Local Government TV

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Rueters: Fulton County Grand Jury Indicts Trump, 18 Others, in Scheme to Overturn 2020 Election

Reuters reports that a grand jury in Fulton County, Georgia, has returned an 11-count indictment (The Hill reports 13 counts) against former President Donald Trump  over his participation in a scheme to overturn the 2020 election in that state. In addition to Trump, 18 others face criminal accusations. These include former Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and John Eastman as well as former chief of staff Mark Meadows. Charges include racketeering, a powerful law usually reserved for organized crime. 

It's highly unusual to return an indictment in the late evening. My guess is this was done to minimize the danger to grand jurors and prosecutors. Trump has warned, "If you come after me, I'm coming after you."  

I'll have more details once the dust settles. 


  1. Lock him up. We don't need a POTUS who won't continue to spend billions on an endless war in Ukraine. If you live on the dole in public housing and support a war in Ukraine, don't complain about your surroundings, health care, or other annoyances. You richly deserve all the discomfort that can be heaped on you. Again, lock him up.

    1. Yes trump fixed all that then along came Biden

  2. This couldn't have happened to a better crook.

  3. Once these matters are finally settled, Americans will know if our Constitution and Bill of Rights are still relevant in our nation. We are slipping into a Police State now.

    I find nothing wrong with Trump’s statement “If you come after me, I’m coming after you.” If unfairly attacked, harmed, etc., I would have the very same attitude as Trump does. Defend myself and fight back! What kind of a man would not?

    1. I'm fascinated by the fact that trump is a historian. Al Capone said that in February 1929.

  4. I going to guess , that this new indictment of Trump and 18 others will turn into a completely unmanageable circus. She’s (The DA)in over her head .CNN has no other news on except Trump ,Trump. Trump! Just think about logistics for institutional security during these events alone . This could be itself newsworthy footage.

  5. Another week and another democrat indictment. It must be a day that ends in y. This is a political prosecution by a low IQ woman who hasn't mastered her native language. She's dumber than low IQ Terry Hack. That's not easy to be. I've already ordered the fundraising mugshot t-shirt. Lol. Make America Constitutional Again.

  6. This seems to be the most serious indictment! An attempt to illegally get rid of legal votes of American Voters in Georgia and put in Fake Electors for Trump! Interesting , not many people thought in our Country that this was even possible! But constitutional lawyers brought it to Trump and he went with it, cause he couldn’t accept losing! He was advised against it by his a White House lawyers, but decided to bring in Crack pot lawyers, including Powell and Giuliani! Sad about Guilanni, since he was The Mayor, during the tragic 911 Disaster!
    Trump supporters will try twisting this criminal indictment so that Trump seems like a victim again!
    Let the criminal process work, if innocent, then that will be the verdict!
    But if u read any of this, it is incredible that a leader of a Democracy, could stoop to such a level to try an steal an election from the American public! Trump never questions the validity of the votes in States he won, only in the states he lost!
    God Bless the United States of America! Hope Justice will prevail!

  7. Fawn-Knee, say her name DJT!

  8. tRUMP needs to look in the mirror. Almost all his wounds are self-inflicted. Dump tRump, AKA Baggage Boy. As the crazed maga cult puppet's heads are popping off tRump is practicing the words to "Jailhouse Rock". Don the Con will use this to raise more campaign funds (read money to pay of the lawyers) and the weak-minded will gladly throw it at him, thus proving P T Barnum correct.

  9. you posted this quickly. But yet whistleblowers who are democrats are coming out of the woodwork and nothing.

  10. A vote for trump is a vote for harris

  11. Bernie,
    I voted for Trump twice and now there are all these Grand Juries claiming that he and his administration broke the law on multiple occasions. How can I face the facts that I let the president con me for so many years. These crimes that he committed are against our constitution and he must be charged appropriately. My family members served in the military and they are telling us that Trump is anti American and would be the country’s first dictator. How can we stop the Republicans from destroying our democracy?

    1. So you voted for trump but you ask how can we stop Republicans from destroying democracy? He and all the others are innocent until proven guilty. Democracy is about the process and the process is just the allegations at this point. If you believe in democracy you wait for all of the facts until you make a decision.

    If you come after me I'll come after you.
    Did GA use weapons?
    Safety my ass.
    You're becoming more and more a clown, Bernie.

  13. trump does no understand that in the game of indictments low score is good. This would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

  14. 2 impeachments, 4 indictments.

    Every politician is dirty, Democrat or Republican, but it takes a special mix of arrogance and stupidity to get publicly caught criming so often and so brazenly.

    Trump is cooked. He will not be reelected President despite the hopes and wishes of maybe 4 out of 10 Americans and their constant screaming about "ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!" It is not a 3rd World Banana Republic situation to jail political opponents when the political opponent is actually committing provable crimes. Running for any political office is not and should not be a get out of jail free card in this country.

  15. So with these indictments being state related charges, none of the co-defendants will be able to cling to the hope of a potential political pardon in the future and the threat of real and significant jail time is very much on the table for many of them.

    Many of these co-defendants do not have the funds to sustain the cost of an endless legal delay game to drag things out, let alone financially support their families over the next 2 years with this cloud over their heads.

    Faced with prison and financial duress, its pretty easy to imagine one or more of these 18 are going to start cooperating and looking for deals.

  16. "you posted this quickly. But yet whistleblowers who are democrats are coming out of the woodwork and nothing." - I am deeply concerned by the allegations swirling around Hunter Biden and any possible connection to his father. There is little doubt in my mind that Hunter is crooked as hell and trades on his connection to his father, just as the Trump scions did. Whether he acted illegally is another question, but it certainly is a form of soft corruption. I also believe his overprotective father may have some involvement. I would like to know more. Unfortunately, most of the reports coming out of Comer's committee contain lots of allegations and hearsay, but very few actual facts. The Trump-appointed prosecutor has had this case for four years, and all he has charged are IRS and hun violations. There may be no there, there. Once we have actual facts that go beyond innuendo, I'll weigh in.

    1. 10% for the Big Guy is all I needed to see. Fed Ed got 18 yrs for pay to play. The Biden’s were selling access, or at least using Joes high position in government to make money. Joe had to know. I think it’s much more common in politics than people realize, both sides of the aisle.

  17. What level of loserdom must one sink to in life to have to continuously defend Trump and minimize the consequences of his own actions? Why support what you know is a fatally flawed candidate that has zero chance at winning a general election without independent or moderate Republican support? Move on to Ron DeSantis or Tim Scott or Nikki Haley already.

  18. "This is a political prosecution by a low IQ woman who hasn't mastered her native language. "

    I watched her and am impressed by what I see. She is a tough prosecutor. I like the way she handled herself at the presser. I liked her willingness to use RICO to go after gangs and educators involved in a cheating scandal.

    The indictment is a tad ambitious. I doubt this case can be tried quickly, given the number of defendants and charges. But it closely parallels the federal narrative and adds more detail.

    1. The prosecutor is a Biden stooge and it is obvious that the jurors are not MAGA fans.

  19. I'm an Independent who intensely hates both corporate parties for what they've done to this country. I relish the opportunity to vote for a convicted criminal. It's perfect for our country. A pox on both rotten parties and the rank and file scum who defend them.

  20. Just announced this morning by Donald Trump . . . . Trump will host a major news conference on Monday morning from Bedminster, NJ. At that time, full details with evidence showing widespread 2020 election fraud in Georgia. Here we go!

    Now, the question becomes will your favorite news outlets cover this? Will the Morning Call give it any more than a few sentences they lift from New York Times, CNN or others of that ilk? Does our DOJ even care about what’s revealed?

    1. I cant believe how gullible you people are. If he had it dont you think he might have mentioned it in the last years . He does need jet fuel though, why not send him a check.

    2. 11:46am- You're a dope, right? Where was this evidence in 2020? Nowhere, because it doesn't exist.

      Also, the Two Georgia Election volunteers, accused by Trump and his posse of fraud, have been completely exonerated by the State Board of Elections. They have already settled one lawsuit for defamation against OAN and are currently have lawsuits pending against Fox News and Rudy Giuliani. Rudy Colludy has already admitted in Court filings that he lied about them committing election fraud.

      Will the dopey news outlets that you watch report any of this?

    3. 1046- Trump cancelled the press conference, so there's that. I guess he didn't have exculpatory and exonerating evidence.

  21. So all of the Republicans currently running for president will either drop their campaigns and get in line to support their criminal in chief or come out swinging against him?

  22. Where are the insurrection charges? Did I miss a page? Or is this the Ford Edsel of Milli Vanilli of New Coke indictments? Democrats always get out-lawyered because they send special needs box checkers to bungle the job. Lol. Even Trump's retarded third string lawyers are better than this birdbrain.

    1. If you turn the channel to the right one click you will be a schooled on the reason they did not file that charge. Along with not filing to violate his 1st ammendment rights to be stupid, which he takes full advantage of daily.

  23. Are the MEGA of the Lehigh Valley going to chip in and buy new prison uniforms for Don and his crime family. "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."

  24. 6:09 I know where you live I am selecting a series of individuals to come after you because you came after the country. May you and .......... be looking over their shoulders continuously.

    How would you feel if this were stated about you personally as well as your family and your friends.

    I personally experienced it and it is not a fun place to be.

  25. 7:54 I get you are the ars clown lynch. If not you are on the same level. You are a failure of society. I hope numerous people say they are going to go after you and destroy you and everything around you and that they truely have the means to do it.

    You are pathetic and are either a tremendous fool or and even bigger coward but in reality probably both.

  26. 9:26 Many many politicians do the same thing. It is done on the local level. there are number here in the valley who have also prospered through the use of their political connections. This is a both side of the fence problem. And this is a it rolls down hill things. If the top levels can get away with it why not the little ones.

    There are politicians who have had DUI's wiped away. there are politicians getting paid after the fact to be on non show boards and jobs, there are senior people married to people who are lobbyist for the same type business.

    So many that it would take so long to tear them all out of rolls they are each covering each other for.

  27. 10:46 The only evidence Trump will show is he will be dumping his minions under the buss to try to protect his ars.

    You must be a small minded individual to not believe in any way that if the sleaze would have had any evidence in the past he would not have used it to maintain his hoped dictatorship.

    This will just be another lie focused spew to obtain more money from fools like you.

  28. 11:21 - Obviously, I don’t know what the evidence to be shown. But, I do know, in the type of jury trial that could be conducted. his side WILL have the right to have its evidence presented before an impartial jury. Any evidence will NOT be ignored, as so much evidence has been ignored before. If the jury decides Georgia officials did improper acts, Trump WAS the victim, he DOES have standing, and his defense will be much stronger. Before now, presentation of evidence showing fraud has been stopped by much lower courts.

  29. @10:46 - Where exactly are we going? Back to the multiple empty wells already disproven in actual court cases over the past 2 years because of lack of any compelling evidence? The DOJ will ignore it because its probably bullshit no matter how much you squint and tilt your head to believe your wishes will come true.

    Are you really that gullible to believe that anything new has been dramatically unearthed that would prove fraud and cheating actually occurred? Again, what you desperately want to believe happened does not count here in reality.

    Your brain is suffering from a lack of oxygen because you are chronically inhaling gases from the Right Wing fart chamber. Mainstream media doesnt cover imaginary conspiracy theories because only retards care about them.

  30. Republicans won’t win until they get rid of Trump and effectively neutralize the abortion issue. Simple as that. Tim Scott would crush Biden but nobody listens to him. It’s all Trump all the time. It’s great for Democrats it keeps them motivated.

  31. Meanwhile, Obama's gay, apparently. I think that's far more fascinating than the indictment of the week club's latest release.

  32. Trump is facing 91 felony charges across 4 jurisdictions.


    But yeah, Hunter Biden’s two misdemeanors are more important to talk about.

    This country is so fucked…

    1. But who doesn't love a yellow school bus?

  33. Unfortunately, most of the reports coming out of Comer's committee contain lots of allegations and hearsay, but very few actual facts.

    You are a lawyer. Is a SAR's (Suspicious Activity Report) that comes from a bank and was given to the committee not actual facts? They came from the governments treasury. If they are not facts why is Joe or Hunter not suing the banks for making up these reports which claim they have LLC's open and transferred this money? They are not taking legal action against the banks or treasury because they are FACTS. There was hundreds of them.

  34. @11:59AM - you know how criminal trials work right? Whatever "evidence" that Trump and his lawyers attempt to resurrect at trial, will have to be proven in court AND THIS IS IMPORTANT be relevant to the Georgia case to be admitted, then the prosecution will have their chance to take a blow torch to that evidence in front of the jury.

    To date, there have been 63 lawsuits filed regarding the 2020 election. 63!!! Of those 63 suits, Trumps legal teams have managed one singular ruling in his favor - ONE. 2 minor ones are still ongoing, the rest have been dismissed, dropped by his own lawyers or have been ruled against him. Yet you seem optimistic that this case will change the narrative?

  35. Keeping Trump occupied in court will not stop him from winning the general election. Four separate cases against the former commander in chief in an attempt to keep him in court rather than campaigning will not work. If the polls are correct and I said "if" he'll win the republican nod in a landslide over the other party candidates. From there its' onto the White House. I mean does anyone think that Joe Biden can beat Trump a second time?

    On another note there are new developments with Hunter Biden to include the issue of POTUS also referred to as the "Big Guy" in these dirty dealings Hunter Biden was allegedly involved with. Republicans are still whacking at that piƱata.

    1. 4:58- You are correct about one thing. Trump is soaring in the polls as the frontrunner in the GOP primary, but Presidential elections are decided by swing voters and Independents.

      Trump's polling among those voters are plummeting faster than a lead balloon. Just wait until commercials start running in swing States with recordings of Trump's crimes and former members of his Cabinet denouncing him.

      You should see the anti Trump ads being run in Iowa currently. Again, they aren't having much of an effect because the MAGAs are in a cult. But, when they are run in states like Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, etc... during the general election, well Biden could drop out and the DNC could prop up Senator Fetterman as our nominee and Trump would still lose Bigly.

    2. 4:58. Name one voter who didn't vote for Trump in 2020 who will suddenly change his/her mind in 2024 and vote for him? Name one. Trump peaked in voter turnout in 2020 and Biden (actually Democrats united) swept the floor with him. We'll
      do it again. Do you really think Trump will get more votes next time around?

      If so, you're delusional.

  36. I love it. The Clintons will be relaxing at home while Trump is in prison carrying the soap for Big Bubba. The local Chamber of Commerce people must be really upset. Afterall, they thought that Trump walked on water and worked hard to get him elected.

  37. Orchestrated obstruction of our election process by having liberal judges and Grand Juries in Democrat dominated cities indict Trump. Every case is weak as hell. But the jurors and their left-wing allies are high-fiving it. It's party time! The Wicked Orange Man is dead!

  38. Dershowitz states he's done nothing different then others. What do you all say about his comments?

    1. 7:39- Dershowitz says that OJ Simpson is innocent, so there's that.

    2. Was he wearing underwear when he made that statement?

  39. 4.58
    "Keeping Trump occupied in court will not stop him from winning the general election"
    He might find it a little difficult to hold a rally from a jail cell.
    Trump just cannot keep his mouth shut and he will cross the judge wrong and he can wait for his trial in jail.

  40. 4.58
    ". I mean does anyone think that Joe Biden can beat Trump a second time?"
    Sure he beat trump by a landslide the first time.
    trump would be going against "dark brandon" and in that case he has no chance

  41. These Democrats are worse than the nazi party. They are out to destroy this country and they know they must take out Trump to be successful. These people wamt to controll all americans on every level. If they get Trump, you will be next.

  42. Finally the "officer class" is being held accountable for the coup attempt.
    The maga foot soldiers like pawns were used to riot and left to rot.
    The leaders are now going to have to defend their deplorable actions.
    Several other States have the same groups who were trying to overthrow the election and need to be held accountable.

  43. Complete government outsider gets elected and starts busting up the operation of government. He forges peace agreements and starts no new wars - a first since Carter. ust as with Carter, the system purges peace guys. Both were gone in four years. Had Carter tried a comeback, he wouldn't be regarded as the kindly house building liberal in dungarees. He might have his dying ass in jail. Peace is a problem for the US. Even liberals who used to be peaceniks during Republican administrations are spoiling for war in an effort to fix the economy they destroyed. It works. It's a story that repeats and repeats.

  44. 2:50--Democrats are scum look at their leader--now you can see where they get their ideas from. No politicians will ever straighten out this country. It must be a non-politician like Trump. Every charge against Trump is bogus but everything that Biden has done is true --he is the scum of the earth and Bernie did you vote for him.

  45. The democrats did not accept election results way more times than Trump now they have a two-tier justice system. As a result, they want the American people to accept their justice system. All democrats can go to hell.

    1. 6:19- Consider it done. Cue AC/DC. I'M ON A HIGHWAY TO HELL! Meanwhile, Donny is on a fast track to Rikers, just like his Chief Financial Officer.

  46. Ignorance is bliss so it's said. Folks who still think Trump should be anywhere near the reigns of power again must be the happiest people on earth.

    1. 10:19- actually, the quote is, "Ignorance is bliss, but dumb is forever".

      I got your back!

      Vote early and often!


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.