Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Cusick Wants Experienced Nurses Hired at Higher Rates than Newbies

At last week's Personnel and Finance Committee, Council member John Cusick began discussion of a recent finding operational assessment of Gracedale nursing home. Noting the county' heavy reliance on outside nursing agencies, Cusick complained that "[i]t almost appears as though we've outsourced nursing." He also criticized the county practice of hiring experienced nurses at the same starting salaries as those fresh out of school. He noted nothing in the union contract prevents the county from rewarding nurses with experience by starting them at higher rates of pay.   

That study was critical of the county's use of outside agency nurses to provide more than half of the nursing care. They are also paid 41% more than in-house nursing staff. The audit rejects the argument that the "robust benefits" offered to workers outweigh the lower salaries. According to Candace McMullen, who presented the report, "It's about paying your bills and having money in your pocket." ... "Whether it's right or wrong, it doesn't really matter. That's the reality."

Cusick, a teacher, stated that experienced teachers can be brought in at higher rates. But Mary Lou Kaboly, the county' HR Director, said this issue would need to be negotiated with the union. She said that bringing people in at the lowest step is county practice, even though it is unwritten. 

"We're handicapping ourselves," complained Cusick. "Why would someone with 10-15 years of experience come in at step one. They can go to an agency and get paid more." 

Council member Tara Zrinski suggested that the county's reliance on outside agency nurses is declining with the pandemic. But that point was disputed by Cusick. He said Gracedale has been over budget on the use of agency nurses in every quarter this year. 

Kaboly said the current AFSCME contract at Gracedale expires at the end of 2024,but Cusick said it aciually expires at the end of  2025. he urged Kaboly to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the union under which experienced nurses can be brought in at starting wages commensurate with experience.

Kaboly said that would require a lot of analysis. 


  1. Cusick is spot on. It's ridiculous to think that experienced nurses would start at the same salary as newbies. What was the union thinking when it agreed to something like that. He's also right that teacher's are paid with their years of experience as a factor, it's the step system. An MOU is the way to go to bring in more loyal workers who will stay and will really know the people who are in their care.

    1. How about decertify. Union hasn't helped the nurses

  2. Cusick is right but the union bosses and McClure have some sort of arrangement to keep wages low. There is no need to negotiate hiring steps, it's been done many times in the past just check with people other than this crew. Time for the union bosses to stop being his golf and drinking buddy and do your jobs.

    Zirinski should be more subtle when repeating the administration talking points, she is given. The woman is just an empty vessel.

    Kaboly was just making it up as she went or was better at reciting the McClure script than let's say, Ziorinski.

    "Educating" applicants has not worked for years. The days of selling pension and health care plans are less important to people today than being able to pay your rent and car and food. McClure reminds one of the Bush W. administrations' trying to fight the Iraq war on the cheap. Council needs to keep pushing his stubborn refusal to face facts and the price tag. Gimmicks like a Health Center are not what applicants care about. Pay them a competitive living wage.

  3. Teachers can negotiate what step on the salary guide they get hired on and they are union. Same should be for done for nurses.

  4. Gracedale is a model of fiscal irresponsibility and inefficiency. Duh.

  5. Should have gotten rid of that white elephant years ago when there was a chance. It's nothing but a constant burden on the taxpayers.

  6. Who does council really care about ? The workers or taxpayers don’t they have the power to give more money to the workers ? Didn’t hear them bring this up during contract time? And John Brown took so much away from the county employees. It’s funny to hear him advocate for more money for the workers when he had 150 open positions that he refused to fill .

  7. "Who does council really care about ? The workers or taxpayers don’t they have the power to give more money to the workers ? Didn’t hear them bring this up during contract time? And John Brown took so much away from the county employees. It’s funny to hear him advocate for more money for the workers when he had 150 open positions that he refused to fill ."

    County Council has no involvement in contract negotiations so that's why this issue was not brought up. The performance study makes pretty clear that the wages paid at Gracedale are far below where they should be and is why Gracedale must rely on the use of agency nurses that cost 41% more. That is unsustainable and has to change. While I personally think that the county benefits are worth far more than salaries, it's time to recognize that workers are probably willing to forego some benefits in exchange for higher wages.

    As far as Brown is concerned, I believe many of these vacancies at Gracedale were positions that the county has no intention of ever filling, and that some of those positions have since been eliminated. He did have something of an informal hiring freeze. He cut benefits without addressing wages. That's on him.

    McClure has kept benefits in place and has even increased them at Gracedale with bonuses and a soon-too-be operational daycare. But wages remain low. That's on him.

    The reality here is that no nurse with experience has a reason to work at Gracedale when he can make 41% more elsewhere. This needs to be addressed. In the long run, Gracedale will be unsustainable unless it is addressed.

    I think a worker in his or her 40s starts to consider benefits important while younger workers think wages are what matter.

    The hiring pool comes from people in their 20s.

    It should be discussed with the unions now. I agree with Kaboly that such a process is by no means simple and would require analysis by unions and her department.

    1. If the hiring pool is in their 20 ‘ what experience do they have?gracedale gets the newbies right from school or the old nurses who can’t handle working in a hospital and plan on retiring soon .

    2. So let me get this straight a more experienced. Nurse is going to pass the pills out differently than the less experienced nurse ? Is a more experienced RN going to run a floor any different than the RN who has been working there forever? Council has the power to do an MOU right now to give them more money. I’m sure they wouldn’t refuse.

  8. Unless you are talking about paid time off, many young folks are more focused on making the best hourly wage possible. Young nurses want to get the most money they can as workloads most places are horrendous. They will trade for limited healthcare even though they are surrounded with examples of health problems because "well I healthy". Most times they are right.

  9. It’s always the Republicans seemingly on council who have the ideas to help Gracedale to survive yet it’s the Democrats who turn a blind eye to the crisis there and appear to still think all is well. So many Gracedale employees have left (and retired young when they could) so perhaps ask not only why new nurses aren’t coming to Gracedale but ask why so many have left (and continue to leave). Hmmm. I agree with Mr. Cusick on this one but the bigger issue also is fixing the nursing environment at Gracedale as well.

    1. The staff voted for McClure. When he didn't deliver the nurses started to retire.

  10. In every union shop at the county there is a step system. The county doesn't honor it. If they did we wouldn't be having this conversation. Nurses would stay. As every other place in the county.
    When ppl start working at the county for benefits they soon realize the benefits are ok at best. But then realize you can't live on that salary. It's great if you have a second income coming into your home. Example spouse, roommate, live at home with mom and dad. But if you don't have a second income. just work and do OT to try to survive.
    As for negotiating with the county Lamont took a page from Brown. Walk up too the table put the offer on the table and walk away. If you don't take it then off to arbitration. At arbitration he has Steve get up there and show how the county doesn't have any money. And offers even less as punishment for not taking his offer.

  11. After the budget is approved, Council should pass a motion to raise all union employees salaries by 10% and let McClure assess this situation in his next budget
    If employees are truly the county’s biggest asset and the administration is as smart as they think this should not be a problem

  12. "Council has the power to do an MOU right now to give them more money. I’m sure they wouldn’t refuse."

    County Council does not negotiate. That is an admin function.

    1. But they vote for it don’t they ?

  13. Both Brown and McClure engaged in “vacancy factor manipulation “ as a means of controlling the budget . Long term that practice is a disaster and always causes morale problems . Northampton is a poorly managed county. Cusick is correct hire experienced nurses at a higher step within grade. Day care centers are a great idea but Northampton’s venture is a dollar late Lehigh County had on site daycare in the early 90’s as well as several other staff retention programs. My fear is Lynch will run and win and the county will further deteriorate. Zirinski as controller will be a coup de grace further plunging the the County down a negative path. Implement a “real world” pay for performance program for county workers and get the best performance for the buck. The employees as well as the taxpayers will benefit. If the County Executive form of government is not working in Northampton go back to the 3 commissioners form of Government. Gracedale was a model nursing home those many years ago. If that means a tax increase then so be it. Our elderly deserve it !

    1. Lol. Lynch will never win Northampton County. His results were poor BEFORE he lost the support of his party. Stick a fork in Lynch, he is done.

  14. Who does council care about? The workers or the taxpayers?

    How about the RESIDENTS of Gracedale?

  15. BernieOHare to 1:25, yes and the only time that Council threatened not to accept a negotiated contract, it was threatened with an unfair labor practice. Negotiations are an administrative function. Why the union has not sought higher wages is a mystery to me bc it is obvious that had been the problem.

  16. BernieOHare to 11:13, the step system exists to. Reward merit. Ideally an employee who works hard should get a step each year after a performance review. But unions are different and want steps based on seniority not merit. I agree the county stopped honoring the step system for career service. That, along with layoffs, is why 66% of the workforce is union. This occurred under Brackbill (he stopped the steps) and Reibman (he laid people off).

  17. Hello Bernie
    I know this isn’t the exact thread for this question, but how do you predict Cusick does in this controller election?

  18. Brackbill, Reibman, Stoffa, Brown and McClure have all contributed to the pay dilemma. The last honest executive. The rest have used employees as political pawns. The step system was Abandoned. Steps and COLA's would have solved problems. These so-called executives don't give a crap about the county or employees it is all an ego trip. Restore the step system and when you get to the end you give cola's. Will it be a cost, yes. But at least it is honest. Both the union ion boss and McClure are rumored to have said if Gracedale goes private so what.

    Kaboly is the daughter of a prominent county democrat leader, so that is something.

    Also why did the councils lawyer stop them from including the union employees in the study. A majority wanted to, but he advised no. Does he work for McClure or the council? Some say McClure.

  19. A study wasn't needed. They had the high stats and knew the percentage of high paying agency that was being used. Everyone could get a raise with the money spent on agencies and starting salaries could then be more competitive . Concern is if no new nursing staff apply. You will still need agency at high rate and now would also be paying higher in house wages which may be unsustainable. However it has to Be tried for staff and most importantly for continuity of care for the residents they serve. Agency staff are appreciated but they are not invested in the care as the regular staff are

  20. The present union Did fight for Money last contract they would not even negotiate a dollar amount with us ..


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