Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Sparks Fly in NorCo Judicial Race Over Women's Rights to Choose

There is one opening on Northampton County's bench this election cycle. Brian Panella secured the Democratic nomination while Nancy Aaroe is the choice of Republicans. Up until now, the sole issue has been experience. Aaroe has more of that than Brian. A lot more. But Brian has more judicial experience since he's served as a Master in the ugliest kind of cases in existence - custody disputes. They should be issued whistles instead of gavels. 

Over the weekend, Panella made this point on Facebook. He noted his exposure to these warring factions, where he was required to control unhappy parents, who often act very much like the children over whom they seek parental rights. He declared that because of this, he "is the most experienced candidate. Period."  And then he adds this zinger: "Our conservative opponent tries to hide from the fact that she poses a direct threat to a woman’s right to make her own medical decisions."

What ensued was a fascinating and frank dialogue between these two:

Nancy Aaroe: "Which is it Brian? Apparently to you, I’m a Liberal pushing pro-choice Baratta when you’re speaking to Republicans, but a conservative threat to women’s rights when you’re trying to scare Democrats and Women? Stop pushing divisive partisan narratives you don’t even believe in and which are not even relevant to this race." She then adds the script of a text message sent by the Panella campaign to Republicans, calling her a "Democrat in Republican clothing." 

Brian Panella:
"You have publicly stated that you are a “conservative and a constitutionalist”, but you have donated money to many liberals including an ultra liberal DA candidate with no police endorsements. So Nancy, you tell us which one it is, are you Pro-life or Pro-choice?"

Nancy Aaroe: "I will be following the LAW, and the Judicial CODE OF ETHICS, which expressly states that candidates cannot “in connection with cases, controversies or issues that are likely to come before the court, make pledges, promises, or commitments that are inconsistent with the impartial performance of the adjudicative duties of judicial office” (Canon4(a)(12)) ; and Rule 4.2(1) that a candidate must “act at all times in a manner consistent with the independence, integrity, and impartiality of the judiciary”.

"Perhaps you should spend more time studying both, instead of attempting to inappropriately politicize a judicial race. Maybe with some time and experience as an attorney, you can familiarize yourself with the appropriate ethics of being a judge.

That's the end of this unusual exchange between these two. But one person thinks that voters have the right to know where judicial candidates stand on different issues. 

Jason Bryan Boulette: " Hi Nancy: federal courts have held that there is a difference between making a commitment or pledge to ruling in a certain way on a case likely to come before a judge and a judicial candidate stating his or her personal beliefs. And in 2002, the Supreme Court ruled in Republican Party of MN v. White that the First Amendment prohibits the government from preventing judicial candidates from stating their opinions on disputed political or legal issues. So I'm not sure why you're trying to hide behind a false interpretation of the Code of Ethics. The fact is that judges' views on issues matter. In Nebraska, a woman was just sentenced to two years in prison for helping her daughter obtain abortion medication. In Texas, a federal judge ruled that drag shows are offensive and lewd and not subject to the protection of the First Amendment. If you hold views like that, do you think the voters have no right to know where you stand? Your claim that judicial races are being politicized is funny -- sure, it would be nice to take politics out of judging, but in the Commonwealth, the people elect judges and the judges run political campaigns, so as long as that's the case, we have a right to know your beliefs and stances."

Since this exchange, the Aaroe campaign has fired off a news release claiming that Panella has been reported to  the Judicial Conduct Board and that he is a "flagrant" liar . She claims he crossed the line by discussing women's rights and that he's "purposefully attempting to scare women voters by invoking the issue of women’s reproductive health, which is not remotely applicable to our present judicial race."

Then , right after stating that candidates are barred from discussing this kind of issue, she does it herself. 

"LET ME MAKE MY STANCE ON THIS TOPIC VERY CLEAR: Nothing in my 32 year legal career would suggest that I would do anything to stand in the way of women’s health issues. I plan to follow the LAW - The PA Constitution has protections in place for elective abortion access through 24 weeks (and medically necessary abortion thereafter), this has been in our State Constitution for over 30 years. Abortion access is NOT at risk in our County or in the State of PA, and to say that ANY County Judicial Candidate is a “direct threat” to abortion access is factually incorrect and purposefully misleading. As a judicial candidate charged with reading and ruling on the law, there is nothing more that is appropriate to say on this, and Panella should be mindful of that. Judge candidates are not allowed to either voice their positions on these issues, nor campaign on them."

Methinks she does protest a bit too much. 


  1. From what I see Brian is being very misleading. I think Aaroe is correct in her arguments. Brian is being two-faced. He did this the entire primary pandering to Republicans now he is trying it with Democrats. The voters will see past this!

  2. Typical, another daddy's boy telling women he knows best for them and their bodies. Panella seems pretty confident putting words in women's mouths. Just what we need!!

    1. What words in women’s mouth’s?

    2. I guess a baby has no body and therefore no rights.

  3. BO. Clearly Arroe sees her chances of winning are in the toilet. Her entire campaign from Dec until now is fact that she is much older. I personally follow both of their FB pages. Nancy came onto the Panella’s page to write her comment, which immediately told me that she is in trouble, now her reporting him (which will fail) clearly shows that she is scared to let the voters choose. As a woman, I will say NO TO AAROE

  4. It doesn’t seem that Nancy has really answered the question

  5. According to Susan Collins, roe v wade was settled law as told to her by Brett and Amy. I don't know about you but;
    I think I've learned my lesson.

  6. This smells of some bullshit from the Aaroe campaign.

    That “following the law” line is laughable. That’s exactly what the U.S. Supreme Court Justices said before overturning Roe v. Wade. “Conservatives” and “constitutionalists” don’t believe there is a right to abortion. With this stuff being sent to the states, yes I think as a voter that her opinion matters.

    Which is it Nancy? Or are you just going to virtue signal and clutch your pearls some more?

    1. Aaroe is being branded and assumptions are being made because she is a republican. So does it follow suit the someone who claims to be a devote catholic should also branded by the doctrine of the catholic church which I believe is very pro life and anti abortion under any circumstances. Also turning the abortion issue into a blanket accusation of all and any women's reproductive Healthcare seems to be an extreme scare tactic. I am a democrate and a 70 year old woman who was a young woman in the 60s I remember before Roe vs Wade. But I will NEVER accept a man trying to scare me into voting for him. Especially when he hasn't promised to defend a woman's right to choose.

  7. Nancy Aaroe is a total phony. She hides behind a purposely false interpretation of the judicial canons and avoids, at all costs, saying that she will protect a woman’s right to choose whatever medical procedures that a woman and her doctor wish. Of course every judge has to follow the law. But discretionary matters are brought before judges all the time, and without knowing Nancy's position on whether she will respect a woman's right to choose, who knows what action she might take. Typical answer from someone who will take a woman's right to choose away. If anyone should be reported to the judicial conduct board, it should be Nancy Aaroe for intentionally using a nonprofit company for political purposes. Clearly, the Aaroe’s have no ethical problems in giving the other side a negative shot, but they show that they cannot take relevant criticism and are trying to stop voters from knowing the truth. Bernie, ask Nancy the reason why she has been deleting comments from her facebook page!

    1. Didn’t Panella’s daddy fire you, Patricia?

  8. So, judge candidates can no longer dodge questions of importance like they always have.

  9. I don’t know how any woman can be a Republican or vote for one. Their whole agenda has and always will be to take rights away from women. My daughters have less rights to their own bodies than I did at their age and that says it all!

    1. One of Satan's most faithful handmaidens.

  10. Why would Panella go after Baratta? It seems like he is playing both sides. Is he a Republican or a democrat? Also, I don’t see Brian confirming he is pro choice.

  11. You be thinking a lot of stupid shit. Everyday almost.

  12. I’m confused about this. Panella attacks her for being liberal and then says she is too conservative. What’s up with him attacking baratta as ultra liberal? Isn’t that what democrats want? It seems like he is playing both sides here. The baratta text message is a bit much and he double downs by calling him an ultra liberal. He will lose those baratta supporters.

  13. Brian is a good guy. He is qualified for this and knows where he stands.

  14. "Waaaah, he's bringing up something I don't want to talk about so I'm going to complain!"

    Grow up, Aaroe. This is a very real issue coming to the states. Voters deserve to know.

  15. Aaroe wants politely mileage from calling herself a conservative constitutionalist. Panella didn't make that up
    . Is she a Mom for Liberty A book banner ? Anti LGBTQ rights ? Prayer in school? She brought it up. She should explain.

  16. It's a right to choose to kill.

    Abortion should not even be a top 10 issue in elections. Allow them up to a point under eight/ten/fifteen weeks unless medically necessary thereafter.

    The easy answer is personal responsibility. If you're unsure you want that 18 year commitment, don't get pregnant; it's really not that hard. Woman are telling us how strong and equal they are so demand your man wear a condom if you're not on the pill. Condoms can be bought at any convenience store. There's your right to choose.

    Move on, already.

    1. Right, because a woman’s right to bodily autonomy is ONLY about unwanted pregnancies.

      You people have the brain of a single-cell organism…

    2. Really? Who are you that you won’t say such a thing to women and use your name? How DARE you tell a woman what her rights are. Your position is exactly the concern of a Aaroe in a robe.

    3. In your opinion. How about you worry about YOU, and keep yourself and your opinions out of other people’s lives?

  17. I think they're right, Brian is acting unethically. Really scary to watch a judicial candidate completely contradict himself back and forth 3 times in one exchange. The lying is worse than the politization.

    Also, WHY would Panella think its beneficial to hit his future DA (and fellow democrat)?! Bringing in Baratta's lack of police endorsements seems so random and unnecessary. It's like by trying to please everyone, he's just making enemies of friends. And pissing off the DA he will eventually work with in some capacity!

    1. He is not “hitting his future DA” Aaroe said she’s a conservative, so why donate to a liberal?? Because her entire career has played both sides to win favor as an attorney.

    2. He is talking trash about Baratta. Ridiculous.

  18. Nancy actually also controlled hearings as a civil arbitration chairman. So his claim that he's the only one with "quasi-judicial" (as far as I know, neither of them have been judges before, so claiming he has "judicial" experience is just false) experience or running hearings is another one if his mistruths. I'm surprised she hasn't started hitting him for false advertising on that one. She probably just doesn't bother because none of that can compete with decades of litigation experience. Thus Panellas current desperation plays.

  19. Nancy all the way hooray! Amen.

  20. This is very illustrative of what we would receive from Nancy Aaroe as judge. I, for one, don't think we need a judge who will BE WRITING IN ALL CAPS when they issue an opinion or order that will already be GREATLY AFFECTING SOMEONE'S LIFE.

  21. This jousting shows pettiness and inexperienced campaigning on both sides. It doesn't change the relevant fact of a significant lack of legal experience of the young candidate. He doesn't know what he doesn't know.

    1. Keep in mind, SHE came onto his Facebook page and started carrying on. Frankly, it calls into question her judicial temperment. She also removed or hid a woman’s post who asked her a VALID QUESTION on her profile in the comments of Aaroe’s attack post. What is she hiding that she dodged the question AND hid the woman’s post?

  22. This jousting shows pettiness and inexperienced campaigning on both sides. It doesn't change the relevant fact of a significant lack of legal experience of the young candidate. He doesn't know what he doesn't know.

  23. There is a difference between arbitration and judicial adjudication and to suggest they are the same is naive. Using your logic, if I negotiated contracts between two parties, that would qualify me to be a judge? Panella has never been in a courtroom, he has never had to make immediate judicial decisions, you know, over-rule or sustain an objection. In fact, from what I've heard, he has never even seen a court proceeding unless it was on Law and Order. Nancy has made those snap decisions on the other side as an attorney. Judicial candidates need to show experience in deciding right and wrong, not that they can make everyone happy as an arbitrator.

    1. You’re wrong - when Panella was a hearing officer in Lehigh, he essentially sat as the Judge. Those hearings were on the record, he would have to overrule/sustain objections, write orders and opinions, etc.

      He absolutely has that experience.

    2. You clearly have never been in a courtroom. A special master sits on the bench in a courtroom all the time. I was personally just at Juvenile Court for multiple appearances and the special master sat on the bench, ran the court as a Judge and adjudicated each case. Arbitration sits in a conference room. You don’t know the difference.

  24. Panella may not be a perfect candidate but he is very much the better candidate here. Not even close.

    1. Haha; you ought to go into standup comedy. 😆

  25. Ms. Aaroe should focus on herself. She should be embarrassed that someone who constantly touts her legal knowledge and experience as making her more qualified to interpret the constitution and navigate our legal system she clearly should actually READ the PA Constitution. If she had, she would know that reproductive rights are NOT protected under our State Constitution AND she should also know that any alleged Attorney misconduct is filed with the Supreme Court Disciplinary Board. The Judicial Conduct Board is for complaints against ACTUAL SITTING JUDGES. Either she isn’t aware of how her profession is governed or she sees the writing on the wall and already considers Brian a Judge?

    1. Pipe down Patricia, daddy Panella already took you off the payroll

  26. People want to talk about abortion but a county judge isn’t taking away anyone’s abortion calm down. But people want to ignore the fact that Panella is a liar. And wants to be judge. He is pandering.

  27. "Nancy actually also controlled hearings as a civil arbitration chairman."

    All lawyers do civil arbitrations. That includes both Panella and Aaroe. Even I did them. Not all lawyers are ever appointed as masters. Those who do do gain considerable judicial experience that way. Sam Murray, now a judge, is one example.

  28. After Amy and Brett lied during their interviews about the "law" and then voting to overturn Roe v Wade, ALL women should understand just how fragile their right to their own body are. Now that fragility has trickled down to the federal and state levels. Why would any woman vote for a Republican judge again?! In my opinion Brian has every right to say what he said!!!

  29. I realize that a woman's rights to choose is an important question. It's especially difficult for GOP judicial candidates, given the recent reversal of Roe v. Wade. But that's not what I find troubling. What bothers me more than anything is Aaroe's injudicious response. I've never seen a judicial candidate go on the Facebook page of another candidate and dress him down, possibly incorrectly, the way she did. And her press release, with CAPS LOCKED and underlined text, is something to behold. Complaints about judicial misconduct are supposed to be anonymous, but there she is, telling the world. She calls him a flagrant liar. Then she attacks him for other behavior, without specifying what it is, leaving one to speculate. I frankly think it betrays a side of her that I never saw before. It's not the sign of a judge who can keep her cool. In her news release, she does state her position after attacking Brian and claiming that judicial candidates are prohibited from doing so. She will follow the law, she says. So if a Metcalfe or a Mastriano pushes through a bill that outlaws abortion, she will follow it. I believe such a law would be unconstitutional under the state constitution and there are Republicans seeking a constitutional amendment to ban abortion in Pa.

    1. There’s no time or need for respectability politics when republicans are literally out here stripping the rights of women. The overturning of Roe vs Wade was a declaration of war against women and only stupid people believe it’s about abortion, when we all know it’s about CONTROL and the start of fascism in this country.

      What is starting with women rights, will eventually lead to causing violence against marginalized groups and we cannot stand for this. We need to cut the head of the snake now.

    2. Sorry but control is sought after by democrats.

    3. No need to explain yourself Disbarred Bernard. We all know the only reason you’re supporting young Panella is because you fear his daddy.

    4. @8:53

      Hi, dummy. The wealthy capitalist in this country want to control over reproductive rights because the this country is not replacing the population fast enough for future corporate labor needs. That’s it. They just want you to exploit your labor so they can continue to be billionaires.

      That’s why they need control over women, it’s not because of the “unborn fetus” bullshit they feed idiots like yourself.

  30. Panella crew is so pissed Nancy would have the audacity to defend herself directly to him lol. I guess it's shocking behavior to someone who only ever speaks out of 2 sides of their mouth. Good for her for setting things straight and calling out his lies.

    1. Defend herself? That’s a joke, right? She behaved unbecoming a judicial candidate and had a tantrum because she doesn’t want to tell the voters what she thinks.

  31. " she should also know that any alleged Attorney misconduct is filed with the Supreme Court Disciplinary Board. The Judicial Conduct Board is for complaints against ACTUAL SITTING JUDGES. "

    Incorrect. The judicial conduct board hears complaints of ethical misconduct against judicial candidates, not just invested judges.

    1. Actually we are both correct. The JCB would investigate the matter and if they found any wrongdoing, send to the Disciplinary Board to decide discipline measures.

  32. Being a “supposed good guy” doesn’t mean Panella is qualified to be a judge.This is a last minute effort by his campaign to smear because he got crushed in the primary. Stay strong, Nancy.

  33. I don’t like the Panella attack on baratta. I’m a democrat and we are supposed to stand together. He lost my vote.

    1. You understand the post she dug up to pick a fight an distract from her BS is from the primary, right? Baratta was not the nominee.

  34. As a Democrat, I supported Terry in the primary. Since Baratta won democrats should stand together. Panella is playing both sides and it’s not good to do that. His attack on baratta shows a lack of character. Is Brian a d or a r is what I’m wondering now. I am debating if I should cross the line and vote for Nancy after seeing this.

    1. Hello? Do you know the post she is trying to make an issue was from the primary? Don’t feed into her BS. She’s counting on Democrats to not bother to read the date.

  35. Messed up with the da comment from
    The kid. I’m voting for aaroe now.

  36. I thought he was a democrat. Why the heck would he attack the person who got HUGE democratic support, Mr. Baratta. I feel like Panella is barking up the wrong tree and he should grow up. And if baratta is so liberal, isn’t that what Panella claims he is with the abortion question. Doesn’t make sense to me. He’s clearly not ready to be judge.

  37. I don’t know when abortion would ever come up in Northampton county court. This is another scare tactic by mr panella. I wanted to vote for him and I don’t know now because he is like any politician that says what he has to say to win.

    1. Do you think cases start with the Supreme Court? Ohio passed an abortion ban, and a case started in the Court of Common Pleas to get an injunction reinstating the 22 week law. There is every reason to believe that in the current environment, it is possible that the Court of Common Pleas will hear a case in some way connected to abortion. People didn't believe Roe would ever be overturned, but here we are.

    2. No it’s not. Reproductive rights as well as others are on the agenda in Harrisburg. If our legislators push through legislation of any sort that infringes on a woman’s right to choose her reproductive care or any care for that matter, we have a right to know if we can trust Nancy Aaroe to protect our rights and not jail someone. IDK why you can’t understand this. Look at the laws enacted in some other states. Including, legislation that makes it a crime to travel to another state for reproductive care. Why don’t you think that can happen here? Maybe not under a Shapiro administration, but he won’t be governor forever. The judge seat is a TEN year term and then a simple retention vote where no one can run against you. Ms Aaroe can conceivably be on that bench for almost 20 years before aging out. Think a little more in depth and long term before making such an assumption. Too much could be at stake.

    3. As a lawyer, I can assure you abortion questions arise particularly with respect to teens.

  38. BO, can you comment on whether Panella has ever been in front of a jury or tried a case in front of one?

    1. BO is secretly voting for Aaroe and the only reason for his public Panella support is because he’s bought and paid for by daddy Panella

  39. Look at all the Republicans acting like upset Dems over Baratta. BS … Dems know Baratta is a liberal, it is not a secret nor is it an issue. The issue is Aaroe has given plenty of donations to liberals. Why would she do that if she’s a self proclaimed Conservative.

  40. Love when men comment on a woman's right to choose. Shit. Did I say men? I meant little boys.

    1. Men belong to the species. Men are citizens of the country. Men pay taxes which fund abortions.

      Half of aborted children are male.

      Men are sickened by the intentional termination of 850,000 unborn children at the hands of women every year.

      If you’re going to say “My body my choice”, then I’m going to say “Your body your problem.”

  41. Panella is running on his fathers name. His campaign signs read “Panella for Judge”.

    No mention of his first name. Just the last.

    “Panella for Judge “ has been getting a judge elected in this area for decades.

    His father.

    If he can’t run on his own name and accomplishments, he doesn’t deserve the seat.


    1. This isn’t England, you don’t get to wear daddy’s crown. Brian lacks years of commuted legal experience to hold the position…period.

  42. Baratta and Panella would be disasters for Northampton County.

    Baratta was a horrible judge and if Panella had any other last name, his resume would warrant 3 votes in this county.

  43. Campaign flyer.

    “Hi, my name is Brian Panella. You’ve never heard of me, but you probably know my dad, Jack. And you’ve probably voted for him. Lots of times. Remember….a Panella is a Panella, is a Panella, is a……
    Vote Panella. For Judge.”

  44. This kid is off his rockers. He’s gonna lose bad. Now he has baratta people upset. He doubled down about Baratta when responding to aaroe in his Facebook post. But right. Seems like he’ll do anything to win.

  45. He’s using abortion as a scare tactic. Ridiculous.

  46. Why is he going after Baratta?

  47. I loathe democrats SECOND to utter hatred I have for what the Conservative Party has become under the Tangerine Palpatine Trump.

  48. Nancy Aaroe is a joke! Her husband is FAR right wing nut job. She likes to tout her experience, but you could barely find her in the courthouse well before this race was contrived for her. She’s long in the tooth - that’s the only area of experience she has on Panella. She has zero personality as evidenced by her Facebook videos where she looks like an ISIS hostage being forced to read a prepared statement. Brian has been involved in nearly every facet of law and has tremendous experience to prepare him to deal with any case or controversy that comes before him. It’s not the years in your life that count, Nancy. It’s the life in your years.

    1. Calm down Patricia, Papa Panella already took you off the payroll

  49. Nancy Aaroe took my hard earned money and didn’t return my calls for months. When I finally got a hold of her she told me that she couldn’t help me and my custody case had no merit. Fast forward a few months, my significant other received a piece of mail from “The DUI Guy” Paul Aaroe, directly soliciting us to hire him for a DUI case where he literally claimed “My dad was a judge so I know how judges think!” This family is shameless and needs to go away - no business being on the bench unless it’s at the end of the dugout!

  50. Are we expected to believe all these posters that profess they have voted Democrat since FDR, now are so appalled that they are crossing over and voting Republican. Just because this guy offended them . It is to laugh.

  51. Came for the Panella drama, will stay for the Disbarred Bernard comments.

  52. I just want to know why he why Brian Is going after Baratta.He’s playing two sides here.I heard he was during the primary, supporting Terry and telling Baratta he supports him.

  53. Let’s go Nancy! You got this.

  54. Brian has to grow the f- up. He is acting like a kid.

  55. Aaroe represented me in Court and she was great.

  56. Who is the Patricia that the commenters are making reference to? Anyone know the story?

    1. I was going to ask the same question! Thank you!

  57. A failed campaign manager - Patricia Bruno.


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