

    It has been said that there is a deal with the new candidates to make Ken Kraft President of Council next year to control the agenda and debate for the Executive, is that true?

    Glad you are on top of this.

  2. Boy, you got some good questions here. Hope we get some clear answers on these. But this is politics, right? Not looking forward to the glad handing at the Northampton Cty retirement luncheon. I will try to behave but, gee, my Democrat friends get so indignant and so righteous. Especially, if you question Wonder Woman Tara. Woops, I started already!

  3. Somewhat related to the tax incentives question: How would you describe the County's role towards community and economic development? How do you see the county developing over the next decade?

  4. Name at least 1 item/program/policy that you will work on that will include members of the other party where the end result will make our community better for ALL constituents.

    We know negative party rhetoric, talking points, fear mongering and general base pandering is dividing Americans further and further, why should we tolerate it and politicians who practice it?

    While its a state level issue, what is your stance on an independent redistricting commission?

  5. When will I stop having to shit in the porta potty at Louise moore park and be able to use the lavish bathroom that is still closed

  6. It has been said that there is a deal with the new candidates to make Ken Kraft President of Council next year

    Doesn't Kraft have to win first before you start making claims like this?

  7. The Louise Moore Park shitter is a fair question and great barometer. If you can't fix a shitter, you have no business opining about larger and more complicated tasks. Address the shitter. Now. Or don't ask for my vote to be my bureaucrat.

  8. My question:

    Mr. Baratta, during the primary, your interpretation of the truth was questionable, at best. You also showed that you are short-tempered and don’t care for opposing views. How can you reconcile your personality flaws with the responsibilities of being a district attorney?

  9. What is your specific role serving on county council? What is your governmental responsibility regarding the county Executive? Specific answers not blah blah blahh BS answers.

  10. I decline to publish some comments injecting abortion into these races. They are irrelevant in county races. They might have some application to the judicial races, but judicial candidates are banned from discussing specific issues like these.

  11. Based upon Councils past actions, the use of Robert’s Rules should be utilized far more effectively. There seems to be no controlling guide during discussions and debates.
    Then there is the Sunshine law that is abused when council members , during impromptu get together, discuss who will be chosen for council
    President, or head committees prior to voting.
    Our governing officer’s guidelines are ignored and the council solicitor is not contributing.

  12. I'd like to ask candidate Baratta if I can buy him if I come up with more dough than Ray Thehood. My follow up question: what is that price? Let's talk turkey - or some other country. If he's for sale, as seems apparent, it's only fair for him to quote his price.

  13. Regarding “behind closed door decisions” for council president and other positions, why bother to have these people represent us if this is happening? They obviously are being lead instead of leading.

  14. Why do all politicians only try to help themselves.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.