Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

UPDATED:MacKenzie Blames Biden and Sue Wild For Escaped Killer

Danelo Cavalcante, who was convicted of stabbing his girlfriend to death, escaped from Chester County jail on August 31. He has eluded a manhunt and has slipped through a perimeter set up by Pennsylvania State Police. 

He immigrated here illegally from Brazil in 2019, where he is wanted in connection with another murder. He speaks Portuguese and English. He is a slight man, about 5' tall and 120 pounds. At the time of his escape, he had bushy hair as well as a beard and moustache. In the most recent surveillance photo, however, he appears to be clean-shaven. He was last spotted in South Coventry Township on September 12, where he stole a .22 rifle from a homeowner's garage. South Coventry is just about 35 miles south of Allentown. 

Police consider him armed and "extremely dangerous."

Ryan MacKenzie, a Republican candidate for Congress, is blaming President Joe Biden and Congress member Sue Wild. "Danelo Cavalcante is an illegal immigrant turned convicted murderer who escaped from prison here in PA. He is making large numbers of Americans live in fear. He never should have been in our country, and he shouldn't be here now. But, while police search for him in our PA neighborhoods, what are Biden, Wild, and the open borders crowd worried about? Pushing policies that make it easier for illegal immigrants to quickly take American jobs. Let's just say it clearly, Biden and Wild have an agenda they want to implement and they don't care if the American people suffer or get hurt along the way."

According to the most recent data from FAIR, 16.8 million illegals or undocumenteds (takeyour pick) live in the U.S.

UPDATED 12:40 PM: Cavalcante has been captured.


  1. Well it is Bidens fault since he was President in 2019. Based on his comment he is too either stupid or a liar . So he will fit right with the current Republican party if he wins.

    1. Last time I looked, Biden was /running for/ the Presidency in 2019. That Other Guy has confused all of us to the point that we won't know who we'll be voting for in 2024, before, during, or after the fact.

  2. Biden will cause many problems for this country for a long time. you voted for him and as a result you are also part of the problem.

  3. Was not Trump president in 2019 when this illegal arrived here?

  4. Obama is running the country =Into the ground !

  5. I see nothing wrong with MacKenzie’s statement. American HAS given up control of its borders. Thousands per day are just walking over an imaginary line without our control. Our failing government has no idea who these people are, nor what they bring into our neighborhoods. American taxpayers are paying billions of dollars to feed, clothe, shelter, and entertain these people. We have no idea of their family and medical history, nor if the children they bring are even their own.

    We immediately give our arrivals money (sometimes thousands of dollars) and set them up on a monthly stipend that often exceeds the average benefit of every formerly- working American’s current Social Security beneficiary. YES, it’s true! Large portions of many American cities are being overrun and destroyed by filth, crime, drugs, and new financial burdens for the city’s taxpayers.

    This situation is MADNESS. Our nation is in rapid decline.

    Mr. MacKenzie is correct in demanding accountability from our present elected representatives in Government. Our Members of Congress are NOT doing enough. They are maybe pretending not to notice, or are clueless and undeserving of remaining in office. I have no plan to vote for Susan Wild, either.

    1. @5:25am: you write that the we “immediately give our arrivals money (sometimes thousands of dollars) and set them up on a monthly stipend that often exceeds the average benefit of every formerly- working American’s current Social Security beneficiary.”

      WRONG: Neither the US government nor any state government gives “stipends” or any money, let alone thousands of dollars. Get your facts straight.

  6. Might want to remind the republican blowhard who was President in 2019.
    He missed dropping in Soros--tsk--tsk.
    It really is not a true unhinged republican rant without him.
    trump claimed he would deport all illegals yet it is unfair to blame him for the fugitive situation.
    It also seems the fugitive tried to get help from people he worked with.
    Wonder if that employer was ever held accountable for hiring an illegal?
    Maybe Mackenzie can run on greater penalties for employers who hire illegals?

    1. He’s been here over 3 years bud, he would have been found and deported had trump stayed in office but nice try.

    2. Why hasn’t Ryan passed mandatory everify in PA as a state rep? All talk, all lyin’. Lyin’ Ryan.

    3. Trump would have hired him to work at his vineyards. Take a look at the date 2019. BUD

    4. You would think Republicans would think before they post. Elephants never forget. Trump hired illegals until he got caught.

  7. Thank you to those who passed him along and let him and his disgusting sibling stay illegally in out country. Thank a Democrat today. This is their yard signs being visited in a terrorized community. And the flow of these dangerous animals continues unabated today. Again, thank a Democrat for this and the murder he committed. Thank Ray Lahood, and Baratta who drove in a Labor Day parade with an open alcohol container in Pen Argyl on Labor Day. Immigration policy has consequences. And law breaking Democrat politicians have caused this and don't care.

    1. @5:48am, isn’t Ray Lahoud allowed to have a drink? Nonetheless, he was not at this parade as you allege.

  8. Its Trumps fault. Always is.

  9. He is correct, the open border crowds policies have consequences and this is just one of them. They are intentionally creating chaos and destruction of the infrastructure and social structure of the country. They seem intent on destroying any semblance of law, and it is resulting in the weakening of society in many respects.

    If democrats want more unregulated immigration, then they should all volunteer to be responsible for at least 1 new immigrant for the next year. They all have an extra room and should step up and be responsible for their policy. Why doesn't Wild volunteer to have a few move in with her.

  10. The fact there are 16 million people here illegally says all you need to know.

  11. Can we all agree that open borders allowing foreign murderers to murder here is a Democrat/Progressive thing? One party is for not prosecuting illegal aliens. Hell, they won't let us call them illegal aliens. I'm an independent and hate every political party. But this one is squarely on progressive Democrats. It's in their party platform for shitsake.

    1. Yeah. They all just got here in the last 3 years

  12. Oh, this story conveniently feeds into the “violent illegal immigrant” trope that MAGAts are known to spew during election time and we want to thank you Bernie, for perpetuating that stereotype.

  13. Clueless Joe and his puppet Susan Wild Thing could care less about the security of our southern border. Climate change, EV's, and proper pronouns are more important issues. Meanwhile, drugs and thugs like this animal, who stabbed his girlfriend 34 times in front of her children, continue to pour into our country. It is an invasion, pure and simple. But Dems and their allies in the mainstream media have a "nothing to see here" attitude.

    1. I wrote to wild about the border problem. I got a form letter back stating all the reasons everyone should be allowed in. So much for listening to the people.

  14. Bernie,

    How did he get clean shaven?

  15. What is your point with this quote? Is anything in the quote wrong? With each illegal immigrant that crosses our border, another risk is taken by the American public. A risk to our well-being, a risk to our way of life, a risk to at least some of our jobs, and along with the jobs, a continued lowering of our standard of living, as these immigrants are willing to do our neighbors jobs and our teenage childrens jobs for less. Forcing our pay lower and lower. And who gets more? The corporate elite... The government politician... Its the attack on the middle class noone wants to talk about, and when we do, we get called silly names to distract from the real issue. Go ahead, here they come... "MAGA!", "Racist", "Trumpster". I can see them already.

  16. "Oh, this story conveniently feeds into the “violent illegal immigrant” trope that MAGAts are known to spew during election time and we want to thank you Bernie, for perpetuating that stereotype.

    I am bringing this up for two reasons. First, there is an escaped and dangerous killer at large who could be in the LV right now. Second, I believe that MacKenzie's attempt to capitalize on it is xenophobic and a dog whistle. The proportion of immigrants who are criminals is 782 per 100,000. That's hald the rate of native born Americans. https://www.cato.org/blog/new-research-illegal-immigration-crime-0

    1. Your “reasons” aren’t inherently apparent from your posts. Nonetheless, MAGAts don’t care about the fact that only a fraction of undocumented civilians commit crimes, it’s easier to be racist and xenophobic against people who don’t subscribe to white Christian-nationalism aka fascist autocracy.

    2. Entering the country illegally IS a crime.

  17. I think that all of those who believe there's nothing else to public policy except immigration should move to the border and do nothi8ng except...I guess, shine flashlights at anyone who they believe shouldn't be there.

  18. BOH 9:36 "The proportion of immigrants who are criminals is 782 per 100,000."

    Really? Maybe for LEGAL immigrants. But for illegal immigrants the proportion of illegal immigrants who are criminals is 100%. They broke the law by coming here illegally, and our government is not enforcing the very same laws they created! Where is the common sense here? Come here legally and I think we'd be fine with 782 of 100,000, but come here illegally, and I and my neighbors don't like the 100,000 of 100,000 ratio.

    1. Well almost 2 million have crossed this year. So with you math 15 640ish new criminals in our country illegally. What's a few. Your crazy, this country is going crazy, the world.

  19. 9:55, You apparently failed to read the CATO link, which is hardly a liberal bastion. The criminal conviction rate is 782 per 100,000 illegal immigrant. Among legal immigrants, it is 535 per 100,000. Among native born Americans, it is 1422 per 100,000.

    Basically, the dangerous criminals here are US born. America first.

    1. Think about what you said and get back to us. Why would illegals have a lower conviction rate? Now calculate the % of illegals (among other illegals) who are convicts. Now do native born. I'll wait...

  20. but 9:55 has a point. By being here illegally, they are criminals. So there's that.

  21. Our nation has serious problems that will eventually lead to collapse. In my opinion, some of this has been created by design. Regardless, far too many citizens act clueless to most of it. Censorship by news media, and refusal of elected officials to acknowledge and address things for their own political survival, I believe, are not helping citizens.

    You can’t solve a problem without first identifying and acknowledging it. Mr. MacKenzie is right to call out not just President Biden, but also Members of Congress. Our nation is sick and getting sicker. Time to step forward, or step aside.

  22. So he’s been caught now at probably an astronomical cost financially, emotionally and physically to the people of Pennsylvania. This truly is Biden’s fault (and the Democrats who support him at all levels). I’ll bet our Democrat governor was “sweating bullets” for two weeks but, of course, he was smiling and complimentary to law enforcement today. The open border policies of Biden( supported by Wild) have made all of us (including you, Bernie) less safe and actually at now at tremendous risk for crime due to illegal immigrant crossings. I’m not sure why Ryan feels the need to hop on this as a campaign piece but it just helps me (early) to determine what he believes is a good campaign move and what it says about him as a candidate. Hmm!

    1. This is really the fault of an inept County jail

  23. He arrived in the U.S. in January, 2018.

  24. "but 9:55 has a point. By being here illegally, they are criminals. So there's that."

    That is incorrect. Most people who are here illegally are here illegally bc they overstay their visas. That is illegal, but is not a crime. If you obtained your visa thru fraud, then it would be a crime. But most visa overstays, while illegal, are not criminal. There are severe consequences for an overstay, but they are civil.

    1. Most? So the ones who just cross, thousands and thousands, are criminals, right? It seems to me you are pro open border with some of these posts Bernie. I’m very surprised.

    2. Only a disbarred lawyer would say that while something is illegal, it is not a crime. And libtards think this guy is legit lol.

  25. "Your “reasons” aren’t inherently apparent from your posts. "

    In my view, no explanation was necessary. MacKenzie's statement appeals to our darker natures (and Republican voters). I am well aware that many people other than MAGAs agree with him. But I want it out there so that, if he wins the primary, he can make no claim to being a moderate.

  26. "He arrived in the U.S. in January, 2018."

    It was 2018 0r 2019, when Trump was President. But this is Biden's fault. Right.

  27. "Oh, this story conveniently feeds into the “violent illegal immigrant” trope that MAGAts are known to spew during election time and we want to thank you Bernie, for perpetuating that stereotype."

    1) Was he violent? Yes.
    2) Was he illegal? Yes.
    3) Was he an immigrant? Yes.

    Where's the trope, slugger? I'm just glad he didn't get a chance with you or your loved ones. That would have been a preventable tragedy, right? Look in the mirror. YOU are the stereotype.

  28. "Most people who are here illegally are here illegally bc they overstay their visas. That is illegal, but is not a crime."

    Uh, OK. Good grief. But thanks for the lusty midday guffaw.

  29. FYI to dirtbag Ryan. Ryan writes in his statement that Danelo "never should have been in our country."

    FACT: Danelo LEGALLY entered the United States in January of 2018 (while Donald Trump was president) pursuant to a lawfully issued B-1/B-2 visitor visa that was given to Danelo after he applied for the same before the United States Consulate in Sao Paolo. The visa was issued in December of 2017. Again, while Donald Trump was president. Further, it is said that immigration approved extensions to that visa while Danelo was in the United States in July of 2019, January of 2020, July of 2020, and again, in December of 2020, which had Danelo legally in the United States when he killed his ex-girlfiend. In essence, Danelo was in the United States LEGALLY when the killing occured as a result of a visa and extension to the visa granted by the Trump Administration.

    Ryan continues in stating that "he shouldn't be here now."

    FACT: As a result of the conviction for an offense that Danelo committed while he was LEGALLY (because of the Trump Administration) in the United States, state law requires that he serve his sentence before any deporation proceedings are commenced. If Ryan has an issue with that, he should do his job and change state laws relating to the same.

    Ryan continues: "But, while police search for him in our PA neighborhoods, what are Biden, Wild, and the open borders crowd worried about? Pushing policies that make it easier for illegal immigrants to quickly take American jobs.

    FACT: This has nothing to do with Danelo, as he entered the United States legally and was in the United States legally at the time of the offense that underlies the conviction. Also, I am sure that Ryan has hired an undocumented person to cut his lawn or clean house, or, for that matter, has been served by one at many Pennsylvania restaurants. If Ryan was so concerned about who is or who is not serving his American Revolution ancestry ass, he could have taken (and still can) while in the State House to mandate E-Verify in Pennsylvania, as the State of Florida and numerous other states have done. In doing so, employers would be required to verify one's employment eligibility and identity through a comprehensive federal database that links up with the Social Security and Department of Homeland Security records to prevent employers from hiring any person who does not have lawful authorization to work in the United States. Why does not Ryan do this? Another thing, rather than claim Susan Wild has an "agenda" to take jobs from US workers (so many of which will not do the work that many in the US without documentation do), Ryan should recognize that lawful employer-based immigration programs, if implemented, could provide critical to solving the employee deficit/shortage that our country faces in so many different industries.

    Ryan writes: "Let's just say it clearly, Biden and Wild have an agenda they want to implement and they don't care if the American people suffer or get hurt along the way."

    FACT: Again, the convicted killer was allowed into the United States legally during the Trump Administration, was granted a visa to enter legally during the Trump Administration, and was given extensions to that visa during the Trump Administration, which, in turn, kept Danelo in the United States LEGALLY at the time the offense underlying the conviction occured. Had the Trump Administration actually cared about immigration polices, rather than use immigration as political props, like Ryan, maybe they would have done some diligence in inquiring with the Brazilian authorities about this man before granting him a visa, letting him enter the United States legally, and extending his ability to legally remain in the United States up to and including the time that he committed the crime.

    1. Good lord do you have a lot of time on your hands !

  30. And, a question: on his website, lyin' Ryan writes that he is a "9th generation resident of the Lehigh Valley" and his "first ancestor to settle in our area fought in the Northampton County Militia during the Revolutionary War." Can he confirm if that ancestor or the one before it was born outside of the United States and immigrated to the United States? I am just curious, as then that makes Ryan the 9th generation of his whacky family that was based on immigration itself. It's hard for me to believe that Ryan has no immigrant ties in his family history. And, finally, why does his brother work in another country -- why does he let his brother take jobs from workers in that other country? Does it not go both ways?

  31. Lyin' Ryan is at it again. Why does he assume he is going to win the Republican Primary? These baseless claims on Susan Wild seem to jump the gun a bit. I guess it is easy to do that when you are an entitled prick who never had a real job in your life, have taxpayers pay for your medical insurance, take the state pension for life, as well as all those per diems and expense reimbursements that supplement Lyin' Ryan's state pay as a member of the State House, which is a part-time job to say the least.

  32. Mackenzie is going to win the primary.

  33. I take offence to the idea that we were living in fear. We had 500+ LEOs in the area and almost continual helicopter coverage along with a DEA turboprop outfitted with FLIR. It was more of an inconvenience with road closures/roadblocks and media saturation. Most stuck close to home and didn't go our looking for trouble. Glad it's over and justice will be served.
    But let's be honest folks, illegals sneaking into this country come regardless of the administration. It's no more Trumps fault than Biden, Obama and Bush. Quit being partisan simpletons.

    1. I think I would fear a maniac who stabbed his girlfriend 34 times in front of her children
      That's why I have a firearm. The hundreds of police can't get there in time if this animal breaks into your home. Thank God for our 2nd Amendment!

    2. Sneaking in is one thing. Inviting them without restrictions and housing in hotels is another.

  34. The orange orangutan is still on the loose and looking to become president. What a joke! Just like you.

  35. I would never hold Biden, Trump, or any other President responsible for any individual (legal or otherwise) who settles in here and commits a serious crime, even murder. That is too simplistic a view of our present crisis.

    I do hold Biden and Members of Congress responsible for EASING control of our borders. We sorely needed completion of that border wall, and other changes to bolster effective screening of all who enter. Ellis Island wasn’t at all like this! The decisions made by Biden, Wild, and others of like mind, have put our nation in great jeopardy. They DESERVE to be criticized and held to account! They have the ability to stop damage at this point. But, they aren’t acting in America’s best interest.

    This is not a crisis of some people committing crimes against another. That shall always be. The is a crisis of OVERLOADING our system and causing unnecessary chaos throughout our land.

    In my opinion, this border failure has been created on purpose. Yes, on purpose. We are witnessing a REAL coup here. A takedown of America by ultra liberals. It’s Marxism, Fascism, Socialism, and Communism all wrapped together in some common cause. Things must change, and SOON!

  36. The PSP group trophy photo is unnecessary and a violation of basic human rights, no?

    1. @3:40. Unprofessional yes. A violation of basic human rights…..LOL. That guy brutally murdered his girlfriend in front of her children, stabbing her over and over again. He deserves no basic human rights except 3 hots and a cot for the rest of his natural life.

  37. Bernie,

    Your argument isn't too good. You and no one knows for sure how many people are illegally crossing into the country. So how can you make your case on percentages?

    Governor Sharpiro wants to give someone there Eagles hoodie back. How about the Governor instead of making jokes be a little more serious with these illegals?

    Did this murdered shoot a mechanic six times back in Brazil? This mechanic merely wanted his pay for the car he fixed. That sounds pretty violent.

  38. Jeez, don’t Republicans have better than Ryan! I know there are others, but to start campaigning with incorrect information is not a good start! As many said in this Blog, Trump was President when this Criminal came to our Country! This continued divisive attitude is not a good new GOP to elect to Congress! Where is a Charlie Dent type of Republican, when we need them! Voted for him and others in that party that are less divisive!
    Jeez blaming his opponent though is normal!
    Thank god they caught him, thank the border patrol, state police and all that participated in this capture! The dog is truly a hero too!
    Fix the Prison system, pay the guards more, and start there, Ryan! Easy to blame others, rather than offer solutions!

  39. Lyin' Ryan won't make it beyond January of 2024 and he will be begging to run for state representative again -- his 50th term of doing nothing.

  40. 11.06
    " The open border policies of Biden( supported by Wild) have made all of us (including you, Bernie) less safe"

  41. I'm impressed with how long he was out there and would like to hear what he did for 14 days. It was very hot last week, It's hard to survive without proper gear for one or two days let alone 14. I'd be interested to hear how he did it

  42. Does anyone believe a career politician that was handed his state house seat is going to crack down on the border? Ryan was a Bush Republican (he ran his Lehigh Valley office in 04) long before he decided to go MAGA to keep his ass in office. People can’t see what a phony Ryan is.

  43. Yes, I think illegal immigration is a problem. American is a sovereign nation and has not only the right but the responsibility to control its borders.

    However, the real problem is the corporations which hire the undocumented. Jobs are what draws them here.

    Remember when Trump got caught hiring the undocumented as several of his businesses? For some reason, this never seemed to bother his fan base.

  44. 3:40 pm, I totally agree. The police (border patrol K-9, I read) brought him in, but not before being made to look foolish in the national and international press. Best to keep things professional.

  45. "white Christian"

    Dery hypocritical, for Wild to have subservient supporters or staff attack Christians. Sad that someone's Faith is used in your vicious attacks. Keep using "Lyin Ryan" it fits your juvenile view of life better than attacking the Christian Faith. Shame on you!

  46. Its good they got him. If he had made it to Reading or Allentown, he would have blended into the background and they would have never caught him.

  47. Ryan or open borders Democrats who are soft on vicious murederers (little Joshy Shapiro won't sign a death warrant)? I'll take Ryan. Not even close.

  48. Someone mentioned Charlie Dent. Good grief! Dent would be hiding under his desk, maybe coming out briefly for a photo-op with Girl Scouts. There’s a guy whose most notable accomplishment was criticizing Trump in front of every Liberal news channel’s cameras. Dent was the poster boy for RINO. Accomplished nothing meaningful in Congress.

  49. It was Reagan that granted the first blanket amnesty to “illegal” immigrants.
    It helped destroy unions and rolled back wages. The Obama Administration deported more people than all the other administrations before them combined.
    Immigration is a lazy and safe issue for republicans to use when they need a distraction. They have done nothing to solve the issue and won’t. They need it for campaign fodder. We all should look forward to hearing about Mr. MacKenzie’s proposal for legislation. I don’t think any of us should hold our breath.

  50. Any word on whether MacKenzie has changed his view now that Cavalcante is in custody?


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