Local Government TV

Monday, August 14, 2023

A County Employee Tells Me Why She Supports a Voluntary Health Center For Workforce

Northampton County's most controversial issue at this time is an exclusive and voluntary health center for its workforce, with no co-pays. Many of you reject this out of hand as yet another perk for public sector workers that are denied to the rest of you. It certainly is a great benefit, but the county is doing this because it will actual.ly save you money. The county is self-insured, and health costs are increasing exponentially. It is projected that this clinic will save taxpayers between $1.5-2 million per year over the next five years. If this fails, the county can bail out at that time. 

I bumped into a county worker (I won't name her) at the grocery store last week. She was loading up for what she expected was going to be another long night. She works at a 24/7 operation, and gets mandated a lot. I asked her what she thought about the health center. 

She told me that, because she is mandated frequently, she often has to cancel doctor's appointments. She's unable to schedule minor procedures. Council member Tom Giovanni,. who opposed the health center, stated that there should be more of a focus on preventative care. Well right now, she's unable to get preventative care. If she or her child needs medical attention, they are pretty much forced to use an urgent care facility. This costs her money in the form of co-pays and costs the county money ion the form of higher medical costs. 

So she would welcome a health center as a facility that would enable her to get the preventative care she needs. 


  1. You just LOVE some of that socialized medicine, Bernie! You trash our local hospital systems some of the best in the state. Move to NE PA where is just Geisinger, no competition. You libeled LVH Muhlenberg unfairly last week by calling it a "pigsty." I hope they sue your sorry ass.

  2. So, you approach women in a parking lot and ask if they work for the county? That could get you in trouble. It is well known that McClure got you a county apartment, but he may not be able to help you with that. Your propaganda for this scam is admirable as you are owned by the McClure team. If this gets approved, County council must have independent audits done on the alleged savings. With Barron on the books anything that is said is suspect.

  3. There is not enough chain in Norco to pull some members of council's head's out. Try it for a year or so. It saves money for the taxpayers, then great. If it does not go back to the other system.

  4. Well...I'm sold. What a comeplling argument.

  5. Sometimes a proposal that saves money looks unfair. Remember Ted Kennedy wanting to send juvenile offenders to a fancy prep school to save money? Might have actually worked, but the optics were pretty bad. Didn't Behtlehem Steel have something like this 20 years ago or so?

  6. If this plan saves 5-10 million for taxpayers, why won’t Council do it ?

  7. Lori Hefner and John Brown have decided they want to force McClure to raise the cost of employee healthcare because they think it helps them politically.

    1. Everyone's health care goes up significantly every year. Some buy 20percent. We all need to do something about it but not expect the taxpayers who have to pay more then to also pay for the county employees plans

  8. One person. There are others in her situation and they don't have taxpayers pay for a health center.

  9. The cost of employee healthcare hasn’t gone up in 5 years. Don’t you think it’s time it does ?

  10. This is just another one of Steve Barron’s goofy gimmicks. Lori Vargo-Hafner was right to shut it down.

  11. Lori Heffner votes with the Republicans all the time. I hear she’s about to be asked to formally switch parties.

  12. Healthcare in the County has gone up 30% this year. Council has decided that the cost should be passed on to the workers.

  13. Healthcare in the County has gone up 30% this year. Council has decided that the cost should be passed on to the workers.

    1. Who do you think should pay the increase? The taxpayers?

  14. The taxpayers should not bear the burden of increasing healthcare costs. Good job Council !

  15. Council has outplayed your boy on this brilliantly. Making him raise the cost of healthcare to the employees will hurt him bad. Lori is good at this politics thing.

  16. Hey I thought John Brown was a dummy ? But he’s gettin his way. He wants Lamont to raise the price of healthcare for the county workers. So that’s what’s gonna happen.

  17. Ron Hackman should be able to bring people together. He’s always goin on and on and on and on about how we’ll Council works together.

  18. It’s Heckman. He can’t get anything done. It’s a one way street with him and Lori. He compromises and she takes.

  19. Lori Fargo Hefner walks around bragging about how she has 3 votes in her purse. Her’s, Myers and Heckman’s.

  20. How many counties in PA have such a facility and what are the results? I know Lycoming County just opened one this year but are there any others in nearby states? Thanks for keeping us updated Bern...

  21. "So, you approach women in a parking lot and ask if they work for the county? That could get you in trouble. It is well known that McClure got you a county apartment, but he may not be able to help you with tha"

    It's pretty clear who posted this ugly comment.

    1) I live in senior housing. It is actually a HUD based program, and I was admitted by the people that NorCo kicked out. My admission had nothing to do with McClure. Neither he nor anyone in county government has any say in who or who is not allowed to live ere. In the future, I will delete your off topic personal attacks.

    2) I do not approach women in parking lots. I ran into this person, whom I've known for years, inside a grocery store. We exchanged pleasantries and I asked her about the health center. I usually do not talk to county workers about county issues unless they bring it up to me.

  22. " You libeled LVH Muhlenberg unfairly last week by calling it a "pigsty."

    Anyone who is sick should seek treatment in Philly. I live in senior housing and see the people who use the local hospitals. Uniformly, they regard LVH Muhlenberg as a pigsty. I would not send my pet dog there. These are hardly charitable institutions, but greedy money grubbers. And frankly, why does St. Luke's call itself a university? That's just dishonest.

  23. "This is just another one of Steve Barron’s goofy gimmicks."

    His gimmicks have so far saved the county a lot of money.

  24. "How many counties in PA have such a facility and what are the results? I know Lycoming County just opened one this year but are there any others in nearby states? Thanks for keeping us updated Bern..."

    There are five of these in New Jersey, where Integrity is based, and they all save the taxpayers money.

    1. Has that been independently verified?

  25. "One person. There are others in her situation and they don't have taxpayers pay for a health center."

    Actually, my point here is that this is an attempt by the county to combat the rising cost of healthcare while continuing to provide the workforce with decent medical benefits. It helps both the employee and taxpayer. I usually only discuss county issues with a few workers, and only if they approach me.

    1. If it saves money and helps employees why not try it

  26. I’d like to give a big shout out to the people in this comment section that buy into the “saving taxpayers money” myth you’ve been indoctrinated to believe.

    The government nowadays just prints more money if they’re ever short. Why do you think our credit rating went down?

    What ever ever you think your local government is “saving”, they’ve already spent.

  27. LVH should sue you for malicious libel. As I already stated, my wife and I have been treated and hospitalized at LVH Muhlenberg many times. It has always been clean and well run. Sounds like the geezers you hang out with bitch about everything. And you have no PERSONAL knowledge. You are pushing a socialist agenda by maligning a fine facility. I hope their legal department puts you in your place. Which should be in the Graybar Hotel.

  28. Be careful what you wish for, county employees.

  29. This will end up underperforming and over-costing, like every county scheme. I also think Muhlenberg is fine. It's not Anderson or Hecktown Oaks. But it's better than Sacred Heart or Easton. Doctors are the thing. Hospitals - including those in Philly - are hiring what's available. What's available has been getting through on affirmative action nonsense. We still have 20+ years to wash all the bad affirmative action practitioners from the health system before the timber of our doctors recovers. We're reaping what we sowed.

    1. Off topic but the problem is not enough doctors so you are cared for my nurse practitioners and physician assistants

  30. Team McClure much like team Trump has their fanatical followers. He should inform them that Heckman voted for the health Center. The attacks on him could possibly change his vote. The crazy attacks on Myers and Heffner certainly cemented their no votes. How not to influence people. The union Prez made an ass of himself with his comments and made many employees again ask what good is a union that works for McClure.

  31. The union president is mcclures right hand man. Always has been.

    1. I thought the ridsidual union president was going to going to bow and take a knee and kiss his ring after he was done speaking to council.

  32. "His gimmicks have so far saved the county a lot of money."

    The only thing Barron Von Footinmouth has ever saved are the leftovers from th all you can eat buffet!


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