Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Donald Trump and the Art of Kayfabe

I have a confession to make. Back in the day, I was an incorrigible fan of "professional" wrestling. This included trips to Philly to see the Undertaker, Paul Bearer, Doink the Clown, Kamala and whoever else was on the card. But it did not end there. My kids, their friends and I also made regular trips to south Allentown, the Poconos and Plainfield Tp, where I even met Scary Sherri. I loved the suspension of reality and the blending of fact v. fiction until it would be impossible to distinguish what is real and what is not. After reading an article in Popular Information, I'm finally convinced that what makes Donald Trump so popular as a politician is that he blends fact with fiction (it's called kayfabe) in exactly the same way that wrestling personalities do.  He claims to follow in the footsteps of Andrew Jackson, but it's really the Vince McMahon playbook.

Speaking of Mr. McMahon, who portrays himself as the incredibly evil head of the professional wrestling empire, he was supposedly placed under arrest during a 2015 RAW production and taken to the hokey . Shortly thereafter, the "NYPD" released his mugshot:

Now, I'd like to think most of us realize this is pure entertainment. I love it myself, and think of these storylines as soap operas for males. But what Trump has done is bring these same zany storylines, in which he engages in bombastic behavior with little regard for the truth, into the world of politics and government. 

Like McMahon, there's mugshot of him as well. Entertaining? Yes. Statesmanlike? Hardly. 

Now we all know Trump is an inveterate liar. The MAGAs know this, too. Here's how author Judd Legum explains it:

"This ecosystem allows people to do horrible things and still succeed, even among people who are offended by the things that are being done and said. Because you operate from the assumption that everything you're seeing in the ring is fake, or at least most of it. And that's dangerous, because once you're assuming everything's fake, except for the things you want to believe are true, then you're just having a grab bag, personalized reality. So you can go, if you're a Trump voter, "Trump means it when he says [X], but he doesn't mean it when he says [Y]." And once you start just picking and choosing what you think reality is from a grab bag of truth and lies that you can't distinguish between, then you're in real trouble as a society. Every individual person is just picking their own hodgepodge reality."

As much as I love professional wrestling, good goverment requires a bit more than kayfabe.


  1. And Vince's wife runs the trump pac that will be indicted soon. Everything he touches dies.

  2. Our President Trump is fighting the political elites for the people. They are crucifying him for it. He will prevail.

  3. I love the way you continue to hammer on Trump while ignoring our current president, who continuously lies about everything - from the cause of his son's death to just yesterday claiming that he was at Ground Zero the day after 9/11.

    In case you think those lies aren't consequential, perhaps you could turn your attention to Biden's false claims that he knew nothing about his son's business dealings.

    A fair examination of that claim would lead you to the obvious conclusion: Joe Biden not only knew about his son's business dealings, he was involved in them. He is a corrupt politician involved in selling access to his office when Vice-President (and likely still). Just follow the money trail from Biden shell company to Biden shell company.

    But shockingly, you continue to obsess with Trump. It's almost like you're trying to hide something.

  4. Sure sounds like you are describing mainstream news media these days. Our favorite channels, our daily newspaper, even small daily information sources, including blogs and other commentators, are no longer trustworthy. Too many are pushing a narrative that distorts, deceives its consumers.

    Once you see the regular ‘spin’ of reality in a place of information, the sales pitch, you just can’t unsee it. So, pick your poison. You’ll soon realize there HAS to be something more to the story. Something evidence based, something real in your mind. Knowledge YOU have discerned on your own, through observation and experience.

    A talking head, a news reader, a creative writer, etc. are more likely these days trying to shape your mind. You are being told what to see in the world around you. Start with this understanding, and move on from there. The truth is on YOU to determine. It’s out there, but not simply found in one place.

    Generally, Americans ARE being screwed. Believe it !

  5. Yes, trump is known to exaggerate his crowds, income etc. it is all just fish tales, but your man biden lies about deaths created by his policies, corruption to the tune of millions and that is alright because he is your lier.

  6. We havent experienced good government in decades. Trump may be a buffoon but. he did the one thing NOBODY has been able to do, disrupt the broken system we call government.

    Now we have more people with the courage to go against the system, Vivek, RFK, Desantis. Thank you Trunmp

  7. A vote for Don the Con is a vote for harris.

  8. Biden is a demented liar. Baggage Boy tRUMP is a delusion liar. We can and we must do better for the sake of our country.

  9. Maga cult puppet heads are popping off nationwide as "Jailhouse Rock" plays in the background. Dump Indictment Don.

  10. We're getting four more years of Trump and it will be a circus. The only way to avoid it is to dump Biden, as he shits his drawers and mumbles bitterly and incoherently, as is typical among early stage dementia sufferers. Paying billions to Iranian terrorists and flipping the bird to 9/11 families while treating his dogs better than his precious granddaughter is the least of his problems. This is why Trump is going to be president again. It's incredible that these two shitstains are the top candidates.

  11. Trump's picture looks like he needs a bowl of hot oatmeal and a hug. Either that or an enema.

  12. We need Trump more than ever. People like you are hurting this country big time by not seeing what is good.

  13. Excellent comparison. Maybe that's why so many magas need to show the blob with a photoshopped Rambo/muscled body to enhance their pro-wrestling like fantasy storyline of him.

  14. I am fed up with people calling him “President Trump”….he’s not ….get over whatever threads you are hanging on to….he is a former twice impeached, multi indicted, failed presidential candidate…….afforded secret service protect paid by all of us!

  15. The two party system is failing America.
    Look at what each of these candidates represent and get back to me.
    Biden has lied his entire career, yet he goes up the chain of political command, and somehow gets selected to be a VP. That was a joke in itself. Then he somehow wins presidency without campaigning. Another joke.
    Trump is also a liar, which should disqualify him, as well. But the government has lied about him enough that we shouldn't trust them either. Remember the Russian Hoax Dossier? Remember the FBI Russian Disinformation letter about Hunter? Who in their right mind trusts the government anymore, and why should we?
    If they all lie, including Biden and Trump, then why would anyone support either of them? And better yet, why would anyone point out the lies of Trump without equally highlighting the lies of Biden and his deep-state, government cronies?

  16. Bernie, Our current President who claims he was physically at ground zero on 9/12, said he needed to go to bed during a presser overseas, has never acknowledged the families of the 13 heroes that died at Abby Gate. They testified he checked his watch multiple times during the ceremony of the heroes coming home. You write this? Maybe write about how he gave the death to America crowd 6 billion on 9/11. You are truly broken.

  17. "I am fed up with people calling him “President Trump”….he’s not "

    You are correct, but it is good manners to refer to a person by the highest office he has ever held. Now that is not why MAGAs do it, but there are some who would do this simply as a courtesy.

    1. Because he shows nothing but courtesy to others.

  18. Love him, or hate him, Trump had America in much better condition than we find ourselves now. How could any clear thinking person disagree? Of all the current candidates out there (D and R) Trump is our best chance to return America to strength, prosperity, security, and Constitutional law and order. Go ahead, tell us who can get this done better.

  19. @6:12 "Trump may be a buffoon but, he did the one thing NOBODY has been able to do, disrupt the broken system we call government."

    I think this comment perfectly illustrates Bernie's point. Trump and his acolytes are all about the sizzle, but there is never any steak to go with it.

    I get the surface appeal of what 6:12 saying - BUT - what exactly did he disrupt? He caused chaos, broke norms and standard protocols of how political leaders should act and behave, and those acts and behaviors tickled some folks, believing that he did it for them, but in reality he did nothing different from previous Presidents, did not improve the lives of Americans and mostly profited personally from his time in office.

    Disruption without a plan is just noise. Trump has NEVER shown or illustrated in any way, how our government can be better - just that what is currently in place isn't good enough which does not take a genius to figure out. Neither he, nor the GOP put up any legislation on improving the government as a whole during his time in office.

  20. @4:22

    Our President Trump is fighting the political elites for the people. No he is not.

    They are crucifying him for it. He did crimes, he'll have his day in court.

    He will prevail. Keep hoping, praying and taking your vitamins kid!

  21. I got to laugh at anyone blasting Biden for "lying" about where he was on 9-12. he said he went there "the next day," but actually visited 9 days later.
    So what? How desperate must one be to call out "liar" when someone uses the phrase "the next day" to refer to an event (decades ago) which was really a week after the fact? It's not like he's lying about coup attempts or moving boxes full of stolen state secrets.

    1. Not a fan of Trump. I wish he would just go away. But here is a list CNN published of Biden’s lies. It’s insulting some of the crap he has spewed over the last couple of weeks.

      He witnessed the bridge collapse In Pittsburgh. Lie.

      His grandfather dies in the same hospital he was born in a few days later. Lie.

      The conversation with the Amtrak conductor who was long dead. Lie.

      He claimed he was arrested at a civil rights protest. Lie.

      He used to drive an 18 wheeler.

      Claimed he visited the Pittsburgh synagogue where the mass shooting occurred. Lie.

      Claimed to have visited Iraq and Afghanistan as President. Lie.

      Told a false story about a relative and the Purple Heart. Lied about his son dying in Iraq. Denies the existence of his granddaughter. The list goes on and on.

      Again I’m no fan of Trump so don’t give me but but but Trump. Biden is president and he’s a disgrace.


    2. Hey don’t forget the most disgusting of all, checking his watch while our dead heroes arrived back on American soil. Dead because of his complete disaster of withdrawal from Afghanistan. Spending 09/11 in Alaska and announcing a deal with terrorist sponsor Iran, on 09/11? Is he trying to gaslight America, or is he that dumb?

  22. @5:13 AM - You lay out a lot of items there about Biden, some of which are probably even true, yet the laundry list of crimes and misdeeds Trump is accused of seem to be missing from your post, why is that?

    1. Maybe because Biden is President, not Trump.

  23. 9:45 - being accused of doing something doesn’t mean guilty. Let’s wait for a conviction. Even then, given the state of our justice system we should expect appeals. Even a few overturned verdicts are very likely.

  24. If not Trump, nor Biden, who do you suggest? Kamala Harris, Ron DeSantis?

  25. "@6:12 "Trump may be a buffoon but, he did the one thing NOBODY has been able to do, disrupt the broken system we call government."

    In addition to illustrating the point of this post, the statement is also illogical or is using a poor choice of words. The reader claims our government is already a broken system. If that is so, it is necessarily disrupted. How doe one disrupt what already is supposedly disrupted?

    I'll agree he did undermine public confidence in our elections, which led to the attempted coup at the capitol on J6. That's certainly disruptive. In fact, I call it a crime.

  26. Nelson Mandela took a similarly defiant mugshot. He overcame his criminal prosecution as a political opponent to go from mugshot to president. It would seem impossible, if the current president wasn't a vacant old guy who delivered wild inflation amid billions in spending for a quagmire war that's lost more luster among American voters than Viet Nam had by 1968.

  27. "So what? How desperate must one be to call out "liar" when someone uses the phrase "the next day" to refer to an event (decades ago) which was really a week after the fact? It's not like he's lying about coup attempts or moving boxes full of stolen state secrets."

    Nah. He's just a guy who treats his dogs better than Navy, his beautiful granddaughter. The dogs got Christmas stockings from Joe. Navy got threatened for using the Biden name. It's worse than stealing valor by saying numerous times that your kid died in war when he certainly did not. Her name is Navy. Say it.

  28. @11:24
    If you can't think of anyone other than Trump or Biden to lead this country, then we have a problem. Enough with the DNC and RNC deciding which POS you get to choose from. Be bold. Stand up and advocate for a candidate you can be proud to cast a ballot for.

    Pick your guy.
    Welcome to America's 2-party "Democracy". $$$

  30. Trump may look like he needs a enema too remove all anal irritants from trying to enter his spinkter. There are so many that they all have begun having the colors of the infamous shitfly.
    I have been trying to find a picture of Biden with a shitfly on his face like the rest of the shits we all know.

  31. “McCarthy Backs Formal Biden Impeachment Inquiry”. That’s the real news today, Bernie.

  32. This is the ass of asses some of you are defending

  33. 12.15
    " Navy got threatened for using the Biden name."

    The mother wanted nothing to do with the Biden's until it came to support(money) then the mother's attorney wanted to use the Biden name(squeeze some more cash) and as soon as the ink was dry on the settlement the mother did not want to use the Biden name nor have anything to do with the Biden's.
    The roadblock to any relationship with his granddaughter came from the mother.
    Course that did not matter to the right wing as they tend to embrace "alternative facts"

  34. 2.33
    "Unlike his uniquely dishonest predecessor, Biden did not bury fact-checkers in a daily avalanche of serial falseness. Biden never came close to making a dozen false claims in a single speech, let alone five dozen false claims in one address, as Trump once did. In fact, the total number of Biden false claims so far is in the dozens, while Trump delivered well over 1,000 total false claims in his own first year and more than 3,000 the next year."
    Seems you judge Biden just a little(sarcasm) more than trump.

    1. Of course I do lol. Biden is President now. When Trump was president I was just as harsh on him. Whataboutism seems to be the response on anything critical of Biden.

  35. 1:30 PM - you missed the opportunity presented in my 11:24 entry. This general audience is often asked “Who better to fix this nation than Donald Trump?” First of all, although not being registered Republican, I am a HUGE supporter of Trump and can easily vote for him again out of our current alternative options.

    It seems many posters are quick to condemn Trump and call out his supporters with vile names and lies, yet given the chance to name a specific alternative next President by name (them state why) they just won’t do it! This behavior tells me, at the moment, no one better able than Trump comes to mind of those posters. Agree?

  36. Reply to 2:33
    Strawberry Blonde

  37. A Vote For Trump is a Vote for an Authoritarian form of Government, wake up People!


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