Local Government TV

Friday, September 15, 2023

Montero Answers Carpetbagger Charge, Claims Wild More Interested in Silicon Valley Than Locals

(Blogger's Note: I was not physically present at the LehCo GOP meeting discussed below, and have had no opportunity to discuss what happened with those who were there. With that disclaimer, below you will see a news release from Maria Montero's Congressional campaign here in Pa.'s 7th Congressional District. She is running in the primary against Ryan Mackenzie and Kevin Dellicker. The winner of that race will face incumbent Susan Wild. Montero discusses her roots in this district and takes a few shots at Mackenzie and Sue Wild) 

From Maria Montero's Congressional CampaignALLENTOWN, PA (September 14, 2023) Maria Montero, a Republican candidate for Congress in Pennsylvania’s 7th Congressional District, discussed her policy priorities, experience, and vision with attendees at the Lehigh County Republican Committee’s monthly meeting Tuesday night.  

A mother, attorney, and former Executive Director of both the Pennsylvania Commission for Women and the Pennsylvania Latino Commission, Montero will bring a wide range of experience to Congress. During the meeting, Montero discussed her roots in the 7th Congressional District, where she has lived nearly 30 years, including the first 26 years of her life in Summit Hill and Palmerton in Carbon County and Allentown in Lehigh County. 


Montero, who is of Peruvian, Italian, and Irish heritage, discussed her support for strengthening our national borders to curb the flow of deadly illegal drugs like fentanyl into our country. She also expressed her unwavering support for law enforcement and our veterans, as well as the need to achieve energy independence to reduce our reliance on Russia and the OPEC alliance. She also lambasted the state of the U.S. economy.


“It is unacceptable that so many of our families are struggling to put food on the table due to the current state of our economy,” said Montero. “We need to get our economy back on track, increase family sustaining jobs by support Pennsylvania based manufacturing, and curb the devastating effects of inflation on working families.”


She also expressed dissatisfaction with the current Democratic Congresswoman for the 7th Congressional District, stating that she has done a poor job representing local residents. “Wild seems more concerned with what the elites in her party think of her than doing what’s right for the people of our district.  She spends more time worrying about and raising money in Silicon Valley than she does representing residents of the Lehigh Valley.”   


Montero’s campaign also blasted her Republican opponent, State Representative Ryan Mackenzie, for issuing a misleading press release after the event about where Maria grew up. 


“Spreading lies and half-truths is exactly what people have come to expect from a career politician like Ryan Mackenzie,” said Brendon Del Toro, a senior advisor to Montero’s campaign. “Maria spent the first 26 years of her life growing up in this district, the majority of that time in her hometown of Summit Hill in Carbon County. Mackenzie is so desperate to avoid talking about his own record in the state legislature – like voting for the mail-in ballot program – that he has resorted to spreading lies about Maria being some sort of outsider. It’s pathetic.”


A testament to her deep roots in the 7th Congressional District, Montero was a co-founder of the Lehigh Valley-based Power of Women Networking Initiative, previously served on the board of the Hispanic Center of the Lehigh Valley, was a member of the Allentown Puerto Rican Parade Committee, and served as a Trustee of DeSales University. She currently serves on the board of directors her alma mater, Marian Catholic High School and is an Easton City Republican Committeewoman.  


“I grew up in Summit Hill in the 7th Congressional District with Maria Montero and it’s mind-boggling that Mackenzie is trying to claim she grew up outside the district,” said Maria Ravert, a native of Summit Hill and current resident of Carbon County. “Fact-checking where Maria Montero is from would have been so easy. Mackenzie is playing dirty pool and it’s these types of deceptive tactics and falsehoods spread by career politicians like Ryan Mackenzie that turn so many people off to politics. Voters deserve better than bogus smear campaigns and they certainly deserve better than Ryan Mackenzie.”


  1. On top of what this press release says, it also shows that Montero won’t back down or be bullied. Good for her

  2. Didn't Ryan and his family come to the US illegally through Canada with some fishy story? Journalists do your jobs. He's unfit and should likely be in jail.

  3. It's time to retire Susan Wild. Bread that sits around too long gets stale and moldy. Enough said.

  4. Two challengers taking cheap shots at each other while the frontrunner talked about his record, how he will win, and what he and what he will do. in 2022, Kevin won the GOP primary in Lehigh County and after Tuesday's forum, where he was an adult among children, that seems likely again.

  5. Just making stuff up is WHO RYAN MACKENZIE IS. It's his MO. He'll take a sliver a truth (sometimes even less than a sliver) and run amok with it. He's the dirtiest player in the game. He's the very definition of the very worse type of self serving career politician. Expect more of this.

  6. What is Maria talking about. She voted by mail in Bucks county until renting an apartment in Easton to run here. That makes her a carpetbagger.

  7. Vote Montero and not some Canadian interloper with a shady story and divided loyalties, like Mackenzie.

  8. Even though all the comments are "anonymous" - you can sure figure out which are posted by Ryan's mommy.

  9. Kevin Dellicker for the win! There is no other candidate in this race who comes even close to his values, intelligence and experience as a leader.

  10. How soon until Democrats call her the brown face of white supremacy? They did it to Larry Elder. Receipt below. She will be a racist in 3...2...1...


  11. Good on Mackenzie for calling her out on her lies.

  12. Ryan is going to be destroyed in the primary. Lyin’ Ryan.

  13. Susan wild allentowns ompalompa that protected powlowski must go because she is just yet another sell out of the public she represents. It is my opinion that she did not win against scheller because PAs book were cooked on election day and the weeks after.

  14. Susan Wild will beat any Republican candidate.

  15. Why does Ryan drive his mother to Harrisburg whenever they are in session? Why does Ryan accompany his mother in parades in her district? Why does Ryan attend many events in his mother’s district? Why does Ryan need to tell his mom how to vote? Why does Ryan do joint interviews with his mom? Why do he and his mom use the exact same colors on their campaign signs? Did his mom run for office just to have his name be more recognizable in another district other than his? It’s a conniving way of his being able to show up in her district. He even campaigned with her in her district. He’s so conniving He knew he was running for Congress so why not find a way to show up in her district? After all he’s the one that encouraged her to run for office. I’d personally like a congressional leader who doesn’t need his mother at his side. One who is independent and can stand on his/her own two feet.

  16. Who will drive Miss Daisy (Milou Mackenzie) to Harrisburg now that Ryan is leaving the State House? Who will tell Miss Daisy how to vote now in the State House? Milou Mackenzie is the biggest joke for a State Rep ever. Another Ryan Mackenzie brilliant idea. What is she…85 years old? By the end of the 24 election, there will be no more Mackenzie’s in politics. Good riddance!

  17. I’m curious as to why Senator Pennycuick’s Chief of Staff, Lisa Walter, is campaigning for Ryan Mackenzie while being paid as a government official?

    Lisa Walter is on the Republican State Committee so it’s fair game. She’s been known to do this in her role as Chief of Staff to Senator Wonderling, Senator Mensch, and now Senator Pennycuick. She used to bring campaign laptops into government offices to campaign while being paid a taxpayer funded salary of over $100,000.

    If she supports Ryan, then that really means Ryan is the definition of the swamp. Lisa should be indicted!

  18. Ryan needs to clean up the whole Canadian citizenship mess. Now.

  19. It is obvious who the adult in the room was at the LCRC meeting. Kevin Dellicker! He has the right credentials, most experience regarding world issues, respectful demeanor and has no intentions of being a Career Politician, unlike the two opponents who acted like immature children. Dellicker is our only chance at unseating Wild, he appeals to and respects both sides of the aisle.

  20. I bet money that these posts attacking Ryan, Milou and Lisa are from none other than Justin Simmons himself! Justin is no better when he acts immature and unprofessional and unlike a decent legislator. He served, he's out, now go away! However, IMO Kevin is the best of the 3 candidates! Wouldn't it be nice to have a good, clean election filled with facts!

    1. Kevin lost in the last primary election against Lisa Scheller and DID NOT support Lisa in her battle against Susan Wild after he lost. Kevin is a baby and sore loser. He would have rather have a democrat keep the seat so he could have another chance in 2 years. Kevin is an undercover Democrat!

    2. Justin Simmons? The guy left public life and elected politics almost three years ago. Leave him alone. The fact that his name would come up literally out of nowhere has me questioning who really is commenting on these posts.

    3. Justin Simmons is so hot. He has those sweet blue eyes, nice body, and a face that makes me giggle with infatuation. I want him bad. I want him REALLY bad.

    4. Ryan is actually of Canadian descent. He’s like 3rd generation American. And he looks awful in his pictures. He always looks constipated.

    5. I’m a Simmons supporter and frankly I’m disgusted that the Mackenzie campaign and Republican establishment would go after Justin. He’s out of office! What other politician do you know, at such a young age, just walked away? That’s the definition of integrity to me. He didn’t grift his position for money or future employment like Ryan Mackenzie is trying to do with his hapless Congressional race.

      What other person in the Lehigh Valley had the balls to take on Karen Beyer at such a young age?

      There would be no Representative Milou Mackenzie without Justin Simmons and the help he and his team provided her.

      This is why I will never support Ryan Mackenzie. The Mackenzie’s are backstabbing traitors that only care about themselves and will be exposed.

  21. It is obvious that the Commentary about Kevin Being a sore loser and a baby comes from someone who is very misinformed and doesn’t know Kevin very well. He has extreme knowledge and his value system and integrity are far superior than most. Perhaps those making these accusations should actually do their research rather than spewing mis truths. It is obvious that Makenzie will stop at nothing to remain a political figure. So sad that this skews people’s judgement and the best candidates are not elected, instead it’s the ones who have most money and resort to diabolical tactics.

  22. @anonymous 10:35 Do you really think if the tides were turned that Scheller would have supported Kevin? Answer that question please! We all know Kevin is NOT a D, but you live your good life thinking he is KEVIN DELLICKER FOR CONGRESS!!!!


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